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Chapter 307 Successive Breakthroughs

Chapter 307 Successive Breakthroughs

"Then you can practice now, and I will help you protect the law."

"it is good."

Afterwards, Niu Li walked out of the small tomb and stood guard at the door, while Qin Fan opened the box, looked at the dzi bead grass, and sighed helplessly: "Hey, I haven't warmed it up yet, and I'm about to say goodbye to you. "

"I hope you can surprise me."

Qin Fan plucked the essence of the dzi grass and put it into his mouth. As for the roots and leaves, he didn't take it. It wasn't that they didn't work, but because the roots and leaves of the dzi grass also had a strong effect on raising the realm. It's just that Qin Fan didn't have the confidence to resist such a powerful medicine. If he was too greedy and caused his body to burst, it would be a waste of money.

After putting the remaining parts into the box, Qin Fan's body began to react.

It's hot!

Visible to the naked eye, Qin Fan's entire body began to turn red.

It's like being roasted by fire.

This feeling made Qin Fan very uncomfortable.

And in just a few seconds, Qin Fan's body began to swell gradually, and he had already turned into a fat man.

Especially the position of the stomach, it looks like it will be exploded at any time, this is also because the stomach is where the Qi Palace is, and after the effect of the medicine appears, the real Qi will gather there immediately.

"It really is the best product, but the effect of this medicine is too difficult to resist."

Qin Fan sighed, just for a while, the true energy in his body was far higher than what his current body could bear, at this moment, he might explode into a puddle of blood at any time.

If Qin Fan hadn't tried his best to restrain himself, it would have been very difficult for Qin Fan to resist, and even now his true energy has continued to rise, and he really wants to vent.

The best way at this time is to vent!

In an instant, Qin Fan's realm broke through to the fifth and ninth realm, and it is still growing.

The effect of the medicine in his body has been continuing, and it seems that there is no problem even in the six or nine realm.

The cattle outside could sense the changes inside the tomb.

"The efficacy of this dzi bead grass is really overbearing. In just a short while, his realm has approached mine so quickly." Niu Li suddenly felt a little regretful, shouldn't he persuade Qin Fan to submit to the sky? It's too late, maybe because of this, after the matter is over, if he wants to threaten Qin Fan's life, maybe he really can't do it.

In other words, Qin Fan's strength can use this opportunity to surpass himself.

"I really don't know how far you will grow in the end."

Niu Li felt a little regretful, but he didn't go in and forcefully interfere with Qin Fan's breakthrough. Instead, he strictly guarded the position at the door.

"Damn it! It can be regarded as walking out for me!"

At the entrance of the big tomb, Hu Xiao came here cursing from the passage, and finally got rid of the continuous passage. He was so excited. As for what method he used, Hu Xiao couldn't explain clearly, he just went on a rampage He got here in a daze, if he were to go back now, he might get lost in it again.

Walking to the door of the tomb, Hu Xiao saw the pocket crossbow arrows still emitting black air on the ground.

"The organ has just been touched, and someone has already entered inside."

He is not a fool, he can see it naturally.

At this time, a majestic aura suddenly came from inside, and Hu Xiao's face changed drastically: "What! It turned out to be Master's aura, how could it be possible! Why did he come out of you so quickly, and this aura seems to be in the breakthrough!"

Hu Xiao was frightened by this breath.

Just yesterday, Qin Fan had just broken through to the fourth and ninth realms. It was only a day away from now, and the latter broke through to the fifth and ninth realms again?

This is not the fifth or ninth realm.

Hu Xiao's pupils trembled violently, this aura has clearly exceeded the fifth and ninth realms!

"Sixth Ninth Realm, it turned out to be Sixth Ninth Realm, what the hell is going on!" Hu Xiao couldn't figure it out. In just one day, he broke through twice in a row. That's two whole big realms!
And the breath is still growing.

More importantly, such frequent breakthroughs did not usher in a catastrophe!
This terrifying breakthrough made Hu Xiao feel frightened. If this continues, will Qin Fan's realm directly surpass Long Xing? If it really comes to that time, it will be too late.

Hu Xiao didn't know about Qin Fan's current predicament, otherwise he wouldn't be so frightened.

"Okay, dare to break through sneakily here, and see how I deal with you!" Hu Xiao let out a gloomy growl, and then rushed into the tomb.

He had to take the initiative when Qin Fan was breaking through.

What every cultivator fears most when breaking through is being disturbed, and there is a great possibility that it will lead to madness.

So in Hu Xiao's view, this is his only chance. If he really waits for Qin Fan to break through successfully, he will definitely not be able to easily crush him.

When entering the passage, Hu Xiao didn't encounter any traps, and this was also because all the traps had been cracked by Qin Fan.

Every time it goes deeper, the terrifying aura becomes heavier.

Hu Xiao was even more frightened.

"someone is coming."

Niu Li, who was guarding the small tomb, had a cold light in his eyes, and he already sensed that someone in the passage in front of him was rushing towards him quickly.

"The tiger roars."

Niu Li sensed the tiger's roar.

Looking back, he frowned, and stepped forward to meet Qin Fan. Qin Fan was at the moment of breaking through, and he had to resist the roar of the tiger.

And Qin Fan inside is struggling hard, he has lost all perception of the outside world, he is in pain, he feels that his body is about to be roasted, his whole body is flushed, his whole body is steaming, and his clothes are already worn out. It was broken.

At this time, Qin Fan could feel that his realm had reached the sixth or ninth realm.

But why Heavenly Tribulation didn't come, he couldn't figure it out.

Is it because of the role of the lake?

If that's the case, just keep going like this.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, and if you don't risk your life, you will gain a lot.


"Niu Li, so you have been here a long time ago. It seems that you are with Master at all. You know that he is breaking through inside, but you are still here to block me!" Hu Xiao had already confronted Niu Li.

Seeing Niu Li blocking his way, Hu Xiao understood everything, and instantly became furious!

"You can't go in now. I promised that man that I will keep him safe until I meet Wu Tian."

"So, no matter what, you won't let me in, right? Niu Li, you have to think clearly. If you don't stop him now, once his realm surpasses ours, you will also die by then!"

Hu Xiao stared at Niu Li.

But Niu Li obviously refused to compromise.

"That's all for later, but at least for now I know what I should do most."

(End of this chapter)

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