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Chapter 327 Refuse to help

Chapter 327 Refuse to help

Ling Yun shook her head and replied, "The circulation of the pills this time is not through the area of ​​the pier, but through human organs."

"Human organs?" Qin Fan frowned.

"Recently, many people have disappeared from Zhonghai City. These people are basically homeless people floating in Zhonghai City. Among them, we found a few corpses, all of which had their organs removed."

"You mean, the other party forcibly kidnapped these vagrants and then killed them, or used their bodies to bring the pills into Zhonghai City through other means?" This is a possibility, because for the vagrants Well, few people pay attention to such a group of people, even if a few disappear at the same time, no one will care. It is reasonable for criminal gangs to use this method.

"But how can you be sure that this thing was done by Luo Wang?"

"Because we have already got the evidence, the colleagues of Longzu destroyed a pharmaceutical factory before, and the person in charge of that pharmaceutical factory is the person who caught the net, and the pills that the pharmaceutical factory is producing are Type A pills."

"Although we have been watching Zhonghai City very hard recently, we can only let them stop for a while. If the source is not solved, they will reappear sooner or later."

"But it's a bit abrupt for you to come to me. I can't help you with anything." Qin Fan said helplessly.

"You can!" Ling Yun looked at Qin Fan very seriously: "You are a cultivator, and you have a combat power that ordinary people cannot possess."

"Wait, the more you talk about it, the more I don't understand it. Regardless of whether I am a cultivator or not, the premise is why I want to help you fight against a criminal gang. Isn't it good to have a good life? Why should I risk my life? What can I get? And those pills have nothing to do with me, and I don’t touch this thing, so for me, this matter doesn’t affect me at all.”

"Besides, you keep saying that there are cultivators in the trap. If I help you, there will be no trouble behind your ass. You are a member of the dragon group. You should ask your colleagues in the organization for such things?"

Qin Fan didn't know what Ling Yun's intention was.

Even if it is to solve the trap, he will solve it by himself.

I never thought about cooperating with any member of the dragon group.

"If I could, why should I come to you!" Ling Yun became embarrassed: "Let me tell you the truth, I actually don't have any important position in the dragon group, and I don't have the right to let practitioners come here. Zhonghai City assists me, and I am not a cultivator, so I can only come to you."

"I understand, you want to use me after coauthoring for a long time, right?" Qin Fan laughed: "If you don't have that ability, don't take on such a difficult task. At worst, let the other members of the dragon team come here to solve it."

"He's already here, but I don't like him." Ling Yun replied: "It's that Zhuo Ju Zhuo Fan. He and I are both members of the Dragon Group, but the rank is higher than mine. He came to Zhonghai City specially. solve this matter."

"But he's not a cultivator either." Qin Fan blurted out.

If this Zhuo Fan was a practitioner, he would have sensed it when the two met for the first time.

"But the power in his hands can call practitioners here to assist him, and I don't want to act with him, I want to rely on my own ability." Ling Yun's eyes showed firmness, and Qin Fan couldn't help laughing: "Then What has it to do with me."

"Qin Fan! Are you going to help me or not!" Ling Yun said loudly.

"No! I don't want to cause trouble for myself." Qin Fan replied immediately, without even thinking about it.

"I'm begging you!" Ling Yun didn't expect Qin Fan to answer so simply, if she said no, she wouldn't help. She became more and more anxious, as if she still had something to say.

"I really can't help you with this job. There's no one who doesn't want to live. If something happens to me, you can bear to watch Song Wanyu grieve."

"No, you're not that important yet."

"Well, I can't help you with this favor!"

"I'm not joking." Ling Yun hurriedly laughed: "I really can't find anyone else now, how about I promise you, you cooperate with me to investigate, if there is a bad sign, it's okay for us to turn around and run away .”

"To be honest, Ling Yun, I've always been curious about why you, a girl from every family, like this kind of dangerous job. You are not a cultivator, and you always rush ahead of the actions that require a cultivator to perform. , have you forgotten the lesson you learned in the bar last time? Isn’t it good to marry a good man with peace of mind, get married and have children?

"You don't understand." Ling Yun's expression suddenly became heavy because of Qin Fan's words.

"Well, I don't understand, but I still advise you to cherish life."

No matter what, Qin Fan still wouldn't agree to this matter, it was impossible for him to cause so much trouble for himself.

Besides, the last thing Qin Fan wanted was to attract the attention of the dragon group.

Since this organization is targeting practitioners, it means that the water inside is very deep. This is not something Qin Fan wants to face, so he can only choose to refuse.

"Qin Fan, I've already said what I said. I hope you can think about it again. I really hope you can help me." Ling Yun's tone was pleading, but Qin Fan, who had already made up his mind, wouldn't just give up because of these things. Changed attention so he didn't speak.

Seeing Qin Fan's attitude, Ling Yun knew that what she said was useless, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, she turned and left the clinic without saying anything more.

"Hey! It's not that I don't help you, it's that you have a deep relationship behind you, and I don't want to cause trouble for myself at this juncture." Looking at Ling Yun's leaving back, Qin Fan muttered softly.

As everyone knows, he still couldn't hide after all.

After Ling Yun returned to the car, a message was received on her mobile phone.

The information above is about the stronghold of a group of criminals in Zhonghai City.

Ling Yun thought for a while, looked at the clinic again, and then drove away.

Not long after Qin Fan waited in the medical hall, Lei Tianhao came here with a truck full of medicinal materials.

"Master, these are enough. I almost brought all the medicinal materials in Zhonghai City." Lei Tianhao came to the store out of breath, and it took him a lot of effort to get these medicinal materials.

Qin Fan took a rough look and nodded: "It's almost half a month's time, thank you for your hard work, there's nothing wrong here, you should go back and rest first."

"Well, okay, call me again if you have anything to do." Lei Tianhao moved the medicinal materials into the medical hall and left here.

These medicinal materials seem to be a lot, but according to Qin Fan's current ability, they can be refined in only four to five hours. Besides, there is a Shennong medicinal cauldron in the room. The combination of the two is naturally much faster. .

(End of this chapter)

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