
Chapter 1009 The River of Time Supreme Demon God

Chapter 1009 The River of Time Supreme Demon God
Time, time also.The person of time, the passer-by of EMI.The bright moon is white with dew, and the time comes and goes.It is also said that an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.

At this time when the heavenly dog ​​is eating the sun and all laws are in chaos, Yu Zecheng himself has the sword intent of time and light, and the imperial envoy is transformed into light in an instant, so he can follow the time and heaven that swallowed Luo Jingchu, cut a gap, and rush into the time and heaven middle.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng rushed into the way of time and heaven. In this way of heaven, there is no form and no substance. In that moment, Yu Zecheng felt that he had entered a strange world.

In this world, one's body, soul, and consciousness do not exist, and everything is turned into illusion. This feeling is like silence, endless heaven and earth, eternal darkness, and no trace. This feeling is even more terrifying than death .

Although this feeling of despair is extremely terrifying, there is no unparalleled path, and God has the virtue of being good at life.

In this despair, there is still a glimmer of hope, that is the last faith, as long as you still have a glimmer of faith, then you can start from scratch and find your own soul again.

In the way of heaven, there is no end, no limit, and Yu Zecheng wanders silently along the long river of time, not knowing how many years he has passed, who he is, where the world is, and where he is.

But his belief, that belief is like the light of a firefly in the dark night, although it is dim, it is strong and shining.

Who am I, who am I, what am I doing, where am I, who am I?

Just like Yu Zecheng's previous belief, persistence, persistence, as long as you persist to the end and make continuous efforts, you will surely succeed.

This time he finally persisted to the end and succeeded again.

I am Yu Zecheng, I am Yu Zecheng, and I am just Yu Zecheng.

That little bit of belief that was like the light of a firefly in an instant turned into a fire that soared into the sky and burned the city.

This belief became louder and louder, and became more and more violent. In an instant, this world of endless darkness changed.

A child is born and grows up slowly, with the care of the father and the love of the mother, and grows up little by little.

At the age of ten, the sudden bad news, the mother's coma, and the heavy responsibility of the family.

In the Black Tiger Hall, he endured the humiliation and was unwilling to be a chef for a lifetime. With the help that suddenly appeared, he embarked on the road of cultivating immortality.

I struggled hard, moved forward little by little, Liu Shiyun's admiring eyes had to look at each other from a distance, and we separated.

Discrimination from the spiritual roots of the Five Elements, the boy who was killed by himself in the cottage, the girl from the Lang family on the road to immortality, and the vow never to be fulfilled on Xiling.

The ruins of Xianqin, the world of Pangu, the Xuanyuan Sword School, and the Xuanyuan Three Questions that directly point to the original heart.

Master is very gracious, taught me painstakingly, and practiced little by little.

The foundation building conference, the clouds and the wind and the clouds, and the bloodshed, how can others not stop my way.

Jindan Dacheng, Three Thousand Realms, Tianmu Sect, one person and one sword kill the group of enemies.

Obtaining Yuanying, Ice and Snow Shrine, Leiyin Temple, and Tianlai Fortress, but they couldn't stop their lover and master from dissipating. They chose death for themselves, heartbroken.

Destroy thousands of enemies with one sword, and finally become No. 1 in the world. After 60 years of love and love, finally become the real one.

Yes, I am Yu Zecheng, the unique Yu Zecheng, the number one Yu Zecheng in the world, and the Yu Zecheng who looks down on the world.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng was completely awake. In this time of heaven, he slowly realized his life and slowly awakened himself.

The way of time and heaven in front of him is like a long river of time, flowing silently, and Yu Zecheng is just a member of this long river, flowing forward along this river.

Yu Zecheng shouted:
"Luo Jingchu..."


Luo Jingchu united with this way and turned into a part of the way of time and heaven. If she wanted to find her, she could only wake her up in this way of heaven.

As Yu Zecheng shouted, he kept recalling the past memories of meeting, getting to know, and falling in love with Luo Jingchu, and calling Luo Jingchu in the long river of his own time.

"Luo Jingchu..."


Yu Zecheng kept shouting, roaring, and recalling.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe a day, maybe a year, maybe 1 years, in the long river of time, time has no meaning.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Zecheng shouted heartbreakingly again:

Suddenly a voice said in his ear:

"I, here, I have been by your side, finally seeing you again, I..."

The sound gradually disappeared, and what was left was only a faint cry, a cry of joy.

Yu Zecheng turned his head and saw Luo Jingchu standing behind him, intact as ever, looking at him.

Yu Zecheng walked over to her and hugged her tightly, and said:

"It's good to come back, we will never be separated."

Luo Jingchu nodded and said firmly:

"Eternal inseparability."

The two just hugged like this, hugging tightly, and never separated again.

The long river of time continued to flow, and the two watched the passage of time hand in hand, smiling at each other. Their biggest problem now was how to get out of the river of time, but they were at a loss and could not find the direction to go ashore.

But the two of them are not in a hurry, they look at each other, and being accompanied by each other is enough.

As they stare deeply at each other, love is passing between each other. This is not an impurity that belongs to the time and heaven. Gradually, time and heaven feel that an exit appears for them in front of them.

There was only a moment of opportunity, and the two rushed into this exit immediately, leaving the long river of time and the danger of transformation.

In an instant, the two rushed out of the time and heaven, and everything in front of them turned into a real world, but this world was beyond their expectations.

They rushed out of a pool. The pool looked very familiar, and Yu Zecheng knew it was there in an instant. It was the time pool of his Pangu world back then. He could invade it with flying swords and turn it into a state after many years. .

Strange, how could it appear here?How many years ago was this my own Pan Gu world?
Looking at the past again, the sky and the earth are gray, and everything on the earth is gray. If you touch it with your hand, you can't move any objects, and you can't change any existence.

Although they left the Heavenly Dao of Time, the Heavenly Dao of Time still punished them and sent them back to the Pangu world when Yu Zecheng started cultivating immortals 200 years ago, but he was unable to do anything, only I can watch silently.

At this moment, the two of them are invisible and exist like ghosts. Maybe 200 years later, when Yu Zecheng rushes into the time and heaven, they will return to normal. Now they can only watch silently.

At this time, Yu Zecheng was fighting against Wang Shuyuan in the Xuanyuan Sword Sect Grand Competition. This was their first fight, and it was also the beginning of Yu Zecheng's life.

Yu Zecheng glanced at Luo Jingchu in this Pan Gu world, and said:
"It seems that we have to wait slowly."

Luo Jingchu smiled and said:

"With you to accompany me, I am willing to wait for a long time."

Yu Zecheng grabbed Luo Jingchu's hand and said:

"hold your hand."

Luo Jingchu also grabbed him vigorously and said:
"Grow old together."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Let's wait silently together in this Pan Gu world.

In this world, they relived everything that Yu Zecheng had experienced. Yu Zecheng has always had a strange feeling. Always, trust your intuition, then you can always get everything without any danger.

Until today, he didn't know what that intuition was. It turned out to be him. He was trapped in the Pangu world. Looking at everything he had experienced before, he would point himself at every critical moment. In the past, it was him. Intuition, life is so strange.

The two lived in this Pangu world. The Pangu world evolved several times. At the beginning, the area was small, and gradually the world became larger. In the world of water and fire, the two of the Martial Arts Dojo could live in it.

Later, the Pangu world became bigger and bigger, and the space for activities became bigger and bigger, and the two of them lived peacefully here.As long as the two of them, no one disturbed the world of two people.

There is no worry, no sorrow, no sword drawn in anger, no injustice, only each other.

On the stone platform back then, Yu Zecheng and Mu Siyi watched Luo Jingchu squint at Yu Zecheng for the first time, making shy gestures, but Yu Zecheng could only pretend not to see, But looking at his fierce self in the past, he realized that he had already left Mu Siyi deep in his memory, and hadn't thought about looking for her for a long time.

Time passed, and Yu Zecheng saw Luo Jingchu for the first time. At that time, she was still called Wu Ma, and it was Yu Zecheng's turn to laugh at Luo Jingchu.

When Jialan appeared, Yu Zecheng broke up with her thatched cottage and went to the free world, so Yu Zecheng couldn't think of the past love.

In this Pangu world, this time from the Lida Free World, Yu Zecheng saw a scene that he didn't know before.

When Jialan came to this free world, she was well prepared and did not come empty-handed.She will not surrender her destiny to an unknown future.

The moment she arrived in this world, she activated a magic weapon contract, activating an existence in the free world.

That is the demon god Moyi Shura.

There are three eyes on the face of Moyesura, the demon god, two teeth protruding, showing a wrathful appearance, with a light blue body, holding a robbery cup in his left hand, and a three-half sword in his right hand. Riding on the back of an ox, there are two heavenly female attendants holding flowers.It is called "the heretics of freedom" or "the heretics painted with ashes" by the world.

This god is the same god emperor as Nuwa, who has been banished for countless thousands of years. He created a total of twelve heavens, the twelve heavens of Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​Shang Jie Luo Tian, ​​and Yi She Nai Tian. This Da Zi Zai Tian is The head of the twelve heavenly realms he left behind.

It turns out that Jialan had been prepared for a long time, so he summoned the remnant soul of the demon god Moyishoura, and made a deal with her. , live again, and rediscover their own glory.

And Jialan enjoys the highest treatment in Dazizaitian, and will definitely ascend to the fairyland in the future.

Therefore, Yu Zecheng got his daughter Qingcheng, so she will always look like a traveler in the world. She is not a demon, but the most powerful and supreme demon god Moyishouluo in ancient times.

Looking at Jialan, Yu Zecheng shook his head silently, but he was not surprised, this is Jialan, she should be like this, and the Jialan he likes should look like this.

(End of this chapter)

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