
Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045
Once the immortal way is clear, the method of dismantling comprehends the highest state, and reaches the realm of the fairy master. At this moment, he is a real fairy.

Yu Zecheng inhaled and exhaled, countless immortal qi circulated in his body. Now that he understood the meaning of immortality, he no longer needed to consume any immortal qi, and would never cry out hungry like before because of lack of immortal qi.

To become a real immortal, he himself is an engine for producing immortal energy, and the infinite immortal energy in his body is self-generated, circulated out, and forms a self-contained system.

That's how it turned out, I remember that when I fought against the immortals of the lower realm of the immortal clan, the immortals themselves could generate immortal energy, which came in an endless stream, and went round and round.

When I came to the fairy world, I needed to absorb the fairy energy, which was completely different from others. At that time, Yu Zecheng had many doubts. Now I finally got the answer at this moment. It turns out that after becoming a fairy master, it will go from demand to supply, and the body can continue to cycle. I am immortal, it's not that I can't, it's just that the time has not come.

Becoming an immortal and mastering the way of immortality, Yu Zecheng's body has become a huge source of immortal energy. This kind of exhalation is constant and continuous. Even if the countless exhaled immortal energy is transformed into Immortal coins, then there will be heavy losses every day, and there will still be a full sixty to seventy percent, and the immortal energy created by the body will dissipate in the immortal world.

And with the increase of Yu Zecheng's cultivation base, flying immortals, celestial immortals, and the birth of immortal energy will become more diverse, and the degree of waste will also increase. At this time, the importance of fairyland is revealed.

Building a fairy kingdom is actually a process of expanding one's own fairy body, transforming the body into a mansion, changing a country, occupying the world, and turning the world into one's own body.

In the Immortal Kingdom, the Immortal is an energy engine, turning the immortal energy that would have dissipated in vain into resources for oneself.

Anyway, the immortal energy will be wasted and dissipated into the world, why not use it and turn the immortal energy that was about to dissipate into a subsidiary part of oneself, this is the real reason for the existence of the fairyland.

As long as immortals exist, immortal energy will be generated forever. Whether it is refining immortal bodies, refining immortal treasures, creating immortal mansions, or birthing immortal kingdoms, in this infinite supply of immortal energy, there will be their own limit existence in the end. But the fairy energy will still be produced in an endless stream, and it can only be seen as a waste.

In order to prevent the waste of fairy energy, the best way is to create all kinds of ordinary fairy clans, servants, guards, warriors, slaves, fairy beasts, etc. in one's own fairyland.

These beings have their own wisdom, and then reward them with the immortal energy that they cannot transform themselves. They use this to practice and start to reproduce and evolve. Children have children, grandchildren have grandchildren, absorb the immortal energy that they have diffused in the fairyland, and build Fairyland.In the end it's for your own use.

Anyway, I have reached my limit, and wasting immortal energy is also a waste, so to a certain extent, immortal energy is also used by myself, so the immortal kingdoms of all the immortals are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more ordinary immortals in the immortal kingdom.

Before the immortal clan came here, it was the Titan giants who ruled the fairy world. In order to make more effective use of their immortal energy, they sacrificed their immortal bodies to become infinitely huge, so they were called Titan giants. They adopted this method and tried their best to Make use of your own fairy energy.

However, this utilization still cannot achieve the best effect, and there will still be infinite waste in the end.

Therefore, the fairy clan established the fairy kingdom, and expanded from the method of preserving the immortal energy of the fairy body of the Titan clan, turning the body into a mansion, and ascending the mansion into a country, and many ordinary members of the fairy clan were born, so that they would have children and grandchildren. , Eternal and inexhaustible, there is an endless stream, and I will use all my immortal energy.

At this point, the fairy clan wiped out the Titan clan and gained control of the fairy world.

Feeling his own body, Yu Zecheng suddenly sneered three times. He decided that he would never sacrifice to the Immortal Kingdom, at least he would not sacrifice to the Birth Immortal Kingdom before returning to the sky world.

Many immortals, they only saw the waste of the immortal energy dissipating, but they never thought about why the immortal energy dissipated in such a way, and why the great virtue and power who established the immortal world set such laws of heaven.

The so-called fairyland is also established by countless great virtues and powers. Before the immortals came to the fairyland, why there was no concept of fairyland.

Heart-for-heart, if I were the great creator of the fairy world back then, and started to create the fairy world, what form would I use to let the fairy energy in the fairy world circulate naturally and last forever?
Therefore, it is very simple. At that time, it was a normal behavior for the immortal energy to dissipate. Perhaps the immortal world relies on the immortal world gradually built by the dissipation of the immortal energy of countless immortals.

It's just that as time passed, the fairy world became more and more complete. Perhaps the fairy energy emitted by such immortals has little meaning to the fairy world.

So in Yu Zecheng's eyes, building a fairy kingdom is nothing but nothing.Using ordinary immortals who were born infinitely, to use all their immortal energy and control it in their own hands, it can be said that it completely violated the original intention of those powerful immortals who established the immortal world.

To a certain extent, this is very beneficial to the immortal, but from the perspective of the entire fairy world, this is simply a parasitic behavior that only eats but does not vomit, parasitic on the fairy world.

It's just that this kind of parasitism is insignificant to the fairy world, and it no longer needs the fairy energy emitted by many immortals so much.

In fact, with the passage of time, the so-called rise of all races, to a certain extent, is also an act of giving back the immortal energy to the immortal world.

So Yu Zecheng sneered, he decided not to build a fairyland, the so-called fairy energy, let it dissipate, so as to give back to the fairyland.

Many immortals, they think of how to use their own immortal energy perfectly without leaking it, but Yu Zecheng wants to do the opposite, leak as much as possible, and let these immortal energy return to the fairy world.

This is not a great act where everyone is drunk and I am alone, but Yu Zecheng's best idea. As the saying goes, rights and obligations are equal. Yu Zecheng does not believe in ancient times, those immortals who leaked their immortal energy , is really so impartial, there must be feedback from the fairy world.

Now all the immortals don't give back to the immortal world, or give back weakly, but he is so generous. Yu Zecheng believes that the immortal world will never let his hard work be in vain for an immortal who distinguishes others like him.

This is doing the opposite, thinking that I lost, but in fact I made money.

In fact, Yu Zecheng believes that in the so-called true immortal clan, there should be countless powerful people who know about it. Instead of talking about it, they will vigorously advocate the principle of creating an immortal kingdom, saving immortal energy, and not leaking it. It's all the same, if you sneak up and do the opposite, the benefits of the fairy world's feedback are all your own.

Regarding this point, Yu Zecheng believes that the so-called true immortals can do it, and humans are always the most terrifying creatures.

I finally became a fairy master, and this time I can go to the eastern fairyland of Moyi. Last time, Mrs. Pei said that ordinary immortals cannot reach Moyi. Now that I have become a fairy, I should be able to reach Moyi.

The fairy world is different from the world of the sky, and no one has mentioned the sect before this. If I didn't know that the Moyi celestial master is my Xuanyuan Sword Sect's Zhongxing Patriarch Wang Yinyang, I'm afraid I don't know exactly which fairy world the Xuanyuan Sword Sect occupies. Tianyu.

The same is true for other sects. The Daluo Jinxianzong, Xinmozong, and Wuliangzong who flew up have never been heard of in this fairy world.

There must be a saying in it, maybe it is a kind of protection for the younger generations, because they don't know each other, and it is impossible to know which school the other party is from.

Yu Zecheng stayed in Tianfu City for another three months. During this time, he consolidated what he had learned and transformed his previous sword skills into immortal sword skills.While making friends with the seven city lords of Tianfu City, he repayed Mrs. Pui's support.

Ascension to the Immortal Realm, it has been more than a year now, Yu Zecheng is not in a hurry, he used to practice in seclusion, and after 60 years of leaving, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect is completely fine, this time he left for less than a year, Xuanyuan Sword It is an unspoken trust that Pie should be fine.

Yu Zecheng was not in a hurry to go to Moyi Heaven Realm, now that he had to become an Immortal Master, a real immortal, his mentality had changed, instead he was not as eager as before to go to Moyi Heaven Realm immediately and return to Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

Why did I come to the fairyland once, so I didn't play around and have a look, I am sorry for myself, walk around and see what the fairyland looks like.

Three months later, everything was stable, and Yu Zecheng took Xue Jiangling on the journey.

Someone came to invite, Immortal Lord Hetong Tianmeng Liu of the Western Immortal Realm invited Mrs. Pei to analyze the fairy treasure for herself. Mrs. Pei has been involved in something recently, and she really couldn't get away under the kindness, so she begged Yu Zecheng to take her on a trip.

Yu Zecheng had nothing to miss in Tianfu City anymore, so he embarked on a journey to Qingming Hetong Tianmeng Liu Xianzhu.

This time, she is no longer alone, and Mrs. Pui will give away a superb fairy wheel, which can cross the realm of fairyland.

The captain, the crew, the guard warriors, and the celestial maiden on board, totaled a thousand people. This was a parting gift from Tianfu City to Yu Zecheng.Yu Zecheng assigned them all to Xue Jiangling's subordinates and asked him to command and control them, but he himself had no leisure to command them.

Among them, the captain is an old man. When he was young, he traveled all over the public fairylands in the fairyland. With him leading the way, Yu Zecheng had an easy journey to the Eastern fairyland.

For more than a year, Yu Zecheng analyzed countless sea beast fairy fish, and each sea beast fairy fish was hunted desperately by countless ordinary immortals. The dragon just gave three thousand cents.

Over the past year, Yu Zecheng has accumulated no less than 130 million cents.This is a skill in hand, traveling all over the world.

When millions of celestial coins are gathered together, a celestial brick will be automatically generated. It is said that when a hundred celestial bricks are gathered together, a piece of celestial jade will be formed, which is called a celestial square.

But the current immortal coins are meaningless to Yu Zecheng. The immortal energy that is automatically distributed every day will generate three thousand immortal coins for Yu Zecheng, and this is only [-]% of the immortal energy that has dissipated. As time goes by, The immortal energy emitted will become more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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