Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1018 Who Is Offended?

Chapter 1018 Who Is Offended?
With many years of experience in the Jianlu Army, Fan Wencheng immediately recognized that the sound of horseshoes could only be made by a well-trained cavalry army.Immediately, he immediately became nervous. How could there be cavalry from the Ming army here?
Fan Wencheng subconsciously blew on the lamp, picked up the letter papers, and wanted to run outside.But at this time, he suddenly heard something again, so he stopped his movements, and after listening carefully, he sat back, unfolded the letter paper, and smoothed it out again.

There was a voice outside the door, Fan Gou pushed the door open and entered, seeing Fan Wencheng's appearance, he couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart.Just now, he was frightened and thought it was the Ming army who came to arrest them.

"Brother, just now on the official road outside the temple, a troop of cavalry passed by. Judging from their banners, they are the Guanning Cavalry, the New Army Cavalry and the Dongjiang Cavalry. There are about [-] cavalry in total. .Looking at the direction, it is going to the capital." Fan Gou whispered.

When Fan Wencheng heard this, he frowned. Aren't these three cavalry troops fighting against the Qing Dynasty at Anshan Post Fort? Why did they send some of them back to the capital?Could it be that the Ming army won another battle in Liaodong?
He never thought that the Qing Dynasty could win the battle, because he knew that no matter how capable the army was, it would be impossible to win the battle without food and supplies.With the current strength of the Qing Dynasty, it is not bad to be able to maintain the situation before he left!
At this time, Fan Wencheng was very worried, frowned and thought for a while, then asked Fan Gou, "Is there any movement outside now?"

It was also because of the situation in Yongping Fucheng that Fan Wencheng was very cautious.Not all of his men were around, but scattered outside to be vigilant.

When Fan Gou heard this, he hesitated for a while and then replied: "It seems that the Jianghu is not very peaceful, and some people from the Jianghu can be seen outside from time to time, looking aggressive. This is approaching the end of the year, and it has not stopped!"

Hearing this, his brows furrowed even tighter.Because the brawny man who was arrested before was a member of the rivers and lakes.

Seeing Fan Wencheng's expression, Fan Gou knew that he was worried, so he expressed his opinion: "Brother, this place is a little far away from Yongping Fucheng, and there are gangsters over there, I have never heard of any big gangs, it is impossible It affects this side. Besides, it’s just a quack who died, even if they found the body, who would know that we did it?”

In ancient times, if they were ordinary people, they basically lived within a few dozen miles of their birthplace.Generally speaking, very few people will travel far.It takes less than an hour to drive on a high-speed road for a [-]-kilometer road like in later generations.But for people in this era, it takes at least six or seven days to walk, and the journey costs a lot, and the price is very high.

Hearing what he said, Fan Wencheng breathed a sigh of relief after thinking about it for the same reason.Then he straightened his face, folded the letter paper in his hand and handed it to Fan Gou, "Go back to Shenyang immediately and hand this letter to the emperor. Remember, this letter is very important, so you must hand it to the emperor yourself. Zhong also asked the emperor for several times the property, and the emperor will give it to you."

Fan Gou was a little surprised when he heard this.When he came out this time, others didn't know how much the belongings he brought with him were worth. As Fan Wencheng's true confidant, he naturally knew.

I was thinking this in my heart, but I didn't show it on the surface, I just nodded and said: "Master, don't worry, I will set off immediately, and I will definitely send the letter back to Shenyang."

Not long after, Fan Gou took only one person with him and went out of the temple gate to leave.

At this time, I happened to meet the host of the temple walking towards me.Fan Gouhe said: "The master is back from doing his work?"

Seeing Fan Gou, the host seemed to have a slightly strange expression on his face. He nodded his head to deal with it, and then led the monk under his hand into the temple.

Fan Gou didn't take it seriously either, thinking that the host was exhausted after being invited to do rituals for a day and a night.

But he didn't know that in a forest opposite the temple gate, a group of people surrounded a skinny man who seemed to be seriously ill, and the leader asked: "Hou San, do you recognize him?"

This skinny man was Hou San. He had been frozen in the wild all night, and his body was already sick from the cold.But even so, as long as he finds something abnormal, he will insist on rushing to confirm with his own eyes whether it is Fan Wencheng's group of traitors.Only in this way can we minimize the possibility of bluffing.

Because of the clues provided by Hou San that Fan Wencheng and his gang were pretending to be monks, the temples in various places are the focus of attention.The monks who placed the order came to this temple. Although the number of monks did not match, the local heroes of the rivers and lakes came forward to verify the situation on the grounds of asking the host to do a practice.

At this time, Hou San became agitated just by taking a look at it. He fixed his eyes on Fan Gou and the others, and said through gritted teeth, "My lord, these two belong to Fan Wencheng's gang. Cao Mian dares to guarantee it with his life!"

Hearing this, the leader of Jinyiwei Baihu was immediately overjoyed, he immediately ordered his subordinates to follow quietly, find a place where no one was around and arrest the two.

This time, in order to catch the traitors like Fan Wencheng, both Jin Yiwei and Dongchang dispatched elite troops.There are many people bullying few people, and it is a sudden attack.Not long after, Fan Gou and his wife were tied up and brought to Baihu.

Fan Gou was very shocked. Seeing the clothes of these people, he immediately begged for mercy: "All good men, spare your life, but the poor monk is just..."

However, before he finished speaking, the person who arrested his leader reported to one of them: "My lord, I have been caught."

Hearing this, Fan Gou was like a thunderbolt, if people in the Jianghu would say that if they spend money, they might be able to bring peace.But this sir, revealed the identities of these people, they turned out to be official servants.

The things on his body were presented, and Fan Gou was desperate, but he said with a ten-thousandth hope: "My lord, this villain is just doing something under compulsion. As long as you can let me go, you can have as much money as you want. Work better than you for a lifetime..."

He was thinking that if the letter stated the property, the amount was so large that even a member of the government might be able to buy it.

However, before he could finish his words, he saw the person who was reading the letter suddenly patted the letter paper, overjoyed and said: "It is confirmed, that dog thief Fan Wencheng is in the temple, this is his letter to Nu Chief. Hehe, this time Jinyiwei finally caught someone before Dongchang..."

Fan Gou couldn't hear the words behind, because when he realized that the officials in front of him turned out to be Jin Yiwei, he knew that his last hope was gone.

Jin Yiwei is the emperor's pro-army.If it's just one or two, there is still hope of buying them.But it is absolutely impossible for such a large group of Jinyiwei to be bribed.

When Hou San heard it, he couldn't help crying to the sky: "Brother, did you hear in the spirit of the sky? Those culprits who tortured you have now been caught. That night, you would rather die than speak for my little brother. Open your eyes angrily, now, you can rest in peace!"

Jinyiwei Baihu was in a good mood, seeing Hou San sick and insisting on going to various places to identify the culprits, he was really moved, so he said to him: "Don't worry, you have contributed a lot to catching the traitors like Fan Wencheng this time. This official will report it truthfully and submit it to the imperial court."

After that, the interrogation of Fan Gou and the two began.The bones of the two of them are not as strong as a strong man. Jin Yiwei just used a little trick, and they recruited whatever they wanted them to recruit.

In the temple, Fan Wencheng spent almost an entire night writing the letter to Huang Taiji. Just as he was lying on the bed and wanted to close his eyes, it was so silently. Suddenly, the door of the wing room was kicked open. , A big man used it in.Even if Fan Wencheng claimed to be both civil and military, he rushed into a large group of big men, and immediately pressed him on the bed like an arhat, and almost pressed his shit out, and tied him tightly before pushing him out of the bed.

At this time, Fan Wencheng no longer had the demeanor of a feather fan and scarf, and stammered with panic on his face: "You... who are you? The poor monk never offended you..."

It's really too fierce. He has read a lot of books, and he has never seen such a scene.In addition to some clear despair in my heart, I also brought a little bit of luck.

"Never offended?" Jin Yiwei Baihu sneered, "You offended your ancestors, offended the people of Ming Dynasty, offended the emperor, you who forget your ancestors, help the evil, Fan Wencheng!"

As soon as his name was called out, even Fan Wencheng was paralyzed.Because he knew that if the things he did fell into the hands of Ming Guo, it would be completely over.

Emperor Chongzhen learned of the news that Fan Wencheng was captured alive through the chat group at the first time, and immediately issued an order to escort these traitors to Beijing.At the same time, after knowing the achievements made by Hou San and others, he added an imperial decree to let Hou San enter Beijing together.

Exiting the chat group, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing, thinking in his heart, this traitor, being arrested at this time, just in time for the grand ceremony he was preparing.This should be the wish of those souls killed by him in the dark, right?

On his side, there was good news one after another, but on King Dongwu Talong's side, there was bad news one after another.

Over the past year, he has been wholeheartedly trying to implement the New Deal, but things have always backfired. There are always things that go against him in various places, especially in the northern region.Wave after wave.What concerned him most was that the Akhmedan people kept fleeing.These are the foundations of his rule, and if something goes wrong, he will be in big trouble.Therefore, it can be said that during this year, he mainly focused on Akhmedan.

But this is not over yet, the current him is furious in the hall, bad news from the north comes one after another.First, the Ming army raided and Mupang fell, and then the entire Mupang area fell in a short period of time.Then Mengmi, Mengyang and other places also declared their fall.The Ming army fought together on the entire northern line almost at the same time, without even giving him time to react.

In fact, if it's just this, it's nothing.After all, these places were originally the territory of the Ming Kingdom. If they were taken away in the past, they will be lost if they are lost now.However, the Ava region that he cares most about is now exposed to the Ming army.It is the most important grain-producing area in Dongwu.Originally, he had already made plans to move the capital to Ava in the past two years, because it was very important.

Ava must not fall into the hands of the Ming army!King Long broke another cup and swore in his heart.Although he deployed heavy troops there, he also had his confidants guarding them.However, the Ming Dynasty was absolutely aggressive this time, and it turned out that Mubang, Meng Mi, and Meng Yang attacked almost at the same time.He was very worried that Ava would also be taken away by the Ming army.

He has always held the military power, and because of this, he was able to take the throne from his nephew.To be honest, he was considered a promising king in Dongwu's history.It's just a pity that on this plane, he was affected by butterfly wings.

Although he didn't know how many troops the Ming Dynasty had attacked, he, King Long, had planned for the worst.It can be said that he is a soldier of the whole country. Artillery, sailors, elephant soldiers, infantry, archers, round shield soldiers, long shield soldiers, palace guards and Shan soldiers all go out with him.

In fact, it is also true, if he fails in his own conquest, a place as small as Dongwu is not comparable to the Ming Dynasty, and there is nowhere to escape.For the Ming country, this kind of war may be just a frontier battle, but for him, it is a war that will destroy the country!

King Long is also a ruthless person, just like the previous kings of Dongwu, he is the most guarded against the Han people.Along with the war in the Ming Kingdom, he immediately issued an order to arrest all the Ming people in the Awa area, take them to the riverside and kill them, and then push them into the river to end the incident.

Immediately, the lower reaches of the Dajinsha River almost turned into a red Dajinsha River.The misery of the Ming people, once again under the butcher's knife of the aliens, spilled blood on the earth.

Along with this war, King Talong's new policy was almost completely abolished, and the whole country of Dongwu immediately entered a state of war.But when King Long's army entered Ava City, he was relieved, and finally arrived before the Ming army attacked.

He, King Long, was also used to fighting, and immediately sent scouts to the north to listen to the movements of the Ming army.After more than half a month, I finally got a general understanding of the situation of the Ming army.

It's okay if I don't know. After figuring it out, King Long immediately felt a lot of pressure.Because he discovered that the Ming army did not take advantage of the victory to attack, but stationed after conquering the northern region, and made a list there to calm the people, obviously intending to stay for a long time.

The army is stationed in the north, and can go south at any time, and the terrain is convenient. If it attacks Ava, it will be like a strategic position.In this way, the pressure in the Ava area can be imagined!

For him, King Long, he couldn't afford to waste this battle.Although the Ming army did not attack further south, he did not dare to withdraw.But the army of the whole country is assembled in Ava, and the logistics pressure is also very heavy, which consumes a lot of Dongwu's national strength, which he does not want to see.

So, while continuing to spy on the news, he thought hard about a good strategy.

Needless to say, as expected of the famous King Talong in history, he really found a deadly point in this strategy of the Ming army!
(End of this chapter)

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