Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1020 Military Parade

Chapter 1020 Military Parade
The process of this military parade is not the same as the military parade of later generations. No comrades worked hard and did not serve the people. Flying cavalry sent orders, and the soldiers under review at the Beijing camp set off.

In the front are five knights, among them the middle one is tall and long-armed, he looks like a strong man at first glance, holding a flag high, hunting in the cold wind.There are two people on each side, with their chests straight, their hands holding their waist knives, and their faces are solemn, guarding the middle standard bearer and advancing a little slower by half a horse's head.

"Look, the national flag, the national flag is coming!" The people in Fengtianmen Square recognized it with just a glance.

Over the past year or so, they have gradually become aware of this national flag. In various government offices, especially in children's schools, they can often see the national flag being raised while young children are singing the national anthem.The common people at this time already know that this flag is Daming, and under the flag is the territory of Daming.

The people on both sides of the street started to commotion, stepping on their feet one by one, just wanting to see what these meritorious soldiers are like, can they beat the Jianlu who ravaged the land of Gyeonggi before so that they dare not fight back?
When the soldiers from the five cities and horses on both sides saw it, they immediately scolded in a low voice, but no one dared to confront the soldiers. They reminded each other "don't squeeze" and slowly fell silent.

Behind the national flag is a square formation, composed of cavalry troops, with five cavalry in a row, a total of twenty rows.These soldiers had serious faces, straightened their upper bodies, and looked forward. They were riding on tall horses, and they didn't see how they moved, but they saw the tall horses under their crotches, walking in unison, neatly.The sound of the horse's hooves was as if there was only one sound.In front of the phalanx, there are also two knights guarding a flag bearer, and the flag reads "Da Ming Guihua Province dispatched cavalry troops in Liaodong".

On both sides of the official road, the people who saw this phalanx first couldn't help whispering.

"What kind of cavalry is this? Over there in Liaodong, there are also cavalry from the naturalized province?"

"You don't know, these cavalry are the most powerful cavalry in the Guihua Province. They were selected by the Governor of Guihua. They were ordered by the Emperor to participate in the Liaodong War, and made a lot of military exploits in the scout battle with Jianlu!" Someone had done their homework beforehand and read the introduction in the imperial court announcement, so they quickly replied when they heard someone puzzled.

"I see. No wonder there seem to be Mongols in this team. In terms of riding skills, they are indeed better!" Someone suddenly realized.

But some people didn't understand: "They shouldn't be the main force to defeat Jianlu, why are they ranked first?"

This is considered military common sense, and someone answered clearly and eagerly: "Don't you know? When two armies confront each other, the first and most important thing is the scout battle! Our Ming Dynasty does not accept nights, and Jianlu's scouts, They are all the most elite fighters in the army. Defeating the opponent in the scout battle can make the opponent's army blind and deaf. Our army can deploy troops and condemn generals as we like. We can fight as we want, whether it is important or not ?”

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder it ranks first, amazing!"


Although the Ming soldiers in the first phalanx kept their eyes straight, their ears were pricked up, and they couldn't help being very proud to hear these discussions in the wind.A few people wished they could grab the person who introduced them and have a drink with him.

What they didn't know was that among the people on both sides of the street, there were actually quite a few plainclothes servants of Jinyiwei and Dongchangfan.Emperor Chongzhen was worried that the first time he did this, the effect might not be as good as he imagined, so he sent them out to guide the people who didn't know the situation and control the direction of public opinion.

About two feet behind the first square formation is the second square formation, which is also a cavalry army. The banner in front says "Daming Guanning Cavalry Army".

For this cavalry army, the feelings of these common people are a bit complicated.Because in the past, the Daming Guanning Army was the main force against the Liaodong Jianlu, but they were beaten by the Jianlu and could only hide in the city, relying on the city for defense.Even at the end of the second year of Chongzhen, they didn't realize that Jianlu detoured to Mongolia and were captured by them into the pass.

If this Guanning army is strong enough, would Jianlu dare to bypass Mongolia with the whole country?If this Guanning Army is strong enough, will there still be so many tragedies in Gyeonggi?

The common people are not stupid, and the fact that Jianlu broke through the pass from Ji Town does not mean that the Guan Ning Army has no responsibility.Therefore, when the phalanx of Guan Ning's cavalry came over, the people who had been bustling just now fell silent, and just watched the phalanx silently.

The officers and soldiers of the Guan Ning Cavalry Army, seeing all this and feeling the change in the mood of the people, couldn't help but feel a little sad one by one.They also knew that those things in the past were stains on Guan Ningjun.How can people cheer for them when their families are broken?
Suddenly, someone praised it loudly: "What a cavalry army, but the cavalry army that teased Jianlu in the Great Black Mountain Battle, and then attacked thousands of miles away and captured Haizhou?"

As soon as the voice fell, another person responded with excitement and praise: "Yes, it is this cavalry army. The mobilization of the Jianlu troops will not only make the Jianlu rush back and forth, which is a waste of military power, but even kill the Jianlu in Haizhou. The main force has also been mobilized. I also heard that those Aiman ​​children who are willing to be the accomplices of Jianlu’s lackeys have become the targets of Jianlu’s anger. Thinking about it, it’s really happy, it’s a good tease, it’s amazing!"

"Yes, the Guan Ning Cavalry Army also dispatched back then, destroying Jianlu's grain harvest and making Jianlu too hungry to fight against me, Ming! Well done, Guan Ning Cavalry!"


Listening to the achievements of the Guanning Cavalry Army, some people finally smiled.Although Guan Ningjun's past is not very good, but in the past two years, they have indeed been hard at fighting Jianlu!All these victories are real!

Thinking about it this way, the people on both sides of the street, from time to time, someone would praise and praise. Although the lively scene was not like when the phalanx passed by in front, there was no silence after all.This made the officers and men of the Guan Ning Cavalry Army feel grateful. They secretly vowed that after returning from the review, they must use better records to justify the name of the Guan Ning Cavalry Army.Be sure to let more people cheer for you in the next reading!
Behind the Guanning Cavalry Army, on the flag fluttering in the wind, there are only three characters "Hussar Battalion".Although there is no more explanation, it is enough.The people of the capital on both sides of the street cheered and praised when they saw this flag.

"Look, Lu Zhongcheng's hussars battalion is here! Master of a hundred battles!"

"Amazing, worthy of the hussars battalion!"

"Mighty, mighty..."

Among the crowd, some people who came to do business from the south and stayed in the capital just to participate in this grand event, they don't know much about it.Seeing the enthusiasm of the people around him, he couldn't help being very curious, and quickly asked about the situation.

The people around him were also very enthusiastic, answering his questions one after another while cheering.

"Don't you know? His Majesty gave the name of the Hussars Battalion, which is the glory of the Hussars General in the Han Dynasty when he fought against the barbarians. This Hussars Battalion can be said to have made great achievements in battle, and it is too numerous to mention!"

"You haven't visited the Zhonglie Hall, have you? There are murals there. Back then, it was this hussars battalion that went deep into Liaodong, and even went straight to Shenyang, and rescued countless Han people. Did you hear about the family members of the Commander Jinyiwei? The Hussar Battalion was rescued under Jianlu's nose!"

"Also, also, this hussar battalion won three battles and three victories in North Korea, and it just snatched countless grains from Jianlu's hands. This is the beginning of Jianlu's nightmare..."


Speaking of this, I really can’t finish it, and some people even used the predecessor of the Hussars Battalion, Daming Mansion Minzhuang, to praise their achievements in the next battle in Changli City!
All these voices of discussion made the soldiers of the hussars battalion very proud to hear them.Mao Chengzuo, who was in the team, was even more emotional. Since Lu Zhongcheng became the governor of Denglai, with the strong support of the emperor behind him, the Dongjiang Army can be said to have turned from a salty fish. The army with the most victories against captives!The prestige of the illustrious military exploits can be seen from the reaction of the people in the capital.

With such might and glory, the Ming Dynasty probably didn't have many troops.Mao Chengzuo thought in his heart, and said silently: "Mao Shuai, you can rest in peace!"

After the hussars battalion passed, the last phalanx was a bit special.There is a strange cloak behind each soldier, which the previous soldiers did not have.The flag fluttering in the wind revealed the identity of this army: the First Division of the Ming Army!
As long as the people in the capital know the origin of this army.This is a new army organized and trained by the emperor himself. In the first battle in Liaodong, they smashed Jianlu's Zhengbai Banner and robbed countless grains.The second battle was to win Gaizhou in Liaodong. Even if the slave chieftain Huang Taiji personally conquered, he would still kill Jianlu and return home.This is a mighty army that defeated Jianlu, who was known as invincible in the field, with very little loss in the field!The artillery battalion in the new army, in the battle to capture Haizhou and Anshan Post Fort, bullied Jianlu wantonly, so that they had no power to fight back...

"Mighty, mighty..."

For this new army, there is no need to talk about the record, every commoner in the capital can count on them.This army that went out from the capital has become the center of the topic before, and it has long been familiar to everyone.

For a few passers-by who don't know the details, the people in the capital only need to answer "this is the new army organized by the emperor", or answer "this is an army where the whole army can read", and no one will know it. .

The general Cao Bianjiao and the supervisor Feng Dehua were at the front of the formation, one man and one soldier, walking side by side, completely different from the front phalanx.Comparing the soldiers in the phalanx with the soldiers in front of the phalanx, it is obvious that each of them has a special temperament.Or is this the army of "scholars"?In the past, the whole army was literate, or able to read, such a thing is simply unimaginable!
After all the phalanxes passed by, the most talked about by the common people was the new army.Not only their victories, but also their military system, the special features of the supervisory army, and the future reform of the military system, there are too many topics to talk about.

After the discussion in a low voice, the people of Daming couldn't imagine it, or rather, they were looking forward to it. If one day in the future, all the troops of Daming were like the new army, what would it be like?Will everyone still discriminate against warriors, and will they still think that only ordinary people have the courage?Or, now that military households are abolished, is it worthwhile to become a soldier?

While they were discussing in low voices, all the troops under review came to Fengtianmen Square.On the platform under the flagpole in front of the Zhonglie Hall, Emperor Chongzhen, wearing a golden helmet and armor, had already led all the civil and military officials to wait here.

When the troops under review pass by here, every soldier in the phalanx, almost like a single person, draws out their sabers in unison, erects them on their waists, turns their heads to look at Emperor Chongzhen, or only has Emperor Chongzhen in their eyes, and roars in unison. Said: "Defend the home and defend the country, shroud in horse leather!"

Each of these soldiers had a solemn expression, expressing their oath to the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded his head, and when the phalanx passed, he sighed loudly: "Warriors don't hesitate to die, civil servants don't love money, and the world is peaceful. But today I want to say that if literati don't love money, and warriors don't hesitate to die, the world will be peaceful!" "

Wen Tiren and other executives of Daming who were behind him couldn't help being thoughtful after hearing this!Although only a few words have been changed in what the emperor said, the meaning is completely different.

In ordinary corruption cases, it’s not just civil officials, the officials below are even better among them, and there are even some civil officials who are not corrupt, and the officials are doing tricks under them, and corruption is as prevalent!To curb corruption, it is definitely not just for civil servants.

However, when the word "Warrior" was changed, the implied meaning was even more profound.The army is the army of the emperor, no matter the general or the soldiers, if the decision of the general determines the affairs of the army, does that mean that the army is the army of the general?In the past, the Yue family army, Qi family army and so on, there are too many meanings in it!
Thinking of this, Wen Tiren and the others looked at Emperor Chongzhen's back, feeling awe-inspiring.The emperor is mighty and wise, and he knows what only the founding emperor could know before.Your Majesty, you are wise!
When the troops under review passed the Hall of Loyalty, circled around, and finally arrived at the open space in front of the emperor, everyone got off their horses and held the reins in one hand and stood at attention solemnly. Focusing on the current emperor wearing golden helmets and armors.

After turning off the continuous achievement value prompts from the chat group system, Emperor Chongzhen faced the crowd with a solemn expression, and said loudly: "Although the Ming Dynasty has been established for a long time, although I am young, if anyone thinks that the Ming Dynasty is old, I am young." Bullying, just let the horse come over and take a look!"

There was majesty in the voice, and a strong confidence.Even after passing through the voice transmission of the Great Han General, the meaning of it was transmitted to the ears of everyone in the square.

The military parade that just passed has allowed the victory of the Ming army to be recited once again.The might of the Ming army once again deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this moment, the emperor's words made everyone in Fengtianmen Square have an answer in their hearts: Daming tigers are here, before the emperor of Shengming, who dares to provoke?

 Thank you for naming it quickly, Ling Huanhuan for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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