Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1025 Graduation

Chapter 1025 Graduation
Although the imperial army did not fight with Dongwu's army, they both occupied their respective cities and stood still.But the scout battle between the two sides has been fighting, and it is very intense.The reason is self-evident, whoever wins the scout battle can make the opponent deaf or blind, and the main force's advantage in winning the battle will be greatly improved!
The Ming army was well equipped and had high morale, while the Dongwu scouts were more familiar with the terrain and more adaptable to the environment.At the beginning, it was a match.However, with the consumption of scouts, after Dongwu's scouts lost a lot, it was a bit difficult to follow up.However, the Ming army did not take over here at night, and after training, there was a tendency to become stronger as they fought.

But no matter what, the Ming army spent a lot of money if they didn't take them in at night. No, even a general like Fu Yuman brought people out to participate in the scout battle.

While talking in a low voice here, suddenly a few birdsong rang out from the trees on the outside.Others wouldn't feel anything when they heard it, but when Fu Yuman heard it, he was shocked, stood up immediately, and walked outside.When the other soldiers saw it, they didn't speak any more and followed suit one after another.

After approaching the official road, Fu Yuman raised his head and looked at a big tree, on which there was a man named Yebushu, who also saw him and gestured to him.This made Fu Yuman a little confused, because the subordinates on the tree told him that someone was coming from the north, not the south.

People from the north should be their own people.But I am responsible for this road, if someone comes over, I should know!
No matter what, Fu Yuman gave an order, and immediately, his subordinates approached the official road to ambush.

The sound of "dedede" horseshoes came from far and near.Fu Yuman saw that he was wearing the uniform of the Ming army. Could it be that he was really his own?He signaled with his hand, so one of his subordinates walked forward, walked more than ten steps north, went up the official road and waved his hand to signal the other party to stop.

The three horses came galloping, and seeing someone blocking the official road, they were soldiers of the Ming army, so the horse slowed down a little, but the speed was still coming quickly.

"Hey, which battalion are you from? What are you going to do?" Ye Bushou on the official road stepped back slightly and asked loudly at the same time.

The three knights seemed to glance at each other, and then one of them opened his mouth, but couldn't hear clearly.The sound is really low.

Fu Yuman, who was supporting by the roadside, frowned, and immediately became alert.

"May I ask you something, which battalion is it?" Seeing that they were getting closer that night, he asked loudly again, "Get off the horse and explain clearly!"

But those three people listened, not only did not answer, they even increased the speed of their horses, and rushed over quickly.

When I saw it that night, I immediately knew it was not good, so I hurriedly hid in the nearby mountains and forests.But the horses running at high speed had already arrived beside him, and the leading knight, at some point, held a knife in his hand, and with just a slight swipe, blood sprayed into the air.

Almost at the same time, Fu Yuman yelled loudly: "Shoot!"

While speaking, he had already drawn his bow and shot an arrow, and shot it with a "swish".

A knight was shot by an arrow almost at the sound of the bowstring and fell from his horse.

The other Ming soldiers Ye Bushuo followed and shot arrows, but they were a step too slow, and were rushed by the remaining two.But in the end, there was still an arrow, which hit the leg of one of the fleeing horses, and the horse lost its balance. The knight was amazing, and quickly jumped away from the horse, rolled forward a few times, and then stood up.

Seeing this, the knight rushing over seemed to want to turn his horse around to save him.But the one who lost his horse saw Fu Yuman and the others rushing out from the forest on both sides, so he immediately turned around and waved to his companion, "Go, go!"

Afterwards, he actually drew his sword and killed himself without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Fu Yuman, who was rushing forward, couldn't help being taken aback.Such a resolute Dongwu scout is really rare.This thought just flashed through his mind.Immediately afterwards, he quickly raised his bow and set his arrows, and his subordinates followed suit.

It's just a pity that when the last knight saw his companion committing suicide, he didn't stop and urged his horse to gallop. Although an arrow hit his shoulder, he also let him run away.

Fu Yuman frowned, stepped forward to check the two Dongwu scouts, feeling a little strange.In fact, these scouts came and acted strangely.It's a pity that no one was caught alive.Nothing of value was found on them.

After tidying up his comrade's body, Fu Yuman led his men back to the camp.Along the way, he remained silent, thinking about what happened just now.

In the scout battle with Dongwu, Daming had gradually gained the upper hand.But a few years ago, Dongwu suddenly went crazy and increased the power of scouts, even replacing quality with quantity. In a short period of time, the situation was regained, but at the cost of huge losses.

In the past, Fu Yuman didn't have any idea. It might be that Dongwu's King Talong attached great importance to scouting battles, which is also a common thing.But today, the abnormal behavior of those scouts suddenly reminded him of all this, as if they had other meanings.

Thinking of this, he decided to report the suspiciousness to the higher authorities.

A day later, in the city of Ava, the escaped scout stood in front of King Talong, telling the stern-faced King Talong.After he finished speaking, he saw a long-lost smile on King Long's face.

After rewarding the scout, he, King Long, passed down the decree. Half a month later, the army set off and marched northward, vowing to fight the Ming army to the death!

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Emperor Chongzhen came to the Beijing camp and came to the Daming Advanced Military Equipment Hall.

In the square, the cold wind was howling. Two square formations were lined up, each with dozens of people. Everyone was tall and straight, with their heads held high. It seemed that the cold wind had no effect on these people, or they were frozen into sculptures. Stand still.

Emperor Chongzhen still wore his golden helmet and armor this time, but he had the conditions to wear it very warm inside, so it didn't show much on the outside.In this way, it seemed that Emperor Chongzhen was not inferior to these Ming soldiers in front of him.And this is the effect he wants. After all, this is Wubei Hall. If he comes here, he will be as cold as a weak chicken, wrapped in a thick cotton robe. Although no one dares to say anything, it is still a little cold. unexpected.

Facing the crowd below, Emperor Chongzhen stood on the stage and slowly glanced at one of the smaller phalanxes. On his left, he looked at every face and said: "This year, you didn't even have a day off. It's hard work!" !"

Hearing this, Li Zicheng and the others couldn't help being slightly taken aback.They didn't expect that the high-ranking emperor would express his condolences to warriors like them.Although this condolence is very common and commonplace for future generations.But in this feudal dynasty, it was rare, not to mention, this condolence came from the emperor.

All of a sudden, everyone in the small phalanx showed gratitude on their faces.As for the soldiers in the large square formation beside them, they couldn't help but look at them with a little envy, and received the emperor's condolences, how many soldiers of the Ming Dynasty can receive such treatment?
Li Zicheng, the most senior general in the small phalanx, immediately clasped his fists and played back: "Your Majesty braved the severe cold for hard work. Please take care of the dragon's body, Your Majesty!"

"Today is your graduation ceremony, and I'm offering wine, so I will come naturally." Emperor Chongzhen said with a slight smile after hearing this, "What's the point of being cold? Even if you use a knife, as long as I can come, I will come Come here!"

Hearing this, Li Zicheng and the others had just calmed down a little, but they were suddenly excited again.What kind of virtue and ability do these people like myself have, to allow the emperor to have such treatment.If other people hear it, they will not be envious!The emperor is so kind, even if he repays the emperor with death, it is worth it!

The phalanx next to Li Zicheng and the others were all selected from the Ming soldiers during the military parade in Beijing, and they were freshmen who were going to enter the high-level military training hall of the Ming Dynasty.Although today is the day when Li Zicheng and the others graduate, it is also the day when this group of freshmen enter school.Hearing that the emperor attached so much importance to Li Zicheng and his veteran students, don't look enviously at them. Some people just wish they could stand in the phalanx over there.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen did not ignore them. After saying what he said just now, he turned his head to look at the large square formation on the right, and announced in a firm tone: "This will be a rule in the future. When I leave school, I will come over in person to watch the soldiers graduate, and come to see you off."

Originally, he had already thought about it, and he had to select those with excellent academic performance from among the graduated soldiers, and personally award medals as encouragement.However, since the first batch of graduates are going to Siberia, they will open up the territory for Ming Dynasty.Everyone will work hard for Daming's future in the future, so in this first session, he will not favor one over the other.But in the future, this thing will still be done.

The freshmen from the Daming Senior Armed Forces Hall on the Liaodong battlefield, when they heard the emperor's promise, immediately withdrew their envious eyes from Li Zicheng and the others, and each of them raised their heads high and looked at Emperor Chongzhen with excited eyes, expressing their admiration. The mood at this time!

Emperor Chongzhen saw all this in his eyes and was happy in his heart.He understood that these soldiers who came out of the Daming Advanced Military Equipment Hall were disciples of the emperor and would be his strongest supporters.If you want to talk about trust in the future, these people are definitely more trustworthy than others.In this regard, he is very pleased!

With military power in hand, it cannot be obtained just by talking about it.It's not that if you change your confidant general, this army will definitely be able to use it.Only when graduates like Daming Advanced Armed Forces Hall are distributed to officers at all levels in the army of Ming Dynasty, can the military power of Ming Dynasty be truly grasped.Even if the military generals in high positions have some thoughts, as long as most of the officers below have their hearts on the emperor, there will be no troubles.And this is the fundamental means to solve the problem of military generals, instead of using civil servants to suppress military generals, and make military generals look like pugs!
Of course, with the military power in hand, there are other means to solve the problem of military generals sitting on the throne since ancient times.For example, the army cannot be someone's private army, not even Qi's army.There are military supervisors at all levels in the army, and the officers in the main positions come from the high-level military training hall of the Ming Dynasty, who are disciples of the emperor, and so on. The combination of these methods is relatively safe.

Otherwise, even if the Ming Dynasty also used literature to control military affairs, it would still not be safe.There is a typical example, that is, during the change of Tumubao, Emperor Yingzong of Ming Dynasty was captured and attacked the capital first. At that time, the military general Shi Heng made great contributions in the defense of the capital, and was granted a hereditary certificate by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. , and even Fenghou.But even with this kind of treatment, in exchange for him, he eventually became the main general of Seizing the Gate, helping Ming Yingzong restore the Great Treasure.Of course, he didn't end well, that was later.But his incident proved how unreliable it is to rely on individual senior generals to gain military power.

These thoughts flashed through his mind.Emperor Chongzhen turned his head and saw Li Zicheng's phalanx, with a smile on his face, he said: "The new yamen of the Ming High-ranking Armed Forces Hall will be opened in the next year. It's just a pity that the time is too tight, you must return to naturalization, and put your Pass on what you have learned to your subordinates, and make perfect preparations for the expedition to the Northland. But remember, you are the first batch of graduates from the Daming Advanced Armed Forces Hall, and you will be left behind in the history of the Daming Advanced Armed Arms Hall information! Come on, everyone is looking at me!"

When Li Zicheng and the others heard it, they were a little surprised. They didn't know what the emperor meant. They had looked up at first, but now they all looked serious and concentrated.

If it is a person of later generations, they will probably guess immediately, what is Emperor Chongzhen doing?
That's right, Emperor Chongzhen used the camera function of the chat group to take a graduation photo for them and keep it as a file in the chat group. Later, he would be drawn by the master Danqing and hung in the memorial hall of the Daming Advanced Armed Forces Hall.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded slightly, and announced with a smile: "Okay, when I look back, I will ask the painter to draw your portraits at this time and keep them in the Daming Advanced Armed Forces Hall. Those who make great achievements in the future will hang the portraits alone , accompanied by a description of meritorious service, is a role model for the underachievers!"

Upon hearing this, many people in the small square formation on the left immediately showed astonishment on their faces, followed by ecstasy and excitement beyond words.They didn't expect that the emperor would care so much about them and have so many favors.I can only work hard to get the honor.There is nothing better than this to honor the ancestors and leave a name for future generations!
Li Zicheng never thought that he was just a postman, but he had such a good opportunity and a bright future.He can be [-]% sure that as long as he lives up to His Majesty's entrustment, he can complete the affairs of the Northland.Then among the many soldiers who came out of the Daming Advanced Military Equipment Hall, they must be one of the most honorable ones.In the future, in the Ming Army, he will definitely be a role model for other soldiers to look up to with envy!
Hehe, what is the coldness of the North, what is Tsarist Russia, I work hard, and I must hold the glory in my hands!Li Zicheng, who was excited, subconsciously knelt down and clasped his fists, and said loudly: "I will die for Your Majesty, and I will never regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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