Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1050 Signs of the Manchu Qing Dynasty's Growth

Chapter 1050 Signs of the Manchu Qing Dynasty's Growth

Upon hearing this, Oqiertu couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Uncle Khan, will you be able to pacify Qinghai-Tibet soon?"

Gushi Khan's ability is obvious to all. Although it cannot be said that he is invincible, his ability to lead troops and fight is indeed very powerful. Therefore, he firmly occupies the position of the leader of Oirat Mongolia, and he is even named as the leader of the Oirat Mongolia. "Great National Teacher", northern Mongolia dare not attack again.

But what Eqiertu didn't expect was that Gushi Khan shook his head and said: "I can't take all the elite of the tribe away when I go to Qinghai-Tibet. The situation in Qinghai-Tibet is complicated, and the terrain is even more complicated. How long will the final battle be?" After the fight, I'm not sure."

"Then..." Oziltu couldn't figure it out after hearing this. If that's the case, why did you say that just now?

Gushi Khan seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "What I am referring to is the Ming Empire! The Emperor of Ming will let you learn the methods of the new army and provide you with military weapons. If there is anything, you can go Beg the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, he will definitely decide for you, understand?"

Hearing this, Oziertu couldn't help but suddenly realized.I remembered that after I arrived in the capital, I was warmly received by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and I was allowed to train with the new army, and taught myself all the methods of military training in the army, and even the newly built military weapon was the first One sells itself...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to slap his thigh, and thought to himself: Yes!I was confused for a while, so why did I forget about Emperor Ming!He was younger than himself, and if he had the Emperor of Ming as his backer in this life, even if Uncle Khan really couldn't come back, there would be no problem!

Seeing his joyful expression, Gushi Khan sighed slightly in his heart.Although it is possible to find Ming Guo as the backstage, if Ming Guo puts forward any request, Heshuo Special Department will not allow it to refuse.

But if you don't regard Ming as the backstage, there are also difficulties, and many problems cannot be solved.The strength of the Oirat Mongols is so much. The Ming Kingdom is strong, so naturally they can only submit to it. Otherwise, if they become enemies with the Ming Kingdom, the Oirat Mongols may be under the watchful eyes of Tsarist Russia, Northern Mongolia, and the Ming Kingdom.

Although he thought so in his heart, Gushi Khan would not tell Oziertu.Then he began to arrange the expedition.The other tribes of Oirat Mongolia were ordered to hold a meeting, and each of them had to send troops, especially the Zhungeer tribe, which was assigned more troops.After all these arrangements were completed, he handed over Khan's position, and then led the army away.

One thing he didn't expect was that the northern Mongolia, that is, the Khalkha tribe, soon learned of the news of Gush Khan's troops.These two tribes were originally feuds, but because of their religious beliefs, they fought to the death.Before Gush Khan, Mongolia had always been dominant in the north.It was only after the birth of Gush Khan that he was suppressed that peace was maintained for many years.

Now, Gushi Khan, who made them fearful, has left, and they also guessed what Gushi Khan sent troops to Qinghai-Tibet for, and they immediately had various ideas.

Before I knew it, a storm was brewing on the grassland.

Regarding the matter on the grassland, although Emperor Chongzhen had a chat group, because people from these two major tribes were not added, the news lagged behind, and he didn't know it yet.But even if he knew, he wouldn't bother at this time.Because his attention has been diverted by other things.

Since Zheng Zhilong reported the war in Wa Kingdom last time, Emperor Chongzhen asked Jin Yiwei Commander Liu Xingzuo to arrange a Jin Yiwei to go to Wa Kingdom. His name was Liang Zhen, who was also in the chat group.No, a message was sent back just now.

"Your Majesty, in the war against Japan, the Tokugawa shogunate sent a crusade army, which was unexpectedly defeated. Now most of Kyushu Oshima has been occupied by Toyotomi Kunimatsu. The Tokugawa shogunate has issued a strict order and is gathering troops to prepare to send them again. Kyushu suppression."

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he saw it, so he replied and asked: "Didn't the Tokugawa shogunate already know that there were a thousand Manchus fighting for Toyotomi Kunimatsu? Didn't the army sent this time have no precautions and were defeated by the Manchus?"

"Your Majesty, according to what I have heard, the Tokugawa shogunate has taken precautions. At the beginning of the war, it was indeed because of the precautions. When the Manchu Qing army raided, the Tokugawa shogunate's army was three times stronger. Surrounded by troops, the army formation of the Tokugawa Shogunate did not break down!"

Liang Zhen didn't dare to say anything, and immediately went on to say: "But when the two armies were at a stalemate, another army suddenly came out from behind the Tokugawa shogunate army. Because of the large number and momentum, the Tokugawa shogunate The army will collapse in one fell swoop!"

"This army is actually the Japanese people on Kyushu Island. They believed in the sect of Xiyi and were suppressed by the Tokugawa shogunate army. They did not know when they colluded with Toyotomi Kunimatsu and suddenly killed the Tokugawa shogunate army by surprise. And lead to a big defeat!"

In the original history, as the Portuguese and the Spaniards successively arrived in the country of Japan, Catholicism began to spread in the country of Japan.By the 80s, from Mino in the east to Satsuma in the west, there were more than 15 churches with about [-] believers, which made the Tokugawa shogunate feel the pressure.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was very dissatisfied with Catholicism's advocacy of God's omnipotence, thereby diluting the authority of secular lords. Later, he saw that many princes of Kyushu obtained a large amount of materials and weapons through trade with countries such as Spain and Portugal. He believed that if it was allowed to develop without restriction, the ruling foundation of the shogunate would be shaken. Just at this time, the famous "Okamoto Daihachi Incident" occurred again, so Tokugawa Ieyasu issued a ban, or suppressed catholic.

Therefore, in [-], the large-scale Shimabara Rebellion broke out in Kyushu.The Catholic army numbered about [-]. The Tokugawa shogunate failed to suppress it twice in a row. Later, it dispatched more than [-] troops to suppress the Shimabara Rebellion.

Because of the butterfly effect, Manchu Qing invaded Japan, and Toyotomi Kunimatsu began the war of restoring the country. The Catholic army of the Shimabara Rebellion was able to appear in advance and formed an alliance with Toyotomi Kunimatsu.And the fact that the Tokugawa shogunate was about to form a closed-door policy in history was also delayed because of the war on Kyushu Island.Today's Wa country has once again entered the era of war.

After Emperor Chongzhen saw the news, he frowned.One thing he didn't want to see was Manqing and Xiyi colluding together.But now in the country of Wa, Manchu and Xiyi are already in the same trench.If the Western Yi in the Catholic army saw the strength of the Manchus and strongly supported them in exchange for the Manchus' belief in Catholicism, it would probably bring great resistance to their own elimination of the Manchus.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen understood that the strategy of driving tigers and wolfs away was not so easy to play.One is not good, although there is no wolf, but the tiger has grown stronger, and the next tiger will be more troublesome.

Thinking of this, he asked Liang Zhendao: "How is the strength of the Tokugawa shogunate? Is there any news about the war on Kyushu Island?"

Liang Zhen was slightly taken aback when he saw this question, but then he realized what the emperor wanted to know, and immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the strength of the Tokugawa shogunate cannot be underestimated. Although it was defeated in the Kyushu War, it did not hurt the root cause. Mobilize new daimyos and prepare to go to Kyushu Island again. At least in Edo, most people don’t think that Toyotomi Kunimatsu can make a comeback. It’s just a worry that the Qing Dynasty will increase its troops to help Toyotomi Kunimatsu. Therefore, The Tokugawa shogunate has decided to send a navy to patrol the Korean Strait to cut off the possibility of Manchu reinforcements to Toyotomi Kunimatsu.”

Seeing this news, Emperor Chongzhen agreed in his heart that if the Manchu Qing continued to increase troops to the Wa Kingdom, the Tokugawa Shogunate would be in serious trouble.However, the Korean Strait is very large, and the navy of the Tokugawa shogunate has no foothold in Kyushu. It is impossible to completely cut off the connection between North Korea and Kyushu Island.Not to mention the reinforcements of the Manchu Qing, if the Manchu Qing wanted to obtain food and other materials from Kyushu, the Manchu generals in Kyushu Island would inevitably ask to open the channel of the Korean Strait.

At present, I will lag behind in knowing the intelligence of the Wa country, and I will not be able to grasp the core secrets.After all, Liang Zhen just stayed in Edo to inquire about the news. Although there is a channel left by Zheng Zhilong, the information he may inquire about is really limited.It seems that the situation on the Wa country still needs to be taken seriously and predicted.

Thinking of this, he was about to contact Liaodong to discuss matters related to the Wa Kingdom, when Wu Daji, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly sent a private chat saying: "Your Majesty, I have returned to Seoul, and along the way I found that the Manchus are vigorously Farming. Especially in the vicinity of Seoul, the water conservancy facilities are much better than before. The slave chief Dorgon ordered the officials to be responsible for a specific farmland, and even inspected it in person every once in a while, and severely punished officials who did not work hard. Officials who do their best will be rewarded immediately. According to my estimate, after the grain harvest this year, the Manchus, at least those in North Korea, will not have to worry about food."

Emperor Chongzhen was shocked when he saw it. All along, he lacked control over Dorgon in North Korea, and his focus was on Manqing in Liaodong.Although he had estimated it, he still didn't expect that Dorgon would pay so much attention to agriculture.But this matter, thinking about it now, seems to be nothing strange.After all, whether it is Liaodong or North Korea, all the places occupied by the Manchu Qing are affected by food, which seriously restricts the strength of the Manchu Qing.A slave chief with a little knowledge will definitely solve the food problem seriously.

Not only the situation in North Korea, but also the situation in Liaodong, Emperor Chongzhen knew everything about it.In the north of Shenyang, the grain fields reclaimed by the Manchu Qing last year are growing grain again this year. Without the Horqin people as internal agents to destroy them, it is no longer realistic for the Ming Dynasty to send troops to bypass Liaoyang, Shenyang and other places to destroy them.

Thinking about the few messages he had just received, Emperor Chongzhen felt that the time to settle the Liaodong Manchu Qing had to be brought forward, otherwise, once the North Korean grain was harvested, it would bring some troubles to Daming.

Thinking of this, he immediately held a joint meeting of the Ming Dynasty, and brought Sun Chengzong, Lu Xiangsheng, Cao Bianjiao, Cao Huachun, Wen Tiren, Liu Xingzuo, Hong Chengchou and other agents or himself into the temporary group, announced the latest information, and finally said: " What are your thoughts?"

"Your Majesty, General Cao asks for orders, and is willing to lead the new army to conquer Liaoyang, take down Shenyang, and destroy the Qing Dynasty." Gao Yingyuan was the first to respond on behalf of Cao Bianjiao.

Wei Mulan said almost at the same time: "Lu Zhongcheng thought that the Manchus in Liaodong were already weak, and it was time to recover Liaodong. In North Korea, Pidao was to be reused, and the navy continued to attack and harass the Manchus in North Korea. , destroy those grain fields.”

Only the two of them responded immediately, and the others did not speak. When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he asked Liu Wang, "How is the material reserve on Sun Qing's side?"

On the Liaodong battlefield, the military was mainly led by Lu Xiangsheng, while the logistics was dispatched by Sun Chengzong.There are two of them, one is on the front line, and the other is on the front line of Ning Jin.Of course, at this time, the Liaodong supplies were too far away in the Ningjin line, and they had already been shipped directly to Gaizhou for stockpiling, and some of them had even been shipped to Haizhou.

When Sun Chengzong was named, he immediately reported the details of the material hoarding.After nearly a year of preparation, a batch of grain was recently robbed from the Manchus, and the supplies were abundant.

After Emperor Chongzhen learned the details, he announced in the temporary group: "I have decided that at the beginning of next month, Yujia will personally conquer Liaodong and regain Liaodong in one fell swoop!"

Upon hearing this, Wen Tiren hurriedly said: "Now the Liaodong battlefield is dominated by Mr. Sun Ge and Lu Zhongcheng. It is not difficult to regain Liaodong. If your Majesty's personal conquest, if it doesn't go well, it will be good to me and to your majesty. prestige……"

You don't even have to finish listening to know that Shoufu still wants to persuade him.Emperor Chongzhen immediately interrupted: "Does Wen Qing want me to be a dishonest emperor?"

"I don't dare!" Wen Tiren replied quickly when he saw it, "I'm just worried, after all, His Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and his whole body can be affected by a single hair..."

"Enough!" Emperor Chongzhen heard and interrupted directly, "I have made up my mind, what Wen Qing wants to do is to check for my leaks and fill in the gaps, and do my best for my recovery of Liaodong, without any mistakes, understand? "

Seeing this, Wen Tiren sighed in his heart, knowing that the nine cows would not be able to bring back the emperor, so he had no choice but to reply: "My minister obeys the order!"

He was the least willing to see an accident with Emperor Chongzhen, because he was promoted to the position of chief assistant by Emperor Chongzhen's special order.Without the support of the emperor, so many innovations he has made will inevitably attract counterattacks from those who have lost their interests.Not to mention anything else, just being ordered by the emperor to return to Jiangnan Zhou Yanru, it is very likely that he will use his strength to replace him.Previous news said that Zhou Yanru was very close to Fushe in Jiangnan, and he was very close to the big salt merchants there.

Seeing that Wen Tiren no longer objected, Emperor Chongzhen said again: "This battle can no longer give Liaodong Manchus any more chances, so I have decided to destroy Liaodong Manqings with a thunderous blow!"

 Thanks anniexie for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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