Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1058 Critical Moments

Chapter 1058 Critical Moments
Upon hearing this, all the princes of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, except for Hauge, Baylor, were excited.What is the Ming army?
firearm!I didn't think so before, but I always felt that the firearms of the Ming army were just a fake, easy to break!But after being flattened by the Hongyi cannons, to be honest, they actually had no confidence. What other city in the Qing Dynasty could withstand the continuous bombardment of the Ming army's Hongyi cannons?In their hearts, they have been faintly worried, wondering when the Ming army will launch a general attack?At that time, what will the Qing Dynasty use to resist the attack of the Ming army?
In particular, they learned that during the battle of Zhenjiang Fort, the Ming army had a new musket, which did not use matchlocks, and the shooting speed was much faster and the power was also great.It made them worry.The city of Shenyang became lifeless, and the food was robbed was one reason, and the Ming army became more powerful and had more powerful firearms, which was also an important reason.

As for Xiyi, these princes Baylor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were in high positions, so they had heard of it.They all knew that what Huang Taiji said was correct, the firearms of the Ming army were learned from Xiyi.How can an apprentice surpass a master?It was also for this reason that in the first two years, Huang Taiji even sent Bai Yangcui to try to contact Xiyi, but there was no news, so it was hopeless.

"Your Majesty, I believe that this matter should be brought to fruition as soon as possible." Dai Shan's spirits improved a lot, and he immediately said, "These requests from Xiyi are not a problem!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we can promise Xiyi. Not only can I convert to Catholicism in the Qing Dynasty, but we can force the locals to believe in Catholicism in any place we conquer in the Qing Dynasty!" Jierhalang, who has always been relatively calm, said this Shi also excitedly said, "The Xiyi must have seen the fighting power of my Qing Dynasty in the country of Wa, and now we just need to let them understand that after they form an alliance with the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty will be even more powerful, able to conquer more places, and can Let their Catholicism spread farther. Both parties will benefit!"


Faced with the positive speeches of the following courtiers and feeling the long-lost warm atmosphere, Huang Taiji felt very good. After waiting for a while, he couldn't wait to interrupt the positive speeches below, and said vigorously: "This It is the most important turning point for my Qing Dynasty, and our Qing Dynasty must firmly grasp it. From this, I think, first, agree to Xiyi's request immediately, and form a real alliance with Xiyi. Doesn't Wa still need Daqing? Qing warriors? No problem, immediately send troops to reinforce Toyotomi Kunimatsu of the Wa Kingdom!"

It is also a good thing to send troops over, so that this part of the Qing army can have enough food, and the Qing Dynasty does not need to worry about their food.Everyone thought of this most basic benefit immediately, and nodded their heads.

Huang Taiji looked at them, and immediately continued: "Secondly, asking the Japanese country to squeeze out some more grain can ease the grain pressure on the Qing before the autumn harvest, and can cope with the possible large-scale invasion of the Ming army. If Qing can keep safe, Xiyi will also get my full help from Daqing! Let Xiyi understand that helping Daqing at this time is also helping Xiyi himself!"

"That's right, bring some more food over here, and help Daqing, that's to help Xiyi himself!" Dai Shan immediately nodded in agreement.

The others are also nodding. If they didn't feel much about the alliance with Toyotomi Kunimatsu in the past, now that Xiyi has joined and can form an alliance with Xiyi, they attach great importance to it.For them, it shouldn't be too easy to convert to Catholicism, the price to pay is too small.But Xiyi's firearms, navy, etc., are what they need most.

Huang Taiji glanced at these courtiers below, and happily announced another news: "As far as I know, the younger brother of the emperor is also actively farming in North Korea. There are also a lot of grain fields in the area around Seoul. Our Liaodong side may lose some, but with North Korea’s food supplements, we won’t have to worry about food shortages in the future!”

Hearing this, everyone was excited again.Food, it really hurt Daqing, let Daqing have a combat power, but it can't be used at all.Thinking about the future, with food, firearms more powerful than the Ming army, and navy guarding the coast, this prospect... I really want to cry when I think about it!Daqing, these past few years have been too difficult!

Just when the princes and princes of the Qing Dynasty in the Chongzheng Hall were full of emotions, Huang Taiji put away his smile and became more serious, saying solemnly: "But before the autumn harvest, before the food from the Japanese country is brought in, I am very happy There is still a hurdle to pass!"

Having said that, he glanced at the people below, and said solemnly: "How to avoid the Ming army's massive invasion during this period? How can I, the Qing Dynasty, stop the Ming army's massive invasion? As long as we pass this hurdle, The future of my Qing Dynasty will be infinitely bright!"

"Your Majesty, Minggou has occupied Anshan Post Fort for such a long time, and I have never seen them come to invade in a large scale!" A man Qing Baylor said with a little disbelief, "It is impossible for them to attack our Qing Dynasty just at this time. Bar?"

"That's right, it's impossible for Minggou to know that we will soon have a turning point?" Another person also echoed, "It can't be such a coincidence!"

After hearing this, Huang Taiji shook his head immediately, and said decisively: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. In addition, I have a feeling that the Ming army seems to know the actions of our Qing Dynasty very well. In the past, the Horqin tribe was their internal response. It makes sense. But last time, when North Korea’s grain arrived, why did the Ming army make preparations and rob it in one fell swoop? I’ve never been able to understand this point!”

"It goes without saying that it must be Dorgon's spy!" Hauge immediately framed him without saying a word.

"Well, don't be rude to Huang Taidi!" Huang Taiji immediately scolded upon hearing this.Now is the time to use Dorgon, and his stupid son actually wants to draw fire on Dorgon, this is a pig's brain!If Daqing is really handed over to him, it will be over!

Hauge refused to accept it, and immediately contradicted him: "Could it be that the minister is wrong? The Koreans in their place are all facing the Ming Dynasty. Such a big matter of food transportation must not be hidden from the Ming Dynasty."

None of them could have imagined that there were miraculous chat groups in the world, let alone that Huang Taiji's own son, in order to retaliate and deprive him of his crown prince, even secretly joined Daming to get rid of Manqing.In addition, they thought, and seemed to think that what Hauge said this time was not unreasonable!
This time, Huang Taiji pondered for a moment before saying: "Over North Korea, you should send a letter to remind the emperor's brother to pay attention. In addition, I feel that the Ming army will definitely take action before the autumn harvest. It is impossible for them to watch me grow up Qing harvests grain. If it were Zhen, it would be impossible for me to let go of this opportunity. Fortunately, the autumn harvest is still far away, and the Ming army should not move so quickly. Therefore, the alliance with Xiyi should be carried out as soon as possible. In addition, for Ming China, seek peace to delay time!"

"What, ask for peace?" Daishan shook his head immediately after hearing this and said, "Didn't I try it before, didn't it work? And the Ming army also took the opportunity to occupy a lot of places in our Qing Dynasty!"

Everyone knows what happened just now, so they don't think this method is useful.Most importantly, they felt that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was very determined to destroy the Qing Dynasty, and he didn't even think about negotiating a peace.

In fact, Huang Taiji also knew about this, and he even remembered that the young emperor swore to the sky on the top of the capital city that he would conquer the Qing Dynasty himself.

Why did you remember it again?Huang Taiji rubbed his head, trying not to think about it.During this period of time, I have dreamed about this thing several times, which is really not a good thing.He put down the hand that was rubbing his head, and said with a serious face: "Other than that, what else can we do? This time, we can agree to the terms of the Ming Kingdom first. In this way, Lu Xiangsheng must not be able to make decisions on his own, and messengers will come and go. Jingshi, this time has passed. Get through this most dangerous period, and if we regret it at that time, what can the Ming Dynasty do to me and the Qing Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Daishan and the others thought about it, and couldn't help nodding. Yes, no matter what the Ming Kingdom wants, they can agree on the spot. As long as they send messengers to and from the capital, such a long journey will definitely delay a lot of time!

Thinking about it this way, they all agreed with Huang Taiji's statement and started a heated discussion.Only Hauge sneered secretly, a bunch of idiots think they are smart, and with Lao Tzu around, they can't make your plans come to fruition!

The court meeting ended, and all the princes and princes of the Qing Dynasty, Baylor, left the palace excitedly.Hauge naturally returned to his mansion.However, the first thing he did when he returned home was to immediately dismiss everyone, only calling Qian Fugui, with a grim expression on his face, and told him: "Contact Ming Kingdom, I have a big news to report..."

When Qian Fugui saw this formation, he knew something was going to happen.After hearing what he said, he knew that the matter would not be small.Anyway, when it comes to good things in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, especially things involving Dorgon in North Korea, Hauge will behave like this.

So, he immediately listened carefully to Hauge.

"..." After Hauge roughly explained the content of the court meeting in the Chongzheng Hall, he said through gritted teeth, "Tell the other side that Dorgon is a scourge, you can't keep him, and immediately send troops to destroy him. I can assure you that Shenyang has no ability to send troops to rescue. As long as North Korea is defeated, Shenyang will have no hope, and the Qing Dynasty will not be far from death!"

Qian Fugui nodded again and again, indeed, if Daming sent troops to capture Seoul, it would indeed have this effect.Although Hauge has a lot of food, he still has a certain ability in how to deal with wars after many years of fighting experience.Even he knew that Daming should be capable of attacking North Korea. Not to mention anything else, just the navy carrying people directly landed in Seoul, and he could directly hit it seven inches!
Thinking of this, he immediately entered the chat group to report the news he heard.Hauge, on the other hand, stared at Qian Fugui, waiting for his reply.

After a while, Qian Fugui came back to his senses, his face seemed a little unsightly, and he said to Hauge who was staring at him: "That said, you want to borrow a knife to kill people, and you made up these things. I just want Daming to get rid of Dorgon, so that you can be the prince of the Qing Dynasty again."

Hauge was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry.Although he did have this idea, he would naturally turn into anger when he was exposed like this: "What I said is the truth. I just came back from the Chongzheng Palace. Could it be false? If you don't believe it, let the other side watch it. Daqing will send messengers there soon, agreeing to any conditions, just to delay time!"

While talking, he still walks around, gets annoyed by everything he sees, kicks stools, throws things to vent.

Qian Fugui just watched quietly, and after waiting for a while, he said again: "I said over there, if you don't have this mind, and you don't want to be the prince anymore, then you should take care of the deployment of the Qing army's defenses." Let me know in every possible way, only in this way can you prove your sincerity in relying on Da Ming, and Da Ming will believe what you say."

For a long time, Emperor Chongzhen has always been unclear about the deployment of troops in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.We can only make rough guesses based on the situation.Before, Qian Fugui asked Hauge for it.But Hauge always found excuses to evade, and Emperor Chongzhen was worried that he was in a hurry, so it would be bad if he gave a fake troop defense information.At this time, when he heard about the situation of the court meeting in the Chongzheng Palace, he thought it was an opportunity, so he made the request again.

After listening to what Qian Fugui relayed, Hauge was slightly taken aback, and he became a little entangled.Indeed, he hated the deprivation of the crown prince very much, hated Dorgon, the emperor's younger brother, and hated his Ama for giving the throne to others.But after all, he was born in Jianlu, no matter how vicious his thoughts are, he still has some affection.As a person who has been fighting for many years, he naturally knows how serious the consequences will be if he sells the news of military deployment.Among other things, Dajin was able to win consecutive battles in Liaodong in the past because he knew the defense situation of the Ming army.

The simplest example is that in the great war that led to the rise of Dajin, Dajin knew the specific military situation of the Ming Army's five armies to attack, so that it could concentrate all the troops of the Qing Dynasty and use the superior force to defeat them one by one. Otherwise, the Ming Army's five armies How could Da Jin have the ability to rush over to defeat them, and then quickly rush to the next road?

However, if the situation of the defense of the Qing army is not provided, the Ming Dynasty will not believe what he said, and it is very likely that the Qing Dynasty will survive the most difficult stage at present. The more arrogant.

As soon as Hauge thought of this situation, and when Dorgon became the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he would yell at him, and that little kid, Duoduo, would even sneer at him and yell at him, and he would Can't help burning with anger.This situation is absolutely not allowed!If you can't become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty yourself, you must not let him become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty!
Thinking of this, Hauge didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately stood still, turned his head to Qian Fugui, and said with a ferocious face: "Okay, I will tell them the situation of Qing's military deployment. This time, they must absolutely believe what I said, otherwise , I will definitely regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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