Chapter 1068

He was right. The Portuguese couldn't be so kind. They ran away from Europe and came to Nanyang to seek benefits, not to be the Holy Mother.

The gradual strengthening of Ming Dynasty and the tough performance of Emperor Chongzhen made the Portuguese feel the crisis.In the past, due to helplessness, the Portuguese had no choice but to agree to Da Ming's request, to escort the food in Nanyang, wipe out the pirates, and wipe out the Dutch, all of which were complied with under the threat of Da Ming.

But it was because of these things, especially the elimination of the big Dutch, that shocked the Portuguese a lot.Daming not only expelled the missionaries, but also showed an increasingly strong desire for territory. On the territory of Ming Dynasty, foreign troops, including fleets, were not allowed to exist.

Although the Portuguese and the Dutch themselves fought to the death, the Portuguese at this time felt a sense of sadness.They analyzed that when Daming really solved the problems in the north, he would definitely focus on the south.The matter of the Portuguese stationing troops and fleets in Macau will sooner or later be brought to the table by the Ming Dynasty forcibly expelled.

For these Western Yi who came to colonize from afar, this is something they cannot accept.Because the two methods they rely on most for colonization, namely, missionary work and military support, are absent, they will not have any sense of security, and they will feel very uneasy about this model, or it can be said that they are very unaccustomed to it.

For this reason, they planned ahead and set their sights on Annan on the edge of Daming. This is the only place that must be passed from the Ming Dynasty to Nanyang, and the geographical location is good.If troops and fleets were stationed here, if Daming really had to stop allowing them to station troops and fleets in Macau in the future, that wouldn't be a big problem.The only thing to consider is the Zheng family in the north of Annan. If the Zheng family can be resolved and the southern forces can unify Annan, that is the focus of the Portuguese.

Of course, it is impossible for George to tell Ruan Fuyuan the reason in detail. He just pretended to be friends with Ruan Fuyuan. Now that his friend is in trouble, Portugal will definitely help him.Of course, in return, the interests of the Portuguese in Annan will definitely be further strengthened.

Now, under George's instigation, Ruan Fuyuan did not think long, and decided to use all his strength to mobilize all the forces he could control to launch an attack on the Zheng family in the north.The Zheng family must be wiped out in one fell swoop before the Ming Kingdom reacts.

In the original history, after the Zheng family suffered a big defeat in the north, they immediately learned their lesson and also colluded with Xiyi, that is, the Dutch, the sworn enemy of the Portuguese, for help.The two sides have been in a stalemate for nearly a hundred years since then, before the winner can be considered.

However, on this plane, Daming struck out with heavy blows, and either wiped out the Dutch along the coast of Daming, or fled far away. As a result, the Zheng family in the north was not able to collude with the Dutch in time as in history. Fight against the Nguyen faction with the help of the Portuguese.

Under the influence of the Butterfly Effect, Annan, who had just experienced a major battle, is about to break out a second more violent war.Of course, even if Emperor Chongzhen had a chat group about these matters, it was impossible for him to receive news for the time being.

In fact, at this time, even if he received the news, he would not be at ease, because the battle to regain Liaodong had already started, and this was what he cared most about.

At the head of the Liaoyang city, the Manchu and Qing soldiers on high alert, after a few days of getting used to it, have become a little numb to the arrogant Ming army outside the city not taking them in at night.They had to accept the humiliating reality of being forced to do nothing.For this reason, the morale of the exhausted Manchu soldiers, which had been boosted by the humiliation, suddenly plummeted, and each of them was like frost-beaten crops, and their mood was very low.

And outside the city, the Ming army didn't collect at night and there was no significant increase, just like the number on the first day, or there were rotations, but the number could always be kept that much.This made the defenders of the Qing Dynasty on the top of the city feel a little more at ease. It seems that the Ming army has no idea of ​​​​attacking Liaoyang for the time being.

After the news was reported to Baylor's house, Amin felt even more relieved. It seems that after his cooperation, Sony's peace talks should have progressed.I hope that the news will be sent back quickly, at least to let this side know what the situation is.Only in this way can we truly rest assured.

For a long time, Amin's tight strings have been somewhat loosened. No, now he wakes up late every day.On this day, he had just woken up, before he had time to wash his face, rinse his mouth and have breakfast, when he suddenly heard a loud commotion from outside the house.

Just when he was in doubt, a personal guard who had not been passed through at all opened the door with a "slap", and said with a look of panic: "Master, it's not good, the Ming army... Come on!"

With a sound of "Kang Dang", the maid who was holding the washbasin beside her was the first to soften her hands in fright. The washbasin fell to the ground, and the water spilled all over the ground, even splashing on A Min's body.But Amin didn't pay attention to this at all. Frightened, he asked sharply, "How many troops have come, and who is the commander?"

Just after the question was finished, before the guard could answer, A Min trotted out by himself, he couldn't wait any longer, the string in his heart was the tightest, he had to go to the top of the city to see it himself.At this time, he was skeptical of anything other people said, and he could only know what he knew by reading it himself.

Outside the mansion, the sound of the police gong "dang, clang, clang" could be heard very clearly, and there were panicked soldiers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties in the streets and alleys.However, Amin didn't care about these things, he rode out in plain clothes, rolled up the dust of the street, and hurriedly boarded the top of Liaoyang city in the shortest time.He didn't even have time to go up the archery tower, so he looked out from the top of the city.

I saw that in the field outside the city, teams of Ming soldiers were already forming formations, forming a siege of Liaoyang.And in the distance of the official road in the south, there is an endless stream of Ming troops pouring out.The flags are fluttering, hunting against the wind, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

At this time, the sun did not rise very high, but the Ming army arrived outside Liaoyang City full of energy. Obviously, last night, the Ming army camped overnight in the wild not far from Liaoyang City.If there are scouts outside, they will definitely know the news in advance, and it will definitely not let the Ming army march over from Anshan Post Castle so easily!

Thinking of this, Amin suddenly regretted it very much.At this time, he naturally understood that Sony, that idiot, definitely did not deceive the Ming army. He not only failed, but also implicated Liaoyang.Now that the Ming army has encircled Liaoyang City, there is only a reaction here. This is the most taboo thing to fight!
He hated Sony to death in his heart, but he didn't have time to complain. He subconsciously ordered immediately to ask Shenyang for help. It was extremely urgent!
There is no need for Amin to arrange the defense on the top of the city, there is only one defense system, otherwise he, the coach, is required to arrange additional troops for defense, and the day lily will be cold.After sending out the messenger for help, Amin pushed away a personal guard and took it over. He tried to make him put on the Baylor clothes. He just looked outside the city to distinguish the flags outside the city and observe the details of the Ming army.

At this time, he finally noticed that the Ming army outside the city was led by Denglai Governor Lu Xiangsheng, including Dongjiang Army, Guanning Army and Xin Army.After such a long time, I have already seen the tail of the Ming army approaching from the distance of the official road.After a little calculation in my mind, I immediately guessed that there were about [-] Ming soldiers.Although this number is more than the Qing army in Liaoyang City, it is not so scary. It should be that Governor Denglai saw the fighter and temporarily mobilized the surrounding troops to attack Liaoyang when he became deaf and blind. Liaoyang only.

Although in terms of the strength of the Ming army, Amin could barely bear it, but when he saw the number of Hongyi cannons being deployed one after another on the artillery positions of the Ming army, he was indeed stunned.Hundreds of Hongyi cannons!

Is Ming Jun crazy?In the past, there were not many Hongyi cannons in the important towns of the Ming army on the Ningjin line, but now they brought hundreds of Hongyi cannons at once. Could it be that the Hongyi cannons are really free?Didn't the Ming Dynasty have no money, and even the military pay was released, so would they be in arrears?No matter how strong Liaoyang City is, how can it withstand the bombardment of hundreds of Hongyi cannons?

At this moment, Amin was instinctively afraid.He is also a human being, and when he knows the strength of the enemy, he will naturally be afraid of death.In other words, if you really want to say it, Amin's courage is not as courageous as that of ordinary Manchu soldiers.

In the original history, the Manchu Qing invaded the capital of the Ming Dynasty for the first time. Yongping, Yongan, Zunhua, and Luanzhou were occupied. When returning to Liaodong with a full load after plundering, Tiao Amin sat in Yongping.But when Amin heard that Sun Chengzong led the Daming King Qin's army to counterattack, he had no intention of defending at all. He directly slaughtered the city and burned Yongping, and escaped from the pass before the Ming army reached Yongping.

It was also because of this that Huang Taiji seized Amin's reason and deprived him of his military power and put him under house arrest. From then on, he disappeared from the Qing stage.

But in this plane, in Liaoyang City, Amin never thought of running away, not because he was too brave.But Liaoyang is too important to the Qing Dynasty, this city must not be lost!Otherwise, Shenyang will lose its barrier, and soldiers will come to the city.

Amin made an estimate in his mind, and immediately sent additional messengers to report the general situation of the Ming army to Shenyang's Huang Taiji before the Ming army had completed the encirclement, so that they could know what they were doing and send reinforcements as soon as possible!

No matter how the Manchus in Liaoyang City reacted, the Ming army outside the city has been dispatching troops in an orderly manner according to the plan.With a detailed plan in advance and sand table deduction, it is very clear which army is where, which arm is in front, and which arm is behind.

The calmness and self-confidence of the Ming army made Amin, who was watching carefully again on the top of the city, feel even more uneasy.In particular, the artillery positions of the Ming army may be bullying that there are only ordinary artillery on Liaoyang City, and the range is not as far as that of the Hongyi cannons. The artillery positions of the Ming army are actually located not far from the south gate. Effectively hit the top of the city, but the cannons on the top of the city can't shoot effectively.

After watching for a while, it was more than that.The Hongyi cannons of the Ming army are not lined up in a row, but only ten doors in a row. After they are arranged, they are arranged in another row a few feet away, and they are approaching the city. After suppressing the head of the city with the red cannons in the back row, you can let the closer red cannons blast the city at close range!

Once the artillery of the Ming army is deployed and the Hongyi cannons in the back row start to suppress the artillery at the top of the city, those close-range Hongyi cannons can calmly complete the preparations to attack the top of the city and join the ranks of bombarding Liaoyang City.At that time, how many times can the city of Liaoyang withstand the bombardment?Although the Qing Dynasty knew that the artillery of the Ming army was powerful, so it had the strength to reinforce the city wall, but even if the city wall was made of iron, it could not withstand the continuous bombardment of the Hongyi cannons!
At this moment, Amin was suddenly very angry. Why did these Han people make gunpowder and artillery?Everyone follows the previous method, you fight with one knife and one shot, isn't it good?Using these things to attack and defend the city is simply bullying!

No, the Ming army must not be allowed to complete the artillery deployment calmly, otherwise, Liaoyang will definitely fall!Thinking so in Amin's heart, looking at the artillery positions outside the city, a lucky thought suddenly came to his mind.

The Ming army probably never thought that the Qing Dynasty would fight back, right?Do you think that the Qing Dynasty will always be huddled in the city and passively beaten?A Min thought about this, and immediately ordered through gritted teeth: "Mobilize the cavalry, take the Baya La white armored soldiers of the headquarters as the vanguard, lay down the artillery positions of the Ming army, destroy the Hongyi cannons, and ignite the gunpowder."

Hearing this, his generals were startled immediately, and quickly advised: "Master, the Ba Yala white armor soldiers are the most elite soldiers in my Qing Dynasty. If you fight like this, you will suffer heavy losses. Please think twice, master!"

When Amin heard this, his eyes widened with anger, and he shouted sharply: "Once the Ming army's artillery positions are fully formed, can Liaoyang still hold it? Seeing that the Ming army is still busy encircling Liaoyang, when the foothold is not stable, the Ba Yala white armor soldiers, go to battle immediately!"

This is a strict order, and his subordinates are also used to fighting, and they also understand that what A Min said is reasonable, so they dare not neglect, and quickly began to gather cavalry.

Today's Manchu Qing Dynasty is no longer in its heyday, and the extravagant cavalry army is extremely rare, and there are only about five hundred cavalry troops that can keep rushing into battle.But those who can survive are elites.

When the cavalry led by Baya Labaijia soldiers assembled at the city gate, Amin turned to the inner city wall, looked down at the cavalry below who were almost ready, and shouted sharply: "If the city of Liaoyang falls, Shenyang will be in danger." If we want to defend Liaoyang, the Ming army’s red barbarian cannons must be destroyed! Benbele is not afraid to tell you that after the autumn harvest, our Qing Dynasty will have the ability to counterattack the Ming country. Now, if we keep Liaoyang, our Qing Dynasty will have a future!”

Speaking of this, his face looked a little grim, and he roared: "This battle is the battle of our Qing Dynasty! And you are the key to the survival of our Qing Dynasty! If the Ming army is unprepared, it is death, I have to die on the artillery positions of the Ming army, even if I die, I will destroy the artillery of the Ming army! Let's go!"

 It was past ten o'clock when I came home from overtime work last night, and I couldn't type. The update was a bit late this morning. Thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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