Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1079 4 faces embattled

Chapter 1079
When Wei Mulan suddenly interrupted Lu Xiangsheng's words, everyone was still a little puzzled; when Wei Mulan told the news of the great victory at the Tiger Skin Station, the Chinese army's tent suddenly became so quiet that only her voice was left. Others, even holding their breath, are afraid of missing a word.

After Wei Mulan finished telling the news, the big tent of the Chinese army was still silent, and almost everyone stayed there.

Not that they were very surprised.In fact, the generals present basically had no doubts about the fact that Ming was able to defeat the Manchus.After all, the layout of this battle has been completed, and the situation between the enemy and ourselves is obvious.If the emperor's personal conquest is not certain, he would not dare to let the emperor act recklessly.

But even so, Lu Xiangsheng was still worried about the emperor's safety, even if he knew what the emperor's battle plan was, he was still a little worried.No, he is arranging that if there is any danger on the emperor's side, the cavalry will be able to rush over to help soon after sixty miles away.

But the emperor set off early in the morning, sixty miles away, and when it was just dark, the victory news came, and the victory was so great.The result of the great victory was the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the death of the emperor, and the final battle in Liaodong!

Inside the tent of the Chinese army, there was a commotion soon, and the excited voice spread out, making the soldiers on duty outside extremely curious.It is true that Mr. Zhongcheng can share joys and sorrows with ordinary soldiers, but it is also true that Mr. Zhongcheng has strict requirements on military discipline.What is it that can make the Chinese military account so noisy?
When they were wondering, they suddenly saw Lu Xiangsheng get out from the tent of the Chinese army with a happy face.Behind Mr. Zhongcheng, there are other generals at all levels, and they are also full of joy.This time, they became even more curious. Isn't there a military discussion in the Chinese military tent? They were very serious before, so why are they so happy after this meeting?Even Mr. Zhongcheng is so happy?

They didn't wonder any more, so Lu Xiangsheng stood outside the tent of the Chinese army, and personally ordered: "Tell the whole army that the emperor has won a great victory at the Tiger Skin Station, and killed the slave chiefs Huang Taiji, Daishan, and Jierhalang. completely annihilated……"

Hearing this news, hearing this long-awaited but suddenly announced news, the Ming army in Liaoyang was silent for a while, and then suddenly a loud noise erupted.The excitement can't be beat anywhere else!

Because the army here in Liaoyang is composed of Dongjiang Army and Guanning Army.And these two armies are basically Liao people.Each of them basically had relatives killed by the Manchus; each of them experienced the fear brought to them by the Manchus; each of them watched the rise of the Manchus in Liaodong, Invincible vertically and horizontally.

In the past, they never thought that such a powerful Manchu Qing would perish one day, or at least they didn't think that they could see the Manchus perish in their lifetime.Their only expectation is to kill a few Manchus and avenge their loved ones.

Later, they saw the dawn of victory, and they were already looking forward to defeating the Manchus and destroying them.But they never thought that all of a sudden, the Manchuria would really be wiped out.The news of this great victory came unexpectedly, and they were a little dizzy at once.

The emperor led the army, went out in the morning, and wiped out the Manchu at night!Who would have thought of such a thing?Who would have imagined it!

After confirming the facts, how can they not be excited!Even if it's getting dark, according to the past practice, noise is prohibited in the military.But Lu Xiangsheng still didn't hesitate, and announced the great victory to the whole army as soon as he heard the news!
Inside Liaoyang City, it was pitch black, only the city head and the main street were lit, and there were very few lights in other places, as if this Liaoyang City had become a dead city.

There were lights in Baylor's mansion, and the lights illuminated Amin. If he knew someone, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize him at first sight.At this time, Amin seemed to be several decades older, with his back bent, just cleaning a dagger.

None of his personal guards dared to disturb him.Their master has been like this since yesterday.As people close to Amin, they naturally understand Amin and why Amin behaves like this.

That's right, Amin knew yesterday that the Ming army was besieging the city to fight for aid, especially after the emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally conscripted him. He knew that this time, the Qing Dynasty might not be able to survive.But emotionally, he is still praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, hoping that the wise Huang Taiji can lead Daqing through this difficulty.

The Ming army only besieged the city and never attacked. Not only did it not let him breathe a sigh of relief, but it made him even more worried.He had been worried that suddenly, the Ming army would start attacking the city, because that would mean that the bait of Liaoyang had lost its effect, and the Ming army would swallow the bait.

This kind of worry has always existed, and I am afraid that it will happen suddenly in the next moment.Unable to break through, he could only defend the city, passively coping with it, thinking about it.At the end of the day, Amin was tortured like this abruptly.

"Master, it's time to eat!" A personal guard came in with a plate, on which was just a bowl of steamed buns and some dishes.This is not because Amin is hard and simple, but because there is not much to eat in the city, and with his status, this is all he can eat.

Amin hadn't eaten for almost a day, and his stomach was really nasty at this time. Thinking about his defense plan, he stopped worrying, inserted the dagger back, and didn't wash his hands, just picked up a steamed bun, and put it in his mouth Rise to go.

But at this moment, a loud noise erupted outside the city, which made Amin tremble, and the bun fell to the ground without grabbing it.

But at this time, he didn't care about the buns on the ground at all, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"


Shouting full of joy, even the most stupid people can tell that something very good has happened to the Ming army.And the good things of the Ming army are the bad things of the Qing Dynasty.At this time, at this time, what good happened?Amin thought with his toes, and he could basically figure out what it was!

Immediately, his face turned pale, and he seemed to have aged a lot. He turned his head slowly and looked in the direction of Shenyang. A line of old tears flowed down involuntarily.

Of course he was not crying for Huang Taiji, he was crying for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, who had fought for him all his life, and the Qing Dynasty, which was built from scratch, was about to be destroyed by the Ming army!
Or because it was getting dark, the cheers outside the city did not take long to fade away, and finally disappeared, and the inside and outside of Liaoyang City became quiet again.After Amin came back to his senses, he looked at the dejected guards, and his face became ferocious again, as if the criminal was dying when he learned that he was going to be executed, and he heard a sharp voice: "Send the order, Ming dog!" Treacherous and scheming, don't be intimidated by Minggou.I am invincible in field battles!Reinforcements are coming soon, stick to it, the dog will be defeated! "

At this time, the city of Liaoyang had also rested, and the streets were under martial law. It was impossible to see the effect of passing this order down for a while.

That night, the Ming army outside the city was bound to be overjoyed.Although they couldn't sleep, they were in good spirits, and they didn't know how to bomb the camp; but the Manchu soldiers in the city also didn't know how many people couldn't sleep, or they were worried about when the Ming army would launch an attack, and whether Liaoyang could hold on; Either worry about the change of the Ming army outside the city, what is the matter, could it be that the Ming army won the battle elsewhere?Under the anxiety, the atmosphere in Liaoyang City was very oppressive. The Manchu and Qing soldiers tossed and turned, tossing and turning, and even forced the officers to strictly prohibit turning over and making any movement.

When the rising sun jumped out of the eastern sky again, and when the sun was shining on the earth, many soldiers of the Manchu and Qing soldiers in Liaoyang City were mentally exhausted and drowsy with two panda eyes on their faces; Everyone was full of energy and got up according to the military order. The barracks were full of vitality and an optimistic atmosphere.

The sound of "咚咚咚" came quickly, the horseshoes galloped, and a few fast horses approached Liaoyang from the northern official road.The scattered Ming army did not stop at night, or in other words, they hugged the fast horses and galloped towards the camp of the Chinese army.

Before he got close, he saw a knight in the middle stretch out his hand and raised a wooden pole with a head hanging from it. He slowed down his horse, and on the way to the camp of the Chinese army, he shouted loudly: "Great victory at the Tiger Skin Station, Annihilated more than [-] soldiers of the Manchu Qing army, beheaded the slave chiefs Huang Taiji, Daishan, Jierhalang..."

When many soldiers heard the news and saw the arrival of the news messenger, they all paid attention to each other, and their expressions of overjoy were beyond words.They looked at the bottom of the head, and there were two large characters, and those who knew it read it out on the spot: "Daishan!"

This may be the place where Huang Taiji was cruel. If he hadn't ordered to destroy his body, then at this time, his head should be hanging on the wooden pole, which would be more important.After all, he is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the significance of his representative is not comparable to that of a good man.

However, the soldiers of the Ming army have already received the news of the great victory, and heard the news of the messenger's victory. Seeing that the heads of both the Manchu and Shuobeile have been found, although it is a bit regretful that they did not see the head of the Manchu emperor, they are also very happy , I believe the good news is true.After all, the good news must have been reported by the emperor, it is impossible to deceive people, and there is no need to deceive people!
"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live the emperor!"


The roars came one after another, and as the messenger moved forward, they rang again outside Liaoyang City, and finally gathered together, resounding over Liaoyang City.Although the battle of Liaoyang did not start, the Ming army cheered wave after wave, and the morale was higher every time.

In Liaoyang City, regardless of whether the military order passed down by Amin last night was effective, the soldiers of the Manchu Qing army at this time were once again shaken by the cheers of the Ming army outside the city.No one has a smile on their face.Even those who are officials don't want to affect the morale of their subordinates, but they can't squeeze a smile.

In private, they cheered each other on, spoke words of encouragement, and tried to save themselves.

"Master Baylor has already said that the Ming army is treacherous. They just want to hit our morale. When they attack the city back, they can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"That's right, the Ming army is too cunning, it must be so!"

"Do you know? When Chu and Han were fighting in the past, the overlord of Chu was powerful. When he was finally surrounded, he still had the power to fight. It was not certain who would win the battle. But at that time, the cunning Han army sang the song of Chu and dealt a heavy blow. Only by destroying the morale of the Chu army, finally won the battle and wiped out the overlord of Chu!"

"That's right, that's the reason, the Ming army must have made such an idea!"


This kind of encouragement between each other is decent, but among the soldiers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, few people believe this kind of self-deception.They are not fools. The cheers of the Ming army outside the city came from the bottom of their hearts, not acting.Sometimes this is easy to tell the difference.

Not long after, the soldiers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties on duty at the top of the city found that the Ming army was holding a tall wooden pole, which was basically parallel to the top of the tall Liaoyang city. Near the top of the city, the pole was erected there. .There is a head hanging from it.It is fixed facing Liaoyang City.There are six big characters below, which can be easily seen by those who know Chinese characters: "Here is the head of Daishan!"

All of a sudden, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty on the top of the city panicked. Daishan, as one of the eight major Baylors of the Qing Dynasty, had a very high reputation and popularity. The population of the Qing Dynasty was small, and most of them met each other on weekdays. .For Daishan, I know many people.

When I looked at the first level, I already thought it was right, and I was reminded by the Chinese characters, so I could confirm it immediately.Reminiscent of the Ming army's cheers from last night, everything is self-evident.

Immediately, no one could say those self-deceiving words anymore.Even ordinary soldiers of the Qing Dynasty basically knew what happened in the north of Liaoyang.And Amin, who rushed to the top of the city after hearing the news, was also dumbstruck.The situation he least wanted to see finally happened.

Others may think that the head is fake, but Amin can tell that the head is definitely not fake, it is Aixinjueluo Daishan's.

Daqing is really about to die!

However, he didn't want to admit it, so he ordered loudly and spread the word to the whole city, saying it was a lie.Whether his subordinates believed it or not, he sent someone to pass down the military order, saying that it was a fake, a trick of the Ming army.Otherwise, why is there only one head in Daishan?It must be fake.

However, Amin's dying struggle didn't help much.Because, the Ming army displayed the imperial belongings of the Manchu emperor outside the city. Although there was no head of Huang Taiji, these are enough to prove that Huang Taiji must have fallen into the hands of the Ming army, or was killed by the Ming army.

The morale of the Manchu soldiers in Liaoyang City could not be recovered despite Amin's tossing.

At noon, the sound of "boom boom boom" finally rang out, and the Hongyi cannon that had been placed for several days finally began to show its power.

No one thought he could defend it, and Amin had already issued an order to prepare for a street fight with the Ming army. Even if he died, he would have to pull the Ming army back. However, with the sound of the cannon, his military order was almost useless. No matter how rebellious the soldiers of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were, they all watched numbly as the Ming army with high morale entered the city.

 Thanks to the book friend 160522152854505, Daming Xiaomin-acquaintance, and the reward from Magic Prague!
(End of this chapter)

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