Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1108 Steamship

Chapter 1108 Steamship

On the far side of the bank, the places with the best views are almost all wealthy people in the capital, Tongzhou and nearby.Among them, some of them had already sent their family servants over to occupy the position, while others found a satisfactory position after coming, and directly spent money on it;
These people are either full of curiosity and want to see how the legendary steamship makes the boat move on the water; or they feel that there is some business opportunity in it, and want to take a look and confirm it...

In the process of waiting, naturally there will be no silence.In fact, on the other side of the shipyard, there was almost always a buzzing sound, and the officials standing by the river didn't care about it, and even they themselves were basically looking at the shipyard.

"You say, if the steam is burned with coal, it can make the boat move, it is incredible!" A young man dressed as a scholar, although it is winter, is also dressed more gorgeously, it seems that there is something Rich people, people who pay more personal income tax said with a little emotion.

"Hey, you haven't read those science and technology books that the Ministry of Rites is promoting vigorously? You are too ignorant!" There was a tall young man who looked like a scholar, but he was dressed in a well-proportioned manner, with contempt He said with his eyes and tone, "Do you understand energy conversion? Tell me, I'm afraid you don't even know what energy is?"

Hearing this, his companion immediately followed up with the conversation, and said with a little sneer, "Don't even mention it, he must be from Jiangnan! Hehe, they are different from us northerners. Their energy and knowledge are all spent on empty talk. Boasting, talking about the world, talking about the government, talking about women, talking about romance, how can you read some real books? The court said that this book of science and technology is a book of getting rich, a book of enlightening people's wisdom, a book of epoch-making, they southerners don't understand !"

"..." The fancy young man blushed immediately when he heard this, and after a moment of shock, he retorted with a little confidence: "Please don't talk nonsense, my lord..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by this person just now: "You still don't admit it? Look at your clothes, have you paid taxes on them? I'd rather pay taxes and look good. Those who love vanity are you Jiangnan people." Also, don’t tell me that you didn’t join the Fushe, hmph, those people in the Fushe are not just such a group of people!”

"You..." Upon hearing this, the fancy young man seemed to turn redder. He pointed at the person who despised him, but was speechless. Obviously, he must have been hit by someone's words.In fact, this is not surprising. In the early years of Chongzhen, in the south of the Yangtze River, as long as they were literati, as long as they were a little respectable, they all joined the Fushe.

This complex is actually a combination of multiple societies.As for the emergence of clubs, at first they were poetry clubs formed by reciting poems and making pairs, but because they were scholars, they would inevitably talk about things related to the imperial examination, so the nature gradually changed, and finally all kinds of clubs developed. , and all for the purpose of imperial examinations, and this has attracted more scholars to join the club.

So, naturally, people in these associations began to pursue how to pass the imperial examinations. Those who are well-educated naturally gradually became leaders, or, those who are the children of officials and eunuchs, who have family connections in the officialdom, resources are used , Attracting more people to join the group, and finally many societies merged, and only then did the Fushes spread all over the south of the Yangtze River.In order to gain political status, it is inevitable to talk about government affairs, criticize government affairs, and attract the attention of government and opposition officials in order to gain prestige.

Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, became famous all over the world with his "Tombstone of Five People", which is famous even to later generations, thus laying the foundation for his leadership.And this has attracted more scholars from the south of the Yangtze River to follow suit. The gatherings of literati in the south of the Yangtze River are either romantic, reciting poems against the government, or criticizing the government.It is precisely because of this that the cynicism of these northern literati just now came about.Because they have finally found a place that is more superior than the Jiangnan literati who are at their peak.

In the original history, Fushe almost controlled the imperial examinations for students in the Chongzhen Dynasty. It was almost impossible to become a scholar without visiting the wharf of Fushe.By the end of Chongzhen's reign, even Juren and Jinshi were under his control.Zhang Pu, the leader of the Fushe, was even vaguely known as the "Emperor of the Folk".

When the people around heard their conversations, those from the south basically stopped talking, so as not to attract ridicule; while those from the north talked about the new thing of science and technology one by one, and many scholars talked eloquently, Foaming all over the mouth, it seems that everyone is a master of science and technology, showing off in front of the southerners.

Obviously, in the promotion of science and technology with the capital as the origin and center, the northern side has been most affected, while in the south of Daming, it has been somewhat slower.After all, the change of atmosphere cannot be so easy!

But as long as the people of Ming Dynasty take pride in understanding technology and their proficiency in technology, sooner or later, the current atmosphere in Ming Dynasty will change.And this is why Emperor Chongzhen did not hesitate to encourage Kaizhi with great fanfare, and widely publicized things related to science and technology, so as to promote the spread of science and technology.For example, the current improved ship is the best example.

While they were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of "bang bang bang", and then saw a few boats on the far side of the river, where Yu Jia was, emitting thick smoke.

"It's started, it's started..."

Many people announced excitedly, and then the people on the other side consciously stopped talking, holding their breath and watching the steam-powered boat on the opposite river emitting black smoke.

After waiting for a while, I saw the boats on the sea surface emitting black smoke, and indeed they all moved, slowly sailing away from the harbor.

Seeing this situation, many people cheered, celebrating the appearance of the new ship and witnessing the birth of new things.

However, just as they cheered, they saw a steam engine ship slowly falling behind, and then seemed to stop moving.Obviously, something went wrong; this is not over yet, and then, one of the other three steam engine ships stopped, and it seemed that there was a bigger problem, and the craftsmen on the ship were in a hurry, as if... ...seemed to be flooded.

In the shipyard, several ordinary boats were rowed out soon, and the two problematic boats were dragged back to the shipyard.

However, nothing happened to the last two boats, and they sailed forward on the river one after the other.

"Did you see that boat with two big wheels? This is called a paddle wheel. It actually existed a long time ago, but the wheels are not so huge!" A well-informed person hurriedly introduced it to the people around him.

"Oh, so it turns out that the steam engine drives the two big wheels to rotate on the water surface, so that the boat can move forward in the river!" Others suddenly realized, "The paddle wheels in the past had two rows. People sit on the bottom of the boat and step on it with their feet."

Many people can still talk about this steam paddle steamer, after all, there are things they are familiar with.But no one can comment on the other steam engine ship.

"What happened to that boat? There are no sails, no oars, and no paddle wheels. How did it move?" Someone said with a puzzled look, "And judging by the speed, it seems to be getting faster and faster, obviously. It's going to surpass the paddle steamer!"

"Wow, it surpassed the paddle steamer, and it's getting faster and faster." Someone else exclaimed, "It's amazing, it's amazing, it's amazing..."

The steamship without a paddle wheel became faster and faster as time went by, not only surpassing the paddle steamer, but even far away from the paddle steamer, and it was like "a ride away from the dust".

Under such a miracle, almost all the common people, even the yamen servants and officials in the guard area, couldn't help cheering.The sound of cheers can be described as earth-shattering, with one sound higher than the other.They were all smiling, excited that they could witness a powerful ship, a new type ship, a ship that could change the status quo of Da Ming ships.

"Look, do you see that, the boat is coming back again, do you see it?"

"Wow, this speed is really fast, this is really amazing!"


However, an accident happened again. Just when the steamship was only about a mile away from the shipyard, where the imperial driver was, it suddenly slowed down again, and the craftsmen on board also began to get busy. Another big ship was sent over there to pull the steamboat.

Seeing this situation, many of the people on the shore felt very sorry.They are also very sorry that this scene is not perfect.However, the previous performance of the steamship still made them very excited.At this time, they are all quite tolerant.

"What a pity! It would be great if there were no problems! I didn't expect that in the end, I would still lie down!"

"Isn't there still the paddle steamer? It's all right. Did you see it? It's back safely!"

"Ah, this speed is too slow!"

"Just be content with it. The slow speed of this paddle steamer is because the steamer just now was too fast, okay? You can compare this paddle steamer with other ships, really!"

"This is true, it seems to be faster than the previous boat!"

"It's okay, it's okay, didn't the fastest steam engine ship just drive so far? Turn around and the craftsmen will change it, maybe it will be fine!"

"That's right, let's talk about this steamship. The emperor personally participated in it. He tested it many times before he built the steamship. It doesn't matter how many times the steamship is tested, it's strange that it can run in one go!"


Under the deliberate propaganda of Emperor Chongzhen, he did not conceal how wise and powerful the emperor was, and achieved it overnight. Instead, the process of inventing the steam engine was widely advertised, so that the people of Ming Dynasty could understand how many times the steam engine had failed.This made the people of Ming Dynasty have accepted the experiment...improvement...retesting...reimproving...this invention mode,
Therefore, most people are very satisfied with the first voyage test of the steam engine ship. Their excitement may be different, and the focus of discussion may be different.But the point of view is the same in the end, that is, this steam engine ship will definitely be built in the end.In the future, Ming's ships will definitely be this kind of steam engine ship.

The gorgeously dressed young scholar was also moved by the emotions at the scene, and he made up his mind that he must understand the book of science and technology well when he turned around. When this steam engine boat appeared in Jiangnan, he would also I can know more than others, be more eye-catching, and be looked up to by others...

Not to mention how excited these people left in the end, let’s just say that on the shipyard’s side, the cause of the accident on each steam engine ship, as the ship was dragged to the shore, someone naturally reported it to the imperial court.

And these reasons are actually similar to the reasons that have appeared in history.The heat energy drives the propeller to rotate, and there will be vibration, and this is very obvious on wooden boats.The one that broke down at the beginning was caused by too much vibration.

To sum up, although the paddle steamer is relatively stable, it wastes too much kinetic energy, which is converted into too much energy to propel the ship forward; while the propeller ship has to overcome many problems, such as the terrible vibration on the wooden boat, the waterline Lower propeller shaft bearing wear, propeller shaft seals, thrust bearings, etc.

As for the last engine ship, it was able to sail for such a long time, and its speed was faster than that of a paddle wheel. This made Emperor Chongzhen very excited. He immediately ordered to abandon the research and development of other types of propellers, and instead conquered this kind of propellers. Improve it.

He didn't know that because of his participation as a descendant, the propeller steamship did not encounter some problems encountered by propellers in the original history.

In the original history, in the initial experiments on steam ships, propeller ships were not as fast as paddle turbine ships.There are various reasons such as the design pattern of the propeller, shaft length issues, etc.

It is a very coincidence that among the several propellers given by Emperor Chongzhen, there is one that is similar to the famous "Guan Dao Paddle" in later generations.This kind of propeller invented by the Chinese people after liberation is similar to Guan Gongdao, so it got the name of "Guan Dao Paddle". It has a very big advantage. greatly weakened.

After Emperor Chongzhen gave clear instructions on the research and development direction of the steam engine ship, the eunuch in charge of the shipyard told him again: "Your Majesty, the difficulty encountered by the iron-clad ship today is the fit between the hulls, but the servants are already organizing the manpower. Build a huge mold, try it directly with water, or soon, you can have an ironclad ship."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being speechless.But what immediately came to mind in his mind was the Great Wall and the pyramids of Egypt!

Although he didn't visit the huge mold that the eunuch in charge said, he knew that this method might really work, just regardless of the cost, and the ship that could be built couldn't be too big to solve the problem fundamentally. question.

Therefore, he instructed: "There are many ways to try, but the ultimate direction of research and development is to have simple operation, assembly line operation, energy production, and the fit between armors to create problems. Just because it can't be solved doesn't mean it won't be solved in the future!"

 Thanks for the rain, the rain, the water, the book friend 160804203001594 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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