Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1201 This is so simple!

Chapter 1201 This is so simple!

For example, in the future, if all connections between the world pass through this chat group system, they will all be monitored by the imperial court. To be more precise, they will be monitored by the emperor.

For this, we are actually doing it now.It's just monitoring the main chat group. Their words and deeds will be sorted out by Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and then sent to Queen Zhou for comparison and screening between the two sides, and finally presented to Yulan in the form of memorials.

Future monitoring is definitely necessary, but this is most likely to be in charge of the factory guards, which are directly under the emperor.The outer court has no power, so the owner of this chat group system is the emperor himself!

However, correspondingly, there will be problems.After thinking deeply, Wen Tiren thought of a problem, and could not help reminding Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, if the roads in the world are well built, and there is such a remote instant communication, it is afraid that the people of Ming Dynasty will be far away from their hometowns and travel around the world. In this way , Population flow will be difficult to control!"

When the rest of the Wenhua Palace group heard this, they all calmed down from their excitement.For the first assistant, this problem is indeed a difficult problem to deal with.This point has been the same in all dynasties.

It is precisely for this reason that when the Ming Dynasty was founded, the Taizu did not want the people of the world to wander around.Therefore, a system of road guidance was formulated: all people who lived hundreds of miles away from their residences needed to be issued a kind of official document by the local yamen, such as a letter of introduction and a pass, called "road guidance".If there is no "road guide" or those who do not conform to it, they will be punished according to the law.

Although more than 200 years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the guide system has actually existed in name only, but it still exists in the end.

The reason for this is also understandable.At that time, if one left the native land, then the taxation of this person would be a problem.For the imperial court, it is best not to move the population, which is the most convenient management.

After Wanli, tax evasion became the norm. Officials and gentry took the lead, businessmen became active, and officials were behind them. Therefore, the road guide system, because it restricted them, naturally gradually became impractical.

However, it is now the highest-ranking official meeting of the Ming Dynasty, and this matter still needs to be seriously considered.

After Wen Tiren finished speaking, a stakeholder, Minister of the Household Department, Bi Ziyan also followed up and said: "Your Majesty, this is really a dilemma! Building roads is good for the economy, but the flow of people is not good for other government policies such as taxes. How to deal with it?"

Having been with Emperor Chongzhen for a long time, he also casually used the word economy.It has to be said that Emperor Chongzhen was subtly influencing his courtiers.

After the other courtiers heard this, they were all in a dilemma. This seemed to be a dilemma. If they really had to choose, they would rather choose to let the people stay at home.Because the first is taxation, the second is labor, and the third is other population management strategies. If the people flow, these will become a persistent problem, which is extremely unfavorable to the management of the court.

But judging from the current trend, the emperor is obviously determined to develop the domestic economy and improve the living standards of the people of Ming Dynasty.So how to solve this contradiction?
These most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty were all well-educated and talented, but they couldn't think of a good solution after thinking about it for a long time.

In desperation, they all fell silent, looking at the chat group, waiting for the emperor to speak, looking at the emperor, will there be a good solution?
Although they knew in their hearts that this should be unsolvable, but the emperor's intelligence is really beyond the reach of ordinary people, or is there any?
This time, they guessed right, Emperor Chongzhen really had a way.He had already thought about the question Wen Tiren raised.However, this is also the reason why he secretly sighed before, although there are more than 1000 million achievement points, it is still not enough!
After the chat group quieted down, Emperor Chongzhen reckoned that there was nothing they could do, so he said, "It's okay, I have considered this matter, and I can properly resolve it!"

Seeing this, immediately, the group exploded.Unexpectedly, the emperor really has a solution. For them, this is almost a relationship between a spear and a shield. There is no solution!

So, they forgot the silence for a while, and asked questions one after another.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to solve it?"

"Your Majesty, I respectfully listen to the holy voice!"


At this moment, the Wenhua Palace group, just like the main chat group, was swiped!It can be seen from this that Emperor Chongzhen's words shocked them a lot!

They didn't expect that Emperor Chongzhen once again threw out an astonishing statement: "My method can also solve the problem of Ming's hermits by the way."

Hidden households refer to escaped households, which have existed throughout the ages.Some common people, in order to avoid rent and tax and corvee, often escaped from their hometowns.After escaping from their native place, they are not required to serve corvee, and their names are not included in the household register.Or in the deep mountains and wild forests that cannot be found in the government, or in the shelter of wealthy families and so on.

This problem has always been a long-standing problem, and it has been a headache for all dynasties.All along, there is no good way to solve it.To a certain extent, the guide system is actually a method to restrict hermits, but it has little effect.

At this time, the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty in the Wenhua Palace group exploded again when they saw the emperor's words.How is this possible?

If it wasn't for the emperor who said this, someone would immediately start complaining regardless of their status, and bragging would have to be drafted, okay?You're talking about a hidden household problem, are you sure you didn't say anything wrong?
However, these words were clearly said by Emperor Chongzhen.Therefore, although 1 of these courtiers did not believe it, they did not lose their courtesy in front of the imperial court after all!
One is because the emperor's prestige is already very high, and the other is that the emperor has done too many things that shocked them very much.

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty!" Chief Assistant Wen Tiren, on behalf of the ministers, asked their aspirations.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he smiled in his heart, he still needs to have high technology.In later generations, the ID card information was used, and after the development of the Internet, this matter was slowly resolved.However, I have a chat group system that is more advanced than the Internet!

Thinking of this, he said to the officials in the group: "I decided to write a number for my people, which is unique in the whole country, and can be sorted by province, date of birth, gender, serial number, etc..."

He told these high-ranking Ming officials how to write ID numbers for later generations. In this way, no matter how large the population is, everyone can be unique.And from this number, you can see some information.

Of course, you have to adjust measures to local conditions and make some changes.For example, for people in this era, the lunar calendar is still used, and the horoscope of birthdays is also secret, so there will be problems.Anyway, the purpose is still the same as the ID number of later generations, one is to ensure uniqueness, and the second is to get some simple information from the ID number.

Wen Tiren saw it, and said with some doubts: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, how can we solve the problem of population flow management and the problem of hidden households?"

Although this kind of ID number is given, what if someone reports a number indiscriminately?
Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen knew that they still didn't know enough about the chat group, so he replied again: "I haven't finished talking yet! Don't forget, the chat group system also has a camera function, which allows everyone to A person takes a photo, and then stores it with his identity information and other information. In this way, no matter where he goes, I will have people in the chat group to check his identity information, as long as he compares it with the information stored in the chat group , you will know everything about him.”

Having said that, he posted another folder path in the group and told them the password to enter.Here, he already has an example created.

In the folder, there are subfolders one by one, and each folder is stored according to the content of the province.If you click again, there are lower-level directories, which will go all the way to the prefecture, county and township level.When I got to the innermost folder, I saw documents one by one. The title of the documents was the ID number that Emperor Chongzhen just mentioned.In doing so, it is actually beneficial for the inspectors to search for the corresponding document with the ID number.

After clicking on the document, there is a photo of the person corresponding to the ID number, followed by an introduction.Such as name, gender, where people are from, tax payment status, reading status and so on.

These Ming officials discovered that the example created by the emperor was actually their chief assistant, Wen Tiren.

Emperor Chongzhen showed them examples and explained to them how the operators would quickly check, and then said: "I will also arrange people in the chat group across the country as the people who verify the identity information. In this way, No matter where the people of Ming Dynasty go, the local officials can verify the information for him. Even if he wants to deceive and conceal it, it is impossible to achieve his goal. As long as such a file is compiled for everyone in Ming Dynasty, Zhu Qing said, will it be resolved? Problems in the management of the flow of people and the problem of hidden households?"

This operation simply refreshed the understanding of these senior Ming officials.Before this, they really did not expect that such a difficult problem would be solved easily by the emperor with the help of the chat group.All of a sudden, no matter who they were, whether it was the chief assistant or Xu Guangqi, a technological master, they were all stunned.

But Emperor Chongzhen was not finished yet, and said to them again: "I will also set this file to the modification mode, so that when the operator checks the registration information, he can clearly see who the person's information is from." All operations are clear at a glance as to what was before the modification and what was after the modification. Then, I will ask another person to verify the information, so as to ensure that there is no possible fraudulent use of identity information.”

When he said this, Emperor Chongzhen clicked on Wen Tiren's file and modified it casually, because the current mode is the modification mode, so naturally what he just said was left behind.

No one in the Wenhua Palace group spoke, and everyone was stunned. It was beyond their knowledge that they could solve the problem of the flow of people and the problem of hidden households. They never expected that it could also prevent favoritism and fraud. Cognition refreshed their understanding again, and they were speechless for a long time.

There is only one thought in their hearts.This chat group is amazing!The emperor's idea is too powerful!
Just like before, the eunuch Cao Huachun, the supervisor of ceremonies, took the lead in expressing his emotion, and flattered Emperor Chongzhen.

With him breaking the silence in the Wenhua Palace group, the others came to their senses and followed suit.At this time, no one said in their hearts that Cao Huachun was flattering.

"Your Majesty, this is such an amazing move that I can't even believe it!"

"Your Majesty, this is really wonderful!"


Watching them swiping the screen, Emperor Chongzhen sighed in his heart: "My dear friends, there is also a difficulty in using this method, that is, taking pictures requires achievement points. Files. Wait until the achievement points are rich, and then write files for other people, including women, children, children, and the elderly!"

For this, no one in this era has an opinion.The objects they manage are mainly adult men.For women, they usually stay at home, and it is not easy to see outsiders.When a woman travels, she must be accompanied by a man's family.

"Your Majesty, if such a file is compiled for all adult men in Ming Dynasty, all the ministers will think that this matter is already a big deal!" Wen Tiren replied, feeling depressed at the same time, since your majesty thinks so, why do you take me as a example?
"Your Majesty, it's enough, it's enough!" Hubu Shangshu Bi Ziyan also happily replied immediately.All adult men compile files to solve the problems of hidden households and the flow of people, such as bringing huge tax revenues to the court.Because in this identity information, there is a description of tax payment and other circumstances, so it is difficult to evade taxes.


The other courtiers also echoed, saying that there is no problem.

Emperor Chongzhen saw it, and said: "In addition, this matter can also be used for transportation charges. For example, after someone boards a cement road and a train, he can register the corresponding information, and after arriving at the corresponding destination, the billing will be done. Once you complete the toll information, you won’t be afraid of someone evading the fare halfway and avoiding the toll!”

This, in fact, is equivalent to the train ticket inspector and high-speed toll collector of the later generations, and the chat group is more advanced than the later generations, and there is no way to evade fares.

Liu Mao reacted immediately and was overjoyed.The other courtiers were still thinking about the emperor's words because they hadn't thought about it before.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen continued to expand his use and said: "Moreover, it will become easier to collect taxes from merchants in different places. There are records of how much goods are sold at a time, and there are also records of whether taxes have been paid."

After thinking about one scene, these courtiers began to imagine the next scene. At this time, such a fresh method made these courtiers feel that their brains were not enough.

When they figured out all these uses that the emperor said, they were all surprised and speechless.These things were impossible to solve before, but when the emperor came here, it became very easy!
It's so simple!

(End of this chapter)

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