Chapter 1216
None of them knew that what Pan Yaming designed had been designed by someone else in the original history, but the time would have passed to the nineteenth century.It was invented by an Englishman, a famous mechanic named Whitworth.

At the beginning, his idea was to use this hexagonal technology to cast cannons.What he proposed is actually the principle of polygonal rotation, but because of technical reasons, it can't be done, only hexagonal.However, his suggestion was rejected by the English military, so he used guns.

As a result, during the Civil War, sharpshooters of the Confederate Army used this "Whitworth rifle" equipped with a polygonal barrel and achieved great success on the battlefield.He even shot and killed General John Sedgwick, the top general of the Northern Army who died in the war, at a distance of 910 meters.It's a bit funny that the general saw the sniper at the time, but he didn't care, and said such a classic sentence to his subordinates: "They can't even hit an elephant at such a long distance."

In the original history, this gun was defined as the earliest true sniper rifle by later generations.

The corresponding artillery is naturally a hexagonal artillery.The representative of this kind of artillery, in the original history, was the seventy-pound Whitworth naval gun, which used Whitworth's unique hexagonal barrel, and the front loading design, with a caliber of 140 inches ( 700 mm), the limit range exceeds [-] [-] meters.

Of course, on this plane, it can be said that Pan Yaming invented this firearm by accident. The results and data of the experiment were immediately reported to the emperor in the capital through the Jinyiwei in Hoi An and the chat group.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard the news, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately ordered a reward.How effective this high-precision artillery gun can be is far more clear to him from later generations than ordinary people.You know, there is a game called cs in later generations. If there is a powerful sniper, the battlefield can be completely overwhelming.

In naval battles, if there is such a high-precision artillery, it will make the enemy even more desperate!With this hexagonal artillery, Emperor Chongzhen was more confident about the future decisive battle in Nanyang.

But it's a pity that this hexagonal gun is not easy to make, just like the previous rifled gun.But it's good to have improvements, and he doesn't care much about it.Of course, this kind of firearm must be strictly controlled, especially the hexagonal gun. It is not good to make too many, and it is almost enough to be used by special forces, snipers and other arms.

From this incident, Emperor Chongzhen also saw a fact.It's just that you are not omnipotent.

For him, it was breech-loading guns that he cared about.Therefore, what he explained to the Beijing Division's Bingjue Bureau and Ordnance Bureau was also mainly researching breech-loading artillery and muskets.For example, the Franc machine gun is a gun that uses the method of mother and child guns, which can be regarded as a breech-loaded gun.In terms of rate of fire, it has an incomparable advantage over front-loading guns.

On the capital side, because of Emperor Chongzhen's personal guidance, no one thought about other aspects to solve the problem.But far away in Hoi An, a technology that is further advanced than the current one has been invented.Although this technology, speaking of progress, has not changed much.This hexagonal gun is also a type of rifled gun.But at least it's progress.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen felt that it was necessary to increase research funding, so that research institutes in various places could conduct research and development according to the actual situation.

After he gave instructions on this matter, he didn't worry about it anymore.After all, these are just details, and now he is preparing to leave Beijing.

However, this trip out of Beijing was not a private visit in a micro-clothes, but a formal tour in honor of the emperor.

Hai Lanzhu and Concubine Tian Gui were pregnant and could not follow her.The queen didn't want to come at first, saying that she needed to preside over the harem, but she was still called out by Emperor Chongzhen.Hua is the same age in his twenties, why should he be so rigid, is he going to die of old age in the palace and not come out for a walk?

It stands to reason that if the emperor and queen go out together, the scene will be big.But Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to disturb the people, so he kept everything simple. Even so, there were still about a thousand people.

After leaving the capital, Emperor Chongzhen took the empress who couldn't help but be happy to inspect the railway being laid from Tongzhou to the capital.Liu Mao, minister of the Ministry of Communications, personally accompanied him to introduce the relevant situation. Although there are usually reports, this is an on-the-spot introduction, which is still different.

"Your Majesty, the laying of the first railway track is based on what Your Majesty said, mainly to gain experience, and winter has just passed, so it has only been laid about halfway."

"The rails are enough, but there was an incident of stealing the rails, and this minister has already dealt with it!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen frowned slightly, turned to look at him and asked, "How did you deal with it?"

Stealing railroad tracks is serious business and must be dealt with seriously.Otherwise, if some people follow suit, there will be too many guerrillas on the railway, and the train will not be able to run.

"Even sitting down, his family members were also detained for public display." Liu Mao quickly responded.

The Baojia Law implemented in the early years of Chongzhen included the penalty of continuous sitting. In other words, in this era, many relatively serious crimes required continuous sitting.

Emperor Chongzhen did not soften his heart, nodded and said: "Allow new provinces, they need a lot of people."

The Tianshan Mountains are the bridgehead for the Ming Dynasty to advance westward in the future. There are too few Han people now, so they must be enriched.

In fact, it is not only in New Province, but also in several other places.Therefore, there are very few prisoners in Daming Pass, and most of them have been exiled to these marginal provinces except for some capital crimes.Many large prisons are deserted, and the rats can hold meetings.

According to Liu Mao's introduction, it is estimated that the railway from Tongzhou to the capital will not be officially opened until autumn.Since it is not good now, there is nothing to watch, so Emperor Chongzhen took the queen to the next stop: Tongzhou Shipyard.

The building of steam ships is also one of the most important projects of the Ming Dynasty.It was reported before that there was an accident here, so Emperor Chongzhen came over to inspect this time when he was out of Beijing this time.

There was a wooden steam ship that accidentally caught fire during an experiment.People are fine, they jumped into the river and survived.But the boat was gone and burned on the Tongzhou River.

When Emperor Chongzhen came this time, he did not blame them, but encouraged them to find ways to solve the difficulties they encountered.It's okay to cross the river by feeling the stones, but the same mistake is not allowed to be repeated.

Today, the Tongzhou Shipyard is focusing on iron-clad wood steamers to minimize the resonance of the propellers, and has made great progress so far.The direction of research and development is to build the ship in the direction of Dali, and build it in the direction of all railways.

When Emperor Chongzhen watched the steam ship "chug and chug" on the Tongzhou River, he was fine.However, since Queen Zhou got married, it was the first time she left the palace, and everything she saw was new, let alone a steam ship that had never been seen before, a self-propelled ship that was automatic without wind.

She knew that all of this was the application of scientific and technological knowledge, and it was made under the guidance of Emperor Chongzhen.From this, in her heart, she became more determined to supervise her son, that is, the prince, to study science and technology knowledge well, and strive to make her son an emperor like the emperor!

After inspecting the Tongzhou Shipyard, Emperor Chongzhen went directly to the destination of his trip to Beijing, Yongping Mansion in the capital city.

At the beginning of the third year of Chongzhen, Jianlu, who invaded the capital, took away all the men and women in Yongping Mansion before leaving, and burned Yongping Mansion down after leaving the old and weak.It has been five years now, and Yongping Mansion has recovered well. Emperor Chongzhen brought the empress to inspect it in person, which also showed the emperor's concern for the people.

This time, of course, there was news in advance.When the emperor and empress were about to arrive at Yongping Mansion, almost all the people in Yongping crowded out of Yongping Mansion, led by local officials, out of the city to welcome them.

If it is in other places, there may be people who will complain that the emperor affects their lives or something.However, in Yongping Mansion, not only did everyone come out of the city, but there was no one who complained.There is no other reason, Yongping Mansion is more favored by the emperor than any other place.

Back in the day, the vicious Jianlu used poisonous tricks to set fire to Yongping Mansion, leaving only the old and the weak.At that time, the old and the weak in Yongping Mansion were all desperate, and no one thought they could survive.

However, what I didn't expect was that Emperor Chongzhen immediately issued an order to Guan Ning's army to come to rescue people with military rations.Not only that, but also ordered the capital to implement food control. Using unprecedented means, all food was confiscated for unified management, food coupons were issued, and the daily food consumption per person was limited, so as to squeeze out food to rescue the old and weak in Yongping Prefecture .

It's not that no one has persuaded the emperor, nor is it that no one has talked about it.Those people in Yongping Mansion are all old and weak, so what if they are saved, how much benefit can they bring to Daming?It's not worthwhile for the emperor to try his best to rescue him!

However, Emperor Chongzhen did it without hesitation.Not only did they send food to Yongping Mansion, but they also issued an order to the people of the capital, ordering the prince Xungui of the capital to take the lead and donate clothes to keep out the cold.Not only that, but under the conditions of shortage of supplies at that time, the emperor also ordered the reconstruction of Yongping Mansion and the construction of houses with cement.Thanks to the efforts of the emperor, most of the old and weak in Yongping Mansion survived after experiencing the grief of their families being destroyed.

People's hearts are fleshy, and the emperor of a country treats the old and the weak like this, which shows the emperor's benevolence and benevolence.Therefore, if you want to say that the people all over the world respect the emperor, Yongping Mansion is the most!

The people here, after being relieved, in order to commemorate the kindness of the most difficult years, they collected the food stamps of the year as a souvenir.So much so that food stamps turned out to be more expensive than banknotes later on, and until now, there is already a situation where there is a price but no market in the market.In other words, money is hard to buy.

By the way, as the reputation of banknotes stabilizes, more and more people collect the first edition of banknotes with flaws released that year.Just like food stamps, much higher than ordinary banknotes.In today's market, it is rare to see someone for sale.

When the people of Yongping Mansion saw Yu Jia coming from a distance, they all knelt down without being greeted by the local officials of Yongping Mansion, and shouted in unison, waiting for the emperor's arrival: "Long live my emperor, long live, Long live!"

Never before has the people of a place treated their emperor with such reverence.This can be seen from the achievement value acquisition speed of the chat group system.Emperor Chongzhen just showed his body, and before he could say a word, he heard the system's prompt beeping continuously.

"Your Majesty, the people of Yongping Mansion are so enthusiastic!" Even Queen Zhou felt this and said happily.The people of Ming Dynasty love the emperor so much, she is naturally honored as a queen!

Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing this, and said with a little emotion: "The common people are actually the most simple. If you treat him well, he will treat you well. I am their emperor. If I care about them, they will be grateful to me. This is a shame. Not flattery!"

He didn't say some words, because on this plane, there is no need to say them.In the original history, if the imperial court and the government could take care of the life and death of the people, they would not be desperate, and basically no one would rebel.

Of course, that is, Emperor Chongzhen came from later generations, and his values ​​​​are different from those of people in this era.Therefore, the land of Gyeonggi had just been destroyed by Jianlu, and there was a severe shortage of supplies.But even so, Emperor Chongzhen overcame all kinds of difficulties, insisted on his own approach, and even referred to the practices of later generations in difficult times, and even produced food stamps, and finally saved as many people as possible to the greatest extent possible.

At that time, according to reports from Guan Ningjun and factory guards afterwards, there were already members of the White Lotus Sect to confuse people's hearts.

Back then, Jianlu's move before leaving was not vicious, but Daming survived.Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen used his method to repay him. He seized on the urgent shortage of materials in Liaodong, and continued to attack them. Played out, it can be regarded as a classic battle of the war of destroying the country.

"Only the sage is like His Majesty, who can be so loved by the people!" Queen Zhou said with emotion after hearing this, "Only when you leave the palace, can you really feel this!"

She said so, but at the same time she kept it in her heart, she must teach the prince well when she goes back, and must learn from her father.

At this time, because her son finally got the crown prince, it can be said that most of her thoughts were spent on the prince.In any case, she never expected that this prince, like the first prince of the Ming Dynasty, could only be a prince for the rest of his life.

The two talked, and drove forward, and finally reached in front of the crowd.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the dense crowd of heads, stretched out his hand and said loudly: "I have always been concerned about Yongping Mansion, and I finally have time to come and take a look today. Only when I see with my own eyes that you are well, will I be relieved!"

None of the middle-aged men and women who were taken away by the Jian captives finally returned to their hometowns.However, five years have passed, and most of the children of that year have grown into young men.At a glance, he was finally no longer just old and weak.

(End of this chapter)

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