Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1220 The pie in the sky

Chapter 1220 The pie in the sky

"Who knows!" The man next to him, with a beard on his face, naturally didn't know, said casually, "I'm exhausted, whatever, I just want to relax after going ashore !"

At first the man wanted to speak, but he heard cheers from the boat behind him.Turning his head to look, it was his own crew who were all on the deck, cheering like a person who looked like a ghost.

"God bless, here we go again!"

"After going ashore, I must put my arms around the Japanese woman, no, no, no, it's the Ming woman who sleeps with her for a few days!"

"Manila is so bustling, okay!"


After hearing this, the bearded man smiled and said to the people around him: "Captain, look, everyone is eager to relax!"

The captain heard it, but still frowned, and ignored the cheers of his subordinates, turned around, and looked at the distant Manila port again with a single-lens telescope.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly said in a nervous voice: "John, something is wrong, why didn't you see us Spaniards? Why do you think they are all Ming people?"

The bearded man, that is, John, said disapprovingly: "Those Ming people come here in droves only if they have something to gain. Captain, it's not like you don't know that Ming people are probably the most ethnic group in the world!"

"No, John, come and see!" The captain seemed to be a little anxious, and he stretched out his hand and stuffed the monocular into John's hand, and at the same time said eagerly: "Look, why are there so many Ming warships in the port? All of them are soldiers, I’m sure I’m not mistaken!”

When John heard this, he didn't believe it, so he quickly took the binoculars and looked at them quickly.

Needless to say, as far as the eye can see, the first sight is to be attracted by the warships with soldiers from the Ming Dynasty.There is no spotting telescope, but from a distance, I thought it was a sailing ship from our country.After seeing it clearly, I realized that it seemed to be a warship from the Ming Dynasty.And at this time, there are already three warships from the Ming Dynasty, and they have already sailed towards them.

After looking carefully for a while, John had a bad idea in his mind. He put down the binoculars, looked at the captain and said, "Could it be... Could it be that Luzon was captured by the Ming Kingdom?"

He felt a little unbelievable when he came to this conclusion.Their ships have come to Luzon more than once.Based on their understanding of the huge country in the East, it seems that they have no interest in overseas, so how could the Ming Dynasty send troops to capture Luzon?
But if the Ming Dynasty hadn't captured Luzon, why couldn't there be any trace of the Spaniards at the pier?Not only are there no people, there are no warships, and there are no flags. It doesn't make sense at all!

The captain reached out and snatched the binoculars, and when he wanted to look again, a crew member suddenly shouted out of surprise.

"Look, there's a boat coming over there!"

"Hey, there's a boat coming over here too!"

"What do you mean, is this surrounding us? Don't they know that we are here to give them silver dollars!"


The captain was taken aback when he heard it, and quickly turned his head to look.Sure enough, in a few directions behind him, at some point, many ships appeared, heading towards them.He hurriedly took a look through the binoculars, and was taken aback immediately: "John, hurry up, ring the bell, enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Are they all warships from the Ming Dynasty?" John looked at the captain and asked bitterly.

Seeing that he was still standing here, the captain couldn't help being anxious, and immediately put down the binoculars and shouted: "Nonsense, hurry up and ring the bell!"

John still didn't move, and said with a very ugly face: "Captain, do you think we can beat them or escape? Now our two ships are in urgent need of docking for repairs!"

Hearing what he said, the captain suddenly collapsed, and he knew that John was right.I set off from Mexico with these two ships and crossed the Pacific Ocean to Luzon. I was exhausted, and how could I fight against the superior enemy again, let alone the situation of being surrounded now.

Thinking of this, the captain was a little desperate.However, his expression quickly changed again, and he said loudly a little unwillingly: "Quick, throw all the silver dollars into the sea, and don't give Ming a single silver dollar!"

After speaking, he was about to run off the bow to do it himself.

When John heard this, he was startled, and quickly hugged the captain by the waist and said, "Captain, are you crazy? We must not escape. If people know what we are doing, if we become angry, are we still alive?" "

At this time, although the alarm bell was not sounded, the ships surrounded by Ming Kingdom were already getting close.The crew members on the ship, who were originally happy, could almost see the situation clearly with their naked eyes.Suddenly, everyone panicked.Being surrounded by warships of the Ming Dynasty like this is definitely not a good thing!

The captain originally summoned up the courage to do this, but after hearing what John said, his courage was immediately vented.He couldn't do it, and bet his life that people wouldn't become angry from embarrassment.He also cherishes his own life, who would think of dying in a foreign country like this?
In this way, after a while, Ming warships slowly approached from all directions, and the expressions of the Ming soldiers standing on the Ming deck could be seen with the naked eye.This side did not dare to show hostility, and the cannons did not dare to stick out the side of the ship. Everyone gathered on the deck with their hands empty.Especially in John's hand, he was holding a white flag that he didn't know where to find, climbing on the flagpole and waving.

Soon, a Ming warship approached, while other Ming warships remained vigilant.

After half a day, the situation was reported to the flagship of the Ming army, that is Zheng Zhilong: "Marshal, these two sailing ships are indeed Spanish. Both ships are full of silver dollars..."

The Spaniards plundered and mined silver from Mexico, minted it into silver dollars, and then traveled to Manila for trade, then shipped the goods back to Mexico, and then sold them in Europe.This is also the main source of a large amount of silver inflow in the middle and late Ming Dynasty in the original history.

However, after the rise of the Netherlands and the British, especially after the Spanish Armada was defeated, Spain ordered Mexico to send all the silver dollars directly back to Europe for emergency relief.On Luzon's side, it is no longer the same as before, traveling back and forth to the Pacific Ocean once a year.

The Spaniards in Mexico naturally didn't know about Luzon being captured by Ming Dynasty.This fleet crossed the Pacific Ocean and came to Luzon, and crashed into the arms of the Ming army without dying, and delivered two ships of Mexican silver dollars.

Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the report. This is really a fortune that fell from the sky.But he didn't think about stealing it for himself, so he quickly said to Liu Jinsheng beside him, "Report to His Majesty, so that His Majesty will be happy too!"

It's really a lot of wealth for nothing, no matter who it is, it must be very happy.Of course, the Spaniards are an exception.

Emperor Chongzhen happened to be in the chat group, and he was naturally very happy after hearing Liu Jinsheng's report.Spain's treasure ships are still famous.However, the most wealth is still the fleet transported from America to Europe.Originally, there was a very famous time in history, it seems that England and the Netherlands joined forces to rob Spain's treasure fleet.It's just that this time on Daming's side, it was delivered by the Spaniard himself.

Emperor Chongzhen was happy for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, and his eyes turned to North and South America.

In fact, speaking of it, he has already begun to lay out North and South America.It is strange to be able to let go of North and South America if it is capable.However, Nanyang and Japan have not yet been settled, so he has not brought the matter of North and South America to the surface.But in the dark, there are also people doing work.

For example, Emperor Chongzhen sent Jin Yiwei to secretly investigate the Spaniard's Pacific route.Know that the Spaniards sold many Ming people as slaves to North and South America.At this time in Mexico, there are already many Ming people.

However, North and South America are too far away. If you go back to the feudal king, I'm afraid it will not be so easy!But now, since the Spaniard hit the muzzle, he should do something about it, right?

Thinking of this, after careful consideration for a while, Emperor Chongzhen had an idea in his mind, and immediately replied to Liu Jinsheng: "Order Zheng Zhilong, to display all the confiscations, so that the Ming people in Luzon can see the silver dollars from the two ships! "

"Your Majesty means..." Liu Jinsheng was a little excited, he didn't know how to describe it, and finally confirmed, "Put out all the silver dollars to blind their eyes?"

When I was a pirate in the past, sometimes I came back from robbery, and I also did this.The purpose is to boost morale, so that the pirates you see will be more active when they go to rob next time.

"Yes, it is to let people see that there are mountains of gold and silver in Mexico." Emperor Chongzhen immediately confirmed, "It is best to publicize the wealth of Mexico. In addition, after staying in Luzon for a few days, even people Bring silver dollars back to Fuzhou Governor's Mansion. Remember, if there are large ports along the way, they must stop for publicity, understand?"

Hearing what the emperor said, a thought flashed in Liu Jinsheng's mind. Could it be that the emperor wants people to rob Mexico?Although he wasn't sure, he had an intuition that this approach was similar to what he used to do when he was a pirate.

After quitting the chat group, he conveyed the emperor's will to Zheng Zhilong.When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he became sensitive immediately.

In the past, he was also a big pirate.I also understand this kind of stimulation method.But Mexico is too far away, and Daming is so prosperous, if it were him, he didn't think he would be tempted.

Although Zheng Zhilong thought so, but the emperor's order had been made, so he followed it.

As a result, there was a sensational scene at the port of Manila.

"Look, the court navy has captured two ships, and they belong to Xiyi at first glance, everyone, go and see them!"

"Not necessarily, sailing boats, don't we have imperial navy too!"

"You're stupid, just these two broken ships, how could they belong to the court navy? Besides, didn't you see the situation where the court navy surrounded them to catch them just now?"

"It seems that Xiyi really exists, go and see it!"


Ming people in Luzon have a special feeling for Xiyi. They used to be superior, but they were trampled under their feet in the end. Because of the massacre, this hatred for Xiyi cannot be forgotten in a short period of time.

In this port, there are still many merchant ships coming to Luzon for trade, and businessmen from the mainland are also watching.As a result, more and more Ming people gathered here.

Fortunately, the port was originally heavily guarded, and there was no shortage of soldiers.There were soldiers to maintain order, but there was no chaos.

When the two sailing ships were escorted to the port and the Spaniards were escorted off the boat one by one, the crowd of onlookers became agitated again.

"I'll go, how many years has it been since Xiyi has taken a bath! The wind is smelly for three miles, it's killing me!"

"It must have been floating in the sea for a long time, where did it come from?"

"That's why you don't understand, Xiyi is really smelly, or why is it Xiyi! Do you know why Xiyi likes spices, because they are born with body odor?"

"These Xiyi's beards are all scumbags, and they have been at sea for a long time! But the smell of Xiyi is also a fact!"


The surrounding Ming people involuntarily dispersed, and some even covered their mouths and noses with their hands and pointed.He didn't have a good impression of Xiyi in the first place, but now this situation is even more unrepentant.

John was escorted off the boat and gathered here at the pier. Looking at the scene in front of them, they were still terrified. The anxiety about the future made them dare not resist at all, and they said what they said.

It wasn't until the silver dollars on the ship were brought down in boxes and placed on the pier not far in front of them that they were a little agitated, but when the Ming army pointed their swords and guns at them, they were honest.

"What's in this box?" Ming people onlookers were curious and began to guess.

Suddenly, two soldiers carrying the box seemed to be careless, and they didn't cooperate well at once. The box toppled over, and suddenly, with a "crash", the contents inside fell out and rolled all over the floor.Under the sun, the reflected sunlight really blinded the eyes of the onlookers.

"Wow, what is this, isn't it all silver?"

"No, it's not money!"

"Wow, I got it, I got it, this is a Spaniard's treasure ship, and it's full of silver dollars, all silver!"


Rubbing his eyes, he hurriedly asked what he knew if he didn't know.I know that most of them are Ming people who stayed in Luzon before. They saved money and exchanged it. It was this kind of silver dollar, and they knew it was from Mexico. I know I said it.

Listening to the introduction, watching the soldiers still carrying boxes, I don't know how many there are. The scene in front of them really shocked the surrounding Ming people.Especially the visual impact of silver dollars all over the floor, how many times can there be in a lifetime?
At the same time when the news spread, there were more and more people watching, no, more and more people, blocking the pier completely.

In the distance, there was a man who seemed to be an official. After knowing the situation, he went to Manila like crazy, and he didn't know what he was going for?
(End of this chapter)

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