Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 1299 The lingering ghost

Chapter 1299 The lingering ghost
Emperor Chongzhen paid attention to this, but he wanted to see what level this young man who had met once was.

Of course, he also transferred the papers that he would test before.However, these people who passed the test, at least in terms of scientific and technological knowledge, are not very different.

Because this is the first time for a test with scientific and technical knowledge, the questions should naturally be simpler.After all, this is the first time this year, so it's hard to guess what the level is. If something goes wrong, and all the test papers of the Juren masters are zero, it will be a big joke, and it will be remembered in history.

But this will be easy when the test paper comes out, or in other words, it is a bit underestimated the IQ of the scholars of Ming Dynasty. There are more than ten papers with full marks, which can only be distinguished from the political and ideological subjects, that is, the Four Books and Five Classics.

Compared with the Four Books and Five Classics, there are standard answers for scientific and technical knowledge, and the influence of the marking officials is very small.There were no marks in the previous exams, but when the exam started, there were marks.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen had a bit of bad taste in his heart. Sometimes later generations would dream of scores, and now they are passed on to the "old ancestors".

In this imperial examination, Emperor Chongzhen personally set the questions in terms of scientific and technological knowledge. difficulty.He even used a trick from later generations. After the papers were finished, he finally gave an additional question.The full score is 110 points, if you can make additional questions, give [-] points.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen personally supervised the imperial examination, and watched these new generation of Ming tributes bury themselves in the examination papers.Before that, he didn't pay attention to it, because it was a normal thing, and he only started to observe seriously when it was estimated that the lower gongshi started to answer additional questions.

As expected, the tributes below were a little surprised when they saw the additional questions.Some people even secretly looked up at the emperor who took out the test paper.There is no other reason. This last question is a question related to the calculation of friction force that involves the lives of ordinary people.

For a long time, scholars in the Ming Dynasty felt that reading was superior to others, and those who were knowledgeable but not learned were not the same.In other words, knowledge is something like Yangchun Baixue, very noble, and it is not something ordinary people can climb.

But now, the additional question asked by the emperor turned out to be a common scene, and the question that he had been used to before was taken seriously, and the friction force had to be calculated.It has to be said that this is the first time for these scholars to deeply understand that these knowledge are closely related to life!
The most important thing is that they don't seem to have read the content of this additional question.

After the exam, mark the paper on the spot.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to do this kind of boring paper marking work alone.There are special officials to mark the papers, and after the rankings are made, he will go to the answer to the last question.

This last additional question is indeed beyond the outline.The contents involved are all in Emperor Chongzhen's next physics book to be released.That's why he wanted to see it for himself.Let's see if these scholars in Ming Dynasty are learning scientific and technological knowledge with their heart, digesting it and making it part of their own knowledge, instead of memorizing it by rote.

The final result, which Emperor Chongzhen expected, also surprised him a bit.

Originally, he thought that this was the first exam after all, and scholars like Daming might not be able to answer the additional questions.But he didn't expect that one person did it.

This person is the young man that Emperor Chongzhen had paid attention to, that is, Fang Yizhi, one of the four sons of Yuan Fushe.

In fact, Fang Yizhi has been interested in physics since he was a child. In the original history, he even wrote a book "Little Knowledge of Physics". He was regarded as a talent who specialized in physics at that time.

After Emperor Chongzhen inquired, he immediately hand-picked it, and Fang Yizhi was the number one scholar in the current discipline.

Everyone was very concerned about the National Talent Ceremony this time, and as soon as the results came out, discussions started immediately.

"Have you seen that this time Jinshi, candidates from the north and the south are almost evenly divided, which is unprecedented!"

"No, in the past, most of the scholars in the south became Jinshi. I didn't expect that this time, we northerners will also have a day of pride!"

"Speaking of it, it's thanks to the knowledge of science and technology. After all, we were the first to promote it in the north. Otherwise, it would definitely not be as good as the south."

"However, the number one scholar is still from our south, and he even answered the additional questions, with a perfect score, do you accept it?"


The people in the north and the south have their own pride when discussing, and the discussions are extremely lively.

Compared to them, the other four sons of Fushe were even more shocked by this.They didn't expect that Fang Yizhi won the first prize quietly.There are usually a few people, but they are all competing with each other. In this way, they will be stimulated immediately, and those who were originally rehabilitated will be stimulated.

The atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty has always been in the south of the Yangtze River.And the ones who lead the trend here in Jiangnan are naturally the children of officials and scholars.And a large part of these people used to be part of Fushe.

Today, Fushe, as a fashionista, has begun to learn from others and actively prepares for scientific and technological knowledge. After meeting with each other, they also start to discuss scientific and technological knowledge. This has caused the luxury atmosphere in Jiangnan to change unconsciously.

It has to be said that once the state power starts to exert its strength and some adjustments are made, the atmosphere will be greatly affected.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen also expected it, and was pleased by it.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen took advantage of this time to announce the list, and at the same time, he also decreed that the three-year general examination should be changed to two years.If possible, just like the college entrance examination in later generations, once a year.However, this was in ancient times, and there were traffic problems. It was not easy to do it once a year, so let's temporarily change it to once every two years.

Of course, if you really want to do it, it's not impossible.After all, there are omnipotent chat groups.As long as Emperor Chongzhen distributed the test papers to the test centers in the provincial capitals at the same time through the chat group, he could still save the trouble of traveling to Beijing to catch the test.

When Emperor Chongzhen was delighted by the success of the first examination including scientific and technological knowledge, another king was worried. He was Zasak Tuhan Norbu, one of the Khalkha tribes who fled to the territory of Tsarist Russia. .

He was chased by the Ming army and fled wildly all the way to the border of Tsarist Russia in the far west, and he had a chance to breathe near West Siberia.However, what he did not expect was that Tsarist Russia, one of its allies, had not waited for him to ask questions and accuse them of escaping back and not face the shameless behavior of the Ming army together. fee.

In other words, Norbu's tribe became a minority in Tsarist Russia, with only about [-] herdsmen in their prime.Of course, there are also people from the other two tribes, but not many.Now, he naturally became Norbu's subordinate.

If the defeated army is not convinced and wants to resist, it will definitely end up being suppressed.But if he left here, Norbu wouldn't have the guts to go back east.The most distressing thing is that his tribe is now all men, and they are all in their prime. If there are no women, they will not be able to pass on the family line, and they will all have to go to the foundation.

When Norbu was forced to agree to the request of Tsarist Russia, he began to use tricks, abductions, robbery and looting to balance the seriously imbalanced male-female ratio in the clan.The behavior of his clan immediately made the surroundings into a mess.

No, Norbu just sent the Tsarist Russian envoy away humbly, sitting in the yurt panting.He has done this three times.Every time the Tsarist Russian envoy came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, he would promise not to commit the crime, pay compensation, and then do what he did.For the future of the tribe, what is the use of shame?
"Give the tribe another 18 years, and a new generation will grow up, and the tribe will have hope!" Norbu thought, "It's better than those two tribes, which have been wiped out by the Ming army, and there is no hope anymore! "

Just as Norbu was thinking this way, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes coming from outside.This made him frown, not to mention that the Tsarist envoy is back!
He thought so, not without reason.Tsarist Russia itself was very poor, so its people were so greedy, it felt like a bottomless pit, and they couldn't get enough to feed them. This was his biggest headache.

Looking around at his royal tent, which was empty and almost devoid of decorations, Norbu couldn't help but sigh.Everything that can be seen here was asked to leave by the Tsarist Russian envoy!

Norbu took a last look at his golden cup, which he used for drinking.He was a little worried, don't it be that the Tsarist Russian envoy wants this?When entertaining the Tsarist Russian envoy just now, he could see that the Tsarist Russian envoy had set his eyes on the golden cup several times, thanks to him pretending not to see it, unexpectedly, he must be unwilling and wanted to take it blatantly.So is this for, or not for?This is my most beloved and the only valuable item!
Norbu thought gloomily, a little confused about why he took out this golden cup to show off.At this moment, the hurried sound of horseshoes stopped not far from Wang's tent, and then the sound of hurried footsteps came to Wang's tent very quickly.

Hearing that he was in such a hurry, Norbu immediately felt something was wrong.He stood up quickly, and when he was about to go out to have a look, the curtain at the door was lifted, and a personal guard came in, and reported in a little panic: "Khan, come to report to the horse, and a large group of Ming troops are found not far from the east. trail!"

"What?" When Norbu heard this, for some reason, his hairs stood on end, and he hurriedly asked, "How much is Daqun? How far is it to the east?"

Back then, being chased and chased by the Ming army all the way, this memory would sometimes wake him up in his dreams, he was really scared!

In the past, it's not that I haven't encountered the Ming army not accepting at night.But that was far to the east, and those who occasionally patrol the grasslands just retreated, and the Ming army did not follow them even if they did not receive them at night.

The personal guard doesn't know, after all, he is just conveying.This made Norbu a little annoyed, and he didn't let his messenger come in. Instead, he strode out of the yurt in a hurry, looked at the sweaty messenger waiting outside, and repeated his question.

"About more than 200 miles away from here, there is a group of Ming troops who do not take over at night. There are about a hundred people, and they have been found in multiple directions." The messenger replied anxiously, "Looking at their appearance, they will continue to come to the west. !"

This situation has never happened before.After hearing this, Norbu couldn't stand still. He was a little annoyed, and said repeatedly: "What are they trying to do, what are they trying to do? They are so far away, and they still want to chase them? Are they going to kill them all?"

"Great Khan, it is reported that many of those Ming soldiers who did not receive them at night were originally from the Oirat Mongolian tribe!" The messenger hesitated for a while when he saw it, and finally said.

Hearing this, Norbu felt a chill in his heart.

To put it this way, it must be that the Oirat Mongolians have all defected to the Ming Dynasty, so many Oirat Mongolians became the Ming army.It's no wonder that the Oirat Mongolia was originally a feud with the Khalkha Mongolia. Coupled with the surprise attack a few years ago and the subsequent killing of the Oirat Mongolia, it is reasonable for them to continue to chase them!
Thinking of this, he became a little worried again.

In this place, Tsarist Russia is actually not too powerful.Therefore, when he was messing around in this area, Tsarist Russia would send envoys to threaten at most, and it was unlikely to send troops over, which would be laborious.

However, if he continues to flee to the west, Tsarist Russia will become more and more powerful. If he wants to mess around, believe it or not, the Tsarist Russians will get impatient and immediately send troops to suppress it.

Also, most of the looted women were already pregnant, and their stomachs contained the future hope of the tribe.It will definitely be inconvenient if you move again.

The most important thing is that Norbu has no idea. Even if he fled to the west, will the Ming army composed of Oirat Mongols let them go, or will they pursue them to the ends of the world?
All in all, it is not easy to migrate.Norbu had no choice but to order more scouts to go east to find out the situation.Anyway, he wanted a definite message.

Half a month later, at a huge cost, Norbu finally caught several Ming soldiers who refused to accept them at night. After some torture, the result was: "Let you escape to the ends of the earth, and Da Ming will chase you Come on, avenge Oirat Mongolia!"

Well, there is no way to stay in this place!

Norbu was helpless, the tribe only had so few troops, how could they fight against the Ming army?Moreover, in the previous battle, the confidence of the Ming army had actually been broken, and no one wanted to face the Ming army anymore.

At the same time when the tribe began to move westward again, Norbu also sent envoys to Tsarist Russia, telling them that the Ming army was coming to take revenge, anyway, you Tsarist Russia also has a share, give us a place to stay, and join us to deal with the Ming army. is the way out!If you disagree, Norbu can continue to run with the tribe anyway, I believe there will be other countries willing to take it in, and Tsarist Russia can figure it out!
 Thanks to anniexie for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to 0886449 for the reward of 300 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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