Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 156 Poison Scheme

Chapter 156 Poison Scheme (Fifth)

Yongping is a big city, where Yongping Prefecture is located. The population of the entire city is about 50 million.After Jianlu invaded Gyeonggi, the surrounding people hid in Fucheng, and the number of people will only be more than usual.

Now Jianlu has burned Yongping Mansion, and it is estimated that there are nearly 35 old and weak people who have rushed out of the city.With so many people exposed to the wild in such cold weather, without food or drink, how long would they survive even if Jianlu didn't kill them?

Hu Guang's heart ached when he thought of the uncertainties of so many people's lives.He immediately thought of Zunhua in a similar situation, and immediately switched to the Jinyiwei working group, and found that Gao Yingyuan had left a message, so he clicked on it to listen.

As expected, Zunhua City was the same as Yongping. All the people were driven out of the city, and the city was looted and then set on fire.Because of Gao Yingyuan's internal response, Hu Guang finally knew about Jianlu's plan.

Those old and weak who were driven out of the city, as long as they did not resist, Jianlu did not kill any of them, but sent troops to monitor them, and then withdrew until the city was burned.

Hu Guang can be sure that the castles controlled by Jianlu will all end in the same way.All property was looted, and all the young and strong were looted, leaving only the old and the weak in urgent need of rescue.

Huang Taiji, you are so poisonous!Hu Guang hated secretly, so he quickly switched to the working group, clicked on the icon of Wen Tiren, explained the situation, and then asked: "It seems that Jianlu really left, but he came so ruthlessly before leaving. I'm afraid there are millions of people, what good strategy does Wen Qing have?"

Wen Tiren was silent for a while before replying: "Your Majesty, the people must be rescued, but there is no food in the court, so they can only be urgently transferred from the south. The minister will start this matter early tomorrow morning, and let all the ministers in the court and the people of the world Everyone knows the emperor's love for the people!"

Hu Guang was taken aback when he heard that, although Wen Tiren's answer was quite satisfactory, but he, Hu Guang, was not the Chongzhen Emperor who had no experience in the world, so he immediately heard the true meaning of Wen Tiren's words.

It means that the imperial court has to make gestures and save people, but because they don't have the ability, they should be slow rather than hasty.Starve to death and freeze to death some old and weak, the pressure on the court will also be relieved.

In the end, the imperial court would still save them, but they couldn't hold on to it themselves. This is not to blame for the imperial court. If it is to blame, it can only be blamed on Jianlu.

Intellectually speaking, Wen Tiren's answer is indeed a pertinent move.With the resources in his hands, there is no way to save everyone, and this is the only way to compromise.

However, Hu Guang came from later generations, and he still can't face human life indifferently, especially millions of human lives!If he can't do his best to save people, he will probably have a disturbed conscience in this life!
Therefore, Hu Guang immediately stated: "If the food in the south is too late, the neighboring provinces will be recruited, and then the provinces further south will make up for it. At least it will be faster."

Using this step-by-step method can quickly collect food. Before Wen Tiren could speak, he said again: "Tomorrow morning, we will discuss this matter, and this year will not pass!"

"I obey the order!" Wen Tiren sighed slightly in his heart, knowing that the emperor couldn't bear it, so he agreed.However, he is not optimistic about any good measures that can be negotiated in the morning tomorrow.

Regarding this point, Hu Guang can actually guess in his mind.But with such a huge mess, if he was alone to think about it, he was afraid that he would miss some good measures and thus save fewer people.

However, Hu Guang is not naive enough to really pin his hopes on tomorrow's morning court.After thinking for a while, he switched to the Jinyiwei working group, clicked on Liu Xingzuo's icon and asked, "Liu Qing, how is Jinyiwei doing?"

"Your Majesty has an order, and I will do my best!" Liu Xingzuo replied immediately, with affirmation in his tone.

In other words, Jin Yiwei can be allowed to do things.Hu Guang understood this meaning, and immediately ordered: "Tomorrow morning, except for the Jinyiwei, the rest of the people will gather together and wait for my order!"

Faintly feeling that something important was about to happen, Liu Xingzuo immediately responded loudly: "I obey the order!"

After Hu Guang dealt with these matters, he couldn't sleep and got up with his clothes on. He summoned Man Gui, the commander-in-chief of the city defense, Li Fengxiang, the admiral of the Beijing camp, and Gao Shiyue, the eunuch of the imperial horse supervisor.

After a while of busy work, it was already late at night, and it seemed that it would be dawn in about two hours.Hu Guang simply stopped sleeping, entered the chat group, clicked on Liu Wang's icon, and asked her to ask Sun Chengzong to see him immediately.

Mrs. Liu acted as a telephone once, contacting the two parties, listening to the discussion between the emperor and elder Ge, until it was dusk, and she went back to rest tiredly.

At the Xifeng Pass, one of the famous passes of the Great Wall, Huang Taiji, surrounded by everyone, looked at the white fish belly rising in the east, turned his head to look in the direction of the capital, and said with a smile: "Ben Khan really can't underestimate you! In that case , let you be busy!"

After finishing speaking, he strode down from the top of the city and straddled his horse out of the customs to return.

At the beginning, when Huang Taiji felt that the Ming army in the pass was vulnerable, he really wanted to buy people's hearts to see if he could gain a foothold in the pass.

Just like in the original history, after Jianlu occupied the city in the pass, he did not make such a big move. Instead, he left a lot of people trying to gain a foothold in the pass.It was just that when the Ming army counterattacked, Heshuo Beile Aixinjueluo Amin, who stayed behind, didn't have the heart to stick to it, and ran away after massacring the city.

When Huang Taiji saw that not only the capital could not be defeated, but even Changli, he realized the shortcomings of Jianlu himself.

In particular, his courage shown by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, his determination to fortify the wall and clear the country, and the dialogue in the capital city made him clearly realize that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty was a formidable figure, and the Empire of Ming Dynasty was also a colossus after all. worthy.

That being the case, Huang Taiji, who was well versed in politics, came up with a poisonous plan, leaving a very big mess for the Ming emperor, which was far more poisonous than massacring a city.

In this way, not only can the strength of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty be weakened, but also the Ming Dynasty can be busy with disaster relief in the capital and cannot deal with Dajin, thus giving Dajin time to digest and absorb the results of this battle. The party struggle of the Ming Dynasty provided opportunities, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Thinking of his coup, Huang Taiji was also very proud.

This time they persisted in the expedition to the Ming Dynasty. Although they lost about ten thousand people, most of them were Han slaves used for consumption, as well as the Mongolian tribes.If it weren't for the consumption of the capital city, and the damned Azig's underestimation of the enemy, it is estimated that there would not have been two thousand Jurchen casualties.

As far as Daikin is concerned, the harvest is huge, and the property and young population alone are a huge number.After this battle, Dajin's internal reputation will also be in full swing, and it's time to start changing the eight kings' affairs!
Huang Taiji was thinking, feeling just right, when he was suddenly interrupted.After hearing the news, he rushed to see the Jingguan, which was piled up with more than two thousand heads, and couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the capital, his eyes were a little deep.

 Tomorrow's update should be at noon, and I have to work overtime tomorrow night or the morning of the day after tomorrow, and I have to wait for the notice. Therefore, I am not sure when I will make up the two shifts that are still owed, but I will definitely make up as soon as possible.

  Two days a day is the basis, and I will not forget this, although I did not have full attendance this month.

(End of this chapter)

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