Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 215 Arithmetic

Chapter 215 Arithmetic
When Wen Tiren and Xu Guangqi heard this, they stopped admonishing them and waited curiously for the emperor's answer.After all, this Daming banknote is quite different from the previous Daming banknote. What is the mystery behind it?
Hu Guang smiled, pointed to the banknotes in their hands and said: "This banknote is designed for the daily use of the common people, so it has been considered in terms of size and durability. In addition, the pattern on it is this copper coin and Copper string, I believe I don’t need to explain it. The square hole is written in the way of numbers on Dashi’s side. It is very simple and practical, and I decided to promote it in Daming in the future!”

When Xu Guangqi heard this, he thought to himself that His Majesty really knew a lot about Xiyi.When Wen Tiren heard this, he frowned, but he didn't object, he just asked, "Your Majesty, I don't know what is the convenience of this number?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Guang casually picked up a brush and began to write.Soon he asked Fang Zhenghua to transfer the written paper to Shoufu, and at the same time said: "This kind of number will be counted quickly, especially when the number is very large. That's what I showed you. A few examples, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, will be straightforward and much easier!"

Wen Tiren didn't recognize 0 to 9, and what Hu Guang gave was the writing habits of later generations. There were four examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, all of which were numbers above ten thousand, which confused him.

Xu Guangqi stretched out his head to take a look, but he understood a little bit, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "Your Majesty, is this result accurate?"

Upon hearing this, Wen Tiren passed the paper to Xu Guangqi curiously.Then he turned his head to look at the emperor, waiting for an answer.

Bi Ziyan is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and dealing with numbers is commonplace, so he is also interested in this, so he stretched his head to look at it, but he didn't recognize it like Wen Tiren.

When Hu Guang heard Xu Guangqi's question, he smiled and said: "Xu Qing can do the math, do you want me to read those numbers to Qing?"

"I recognize these numbers!" Xu Guangqi replied, and immediately bowed his head and began to count, regardless of whether the emperor was being polite.

When the other two met, they looked at Xu Guangqi curiously, stared at his expression, and waited for his conclusion.

After a while, Xu Guangqi raised his head with a slight blushing and said, "Your Majesty, the results of the first two additions and subtractions are verified by the minister, and there is no problem. But the latter multiplication and division..."

He paused for a while when he said this, and then he stood up and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please give me an abacus!"

This Xu Guangqi is worthy of being obsessed with academics. Even in front of the imperial court, in order to get accurate results, he has no regard for face, and must get a letter on the spot.

But his performance surprised the two people beside him.Xu Guangqi had to use an abacus to get the result, but the emperor just brushed a few times, and the result was already on the paper.If the results are correct, the gap seems to be a bit large.

Hu Guang naturally had no objection to this request, and immediately nodded and ordered Fang Zhenghua to get an abacus.

Xu Guangqi's arithmetic is also very good. With the abacus in his hand, he clicked it and the result was immediately obtained. After checking again, he couldn't help admiring: "The result is correct. I think this method is worth promoting!"

As soon as these words came out, Wen Tiren and Bi Ziyan were surprised.I didn't expect Dashi's arithmetic to be so powerful. With just a pen, the result can be calculated quickly without an abacus.

At this time, Daming's inclusive mind was far from comparable to that of later generations. For new things, even barbaric things, as long as they were really good things, they would still accept them.

For example, Xiyi's artillery, such as the Japanese pirates' blunderbuss, were better than Daming's at that time, and Daming bought them to imitate them without hesitation.

Hu Guang smiled slightly after hearing this and said: "Promotion is a matter of your etiquette department, and you should make a plan yourself. I will also organize a copy of this related content for you, including further knowledge in arithmetic such as squares and squares. What I said before, I didn’t just say it casually.”

Both Wen Tiren and Bi Ziyan were a little puzzled, they didn't understand at all, and they didn't know what was going on.But Xu Guangqi remembered what he said that day on the Deshengmen Archery Tower. When he was about to express his opinion, he heard the emperor ask him again: "Have you sorted out the things I asked you to sort out before?"

"The minister has already sorted it out, but seeing that His Majesty is busy with military and state affairs these days, I want to revise it again." Xu Guangqi replied with a slightly excited expression.At this time, he already believed that the emperor was really powerful!
Hu Guang nodded and said, "I'll submit it when I'm done. I can take a look when I have time."

After finishing speaking, he brought the topic back, glanced at the other two, and then introduced: "The picture on the back of the banknote, and those words, I made the decision after careful consideration. Just guess, what is this?"

Upon hearing this, Shou Fu Wen Tiren had thought about it before, and immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the pattern on the back is the three-star pattern. Since ancient times, the three-star flag has been the flag of the emperor, and it should be printed on this banknote to represent the Ming dynasty. Paper currency is the property of the Son of Heaven, and no one shall destroy it..."

"..." Hu Guang was speechless, well, it seems that this explanation is not bad.

"It's's just that the starlight seems to be slightly different from the pattern of the Sanchen Banner, and the color is also different. I don't know why, old minister?" Wen Tiren was a little hesitant. In fact, he originally wanted to say, is the starlight Wrong drawing?
When Hu Guang heard this, he immediately shook his head and smiled, and directly solved the mystery and said: "This picture is indeed evolved from the Sanchen Banner, but it has another meaning. For the full version, you can look at the back of the banknotes of more than one tael of silver."

Seeing that the three courtiers were looking at it curiously, he continued: "The red sun and the yellow moon overlap, which is a Ming character, and it is the name of my country. The stars outside are changed to red, which also refers to the sun's rays." , which coincides with my Daming belongs to Huo De."

Hearing what the emperor said, the three of them saw that it was indeed the case. It was a coincidence that the banner of the Son of Heaven had something to do with Daming!

"Twelve rays of light refer to twelve hours in a day and twelve months in a year. The rays of light are located above the blue sky, which means that the brilliance of our Ming Dynasty is always shining in all directions."

That's a good statement!The three of them couldn't help but nod their heads in secret praise after hearing this.

"The four sharp horns in the red light point to the four directions of up, down, left, and right. They represent the sky and the poles and the meaning of not being a concubine.

In the extremes of heaven and earth, there is no one who does not submit to my Ming Dynasty with the courtesy of ministers and concubines as far as the ends of the world.This is from the stele of "Tianfei Lingyingzhi", which is also commonly known as Zheng He's stele.Naturally, the three courtiers in the imperial study understood this meaning, and it was a good sign, so they nodded again.

 The high-end order has increased by 50, and it has been announced in the group, so it owes 1 chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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