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Chapter 550 The Ming Army Has Arrived

Chapter 550 The Ming Army Has Arrived (Part [-])

As Li Guo expected, earlier on, more and more Ming thieves were killed and injured at the top of Guihua City, and the arrows leaning from the slope to the top of the city almost covered the light from the sun.

Under the city, under the cover of the rain of arrows on the slope, most of the strong Mongolian soldiers reached the bottom of the city wall, put on a lasso, and began to climb up with a knife in their mouth.

One, two, three, Mongols kept appearing at the top of the city. Although some were killed, more and more Mongols rushed to the top of the city.

E Zhe, who was commanded by Tupo, was ecstatic when he saw it.By this time, even a fool would know that Guihua City could be taken.

Lin Dan Khan in the distance, riding on a horse, also saw this scene, and pointed with the whip in his hand in relief: "Ben Khan will finally spend the night in the palace today!"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the top of the city and said to the two left-wing chief executives beside him: "Look, the thieves on the top of the city have collapsed. My son has made a great contribution, and this Khan can't treat him badly!"

Hu Luke Saisang and the two looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, but they didn't speak.At this time, they had already made up their minds, and they didn't refute anything.

They turned their heads and looked at the top of Guihua City. They could see that E Zhe's men had already started to attack along the top of the city, while some Ming thieves from other sections of the city wall were still resisting, and some had already fled.

"Brother, there is nowhere to escape anyway, so we have to fight the Mongols!" On the top of the wall, God One Kuizi was tearing up and shouted.

There was a wry smile on Shen Yiyuan's face, looking at his brother, he suddenly said: "I regret that I should have listened to you, it was my brother who hurt you!"

When he decided to rebel before, Shen Yikui had persuaded him in private.But at that time, he had already made up his mind, so he didn't listen, so he said it now.

After hearing this, Shen Yikui forced a smile and said, "Brother, it's useless to say these things at this time. If we brothers join forces to kill him more, it's just..."

"Okay!" Shen Yiyuan put away his guilty heart, his face showed a ferocious look again, he swung his knife, and when he was about to shout something, he heard Shen Yikui suddenly shouted in surprise: "Wait!"

When Shen Yiyuan heard it, he was a little puzzled. What else is there to wait for at this time?He looked over suspiciously, but saw Shen Yikui staring at the outside of the city, as if he saw something incredible.

Shen Yiyuan suddenly wondered, it is impossible to have reinforcements on his side, and there are Mongols outside the city, so what else is there to see?

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look, but saw a black line rolling at the end of the grassland.Both of their brothers were born in Ye Bushou of the frontier army, and they are no strangers to that black line!Just by looking at it, he knew that there were countless cavalry troops coming.

Immediately, his eyes widened, and like his younger brother, he showed an unbelievable expression.Lin Danhan's army is outside the city, whose army is coming from afar?Looking at the black line in the distance, it seems to encircle this side. This is definitely not Lin Danhan's ally!
"Brother, it's... the court's frontier army, it's the frontier army!" Shen Yikui had a good look in his eyes, and he was most familiar with the Ming Dynasty's frontier army, so he yelled in surprise.

Shen Yiyuan also came to his senses, but he was even more dumbfounded, and said incredulously: "There are so many cavalry, this...does this take away all the cavalry from the Nine Frontier Army?"

Shen Yikui didn't answer these words, the desire to survive made his brain spin rapidly, and immediately he had another idea, he immediately said anxiously: "Brother, you guard the top of the city, I will take people to the palace, kill Wang Jiayin, seize His imperial jade seal is dedicated to the officers and soldiers, maybe there will be a way to survive!"

"Okay!" Shen Yiyuan immediately replied with great joy when he heard it.But right away, he asked with some doubts: "I guard the top of the city?"

"Well, when the officers and soldiers arrive at the city, you can control the city gate and dedicate the city, so that the credit will be greater. The frontier generals can't say anything about the credit under the eyes of everyone!" Shen Yiyuan was already in a hurry, and after answering Started to point people to the city.

When Shen Yiyuan heard it, he also felt that it was reasonable, so he agreed and led the rest of the people to defend the Mongols' attack first, and then control the city gate after the Mongols escaped.

And outside the city, Lin Danhan and the others were watching the slaughter on the top of the city, when suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes behind them, and there was a shout: "It's not good, the enemy attacked..."

Lin Danhan and the others heard and looked, but saw several horses galloping towards them.At this time, he was almost at the front, relying on the speed of the horse, he reined in the horse and stopped abruptly.

But before these people had time to report, Lin Danhan reprimanded angrily: "What enemy attack? The army has already broken through Guihua City!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked: "Could it be that the Ming thief broke through from another city gate?"

"Khan, the army of the Ming Dynasty... the army of the Ming Dynasty is here!" The leader ignored his reprimand, pointed back, and shouted in panic.

"Army of the Ming Dynasty?" Upon hearing this, question marks flashed across Lin Danhan's forehead. This is on the grassland. Where did the army of the Ming Dynasty come from?

But when he looked along the man's fingers, he found that in the cracks of the tent behind him, he could faintly see black lines billowing in the distance.Immediately, his face changed, but before he said anything, the man pointed in another direction and said in fear: "There, there are cavalry troops from the Ming army! Khan, we...we are surrounded !"

"What?" Lin Danhan was startled suddenly, turned his head and looked around, and found that his position was blocked by the siege team, and he couldn't see anything.Immediately, he stood on the horse's back in a rare and vigorous manner. Just looking around, he suddenly swayed and almost fell off the horse!
Why did the Ming army come to the grassland, and...and there are so many cavalry troops, there may be more than 1 cavalry troops!This... what's going on here?How could there be so many cavalry troops from the Ming Dynasty appearing on the grassland at this time?

In this short time, Hu Luke Saisang and the others also saw it, and they were as frightened as their profuse sweat.There are so many cavalry troops from the Ming Dynasty, maybe almost [-]?This is also the first time they have seen it on the grassland.

Lin Dan Khan deserved to be a profuse sweat for so many years. He panicked for a moment, and immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, and said to Hu Luke Saisang and the others: "You should quickly organize the army to deal with the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty. Ben Khan will send an envoy to Negotiation, the Ming Dynasty sent troops to the grassland, what exactly do you mean!"

The sudden arrival of the Ming army made the Mongols panic, and E Zhe was so frightened that he left his siege troops and fled to Lin Dan Khan's side in a panic, asking with a mournful face, "Father Khan, what should we do? What should we do? "

 This is an addition of 400 more recommended votes. I forgot to read it, so I posted it late.

  ps: I would like to recommend a movie to everyone, the first part of "We Come From the Future", an old movie, Russian, available online, those who like history should like to watch this movie.


(End of this chapter)

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