Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 562 The Merit of the Bloody Battle 1 Must Be Discussed

Chapter 562 The credit for the bloody battle must be recovered

Cheng Jiming actually summed up the public opinion in the capital, starting with Governor Denglai's exaggerated military exploits, all the way to the connivance of Lord Shoufu, and then to the arrogance of Governor Yansui, Xue Guoguan's arrogance and domineering, oppressing kindness, In the end, he said back to Shoufu's thick skin, ignoring many memorials to impeach him, he was simply the head of all the officials of the Ming Dynasty!
After saying this, he also said that he and Wen Tiren were good friends, but based on the righteousness of the country, he couldn't bear to see the people suffer and the emperor was deceived, so he stood up and told the emperor about it with tears!For future generations, it should be severely punished!
After he finished speaking, the other officials who were about to be impassioned suddenly realized that he had said everything they wanted to say...

Moreover, Cheng Jiming's words, starting from the Liaodong War, were analyzed one by one, and the whole line was connected in series. It was clear and logical. It could be seen at a glance that he must have prepared a lot of hard work for this.

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was listening with a calm expression all the time, and did not scold him for attacking the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty and those courtiers whom Emperor Chongzhen valued, Zhang Zhifa and Zu Dashou felt cold with such an attitude.

But other officials were extremely excited after seeing this scene.Since Cheng Jiming has already said it, it doesn't mean they have nothing to say and no chance to express themselves.

Therefore, not long after Cheng Jiming finished speaking, and before the emperor finished speaking, Liu Yushi coughed loudly, and then went out and played loudly: "The minister seconded the proposal, and the minister also impeached the first assistant Wen Tiren and the cabinet minister Xue Guoguan... ..."

"The minister also agrees!"

"The minister also agrees!"


All of a sudden, more than half of the civil servants came out to second the proposal. The momentum was so huge that it looked like three people became a tiger.If it were the previous Emperor Chongzhen, even if he had already made up his mind, he might be influenced by them and be shaken.

After Cheng Jiming finished speaking, he stood bowed like that in accordance with the memorial that recorded his speech.But in his heart he was secretly complacent, he saw the opportunity and had the first victory in this battle, he would definitely gain a huge reputation and help him achieve the position of chief assistant.

Hehe, speaking of it, I also blame Xue Guoguan for daring to forcibly collect the taxes owed by the local gentry. Doesn't he know that this is a taboo for being an official?Now in the world of Ming Dynasty, as long as there is some power, which one will not default on taxes.Believe it or not, you really need to check it out. Nine out of ten families standing in the hall have this incident.I really don't know what Xue Guoguan was thinking, he was so reckless, offending everyone to death!

The following is a passionate group, but Emperor Chongzhen, who is sitting on the throne, still maintains his original attitude. Naturally, others don't know that he didn't listen to it at all just now, but entered the chat group.At this time, he withdrew from the chat group, thinking that he would have to wait a little longer, so he told Gao Shiyue lightly: "Let them have something to say, what kind of attitude is it to be a parrot?"

"..." Hearing this, most people were dumbfounded. Could it be that the emperor thinks that we are all part of Cheng Fuchen's party?
So, one by one, they began to express their opinions again in the order of their official positions, which was nothing more than some of what Cheng Jiming said.But in their own words.

Because of the new army, Zu Dashou, who had more dealings with Emperor Chongzhen, smelled a different meaning from it.Logically speaking, in the scene just now, even if the emperor favored the first assistant, he would let the first assistant defend himself first.

But the emperor didn't seem to have that meaning at all, and even made a point in his words, mocking those people as parrots, which is unusual!

Zu Dashou thought so, but couldn't figure it out. Even so, there was time to finish.At that time, with so many courtiers and so many words, even if the emperor is the Ninth Five-Year King, he must at least give an explanation to the courtiers, right?At that time, how can I explain it!After all, this fact is hard to justify!

About an hour later, those civil servants who should have said it had already said it, and the impassioned mood could no longer be maintained, and the vindictiveness in my heart was worn away by exhaustion.Slowly, the scene fell silent.Everyone, regardless of civil or military, looked at the emperor, waiting for the emperor's order.

Emperor Chongzhen withdrew from the chat group, feeling that the time was almost up, so he said to Cao Huachun, the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies, "Take out all the previous memorials too!"

"Slave obeys the order!" Cao Huachun had already been ordered, so he immediately brought all the impeachment memorials collected in the past few days to the front of the imperial court, and the trays were full of six large trays.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at those memorials, then glanced at the officials below, and suddenly shouted coldly: "The frontline soldiers risked their lives and fought bloody battles for our Ming Dynasty, but you opened and closed your mouths and wiped away all the credit for them!" It’s gone. If you want to talk about the skill of this lip service in the world, you guys are the most powerful!”

Hearing this, all civil and military officials were surprised, and most of them turned pale.They didn't expect that the emperor hadn't responded before, even the imperial impeachment, there was no response.But when he responded, it turned out to be such a fierce speech!
If this is the case, wouldn't today's work be fruitless and give Shoufu and others a chance to take revenge? How could this be possible!

Thinking of this, Liu Yushi immediately cheered up again, and played loudly: "Your Majesty, as the censor of the imperial court, I rely on this lip service to plead for orders for the people of the Ming Dynasty and to rectify the rules and regulations for the imperial court. I listened to what your majesty said, but I also forgot Thanks to the merits of the censor appointed by my ancestors, such remarks are not the way of a king, please take it back, Your Majesty!"

Ever since Hai Rui wrote a letter scolding the Emperor Jiajing during the Jiajing period, the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty had precedents to follow. As long as they caught the emperor's mistakes, followed the ancestral precepts, and suppressed the emperor with righteousness, basically nothing would happen. Gain a lot of reputation.

With Liu Yushi taking the lead, the others are not to be outdone.There is a way that the law does not blame the public, if you don't strive for prestige at this time, let alone when.

"Your Majesty's words are absurd!" The criminal department also came out and said, "Liaodong is still the Liaodong where the captives were established, but the governor of Denglai was greeted by hundreds of officials. What is the merit? And..."

Other officials also argued, and for a moment it seemed that the morning court had become a folk vegetable market!

The sound of the ground whip sounded, and the scene was quiet for a while. Emperor Chongzhen stood up, pointed at them and said, "How dare you say that I was wrong! I ask you, during the Battle of Liaodong, what did you do?" Where? Do you know how much hope the Liaodong War brought to the Liaodong Hannu? Do you know how the rumors of Jianlu’s invincibility were shattered? Do you know how many Jurchen populations there are, how many are left after the Liaodong War, and their war potential has been lost? How much? You..."

Emperor Chongzhen vented his depression these days at this moment.The credit of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives on the front line and fought bloody battles must be reclaimed for them!

(End of this chapter)

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