Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 611 Despair

Chapter 611 Despair (Third)

This movement was a bit loud, and it immediately attracted the attention of all fishermen.They all stopped what they were doing and looked towards the source of the sound, that is, the official road.

"This is the cavalry army from Jinzhou. The Ming army is probably finished!" the old fisherman shook his head and sighed.

The neighbor who spoke to him before seemed a bit resentful and continued: "I only came to fight once in the past two months, and Jianlu must have been prepared. No, let's dispatch the cavalry..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the shadow of the cavalry on the official road. The flags were fluttering, and the red iron stream was coming, which made him hold back the rest of his words.

"Hey, could it be that my old eyes are dizzy, why do I look like a cavalry soldier from the imperial court!" The old fisherman blinked, then rubbed his eyes, and then continued to open his eyes wide and said in surprise.

His son was also very surprised, but he answered his father affirmatively: "That's right, the red military robe is the Ming army, the cavalry army of the imperial court!"

The other fishermen had also seen it clearly at this time, and they were suddenly surprised, and their attention was all on the official road, and they didn't even notice that a fishing rod was being dragged away by the fish.

At the head of Lushun City, Jianlu who stayed behind thought at first that Jinzhou reinforcements had come. After all, Niu Luerzhen had said at the time that he was going to Jinzhou for help.But soon he discovered that it wasn't the Jinzhou reinforcements that came, but the Ming cavalry.

Immediately, he became nervous, and the people in the city were almost emptied. It can be said that the defense was extremely low. He turned his head and looked around, and everyone under him looked sideways, all nervous.

So, he immediately shouted: "Don't panic, everyone is defending, it is only the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty, there must not be many people! You can see clearly, they are cavalry, can they use horses to attack the city?" ? Don’t panic, just wait for the adults to come back!”

Upon hearing this, the panicked Qing army on the top of the city immediately stabilized.Of course they knew how many cavalry troops the Ming Kingdom had in Liaodong, and they had a city to defend, so they were afraid that the cavalry troops of the Ming Kingdom would fail!
Sure enough, it didn't take long to see that the cavalry was gone.Although there are hundreds of riders, there are only hundreds of riders after all. Could it be possible to capture Lushun City!This situation gave them peace of mind.

Lu Da led a hundred or so riders straight to Lushun City. When he was within a stone's throw away from the city, he reined in his horse and stopped, and then shouted loudly with something in his hand: "The head of your general is here. Quickly open the door and surrender, or you will be spared. You die!"

When he spoke, the Qing army on the top of the city was shocked when they heard it.They did not expect that Master Barosh was actually killed by the Ming army.

The leader of Jianlu at the head of the city was a little panicked, but he still forced himself to be shocked, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't panic, my lord led more than 600 people out of the city, how could he kill him in such a short period of time. That leader must be It’s fake, it’s here to scare us, don’t be afraid!”

As for Lu Da's loud voice, many fishermen also heard it, and they hoped that the head really belonged to Barosh.But also a little skeptical that this is not true.After all, in their life, they have never seen a Ming army who can kill Jianlu in a short period of time, but the reverse is true.

Lu Da sneered when he saw the movement at the top of the city.He clamped the horse's belly hard, drove the horse out, and arrived near the top of the city within a few breaths. With a strong shake, the head in his hand was thrown towards the top of the city.

"If you don't surrender, you will die when the city is broken!" After Lu Da said this loudly, he turned a corner and ran back to the main formation without fear of the bows and arrows at the top of the city.

"What a hero!" A fisherman couldn't help giving a thumbs up when he saw it, "He's so brave!"

"Could it be the elite of the imperial court who came this time?" The old fisherman was also excited, "There was no Ming army who had such courage before!"

"It's a pity that there are too few people here, otherwise, Lushun will definitely be able to take down!" Another person immediately sighed.

But on the top of the city, many people panicked. Many people saw the heads thrown up. They were indeed the real ones. Those wide-open eyes seemed to be dying.

The leader of Jianlu at the head of the city also panicked, but he was asked to surrender. There was no such precedent in the Qing Dynasty, so he had to shout loudly: "Don't panic, the Ming army will not stay long. When the reinforcements arrive, they will be defeated and flee." When they are few, we just need to hold on..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw another movement in the distance of the official road. Groups of Ming troops in red shirts were marching in disorder. But this is not the point. The point is that there are many, many people.It keeps popping up, seemingly endlessly.

This time, the Qing army at the top of the city didn't even feel panic, they were all stunned.

The same is true for the fishermen in those ports. They stared dumbfounded at the countless Ming troops that emerged, feeling like they were dreaming.Even if the Ming army came to attack last time, it seems that there were not so many people!

Suddenly, in the silence, the old fisherman's son exclaimed: "Look, look at the sea, look at the sea..."

The old fisherman and others turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw warships appearing densely on the sea at an unknown time, slowly approaching the port.This time, they were stunned again.

Suddenly, there was a "plop", but it was the old fisherman's neighbor who lost his footing and fell into the sea.

After being disturbed by this news, the fishermen all came back to their senses.At this time, they can be very sure that Lushun will be taken back by the court again.

"Hurry up, give way." The old fisherman commanded his son loudly as soon as he came back to his senses: "Quickly row the boat to the side, don't stop here, be careful of the boat being destroyed!"

Although the Ming army is better than Jianlu, but the military discipline of this large army is only so-so. If there is an accident, who else can we cry for?

The fishermen all understood this principle. After hearing what the old fishermen said, they all became busy in a panic, and drove their boats away from the ports where the warships docked.But for their thatched house, there is nothing they can do.Those can't be moved away. Once the imperial army arrives, it is estimated that they will have to find another place to build a new one.

At this moment, the Qing army on the head of Lushun City was in despair.Originally, there were very few Ming soldiers who had hoped to come, but who knew that the number of people coming was unprecedentedly large, and when the troops in the city were the most empty, how could they fight?
In just a short while, those members of the Eight Banners of the Han Army looked at each other and began to make eye contact. In the end, they all stood up one by one and forced the Manchurians.

When Lu Xiangsheng's flagship appeared in Lushun port, the flag of Ming Dynasty had already been planted on the city of Lushun.He immediately issued an order: "Order both the army and the army to strictly observe military discipline. If anyone disturbs the people, they will be severely punished!"

After saying this, he made a special confession: "The same is true for the Fujian friendly army, pass it on!".

 There are still 8 owed changes, and there will be more in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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