Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 619 Come and go whenever you want

Chapter 619 Come and go whenever you want (third change)

With a sound of "crash", the royal case in front of Huang Taiji was directly overthrown by him, and the memorials on it were scattered all over the floor. All the servants and maids in the palace fell to their knees and prostrated themselves on the ground with their heads bowed.

But at this moment, not far to the right of Huang Taiji, there was a "poof", and one of the servants didn't know if he was frightened, so he let out a loud fart.

This fart might have frightened himself, he tried hard, but there was no sound, but after all, he couldn't stop the natural phenomenon, and the sound rang out again, like playing music, with intermittent rhythmic sound.

Huang Taiji was like a man-eating tiger. The small eyes on his fat face were wide open, which could barely be regarded as glaring. He pointed at the servant and almost roared, "Why are you standing there? Let me drag you out to live!" kill!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't even feel relieved, and directly smashed the memorial in his hand.

When the guards dragged the servant who begged for mercy out of the hall, Huang Taiji suddenly sighed, as if he had no strength in his whole body, and fell down on the throne, looking very tired.

The Guanning Cavalry Army and the Dongjiang Cavalry Army went straight to the hinterland of Liaodong from the west and east respectively, and then turned a corner before reaching the town heavily guarded by the Qing Dynasty, destroying all the way to Fuzhou and then fled.Although Huang Taiji hadn't received the final report yet, he could estimate in his mind how much food was destroyed by the Ming army this time.Originally, there was not enough food in the Qing Dynasty, and the Ming army stabbed it again, which really made things worse!
Without food, other things are useless no matter how well they are done.What's even more irritating is that the Ming army destroyed so much food, but they escaped safely in the end. This really doesn't take the Qing army seriously!

The land of Eastern Liaodong is the place of the Qing Dynasty. You can come and leave whenever you want?Thinking of this, Huang Taiji felt a little pain in his heart and liver.He understood that it was all out of anger.

It's really hateful, although I actually thought that they might escape from the sea, but I also thought about the nearly two thousand cavalry, two people with horses, how many warships would it take to transport them, according to my own estimation, the Ming Dynasty Navy is not so Many boats.Therefore, the focus of self-defense and interception is still on land, especially in the direction of grassland.

However, I didn't expect the navy of the Ming Dynasty to use Changsheng Island.Put part of the Ming army on the island first, transport the other part of the Ming army away, and then go back to transport the remaining Ming army, thus solving the problem of insufficient warships!
Huang Taiji thought for a long time, and finally slowly suppressed the anger in his heart.After careful consideration for a while, he suddenly stood up and shouted, "Come on!"

If the Ming army can come and destroy our Daqing’s grain, then my Daqing will also reciprocate and grab the Ming army’s grain.Thinking in his heart, Huang Taiji decided to send troops to Ningjin, until the front line of Shanhaiguan, all the grain in the grain fields would be seized by the Qing Dynasty.

However, although Huang Taiji made this order, he urgently sent an order to the army in Fuzhou to let them do this.But he did understand that the Ming army made such a mess and was delayed for a while, and the matter of going to Guan Ning to grab food was already later than in previous years.More importantly, since the Ming army could think of coming to the Qing Dynasty to destroy food this time, they would definitely prevent the Qing Dynasty from robbing them of food.

Thinking about the possibility that the army sent to Guanning would return empty-handed, that is to say, the Ming army took advantage of this incident, and Huang Taiji felt furious again, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He actually didn't know that if it wasn't for hiding the strength of the navy, Daming could have transported all the troops away at once.The reason why only a part of the warships came over and took the trouble to throw the Dongjiang cavalry on Changsheng Island first was to show Jianlu that the current transportation capacity of the Daming Navy is actually so much.

In fact, the Denglai Navy was already building new ships after Lu Xiangsheng took office, and transferred ships from Guan Ning. The most important thing is that the Fujian Navy was originally bigger than the Denglai Navy. It just happened to transport grain from Annan, and was ordered by Emperor Chongzhen to stay in the north.This made the transportation capacity of Daming North increase a lot at once, far exceeding Huang Taiji's imagination.And this is also the basis for giving Huang Taiji a surprise in the subsequent battles.

It can be said that since the end of last year, after the change of Emperor Chongzhen, since the confiscation of the Shanxi merchants and the cutting off of Jianlu's eyeliner in the pass, and since the golden finger of the chat group, the information of Daming and Jianlu has been absolute. asymmetrical.Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful Huang Taiji is, if he wants to keep his previous record, it will be extremely difficult!
Just when Huang Taiji was so angry that he killed people, all the thatched houses on the shore were cleaned up on the side of Lushun port, and all other accumulated sundries were also emptied. From the city to the port, everything was empty, like a big square.

On the pier, skilled craftsmen are busy adding berths.Seeing that a lot of new berths have been added, the old fishermen who are doing some chores in exchange for food can't help being very surprised: "This can already park a lot of boats, right? Why do you need more?"

"Yeah, I'm also wondering." His neighbor continued, "Even when Lushun returned to the imperial court, there were not many ships. Just those ships a few days ago are the most I have seen in my life. The ship is gone!"

"Could it be that you are idle and idle, so you should repair more?" the old fisherman's son guessed.

When the old fisherman heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "How is it possible, you think you are really full! Let me see, the boats from last time are probably coming back. You have forgotten that there were so many people on and off the boat last time. , How long did it take? The adults may want to speed up the speed of getting on and off the boat, so let's do it!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed with emotion: "You don't know, when our Ming Dynasty was in the Yongle period, there were only a little more than one boat at that time! It was so dense that it almost flattened the sea!"

"More boats than a few days ago?" His son asked in surprise.In his opinion, the port was almost covered a few days ago, which is the most he has seen in his life.

After hearing this, the old fisherman looked at his son and said, "Of course, it's much more than a few days ago. Don't talk about the port, just look at the farthest part of the sea. There are still boats..."

While he was talking, he suddenly stopped, making the people around him a little curious, and following his gaze, they were also stunned.

I saw densely packed ships appearing on the sea outside the port.It seems that the far side of the ocean is not sea water, but ships.After looking at it for a long time, the boat in the front has become bigger and bigger, but at the end of the sea, there are still boats.On this scale, it is definitely several times more than the number a few days ago!
Needless to say, the fleet transporting the new army to the war, including ships from the Denglai Navy, Guanning Navy, and Fujian Navy, finally arrived in Lushun.

 One change has been repaid, and there are still 5 owed changes.It seems that there will be two more updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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