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Chapter 753 Battle

Chapter 753 Battle
Thinking of this, Huang Taiji turned his head and told Ji Erhalang who was following him, "Immediately send more Qing elites to guard near the earth mountain!"

Now the earth mountain is still being built, and there are Mongolians going up and down.However, on the back side of the earth mountain, there are already hundreds of Jianlu who are on guard.At this time, Huang Taiji still wanted to send out the elite of the Qing Dynasty, which surprised Jierhalang a little.

After all, it was daytime. If the Ming army came out of the city, they would be able to see it at a glance, and there was no possibility of a surprise attack. Moreover, the earth mountain was between the two city gates. If the Ming army came out, it would have a long way to go.Under such conditions, how could the Ming army dare to leave the city?They have already rushed to repair and raise the city wall at the top of the city to deal with it!

After Huang Taiji finished speaking, he looked at his appearance or was in a good mood, so he explained to him: "The earth mountain is about to be repaired, and no more mistakes are allowed! Although the Ming army basically dare not go out of the city again, just in case, it can't be spent. What price. Go!"

As soon as Jierhalang heard this, he knew that Huang Taiji was afraid of another accident this time.Thinking about the Mongols, it is indeed the case. The foundation of the Qing Dynasty is too weak to continue to toss.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately agreed, and went to arrange it himself.

Seeing an elite group of Manchurians sent to Tushana, many Mongolians were surprised.

"What the hell, what is the Qing Dynasty going to do? Is that their white-armored soldier, sent to guard Tushan?"

"It's broad daylight, and you're not afraid of a sneak attack by the Ming army. Isn't that too much of a fuss?"

"That is, the Ming army's ability is to defend the city, against the Qing Dynasty, dare to go out of the city to fight in the field? Are you crazy!"


Most of the Mongols took it as a joke. If Jianlu wants to make a fuss, just do it!

When it was close to noon, Ballanduo sat down on the ground to rest after throwing away the soil. Hearing the sound of "gurgling" in his stomach, he couldn't help but look at the camp and said, "Why haven't you eaten yet? I'm starving to death!"

If you go out to dig and fill the pit, you have to share more food than your companions staying in the barracks.All day long, I look forward to the moment of eating.

"Yeah, I see that the dinner time is getting later and later, maybe there is almost no food?" His companion sat down next to him after hearing this, and squeezed to talk.

"Actually, it's not just us. Did you see that the dinner time in the Qing Dynasty is getting later and later." Another companion sat on the ground to rest, but pointed to the guarded Jianlu and said, "Look, that But the most elite white armor soldiers in the Qing Dynasty, how can they not be hungry now, but no one will replace them?"

"Hehe, you deserve it..."

They were chatting here when they suddenly saw those white-armored soldiers who were a little bit bored and became very nervous one by one. They all stood up and picked up their knives, guns, bows and arrows, as if they were about to fight.

Balando was taken aback. Before he could turn his head, he heard commotion from the top of the hill: "Ming army...Ming army has left the city!"

Hearing the faint sound of horseshoes, together with his companions, he got up from the ground with a grunt. Turning around, he saw a cavalry army leaving the city at the gate of Gaizhou City. Accelerate slowly.The winter sun shone on the cavalry, and the men and horses reflected the light. Barlando shouted in surprise: "Heavy armored cavalry!"

"Look, over there, there are also..."

Hearing the voice, Barlando turned his head and looked to the other side.Sure enough, at the gate on the other side, there was also a heavy armored cavalry, all of them came towards the earth mountain.


Hearing the reminder from their companions, Barlando and the others immediately seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, full of strength, let go of their feet, and immediately ran towards the camp.

The Mongols on the dirt hill were all shocked, and they ran down the dirt hill, or rolled down, and fled here quickly.

Some of the white armored soldiers who wanted to rush up the mound were knocked down by these Mongols, and couldn't go up at all for a while.

Jierhalang was supervising the construction of the earth mountain in the distance. When he saw this situation suddenly, he was taken aback. While immediately ordering reinforcements, he asked Huang Taiji, who was going back to the camp for dinner, to report urgently: the Ming army had left the city.

At this time, in Gaizhou, it was almost a chaotic scene.

The two gates of Gaizhou City were opened, heavy armored cavalry opened the way in front, light cavalry followed behind, and teams of infantry came out of the city continuously, like two big claws of a crab, pinching towards the side of the earth mountain. come over.

On Tushan's side, the Mongols who were working at first didn't have the awareness of soldiers at all, so they all let go of their staff and fled to the camp.Only the Jianlu are relying on the earth mountain to form an formation in a hurry, and some are climbing up the earth mountain to seize the commanding heights and hold on to the earth mountain.

On the other side of the Jianlu camp, another cavalry army is also galloping out, coming to the side of the earth mountain, obviously a reinforcement.However, this cavalry team was not organized, and it was obvious that they had not prepared in advance.

As soon as Huang Taiji sat down in the tent of the Jianlu Central Army, his personal guards rushed in and said, "Your Majesty, the Ming army has come out of the city to snatch the earth mountain!"

"What?" Huang Taiji asked in surprise after hearing this.Didn't the Ming army raise the city wall on the top of the city? Why did they leave the city?

After asking the question, he rushed out without waiting for the guard to reply.There was excitement on that fat face.If the Ming army really came out, let him come and go!
After leaving the tent of the Chinese army, Huang Taiji got on his horse vigorously, and at the same time delivered a loud order: "All the troops must gather and go out of the camp to wait for battle!"

On the other side of the Mongolian camp, the leaders who were talking together were all very surprised when they got the report from their subordinates that the army had left the city, and rushed out of the camp to see what happened.

"Ah, the Ming army really dare to come out?"

"This...without the protection of the city wall, are they coming out to seek death?"

"It's all right now, there's no need to attack the city anymore, if so many come out at once, and all of them are wiped out outside the city by the Qing Dynasty, Gaizhou will be destroyed if not destroyed!"

"The generals of the Ming army are out of their minds. It seems that the Ming army is still the same as before. Once they face the Qing Dynasty, they will be fooled again and again!"


In their view, the Ming army cannot be the opponent of the Qing Dynasty in field battles outside the city!Not guarding in the city, but going out to grab the mountain, really stupid!One of Huang Taiji's intentions in ordering the construction of the earth mountain is to lure you out. This is much better than besieging the city!

The chief of the Naiman tribe looked at the banner at the Jianlu Imperial Camp, turned his head and said, "Huang Taiji asked the whole army to attack, what should we do?"

As soon as he said this, the other leaders also turned their heads to look, and they found that there was this military order.

"What else can we do? The Ming army is looking for death! The Qing Dynasty will surely win. If we don't cooperate, we will be punished by Xingshi later!"

"In this way, let's move slowly and let the Ming and Qing families fight for a while before going up, but don't overdo it!"

"Good!" "Good!" "Good!"

 It took me a lot of time to watch "The Lord of Tao" this week.It's a good-looking fantasy, full of historical flavor, and the characters are lively and funny, highly recommended.It is also because of this that it seems that I owe a lot.1 change for the recommended ticket, 1 change for the monthly pass, return it today.

(End of this chapter)

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