Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 756 Surprised

Chapter 756 Surprised (Fourth)
Only Hai Lanzhu stared at Tushan without blinking.Although she agreed with Eqige's analysis, knowing that there were white armored soldiers guarding her, it might be impossible.But she still prayed for the Changshengtian in her heart, prayed for the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and hoped that a miracle would happen so that the Ming army could take the earth mountain in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, she was a little surprised, and quickly pulled down Buhe's battle armor, then quickly pointed to Tu Shanna and said, "Er Qige, the archers of the Ming army are so powerful that the white armor soldiers above dare not show their heads!"

When Bu He heard this, he looked away from the front of the two armies and looked at Tu Shan.Sure enough, I saw a row of archers from the Ming army under the mound, holding their bows and arrows, holding them there like that. When there was a slight movement on the mound, they shot an arrow up.With such a short distance, the arrow arrived in the blink of an eye, and the white armored soldiers on the earth mountain did not dare to stand up.

However, soon Buhe saw a bag of sand suddenly thrown from above, and the Ming army who was attacking up below was caught off guard, and one person was hit, and he was immediately thrown down the slope.However, the height is limited, and it's just thrown, not smashed down hard, and it didn't do much damage to the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing this, Bu He shook his head and said, "Even if it is suppressed, so what corpses are blocking it? The white-armored soldiers above obviously dug up the bag buried in the middle and smashed it. How could the Ming army attack in a short time!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to watch the confrontation between the two armies.

Hai Lanzhu didn't speak, because she had no reason to refute Bu He's statement, so she continued to look at Tushan by herself.

Those Ming troops who were attacking upwards seemed to have adjusted their methods.Some people from the Ming army below went up, and they climbed up while avoiding the earth bags thrown down from time to time.

"Hey, Erqige, what is that?" Hai Lanzhu suddenly asked in surprise.

Hearing the question, Buhe sighed in his heart, his daughter is really not dead, what else is there to see in Tushan?
Thinking of this, he turned his head to look, but was taken aback.Sure enough, the Ming army on the top seemed to stick out a long thing, and something was tied to it.He's a bit old and can't see clearly.

After Hai Lanzhu asked, she finally looked carefully and guessed uncertainly: "It seems that the spear pierced a hole in the shield... the rattan shield, and something was tied to the end of the spear, and it went up. , what is this for?"

As soon as she finished speaking here, she saw that strange thing had stretched out to the top of the dirt hill, stretched out over the pile of corpses, and then saw a puff of smoke coming out of the position of the gun head.It seemed that the thing on the tip of the gun exploded and scattered in all directions, and the white armored soldiers on the dirt hill immediately fell down in response.However, the Ming army below should be blocked by something that looks like a rattan plate, so it's fine.

Hai Lanzhu's guess was actually close to ten. Cao Bianjiao had already expected this situation, so he had already formulated countermeasures.

That thing was indeed a long spear that pierced a hole in a large rattan plate, turning it into something like an open umbrella.And on the tip of the gun, there is an earthen bomb tied, that is, a clay pot filled with small stones, lime powder or something.Fill it with black powder for explosion.After igniting the fuse, stretch it up and explode, which can injure the Jianlu above, but can protect the own people below.

There are more than one of these costumes, and when one is blown, another one is ignited and then stretched up.

It was the first time for the white-armored soldiers on the hill to be attacked in this way, and they had no experience in defense at all.The other ones that were not affected, before they could react, stretched out again, and exploded with a "boom", limestone and small stones exploded, and several more fell down immediately.

After two shots in a row, while the third shot was still in motion, five or six Ming soldiers stretched out their hooks and sickles, hooked the corpses piled there, and pulled them down hard.Immediately, a piece of the city wall piled up with corpses fell down, and a large vacancy was exposed on the dirt hill.

When the fourth bar continued to stretch up, the white armor soldiers who were a little further away had already reacted.The strong white armored soldier grabbed a soil bag and threw it on the rattan plate.The homemade bomb was hit before it exploded, the gun tilted, and after it exploded, it did not spread to the dirt hill like last time.

But at this time, a large number of corpses were hooked down again, and the gap on the top of the earth mountain was already very large.The archers of the Ming army who had been waiting below immediately shot arrows at the gap, and the exposed white armored soldiers had no time to hide.Even though they were wearing three layers of battle armor, at such a close distance, the archers of the Ming army used heavy arrows, and the white armored soldiers who were hit by the arrows were all brought backward by the force of the bows and arrows.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, some other Ming troops who had been waiting for a long time immediately attacked the top of the earth mountain.During this whole process, several different types of arms cooperated with each other tacitly, and there were almost no mistakes.Therefore, it can be said that he used the fastest speed to attack the top of the mountain.

Bu He was stunned. He really didn't expect that the mound guarded by the white armored soldiers would be captured so easily by the Ming army!If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe it.

Hai Lanzhu was also surprised. After the Ming army attacked, she smiled like a flower, and she was obviously in a good mood. She said to Buhe, "Er Qige, look, the Ming army has attacked, the Ming army has attacked!"

According to the analysis Buhe gave her before, now that the earth mountain has been quickly captured, it means that the Ming army can withdraw to the city wall in time, and then use the cover of the Ming army on the top of the city to retreat safely into the city.

"I see, this Ming army is really unexpected!" Bu He sighed, and he had to admit that his judgment was wrong before.

In fact, he wasn't the only one who was shocked by this scene on the dirt hill. Almost all the leaders who fought outside the city, including the leader of Jianlu, were taken aback.No one expected that the earth mountain guarded by the white armor soldiers would be attacked by the Ming army in one fell swoop!
Huang Taiji didn't have time to get angry, to be in a daze, and immediately issued an order: "Hurry up, beat the drum immediately, speed up the attack, and don't let the Ming army retreat!"

As soon as he made this order, the unhurried drumbeats immediately became denser.As a result, Jianlu's army immediately began to accelerate.The archers in the front row accelerated their pace even more, preparing to rain arrows towards the Ming army.

At this time, the sound of "boom boom boom" was heard continuously from above the city of Gaizhou.There was a big burst of gunpowder smoke, and then I saw the middle of the Jianlu army formation, which looked like a piece of cloth, which had been cut four times with a knife.Obviously, it was the four iron eggs on the top of the city that fell to the ground, smashing out bloody grooves.

Seeing the companions around him die in a mess in a blink of an eye, Jianlu is also a human being, and chaos inevitably occurred.

 This is an addition of 50 more monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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