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Chapter 767 Melancholy

Chapter 767 Melancholy

After asking about the situation and dismissing the messenger, the two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo were both shocked and relatively speechless.

No matter how much the two of them thought about it, they could never have imagined that so many things had happened in Liaodong in just a few months.Why did the Ming army suddenly become strong and captured the cities of the Qing Dynasty one after another, while Huang Taiji, who had always been brilliant and powerful before, was helpless!
"Brother, what should we do?" Duoduo asked first, "How about I personally lead the army to encircle and suppress that damned Lu Xiangsheng?"

Dorgon listened and looked up at him.I understand that he wants to take this opportunity to show off and strive for a chance to make amends.After all, the responsibility for his defeat has not been settled, and it has been dragged there.

Sighing in his heart, Dorgon looked at Duo Duo and asked back: "You think that if you lead the army, then Lu Xiangsheng will definitely be wiped out by you? The Liaodong side will let us send troops as far away as North Korea. The encirclement and suppression of Lu Xiangsheng is very uncertain, do you understand?"

"But..." Doduo wanted to defend himself. He had always been a little brooding about the previous defeat, and he was really a little unconvinced.He believed that the root cause of the previous defeat was that he did not know the real situation of the Ming army, and he was dragged down by food.Otherwise, Lu Xiangsheng might not be defeated.

Dorgon didn't give Dudo a chance to speak, because he felt it was unnecessary, so he immediately interrupted Dudo and said, "Even if you take a step back, it's a good luck for you to make meritorious deeds by capturing or defeating Lu Xiangsheng. Whether he can let you go depends on him, not whether you have made any contribution! Why don’t you understand the reason for this?”

After hearing this, Duo Duo still couldn't figure it out. He felt that Dorgon's words were a bit alarmist, so he speeded up his speech and quickly expressed his opinion: "Brother, Liaodong is now at war and employing people. How could Huang Taiji be in this place?" Time to fuck me?"

Hearing this, Dorgon became angry, and as soon as he took the case, he shouted sharply: "Are you stupid? It's because Liaodong is beaten up like that. Do you think Huang Taiji will take responsibility for himself? Do you believe that?" If you don't believe that he put all the blame on you, saying that your defeat in the previous battle led to the current situation, would you be worthy of your tribe if you don't kill you?"

"How could it be me..." Duoduo was shocked when he heard this!
Dorgon hated iron and steel a little bit. His younger brother was a bit talented in fighting, but he was too mentally retarded for this kind of political struggle.He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and patiently explained: "If you don't lose the battle, and the grain is shipped back to Liaodong, what do you think will happen? Let me tell you, the grain of the Ming army in the two places is nine out of ten." It was stolen from your hands. Do you know how much the strength of the two sides will be affected by the reduction and increase of the food between the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Doduo finally didn't dare to distinguish anymore.

When Dorgon saw it, he felt that the reason why Duo Duo was still young, as an elder brother, he should be more tolerant.So, his tone softened a little, and he said again: "Also, even if you want to send troops, what about the food, if the army goes out without enough food, where will the strength come from to fight, and where will the food come from?"

There is also no food in North Korea, but thanks to the strength of Jianlu, they even distribute their troops to every household in Seoul. As long as these families have fire and cook, Jianlu soldiers must be indispensable.If you eat secretly, can you survive on a hungry stomach?The consequence of this is that everyone will be copied and cut, and you will not be polite.As a result, those families who had food in the city had to feed more Jianlu.

As for the starvation of people in the city, there is also, but it has nothing to do with Jianlu.Unless all the North Koreans are dead, it is possible to starve to Jianlu.

But if you say that you are leading the army to go out, you will have no way to gather the rations you carry.It is true that last time Duoduo oppressed the land so hard that they ran out of food in North Korea.It's just that no one expected that in the end it would be cheaper for the Ming army.

Hearing this, Doduo completely gave up the idea of ​​leading the army.

Seeing that he had persuaded his younger brother, Dorgon stopped talking, but bowed his head in thought. After a while, he suddenly sighed heavily.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't go back to Liaodong in the worst case, why did Huang Taiji send troops to North Korea to arrest me!" Duoduo thought that Dorgon was sighing for his future, so he comforted him with an expression of indifference.

After such a long time, Huang Taiji did not send anyone to arrest him, which gave him confidence, knowing that he was under the protection of Dorgon, and Huang Taiji would not do anything to him for a while!
Unexpectedly, Dorgon raised his head and glanced at him when he heard the sound, but shook his head and said: "I'm not worried about this, but the situation in Liaodong!"

"The situation in Liaodong?" Duoduo was a little puzzled, what to worry about over there, and it's not about his brothers!

Dorgon's face was heavy, and he frowned and said slowly: "The Ming army in Gaizhou, judging from the time and place, is likely to be the Ming army that appeared in Jinpu Town. The elite of this Ming army , It is estimated that it is even more elite than the Guan Ning army. They suddenly attacked and captured Gaizhou. The so-called unkind people who come will not come. If he personally marches, it may be difficult to capture Gaizhou!"

Lost in the first battle, but the result is unknown. Dodo didn't think much about it before, but after hearing Dorgon's analysis, he couldn't help being silent, and he was also thinking about it with a frown.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Dorgon didn't care, and continued to say according to his own thinking: "Siege of the city is not the director of my Qing Dynasty. As long as it can't be attacked, it will be exhausted. Our Qing Dynasty must not be able to afford it." The Gaizhou war is most beneficial to our Qing Dynasty, and it is a quick victory! But... oh..."

There was no way to say anything later, and Dorgon realized that the situation in the Qing Dynasty had reached a crisis situation that he had never encountered before.Although he was happy that Huang Taiji was hit, he didn't want the national power of the Qing Dynasty to be damaged.

The two brothers were relatively speechless, and their mood was very low because of the war in Liaodong.In the messenger's report to them, the dirty relationship between Jianlu and the Mongols has not been revealed, otherwise, they will only be more worried!

The next day, Dorgon personally wrote a letter of explanation, saying that he could not send troops because of lack of food, and then sent someone to Liaodong.At the same time, he also explained that he knew something about the affairs of Liaodong and went back to North Korea.

Seeing the courier leaving at high speed, the two brothers were silent.Looking up at the sky, Dorgon let out a long sigh: "God is not beautiful, it looks like it's going to snow!"

As he said that, he looked in the direction of the capital of the Ming Dynasty, thinking that it was almost the Chinese New Year over there, and he was very happy, right?

Both of them were a little depressed, but as soon as they went back, a guard rushed in from outside with a happy face.

 Thanks Sisko for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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