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Chapter 800 3 Years Hedong 3 Years Hexi

Chapter 800 30 Years Hedong 30 Years Hexi
The envoys of Oqiertu and other Mongolian tribes finally returned to the post house from the Beijing camp with satisfaction and excitement.

For them, it really pays off.Unexpectedly, the training of the new army would be so systematic and standardized, and they received special care from the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so they could go in and study.If you really learned the tricks of the new army, and when you go back to train the tribe's soldiers and horses, the strength of the tribe will definitely increase a lot.

They naturally made up their minds that they must stay more time after the year, and choose more people to learn with them.If you don't grasp such a good opportunity, you'd be really stupid!

A major event was settled, and Oziertu and others finally had the leisure to start paying attention to everything around them.

"The capital of the Ming Dynasty is very prosperous. In the past, I never expected that there would be such a tall city wall, so many people, so many shops, and so many goods..."

"Hehe, that's right, we in the Western Regions are definitely not as good as here!"

"Look, it seems that many families are decorating with lanterns and festoons. It feels so festive, even more lively than our big wedding over there!"

"The people of Ming Dynasty are really happy to live in such a rich place!"


While walking back, these western Mongolian envoys said with emotion that no matter what their identities in the clan were, they compared them in private and found that the gap between the two sides was too great.

He was ordered to take them back to the posthouse. The general who had been silent all this time listened to them, and was filled with pride in his heart: No, we now have a good emperor in Ming Dynasty, and everyone's life is naturally getting better and better. These barbarians would be strange if they were not envious!After you live in the capital for a period of time, you can taste all kinds of delicacies, and after seeing all kinds of things, I am afraid that you will not want to leave!
Unlike the lively, festive and peaceful atmosphere here in the capital, in Shenyang, Liaodong, there is hardly any festive atmosphere.The whole city was not very angry. Apart from soldiers patrolling the streets, no one else went out to drink, eat food, or talk about the world.Even if there are a few people occasionally, they all pass by in a hurry.

Near the top of the city, a group of newly beheaded heads were hanged, saying that these were Ming domestic traitors and Jin Yiwei.Even if there are a few people who are serious Jurchens, they are still charged with this crime.Because the announcement stated that they belonged to the Yehenala tribe in the past, and there were members of their tribe in the Dongjiang Army.These people who were cut off are their internal support.

However, most of the people in Shenyang City knew the truth of the facts.It's nothing more than that these people were a bit prominent in talking about the fate of the country in the past few days, and their status was low. They were caught and beheaded by Huang Taiji in order to achieve the effect of killing everyone.As for those who have status, no matter whether they are the sons or daughters of Xianhan, they were all detained for rebellion and other reasons. They either died suddenly or were imprisoned, and they all ended badly.

Under such white terror, who is in the mood to drink and have fun in the streets?Who is in the mood to celebrate?Most of the people in Shenyang City only have worries and resentment buried in their hearts.

Even if he carried out all his intentions and succeeded in shutting up all the people in Shenyang City, Huang Taiji, who dared not talk about the fate of the country, was not in a good mood.He had already received the memorial sent by Jierhalang, stating that there was a change in the army and an attempt to attack the camp.Fortunately, he resolutely gave up the big camp after probing, otherwise he might be defeated again.

Ji Erhalang still specially emphasized in his heart: Said that the Ming army in Gaizhou is definitely the most powerful Ming army he has ever seen in his life. With the 2000 people he currently has, it is impossible to face this Ming army head-on. Shenyang can send reinforcements here.He even offered a strategy, hoping to annihilate this powerful Ming army.

Jierhalang could feel that the Ming army would not only be satisfied with capturing Gaizhou.If it weren't for the heavy snow covering the roads and making it difficult for the Ming army to march, they would probably go to attack Haizhou.The Ming army has artillery in hand, and it is not difficult to take Haizhou.

Jierhalang's strategy is that he has been showing the enemy weak in the open, and of course, he really can't be strong.Harassing the Ming army and avoiding a direct confrontation with the Ming army.If the Ming army left the city, when they were far away from the wilderness of Gaizhou, reinforcements would suddenly appear and surround them in one fell swoop.At least Jierhalang felt that only by doing this would he have the greatest chance of destroying this Ming army.

Regarding the strength of this Ming army, Huang Taiji also agreed in his heart.Regarding the mood of annihilating this Ming army, Huang Taiji can be said to be more urgent than Jierhalang.Regarding Jierharang's strategy, Huang Taiji also thought it would be useful.However, at this moment, he cannot send troops.One is that there is no food and grass, and the other is that the turmoil in the capital has just passed, and the situation is not stable enough. If a large army is sent, it is unknown what changes will happen in Shenyang City.After all, he is well aware that there is still a powerful brother in the city who threatens him, and he hasn't moved yet.

Huang Taiji himself never dreamed that one day, he would be thankful that the heavy snow fell from the sky, making it difficult for people to move in the wild.You know, it was the Ming army who thought this way before.Really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi!

However, the only good news is that good news finally came from Horqin. Hauge finally controlled the two tribes and made them agree to pretend to join the Ming Dynasty, obtain food and then hand it over to the Qing Dynasty.However, it will take at least a long time before the food can be obtained.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji couldn't help but grieve a few more gray hairs, food, food, I want food!
At the same time, as far away as Seoul in North Korea, if it had changed in the past, they would also be celebrating the New Year. At this time, at least in Seoul, they could already see a festive atmosphere.But at this moment, Seoul is exactly the same as Shenyang. There are almost no people on the streets, and there are not many families with cooking smoke, let alone setting off firecrackers.

Not only the city is like this, even the most powerful person in the city is in the same mood, or even worse.

At this time, Dorgon had already received the imperial decree from Huang Taiji, he himself had received the decree, and sent the person who delivered the decree to rest.He threw the imperial decree to Duduo who had heard the news, but he himself was listening to a confidant who had rushed back talking about things in Liaodong.

Duoduo quickly read the imperial decree with a solemn expression, and when he heard the words, he threw the imperial decree aside, apparently not paying much attention to Huang Taiji's imperial decree.

"How is it possible? You said that the Ming army won the Gaizhou battle, or was it a big victory?" Duoduo was listening, and suddenly interrupted with disbelief.

 Going to work overtime today, the next chapter should be in the late afternoon, and there should be 3 updates today.After all, I owe a debt and will try my best to renew it.

(End of this chapter)

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