Chongzhen chat group.

Chapter 822 Food

Chapter 822 Food (Third)

Sun Chuanting thought for a long time, and finally had to enter the chat group, chatting with Emperor Chongzhen in private: "Your Majesty, I found a situation..."

He reported the situation before and after he found out, and then suggested: "Your Majesty, I think that there must be someone in the government who colluded with Xu Xiang, and even the military discussion on my side can be spread so quickly. On the pirate side, if I want to investigate this matter, I am afraid that I will startle the snake. Therefore, I suggest that the factory guards secretly intervene in this matter and investigate secretly, so that there is a chance to find out who the person who colluded with Xu thief is! "

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and then added: "Your Majesty, I suggest that the investigation can be carried out from two aspects, one is the way to pass news to the pirates in Fujian; the other is to help the pirates Selling stolen goods and buying supplies. But the second point is likely to spread to surrounding provinces, or more than one.”

After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, in retrospect, it should be almost the same.It's not that I don't have the ability to investigate, but that my every move is in the open, and it is really difficult to investigate.Turning to the emperor for help is a last resort, and the emperor should be able to understand.

Sure enough, after a while, Emperor Chongzhen went online, and after seeing Sun Chuanting's message, he was deeply impressed.In fact, Emperor Chongzhen knew of his ability, so he didn't need to be so cautious, for fear of being underestimated by the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, then privately chatted with Wang Chengen, the admiral of Dongchang, and forwarded several private chat messages of Sun Chuanting to him, and then told him: "You go to the south in person to investigate this matter, and bring enough Manpower, catch this cancer of Ming Dynasty for me! This matter is a big deal, and it must be completed as soon as possible. Any local officials involved, regardless of rank, can be arrested if there is conclusive evidence!"

"Your servant complies with the order!" Wang Chengen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly complied.

After he was promoted to the admiral of Dongchang, although Emperor Chongzhen trusted him, Dongchang's performance has not been as eye-catching as Jin Yiwei, which made him very anxious.He didn't know why Emperor Chongzhen trusted him so much. He didn't have many achievements, but he was promoted one after another by Emperor Chongzhen, and finally sat on the position of Admiral of Dongchang.One thing he was worried about was that such trust would be eroded by his ineffective performance, so as soon as he received this task, he made up his mind to solve this case as soon as possible.

To this end, he mobilized elite soldiers from the East Factory, especially those with rich experience in investigating cases, and then personally led them out of Beijing.This move, even by accident, scared many civil servants and generals in the capital.

Dongchang Tiqi made a big move, what kind of big deal is this going to do?Four years of Chongzhen, still let people live in peace?

The officials of the Ming capital lost their sense of security, but if they were compared with the officials of Shenyang Jianlu, they probably wouldn't think so.Huang Taiji ruthlessly punished a group of people, and their heads were hung on the top of the city. Although they haven't killed anyone these days, the atmosphere is still very tense.Because Huang Taiji didn't release the signal, so that this incident showed signs of ending.

In fact, they didn't know that Huang Taiji also wanted to end this situation of intimidation with force as soon as possible, and he hoped to use his prestige to make his subjects worship him.However, not to mention the Ming army in Gaizhou and Jinzhou, he has nothing to do at the moment. He has already issued another decree to North Korea, but Dorgon wrote back saying that it was difficult and that he had to postpone it. The siege of the Golden State layout will be completed before the thawing.But Huang Taiji smelled something bad from it.If it was before, Dorgon dared to say no to the will?

During this period of time, Huang Taiji's hair did not know how much gray it was.

Jierhalang sent people back to report, hoping to strengthen the defense of Haizhou. It is best to increase the number of troops in Haizhou. On the one hand, it can ensure that Haizhou is safe and consolidate the southern gate of Liaoyang. If this is the case, Haizhou's army will be able to fight the Gaizhou Ming army in the first time.At present, only relying on the [-] cavalry troops in the hands of Jierhalang, if the road of snow melting is completed, he feels that he will not be able to stop the attack of the Ming army in Gaizhou.

Huang Taiji also wanted to increase his troops, and he also wanted to increase his troops to Jinzhou!There are still troops in hand, but no rations!In desperation, he had no choice but to send a messenger again, asking him to rush to the Horqin tribe, and inform Hauge to put pressure on the Mongolian tribe, so that the Mongolian tribe can promote the Ming Kingdom to hand over the grain to them as soon as possible, and then Transferred to the Qing Dynasty.

He was looking forward to having food. In fact, Emperor Chongzhen was also looking forward to having food, but he was obviously better than Huang Taiji. No, on the seventh day of the fourth year of Chongzhen, the Dutch fleet appeared on the coast of Fuzhou, and they transported it from Nanyang Lots of food.

To be honest, the relationship between the Dutchman and Daming is not good.

These red barbarians previously wanted to occupy the coast of Daming by force. In the second year of Tianqi, the Dutch fleet with seven warships and 900 soldiers occupied Penghu and built a city as a base.At that time, Emperor Tianqi heard the news and ordered Fujian governor Nan Juyi to drive the Dutch out of Penghu.

At that time, the struggle between the Dongdong Forest Party and Wei Zhongxian was fierce, and it spread to the local area, so that the local military strength was no longer what Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou were in the past. Nan Juyi exhausted all means to fight the Hongyi war, and finally in the fourth year of Tianqi , and the general soldier Yu Zizao led the three armies, and fought hard with the Hongyi army for seven months before blowing up Hongmao City and finally regaining Penghu.

In this battle, the Ming army used a total of 1 warships and a force of 17 troops. Not to mention the various methods used before, just sending troops to fight in July cost more than [-] taels of military expenditure.In the end, the Ming army captured the Dutch army defender Gao Wenlu alive and escorted him to the capital.Emperor Tianqi sacrificed to Taimiao, Yumen was captured, the punishment was as high as Xishi, and the head was passed on to all sides to show the world.The rest of the Dutch remnants fled in a hurry to southern Taiwan, where they have been entrenched ever since.

It is precisely because of this festival and the fact that the Fujian navy has not returned yet. Although the Dutch had an agreement with the governor's office and brought in food, the Ming army did not let the Dutch come ashore. They just reported it to the governor of Fuzhou. government.

A day later, Sun Chuanting's order came back to let the Dutch grain ships dock at Taiping Port in Changle County, which was the port where Zheng He's fleet was stationed. However, the military ships were still not allowed to dock, and the Dutch sent people to Fuzhou for negotiations. Matters related to this transaction.

For the people around Fuzhou, this is a big deal. The news spread before the Dutch envoy arrived in Fuzhou.It has spread to the ears of related people, and it has also spread to the ears of unrelated people. Among them, people with different thoughts are naturally included.

 For the rest of tonight, I will sort out the follow-up plot and write a detailed outline, so I won't change it.There are still 10 outstanding changes.

(End of this chapter)

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