Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 837 Small Goals

Chapter 837 Small Goals

With regard to the battle of Daheishan, the Qing Dynasty managed to grasp the situation, and with the hope of winning the battle, how could Huang Taiji be willing to watch Cao Wenzhao slip away and miss the chance of a great victory!

Therefore, the focus of the meeting was to discuss how to hurry up and prevent Cao Wenzhao from slipping back to Jinzhou.Once he was shrunk in the city, the current strength of the Qing Dynasty would not be able to attack the city.

These Jianlu are all veterans of war. Looking at the terrain and grasping the dynamics of the enemy and ourselves, they immediately had an idea.I heard Azige yelling first: "Your Majesty, you can send troops from Haizhou. As long as you can stop Cao Wenzhao from fleeing back to Jinzhou, you will be able to annihilate them!"

If you send troops from Haizhou, you can go straight between Daheishan and Jinzhou. The distance is more than double that of Shenyang, and you don't need to go over mountains and mountains. It is the road that the Qing Dynasty used to attack Ningjin.From the perspective of time, if Cao Wenzhao really followed his own statement and withdrew his troops in three days, it would be too late.

But as soon as Azige proposed this idea, Fan Wencheng immediately objected: "No, Haizhou is the gateway to Liaoyang, and there is a powerful enemy in Gaizhou, so the troops there cannot be transferred!"

"You Chinese dog, do you have a share in your speech?" Azig frowned upon hearing this, with a look of contempt on his face.It seems that the depression that Ming brought to Jianlu was all transferred to him.

Fan Wencheng blushed after being taught such a thing, but he didn't have the guts to dismiss it, so he had to lower his head.

"How did you talk?" Huang Taiji couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded Azig a little unhappy, "Fan Qing is my subject, a good servant with both civil and military skills, and if you want him to be half as smart, I will be very happy! "

After being scolded by him, Azig didn't dare to speak again, but when he glanced at Fan Wencheng, there was a hint of hatred in his eyes.

At this time, Daishan had no choice but to change his mind, and changed the somewhat embarrassing topic: "It is true that Haizhou's military strength should not be moved around, it is better to be more cautious!"

After he finished speaking, his son Yue Tuo raised objections: "In the past, it was not said that the Ming army in Gaizhou had limited strength and did not dare to go too far from the city. The Ming army did not go too far just to inspect the vicinity of Gaizhou. Dare to leave the city?"

Having said that, he glanced at Huang Taiji, saw him looking thoughtful, and continued: "Or we can send elite cavalry troops from Haizhou, as long as we block Cao Wenzhao for one day, our army can Arrived there, annihilated the Guanning cavalry army in one fell swoop, and then returned quickly, probably only two to three days, no more than four days. How could the Gaizhou Ming army be so coincidental in just a few days? to attack?"

"Even if they go to fight Haizhou, there will be no trouble in Haizhou!" Azig added hastily after listening.

As soon as Yue Tuo heard it, his spiritual light flashed, and he immediately continued: "If the Gaizhou Ming army really dares to attack Haizhou, when the army just returns to the division, it will be able to block the Gaizhou Ming army outside Haizhou city. It can also annihilate the Ming army in Gaizhou!"


These leaders of Jianlu continued to talk according to their own ideas, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, as if they could solve the Liaodong Ming army at once. They said that they could conquer Gaizhou, and then send troops to Jinzhou, and they would surely conquer Jinzhou.What else is there when the Guanning Cavalry Army is destroyed, the Dongjiang Army is destroyed, and the Jianlu can live a good life of being invincible in the past.

However, Huang Taiji was not dazzled by their descriptions, but his mood was still a little optimistic. He nodded and said, "Don't talk so much, first set a small goal, which is to annihilate the Guanning Cavalry Army led by Cao Wenzhao. In this battle, I am determined to win, and I must win!"

Now that he has come to this conclusion, there is nothing else to say. The best way is to let Haizhou send troops.Seeing that Huang Taiji smiled at Fan Wencheng and said: "There is no reason to win a war, but as long as the war is more than [-]% sure, you can fight it, not to mention this war, I think at least There is a [-]% certainty. The Ming army in Gaizhou asked the horses to closely monitor and destroy the roads. There is no artillery available. The Ming army wants to capture Haizhou in a short time. It is just a dream! What does Fan Qing think?"

What else can I think?Fan Wencheng showed a look of being educated, and said in a respectful voice: "Your Majesty is wise, and this slave is not as good as you!"

These are people who are used to fighting, and Fan Wencheng can't find any mistakes in their analysis. After raising doubts, they follow the trend.

Therefore, in order to buy time, Huang Taiji issued a decree to Jierhalang on the Haizhou side, and at the same time gathered troops, led by Yuetuo and Azige, and rushed to the Daheishan side quickly.

The sound of hoofbeats and people shouting and neighing are the long-lost excitement for Shenyang City.For a moment, people have forgotten the white terror before, and they are all discussing where to fight this time, and whether they will win.

Such a big matter, of course, can't be hidden from Qian Fugui who is interested, he immediately entered the chat group, clicked on the icon of Purdue sentient beings, and privately reported: "Group leader, Shenyang sent troops, about [-] cavalry, led by Yue Tuo and Azig led the army and headed towards the grassland."


On the top of Dahei Mountain, the tents of the Ming army were scattered all over the place. Many soldiers of the Ming army were cutting down trees and making logs and rocks. There was a lot of movement.But outside one of the tents, there was a short soldier sitting idly, looking around, looking a little uneasy.There is a taller than him beside him, who seems to be his entourage, who is by his side, and looks a little uneasy.

On the edge of the cliff not far away, Cao Wenzhao put down his binoculars, stopped observing the movement in the valley, turned around and returned, saw the movement of the short soldier, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, Your Majesty's plan is just a plan." If you fall into the trap, you will fall into the trap with Jianlu's temperament. When we return, this commander will only let you escort you back to Ningyuan."

This short soldier is actually Liu Wangshi, there is no other way, the lack of a "human flesh transmitter", so Liu Wangshi can only come over.She glanced at her husband beside her, and replied with a little embarrassment: "I have never experienced such a thing before, and the commander laughed."

Yamen Liu was also a little embarrassed, and smiled along with him.To be honest, he was also a little scared, and he had never experienced this kind of fighting between the two armies.Even in the previous battle of Changli, at least they defended the city, and they had something to rely on in their hearts.

Cao Wenzhao didn't dare to laugh at Mrs. Liu, so after a few polite words, he turned around and prepared to leave.But he had just walked a few steps when he heard Liu Wang's voice suddenly behind him: "Marshal, Your Majesty has an order to say that Shenyang Jianlu has sent troops."

Upon hearing this, Cao Wenzhao immediately turned around, nodded and said: "Okay, there is still news, report it to the commander immediately!"

After speaking, he immediately began to send orders.

(End of this chapter)

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