Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 943 1 Must Cooperate and Play a Good Show

Chapter 943

This war can be said to develop into a great war, a national war that will determine the fate of the Qing Dynasty.If it fails, it goes without saying.But if it is successful, it will definitely become one of the most critical battles in the history of the Qing Dynasty, just like the Battle of Saerhu that year.If you can leave your name in this battle, leave your own credit...

With this in mind, Amin made up his mind, and had to take good care of this opportunity so that he could do something.

When it was almost night, Dai Shan led the cavalry from Shenyang to Liaoyang.The horse was sweating as if it had just come out of the water, and snorting, protesting feebly at the inhumanity of its master; the knight was fine, and didn't look too tired, but everyone's face was a little nervous or serious.

The reinforcements came really fast enough, and it is estimated that troops were sent out soon after receiving the news.Amin thought in her heart, but was a little puzzled.There are so many cavalry troops here, but there is no food, grass and supplies. This man eats horse chews, how much does he have to eat in Liaoyang?
The issue of grain and grass materials has always been a sensitive issue in the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the past two years.Daishan also knew Amin well, so after the meeting, he immediately explained: "The emperor asked me to reinforce as soon as possible. The most important thing at present is to stabilize the situation. First, let the Ming army stay in Anshan post castle for a few more days, so that I can complete the Qing Dynasty. Layout. As for the grain and supplies, this time there is no reservation, and all of them are used, and you are indispensable."

Hearing this, Amin breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't feel embarrassed by being thought of by the Daishan Shuo Center, because this matter is very realistic and the most important issue.On the contrary, he was a little helpless about another matter in Dai Shan's words, so he had no choice but to reply immediately: "Anshan Yibao has been captured by the Ming army, probably this afternoon."

"What?" Dai Shan was taken aback when he heard this. Anyway, the terrain of Anshan Post Fort is steep, easy to defend but difficult to attack.In order to defend Anshan Post Fort, the city defenses have been reinforced many times. How could the city be broken so quickly?

So Amin relayed the news he got.Before that, another defeated pawn had fled back, so the process was more detailed.Also, generally speaking, no matter what, the defeated pawns will exaggerate the strength of their opponents invisibly, so that they can alleviate their guilt of losing cities and lands.The strength of the new army was there again. After the description of these defeated soldiers, the combat power immediately went up to a new level.

Such a powerful Ming army made Amin look a little serious when relaying the story.But when Daishan heard this, he showed a hint of relief, which made Amin very puzzled, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, if he had to change someone else, he would really suspect that Daishan's ass was sitting on Mingguo's side , or is he a traitor from the Ming Dynasty?
Dai Shan seemed to see what he was thinking, so he said to him: "The stronger the Ming army is, the more it shows the strength of the Ming army. It can be seen that the purpose of the Ming army's war this time is probably to capture our Shenyang. Therefore, it must be the best of the best. As long as my Qing Dynasty wipes out these invading Ming troops in this battle, then the entire Liaodong will be controlled by my Qing Dynasty again. From another perspective, then The Red Barbarian cannons probably did evacuate Ning Jin's side. Ming army, this is a desperate move!"

In the end, Daishan's tone was already decisive.

After speaking, he didn't dare to hesitate, discussed with A Min, and sent cavalry troops overnight to Anshan Post Fort. No matter what method he used, he must first force the Ming army not to rush to Liaoyang immediately.We must persist for one to two days, and wait until the assembly of the Qing Dynasty is completed, and the traps are set up to let the Ming army come over.At the same time, Daishan and Amin jointly sent messengers to report the latest military situation to Huang Taiji who was still in Shenyang.Urge the army to complete the assembly and rush to Liaoyang as soon as possible.

For the next two days, Man Qing was destined to be sleepless.With Shenyang as the center, Jianlu from all over the country gathered in Shenyang one after another. All the troops that can be mobilized have been mobilized, and all the adults who can be mobilized have been mobilized. There are torches everywhere. In the dark night, they are like little stars, moving on the ground. , converging towards Shenyang.Another ground fire dragon set off from Shenyang overnight and headed for the battlefield in Liaoyang.

Even the deposed prince Hauge had to go to the battlefield.Not only him, Qian Fugui, as an adult man, was also called.Just by Hauge's side, he marched overnight.

He saw that there were people everywhere, Jianlu who were preparing to fight, and he was worried.

Since the national mobilization order was issued, it was the first time that Qian Fugui had seen the mobilization ability of the Manchus, and it was also the first time he had seen the warlike nature of the Manchus. Men over the age of 15 are all gathering with bows and guns, horses and dry food on their backs.They were talking, not about destroying the Ming army, or about defending their homeland and not being able to retreat... No matter what the purpose is, at least the morale of each of them is very high.

Qian Fugui has spent a lot of time among the Jianlu. What he hears all day is not like the Ming Dynasty. It is oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, and it is not poetry, songs, prostitutes, but things related to war. .He already understood that the most important thing in war is morale.The morale of Jianlu is so high that one can be used for two.What he saw made him worry.

Qian Fugui actually doesn't care who wins or loses between the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. What he cares about is that he can bring his daughter-in-law back to his hometown, and it is best to return home in good clothes and honor his ancestors.From this point of view, judging from his situation, of course, only if the Ming Kingdom can win and destroy the Qing Dynasty, he can realize his wish.This entanglement of interests forced him to stand on Daming's side, and he couldn't help entering the chat group again, chatting privately with Purdue sentient beings: "Group leader, Jianlu's side, this time it's really a battle for the country! 15 All males over the age of [-] are going to fight, and they all have high morale, saying that there is no way to retreat, and they must defeat the Ming army..."

Qian Fugui sent a similar private chat almost every mile, and when Emperor Chongzhen saw it online before going to bed at night, he couldn't help but smile happily.The more this Jianlu struggles, the more food and supplies will be consumed.When we finally understand the whole situation of the war and know that the mines around us explode, the morale that is high now will be low in the future.The harder the tossing is now, the less resistance there will be for Daming to regain Liaodong. Hehe, toss, toss as much as possible!
After comforting Qian Fugui and telling him to report the follow-up matters at all times, he clicked on the icons of Gao Yingyuan and others to convey the situation to them, and strictly explained that in order not to disappoint Man Qing, he must, absolutely, cooperate well with Man Qing and pass this The play is done!
 Thanks to Feng Angju, Wang Ma's man for the tip!
(End of this chapter)

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