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Chapter 948 Let's go to Fan Wencheng's house together

Chapter 948 Let's Go to Fan Wencheng's House Together

For this situation, Huang Taiji was very unwilling to see it.For him, a quick fix is ​​the best option.Although there is a lot of grain piled up in Liaoyang City, these grains are already the last grains of the Qing Dynasty.I have been saving food and money before, even if I do some things that both people and gods hate, I have always saved food, just in case.

There are more than 5 Ming troops, and they are coming fiercely. It should be that they want to take down the entire Liaodong at one time, at least Shenyang, right?In this way, the Ming army must have brought a lot of food and supplies.If the Qing Dynasty could annihilate these Ming troops at once, then the food and supplies they brought would definitely be seized.In this way, the food pressure of the Qing Dynasty can be effectively relieved.After the autumn harvest, a large amount of grain in the north will be harvested, and the food problem in the Qing Dynasty will really be worry-free.

Of course, just in case, we must not relax in farming in the future. After suffering so much, we must not suffer any more in the future.

It was against this background that Huang Taiji was a little anxious about the stagnation of the Ming army.He didn't know the reason, so that the Ming army that was marching towards Liaoyang stopped, and he repeated his orders. The Ming army should not have noticed the abnormality in Liaoyang, right?But why did it stop?I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!
At this time, Huang Taiji didn't even care about why the Horqin army hadn't arrived yet, and immediately summoned his subordinates in Liaoyang City to discuss the military situation.

At the imperial meeting, he specifically called out Fan Wencheng's name and asked him the reason for this situation.
"Your Majesty, the best situation is to let the horse explore, so as to get the exact reason." Fan Wencheng replied respectfully.

"I've already sent out scout horses." Huang Taiji was very dissatisfied with this answer, explained a bit, and then asked again, "Qing is a Han, and he understands the thoughts of Han people better than I do. Now that the scouts haven't returned, I think Hear ideas from you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty is right, you are all Han dogs, you can definitely want to go together, so hurry up and invite them truthfully!" A Jianlu leader nearby also shouted sharply.

What he said didn't match Huang Taiji's original intention, but Huang Taiji was worried at this moment, and he didn't care to reprimand his subordinates for distorting his meaning.

After hearing this, Fan Wencheng lowered his head, his voice was slightly lower than usual, and he seemed to say with a little confidence: "Your Majesty, according to the usual practice, the Ming army was afraid of being beaten by my Qing Dynasty. A decisive battle must be daunting. After all, this battle is no small matter, it is a decisive battle of the main force. But the commander of the Ming army is the governor of Denglai, and the slaves have also learned about him carefully. He is not a commander who is timid and fearful of war. Logically speaking, the practice of the Ming Dynasty is to use civil and military forces to unify orders from top to bottom. This Ming army can reflect the will of the governor of Denglai, and it seems that it should not be a matter of fear and courage. Qing's main battle!"

Huang Taiji nodded upon hearing this, this analysis makes sense, and he thought so too.

"In this way, the servant thinks, or the governor of Denglai thinks that this battle is of great importance. Based on his knowledge, he will definitely not think that my Qing Dynasty will be indifferent to the arrival of the Ming army. After all, Liaoyang is the gateway to Shenyang. If Liaoyang falls, Then Shenyang is in danger. From this point of view, the servant feels that our Qing side seems to be acting too indifferent to this war, which instead makes Governor Denglai more cautious."

Hearing this analysis, Huang Taiji slapped the table suddenly, made a "snap" sound, and shouted loudly: "Yes, it must be so! Governor Denglai, I also know him, he is definitely a bold and careful person , rather than being afraid of not fighting. The Liaoyang city was too common before, but it was a flaw, which must be made up!"

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Taiji decided to send Dai Shan to make an appearance. At least his weight is enough, and it should make Lu Xiangsheng feel that the Qing Dynasty actually attached great importance to Liaoyang.

As soon as his decree was announced, Fan Wencheng took the initiative to play this time: "Your Majesty, maybe find some thin-faced soldiers, and let the front-line troops deliberately lose two rounds, as if I were in the Qing Dynasty. Here, due to the shortage of food, the combat power has declined, and no more soldiers can be sent to support Liaoyang. In this way, the governor of Denglai has been destroying the food and supplies of the Qing Dynasty, and he will definitely enter His Majesty without doubt. It's a trap!"

"Okay, okay, that's a good idea!" Huang Taiji was overjoyed and praised repeatedly.

But in this way, when the decree was passed on to the Daishan army, many Jianlu scolded their mothers.Especially when they knew that this strategy was contributed by Hangou Fan Wencheng, they scolded them even more.There is no other reason, the hard life these years is all caused by Han dogs.During the war nowadays, it is hard to be able to have a full meal, and because of the bullshit idea of ​​this Han dog, he actually wants them to go to the battlefield hungry, and it is not just a hungry meal, it makes the Ming army feel hungry. There was no food in the Qing army.

"After this battle is over, I must make Fan Wencheng look good!"

"By the way, I heard that his daughter-in-law is quite beautiful. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Duduo Baylor did it before. We should go more often. Although we are not as noble as Duduo Baylor, the law does not punish the public, and the emperor will not punish us for a dog!"

"Okay, let's go together and kill her! Let him come up with such a bad idea that I will starve myself during the war!"

"Okay, let's go together..."


Jianlu responded a lot, to the extent that the law does not blame the public.If Fan Wencheng knew about it, I don't know if he would have come up with this idea, or maybe he didn't care about his woman at all, anyway, for him, wealth, fame and fortune came first.The ancestors can be sold, let alone a daughter-in-law who is like clothes!

No matter what, in the end Daishan's army still followed Fan Wencheng's idea. After a few hungry meals, they gave some porridge to fill their stomachs, and went to hang around in front of the Ming army.Even in the scout battle on the front line, they fought each other several times, and Jianlu obviously showed that he was unable to do what he wanted.

But what made Jianlu extremely angry was that not only did the Ming army not rest assured to march towards Liaoyang again, but they retreated for more than ten miles and took a defensive posture.Such a result, after reporting to Liaoyang Huangtaiji, made them very annoyed. What exactly is the Ming army going to do?
They didn't know that because Hauge had been sent out this time, Qian Fugui couldn't know the content of the military situation, and didn't report it to Emperor Chongzhen, so the frontline generals of the Ming army didn't know what Jianlu was going to do?From the overall analysis, I can probably guess what, and for the sake of prudence, I shrunk. Anyway, I didn't really want to attack Liaoyang, but just dragged Jianlu to waste.

 Thanks to Feng Angju for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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