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Chapter 958 Don't panic

Chapter 958 Don't panic

Fan Wencheng also returned to Shenyang with Huang Taiji. For him, the Ming army set aside this battle. Although from the indications, this incident had nothing to do with Lu Xiangsheng, he was still very disappointed.

At the beginning, he always felt that he was capable of both literature and martial arts, and it was the Ming Dynasty who treated him unfairly, and he turned out to be just a scholar.The large-scale Jianlu anti-Ming Dynasty gave him an opportunity. He wanted to prove himself, so he took the initiative to join Nurhachi's command.

For a long time, Fan Wencheng felt that what he did was right, and one day, he would become famous all over the world and leave his name in history.But what I didn't expect was that later on, there was a man who was capable of both civil and military skills in the Ming Dynasty. It can even be said that he surpassed him in both civil and military aspects.Wen, who was born as a Jinshi, and Wu, led the charge and entered the battle. Under the name of Houjin's Hehewei, he won successive battles.

Fan Wencheng was very dissatisfied with this. He believed that if the imperial examinations were fair, he could still be a Jinshi; if he was given an army, he could still win battles.However, with the development of subsequent events, no one would think that Fan Wencheng would be better than Lu Xiangsheng.In this regard, he is very dissatisfied and has been working hard.

A few days ago, when he heard the military newspaper, he offered advice in time, thinking that with this strategy, Lu Xiangsheng could be wiped out and the Qing Dynasty would dominate Liaodong.But he was very disappointed, very disappointed that the front line actually lied about the military situation, or that the Ming army's traps were really clever, and there was a taste of conspiracy, forcing the Qing side to respond in this way.What's more, they didn't expect that the Horqin clan, who had always had the best relationship with the Qing Dynasty, stabbed a fatal knife in the back at such a critical moment.

At this time, Fan Wencheng had already figured out that the shadow of the Ming emperor was definitely behind this battle.That young emperor of the Ming Dynasty was so amazing.To be honest, he still admires it, but he is still not convinced.Fan Wencheng thought that with his ingenuity, if he had sat on the throne of the Ming emperor, he would have pacified the Qing Dynasty and the world long ago!

At this time, Fan Wencheng was sitting in the study, looking up at the map of Liaodong hanging on the wall, frowning, thinking hard about the future countermeasures.Now that the Qing Dynasty is at the critical point of life and death, if he can offer a strategy to turn things around in one fell swoop, I believe that those Manchurians will no longer discriminate against him. After all, he is saving them from the crisis of subjugation.Such a great contribution should allow him to truly integrate into the Qing Dynasty.

However, before he could figure it out, he heard that it seemed to be very noisy outside.Listen carefully, it seems to be the movement from the street.Immediately, Fan Wencheng was very displeased, and casually ordered the housekeeper Fan Gou who was waiting outside the door: "Go out and have a look, but what happened?"

"Yes, master!" Fan Gou hurriedly agreed, and left the study in a hurry.

Fan Gou was able to become the steward of the Fan residence, so he was naturally a member of the Fan family and Fan Wencheng's confidant.He admires his master very much, and believes that his master, one day in the future, will surely impress everyone with his prosperity and wealth, which is beyond words.

After all, as long as a person is ruthless and keeps working hard in this area, there will always be some achievements.Not to mention that his master can bear the burden of humiliation for this, even Gou Jian back then, wouldn't take it as nothing if his wife was played with by others!From here, we can see how admirable the master's forbearance is!
Most of the servants in the mansion were Han Chinese in the past, and they also saw this point of Fan Wencheng, and felt that following Fan Wencheng, one day in the future, they would definitely have a bright future, so they took refuge in Fan's mansion and were willing to be slaves.

After Fan Gou left, Fan Wencheng turned his eyes back to the map, thinking hard about a good strategy, to see where he could reopen the predicament of the Qing Dynasty.Speaking of it, it really pays off, watching and watching, the news from Huang Taiji flashed in his mind again, suddenly, a gleam of joy appeared on his face, obviously he had some eyebrows.

But before he had time to think about it further, the commotion outside became louder and louder, and the sound of hurried footsteps quickly approached the study.This displeased Fan Wencheng very much. He turned around and went to the study room, opened the door of the study room, and wanted to know what was going on outside, and there would be no other moths coming out. If it affected the idea he had just thought, then Not good!

What Fan Wencheng didn't expect was that as soon as the door of the study was opened, he saw his housekeeper, Fan Gou crawling into the courtyard.

Seeing his master appearing at the door of the study, Fan Gou shouted in fear: "Master, it's not good, master, it's not good, outside the door..."

"Why are you so panicked!" Fan Wencheng was very upset when he saw this, and shouted with a little anger, "What about the Qi-nourishing Kungfu I usually teach you? Those who want to achieve great things should not be surprised by honor or disgrace, and not panic in dealing with things, so as not to affect judgment ..."

If it was normal, Fan Gou would stand with his hands down and listen respectfully to the instruction.But at this time, Fan Gou didn't listen at all, with a panicked face, and even sweating, he said in a panic: "Master, it's bad, there are all Manchurians outside the door, they sent our concierge Fan Er , right at the gate, beaten to death! He still wants to rush into the mansion, saying that he wants to beat him to kill you, master! Fortunately, the guard at the gate saw that the situation was not good, and quickly blocked the gate."

Speaking of this, he said with some hope: "Master, please make up your mind! There are so many Manchurians outside the gate, and they won't last long at the gate!"

When Fan Wencheng heard it, his expression changed instantly.He immediately understood what it was that caused those Manchurians to come to him.But the idea I came up with at the beginning was entirely for the Qing Dynasty!Besides, the emperor has already said this in public, and the responsibility does not lie with him.

Hearing the loud noise outside, Fan Wencheng was a little worried.Although there have been Manchurians who came to the door to make troubles in the past, they were usually isolated and only knocked a few taels of silver at most. I have never seen so many people gather together like today.

Just at this moment, another family member rushed into this courtyard in a panic. When he saw Fan Wencheng, he hurriedly told him: "Master, there are too many Manchurians outside. Master, please think of a way."

"You don't have to be afraid!" Seeing this, Fan Wencheng immediately comforted them, "With the support of the emperor, they dare not act recklessly!"

Stabilize the mansion first, this is the first step Fan Wencheng came up with, and then he strode out, trying to show himself as confident as possible and said: "I will explain to them, stabilize them first, and wait for the palace to hear this. If there is any movement around, after the emperor sends someone over, everything will be fine!"

Seeing his master's unhurried appearance, Fan Gou and other servants secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After all, the master is a master, and no difficulty can stop him!
 Thank you Feng Angju, anniexie for your tip!
(End of this chapter)

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