Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 973 What an unexpected news

Chapter 973 What an unexpected news
"Your Majesty, Hauge came to find the villain just now, saying that he wants to surrender, and asked the villain to contact the government to find someone who can make the decision."

The surrender of Huang Taiji, Emperor Chongzhen could tell at a glance that it must be a false surrender, and the purpose was to cover the ongoing evacuation of the old and weak.But Hauge said surrender, but he didn't think it was a false surrender.According to his impression of Hauge, Hauge did not have Huang Taiji's scheming.But Hauge's identity is also there, he is the son of Huang Taiji, how could he surrender?

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly felt another move in his heart. Maybe he wants to take revenge after cutting off the crown prince's hope?

Thinking about it this way, it's really possible.Just before, when Huang Taiji attacked the Mangurtai brothers and sisters, Haoge's wife was the daughter of Manggurtai's younger sister. He was afraid of hurting him, so he took the initiative to kill his wife to show his heart to Huang Taiji.For such a ruthless person, it seemed that it was not unacceptable to betray his father.Who asked Huang Taiji to give up the position of emperor to Dorgon!
However, could it be that the whole thing is a bureau?Come up with a bitter trick first, and then a false surrender?

Although it seemed unlikely, Emperor Chongzhen was still a little worried, so he replied to Qian Fugui: "What was the situation at that time, please tell me carefully!"

When Qian Fugui received the message, he immediately explained the situation at that time.

It turned out that when Qian Fugui was secretly preparing to leave with his wife, Hao Ge took the initiative to find him, broke into his room, and drove his wife out, leaving only the two of them in the room.

At that time, Qian Fugui was taken aback, Hauge's face was a bit ferocious, his eyes were red and bloodshot, like a man-eating beast, he thought Qian Fugui was going to kill him, but Hauge did not expect He proposed that he should contact the officials of the Ming Dynasty, and he wanted to surrender. He also said that he would not be allowed to be the prince and humiliated him in public.

While saying these words, Hauge gritted his teeth, but Qian Fugui almost knelt down.He was a little confused, whether Hauge was testing him or really meant it.No matter what, he always felt that Hauge's death seemed a little unlikely.

However, Hao Ge saw that Qian Fugui didn't seem to believe him, so he became angry, saying that Qian Fugui didn't do what he said, so he killed Qian Fugui first, and when he was talking, he seemed to really want to do something.Qian Fugui had no choice but to report to Emperor Chongzhen.

It's also thanks to him knowing the real identity of Emperor Chongzhen, otherwise, he doesn't know if Hauge's thing can be done!
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought about it carefully.If Hauge really wanted to surrender, in his capacity, it would be of great use.In the past, the most valuable information provided by Qian Fugui was also obtained by Hauge's efforts.If he provided it directly in the future, then he would be able to know the information discussed by Huang Taiji at the first time, and it would be the best for Daming to grasp the dynamics of Jianlu in the future.

Of course, there are risks.As for a person like Hauge, how credible is his words, or will he insist on surrendering to Daming, be used by Daming, and remain unchanged for 100 years?

Emperor Chongzhen did not make a decision immediately, and told Sun Chengzong and Lu Xiangsheng the news, and asked them to help with the staff.When Sun Chengzong and Lu Xiangsheng first heard the news, they were also shocked. After all, Hauge's identity was there.After some discussions, it was finally decided to use Hauge.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen replied to Qian Fugui, telling him that he had contacted the chief assistant of Ming Dynasty and agreed to his surrender in principle.But in order to really prove his sincerity, he must show his sincerity.After hearing this, Hauge left quietly, leaving behind Qian Fugui who secretly complained in his heart.

Originally, he thought that he and his wife could escape the sea of ​​suffering and return to Daming.But I didn't expect that after Hauge made such a fuss, he wouldn't be able to make the trip, and he would have to continue working as an undercover agent on Manqing's side!What the future holds is hard to grasp!

Today, the entire situation in Liaodong seems to be calm, but both sides are making preparations. It won't be long before a new conflict will break out.It's just that Daming has no intention of doing mental calculations, and Huang Taiji's self-righteous tricks can't cover up Daming's piercing eyes.The consequences of the conflict are naturally self-evident.

At the same time, under the leadership of Li Zhiqi, the Denglai Navy finally appeared in Taiping Port, Changle County, Fujian Province.Since Zheng Zhiwan acted as a liaison officer, Li Zhiqi's arrival had already been known, and preparations had been made early.

Li Zhiqi looked at a place that was a little strange but familiar. Seeing Zheng Zhilong approaching, his first words were: "I, Li Kuiqi... Li Zhiqi is back!"

Remembering that his name was changed by the emperor, it would be inappropriate to use the previous name again, so he had to change it temporarily.Thanks to the fact that he and Zheng Zhilong met each other when they were in the north, they also had conflicts, and were dealt with by Lu Xiangsheng. Now Emperor Chongzhen has given an explanation, and they are still surrounded by Jinyiwei who can reach Tianting directly. No fuss.

After traveling thousands of miles to the southeast coast of Daming, the Denglai Navy needed a rest, but Zheng Zhilong and Li Zhiqi, former enemies, did not have to rest. They immediately went to Fuzhou to meet Fujian governor Sun Chuanting.

Naturally, it is impossible to hide the arrival of the Denglai Navy from others.After all, the entire navy came here, and the scale was so huge that they couldn't hide it even if they wanted to.

As a result, the pirates on the southeast coast of Ming Dynasty panicked, and the first thing they said when they met was: "Li Kuiqi is back!" Or, "Li Kuiqi and Zheng Yiguan joined forces!"

The pirates who were froze because of the failure of the first alliance, felt the cold wind, and started to gather again to discuss countermeasures. Slowly, they all gathered at Liu Xiang. After all, Liu Xiang was always the biggest. The pirate leader, back then, was also ranked with Li Kuiqi, Zheng Yiguan and the others. Although the ranking was a little lower, he was still number one.

When Liu Xiang heard the news, he also panicked.One Zheng Yiguan is already so difficult to deal with, and Li Kuiqi is added, how can he play?All of a sudden, many pirates gathered, but they couldn't come up with an effective solution, all of them were frowning, feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

Liu Xiang finally sent someone to contact Hongyi in Taiwan, hoping to use Hongyi's ship guns to fight fiercely with the government navy, and made up his mind that either the fish died or the net was broken.

However, what the pirates like Liu Xiang didn't expect was that the news from the land came first, saying that Zheng Yiguan and Li Kuiqi were about to attack them.

(End of this chapter)

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