God of Nine Realms

Chapter 63 4 Fang Yundong

Chapter 63
According to the ancient legend, the prisoner of the dragon guards the four ghosts with his claws, and the eight evils are wrapped around his waist, and the demons breathe evil and the atmosphere messes up the void.

Just like the rumors, there are four uplifted peaks outside the Dragon Claw Peak, faintly enclosing the Dragon Claw Peak in the middle.Since ancient times, some good people have named the four peaks as the four ghosts.They are respectively named Shangui Peak, Ghost Peak, Dark Demon Peak, and Shadow Peak.

These four peaks are precipitous, and powerful forces are stationed in four places, and thousands of villages have been built respectively.

On the Mountain Ghost Peak closest to Dragon Claw Peak.

In the mountainside walled city, a group of mighty warriors are gathering together to plot secretly.

On a huge marble table, more than a dozen middle-aged men and women sat in two rows and talked together.

The leader is a majestic old man, with white robes like snow and long beards fluttering, quite fairy-like.At this moment, he knocked on the table to stop everyone's discussion.

"Dragon Claw and Five Peaks have been holding a mysterious Wufeng Discussion for the past ten years. There must be hidden secrets that we don't know. Although the five peaks are small, it is not easy to unite, especially the black tiger who steals ink and tigers. It's a thorn in my heart."

"Village Master, the alliance of the five peaks is certainly not weak, but how can I be afraid of anyone in Shanguizhai? Why don't I, Hong Quan, lead a team of elite soldiers to find out the reality of their five peaks' martial arts?" A bald man immediately stood up and said.

As soon as this person spoke, the men and women in other seats also nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing with the strength of the bald man.

The master of Shanguizhai stroked his long beard, and said: "Five peaks join forces to discuss martial arts, among them there are so many masters, you can't be so rash, this time the old man will go out in person!"

"What? Waller Master, you are a body of gold, how can you easily go deep into the enemy's rear, this kind of thing should be done by us!" Everyone immediately discouraged.

"I've made up my mind, stop talking!"


The decisive battle between Wufeng and Wufeng is in Longying Valley, which is a valley at the junction of Wufeng Mountain. It is said that the obsidian deposit is hidden deep in the valley.

If you look here from a very far away place, the entire Dragon Claw Five Peaks looks like a slightly bent huge beast claw, and there are five huge sky pillars standing tall, and the Dragon Shadow Valley is the claw heart of the beast claw.

When everyone from Thumb Peak rushed to this valley, the other three peaks had already arrived, only the farthest Mozhi Peak (Little Finger) had not yet arrived.

In the very center of the valley stands ten huge stone pillars.The stone pillar is about one meter thick and more than ten feet high. There are a series of strange patterns carved on it, and its purpose is unknown.These stone pillars are arranged in a circle, which just circles a flat site with a radius of one hundred feet.

"Master Commander, that's the arena for Wufeng to discuss martial arts." Taoist Buming pointed to the stone pillars and explained.

Hu Feng nodded, his eyes gradually turned to all directions.At this time, thousands of people have gathered in the entire Dragon Shadow Valley. Except for those prisoners who are bound by iron chains and dressed in rags, the others basically show that their cultivation is not weak, and almost all of them have the cultivation of the Open Source Realm. .

The three parties had already lined up neatly in their respective positions. Seeing the arrival of the Thumb Peak party, the three peak masters came forward to say hello.

"Brother Mo, you're late again!" A burst of hearty laughter gradually approached.

The visitor was dressed in a black robe, with a goshawk crown on his head, and walked over quickly.Behind him, several existences with unfathomable aura also walked over at the same time.

"Feiying, I'm not as close as your middle finger peak." Mo Hucheng replied in a nonchalant manner, provoking another burst of laughter from the visitor.

"Old Mo, your strength seems to have increased again. Have you taken some tonic recently?" The leader of Wuming Peak, a big man with one eye, also came up.

"Old Mo must have gone somewhere to harm women from a good family, otherwise how could he become more and more energetic?" The last woman in red couldn't help joking.

Hu Feng glanced around lightly, these three people are the masters of each peak, each of them is unfathomable.At the same time, each of them was accompanied by one or two guards with deep breaths.

"This should be the guards of these peak masters, and they are also at the level of confluence martial artists." Hu Feng thought silently.

At this moment, another group of people rushed over from a distance.

"Have you all prepared a banquet for this king?" The visitor came over with sound transmission from a long distance away.

The other peak masters were all helpless, but this guy was the last to arrive every time, but he was so thick-skinned, it was really helpless.

The visitor had a beard and a burly figure. The most striking thing was that he was carrying a wine jar as big as a bucket on his back, and he rushed over driving a red flame bull.

The five peaks gathered, and the peak masters were at the head of the meeting. These five people chatted quickly, and they looked like old friends who talked about everything, but the occasional flashes of light in their eyes proved that they did not believe in each other so deeply.

The peak owners were talking at the side, but Hu Feng and others followed the team to the designated position and lined up.Under the command of Zhou Chuang, the commander of the attack, these bandits lined up in an orderly manner, and then began to talk left and right.

The Wufeng team was very close to each other, and at this time the bandits on different hills also started talking.

Hu Feng is now the leader of the gong, with a respected status, so he naturally doesn't have too much restraint, his eyes are wandering, looking around.

Zhou Chuang, the commander of the attack on Thumb Peak, still looked at Hu Feng with fear, but now he turned a blind eye to him. Hu Feng really didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

"This time, I must become the leader, become famous, and be powerful on the five peaks!"

"Hmph, the position of leader is mine, no one can take it away from me!"

"You scumbags are also worthy of being the leader? Wait to die!"

Fierce arguments came from all directions, which surprised Hu Feng.

He pulled the Taoist Buming behind him and asked: "Is it because the people here are so confident, why does everyone believe that they can become the leader?"

Taoist Buming looked at Hu Feng strangely, and replied, "Otherwise, the other rankings are meaningless."

Hu Feng shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you can't become a Dragon Soul Warrior, it's okay to be in the top ten, anyway, it's a proof of your strength."

Taoist Buming was stunned, and asked cautiously: "Commander, you don't know the rules of Wufeng's discussion of martial arts, do you?"

"Huh? Is there any significance to this? I really don't know." Hu Feng asked with some surprise.

"Wufeng discusses martial arts. The rules of each session are different, but the same blood is the same."

His face became serious, and he said word by word: "There has always been only one iron rule in Wufeng's discussion of martial arts! The winner lives, and the loser dies!"

Hu Feng was shocked, and asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that..."

"That's right, every leader is the only survivor! The so-called five-peak debate, every year hundreds of people participate in the competition, and only one survives!"

 A wave of climax is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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