Chapter 237

Dai Heng took a step forward, and then said: "Your Majesty, the Black Dragon Army has made great achievements in the Northwest victory this time. This is a rare victory for my Ming Dynasty since the reign of Emperor Taizong. From this, it can be seen that my Ming Dynasty is not invincible." , but I don’t know how to fight, that is to say, there is something wrong with my Daming’s military system.”

Everyone looked at Dai Heng, you really dare to say it, but is it really okay to say that?You have offended too many people, right?

Everyone's eyes were on Liu Daxia, Minister of the Ministry of War, you don't care what your subordinates say?
But everyone was disappointed, Liu Daxia stood there, half-closed his eyes, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, the old god was there.But this is not the case with Dai Heng. After firing the cannon, Dai Heng continued to fire the cannon.

"As the saying goes, times have changed and the world has changed. Since the current military system is no longer effective, I thought it was necessary to change the military system." Dai Heng's tone was very serious and resounding.

In fact, the ministers all knew that there was actually a wave of innovation brewing directly in the imperial court very early on, but there was no such thing as a climate. To put it bluntly, there was no leader. Could it be that Dai Heng wanted to be this person?This is a big gamble, if it succeeds, it will naturally gain importance, but if it fails, the end will not be very good.

From Shang Yang to Wang Anshi and Fan Zhongyan of the former Song Dynasty, every reformer, no matter whether he succeeded or failed, the result was not very good!
"I think that my Ming Dynasty should re-establish a new military system. Since the Black Dragon Army is very effective, why not follow the example of the Black Dragon Army to reform the military system?" Dai Heng continued: "I ask you to set up a staff office to select talents and appoint talents. Ministers with military talents from the imperial court entered it to formulate a new military system. As for the ranks, the ministers thought that they should be at the same level as the cabinet, and that they should be consulted by the emperor."

You must know that the government office of the cabinet was only the secretariat at first, and the cabinet scholars only had the status of advisors, and the emperor had the final decision-making power, and the university scholars rarely had the opportunity to participate in the decision.

Even now, the status of the cabinet is constantly rising, and the cabinet bachelor is still a fifth-rank official. It seems that it is nothing to set up a staff office as the emperor's consultation office.

The ministers present instantly sensed the trap in Dai Heng's words. This was a split, and it was an aboveboard split. How many ministers in the court could not join the cabinet?How many senior officials in the world cannot join the cabinet?what is the reason?Is it because they are not capable enough?Of course not, are they not qualified enough?Of course not, the only wish is that they are not from Hanlin.

Non-Hanlin can’t join the cabinet. Although there is no clear stipulation on this statement, what you need to look at is the actual situation. How many academicians from the Imperial Academy are there, and how many non-Hanlin academicians are in the cabinet?
Don't talk about others, just talk about Liu Daxia, Minister of the Ministry of War. He was born in the Imperial Academy, and he was appointed as a good scholar, but he still failed to enter the cabinet. Does he not want to join the cabinet?Of course not, he really wants to join the cabinet, but there are only three cabinet bachelors now.At Liu Daxia's age, would he be willing if he didn't join the cabinet?Will he be willing?
Now that there is an additional staff office, which is at the same level as the cabinet, who has the greatest chance?Of course it was Liu Daxia, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. He was recognized as a well-known soldier in the court, and his prestige in the army was not low. Would he be in the staff office?

Except for Liu Daxia, will they support those officials who have sufficient qualifications and abilities but are limited by the Hanlin threshold?For a while, the atmosphere above the main hall seemed a little delicate.

"I believe that there are several benefits of preparing a staff office. Firstly, the staff office can be used to advise the military. In case of internal and external crusades and resistance against captivity, the staff office can go directly to the imperial front. Secondly, these people are all knowledgeable soldiers. It can be said that your majesty provides The most appropriate suggestion is how to use troops, how to use them, so as not to create a situation where people are superfluous and laymen command experts."

After Dai Heng finished his last sentence, he immediately backed away, but his words had caused an uproar and caught everyone by surprise.

The hall fell into silence for a while. Obviously, no one wanted to stand up and express their opinions first. Obviously, this is a big matter. It is definitely an unwise choice to stand in line before seeing the situation clearly.

At this time, the Minister of the Household Department, Zhong Zhong, stood up. He took a step forward and said loudly: "I object!" As he said this, Zhong Zhong said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, the Black Dragon Army won the victory in the northwest, although it depends on the training of the Crown Prince. You have merit, but you must not forget how much money the imperial court has invested in the Black Dragon Army in the past few years?"

"Once the military system is changed, where will the court's money come from? If the court also invests so much money in the current army every year, it may not be worse than the Black Dragon Army."

"Even if the ability to train soldiers is not as good as that of His Highness the Crown Prince, even if the military system is changed, His Highness can't train soldiers himself, right? How big is the world, and how many soldiers and horses there are in the world, after all, other people are still required to train soldiers. The military system of Ming Dynasty these years It is indeed a little bit broken, but during the reign of Taizu Taizong, didn't those victories were also won under such a military system?"

"I believe that the military system cannot be changed lightly. If the court is dissatisfied with the military record, it can train troops, change generals, and allocate money and food to various places."

What Zhong Zhong said has two problems, and they are very serious problems, that is, money and rations, reform of the military system, and learning from the Black Dragon Army. Do you know how much the Black Dragon Army spent?Where did the imperial court get so much money to distribute it?Secondly, the army was able to win battles in the past, but if it fails to win now, it means that the generals are not good enough, and the money and food are not in place.

Zhu Houzhao stood on the steps, listening to Zhong Zhong's words, with a blank expression on his face. This time Zhong Zhong was already on the list of replacements.

The Ministry of Accounting is a key department, and the next reform needs to be done by the User Department, and Zhong Zhong will definitely not be able to hold the position of Minister of the Ministry of Accounting.

Three years have passed, and Qi You is still in the position of Yan Zhengsi. He has done a good job, but Zhu Houzhao is going to mention it to Qi You, and the position of Minister of the Household Department is just right for him.This is an official with no idea, he is an official, very pure, he dares to do anything in order to be an official, Zhu Houzhao believes that he will definitely be willing to support his reform.

That's what happened in the court. The older generation and those in high positions are unwilling to change, because change means the loss of their power and they have to adapt to change.

If they don't change, they are big bosses, why should they change?It’s not bad now, but the people below are different. Change can overthrow the people above and put yourself in the top position. Why not change?Qi You has worked hard in the Yantie Division for four years, does he want to go further?How could it be possible, if he didn't want to go further, he wouldn't simply join Shou Ninghou.

Sure enough, Qi You took a step forward and said loudly, "I don't think so!"

(End of this chapter)

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