Invincible Zhengde

Chapter 313 Life After Marriage

Chapter 313 Life After Marriage
Last night, the red candles were stopped in the bridal chamber, waiting for the Xiaotang to visit my uncle and aunt.After putting on makeup, I asked my husband and son-in-law in a low voice, whether the thrush is fashionable or not?

It is a seven-character quatrain created by Zhu Qingyu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It looks like a boudoir poem, but it is not, because this poem is actually a scroll poem. The first two sentences exaggerate the typical wedding room environment and write The bride is meticulously groomed and groomed.In this poem, the bride compares herself, the groom compares Zhang Ji, and the husband-in-law compares the chief examiner, so as to solicit Zhang Ji's opinion.

Zhu Houzhao liked this poem very much in his previous life. Of course, Zhu Houzhao directly ignored the fact that it is a scroll poem. Of course, it is a love poem written in the bridal chamber.

There are countless moving poems in ancient times, and there are all kinds of poems. This poem vividly describes the sweetness of the newlyweds.A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, so Zhu Houzhao naturally cherished this night very much, and Xia Zhenzhu did not disappoint him.My mother helped to select them, and the specifications are much stricter than those of later generations, no matter in appearance or figure, they are all first-class.

Especially the appearance, elegant and refined, because this is the empress, it is definitely not acceptable to look charming and charming, her voice is soft and glutinous, and her gaze is full of waves.

Zhu Houzhao didn't say anything about his queen's appearance, the rest is her personality, which needs to be understood slowly, but in Zhu Houzhao's view, the problem should not be very big.In order to avoid the dictatorship of foreign relatives, the queens of the Ming Dynasty were all daughters of common people.The only exception is Emperor Taizong Zhu Di, whose queen is the eldest daughter of Xu Da, King Wuning of Zhongshan.

"Your Highness." Xia Zhenzhu opened his eyes and called out shyly, because he saw Zhu Houzhao staring at him with burning eyes.

"I didn't take a closer look last night, so I realized that my concubine's eyelashes are so long!" Zhu Houzhao said with a smile. Seeing Xia Zhenzhu's face turned red, Zhu Houzhao laughed immediately. It was because he had never experienced it in his previous life.Maybe it was bad luck. In the previous life, Zhu Houzhao met you when you told her a joke, and she told you a more embarrassing one.

When Xia Zhenzhu heard this, her face became even redder, and she called out coquettishly, "Your Highness!"

The voice called Zhu Houzhao's heart trembled, and then he said with a smile: "It's time to get up, we have to pay respects to the emperor and queen today."

It is also etiquette for the new daughter-in-law to meet the elders to offer tea in the morning, Xia Zhenzhu nodded lightly, her face still flushed.

Zhu Houzhao's concubine, Daming, is called Xia Yu, and this name was given after the selection of the concubine. As for Pearl, it is a nickname in the boudoir.Zhu Houzhao felt that the name Xia Yu was not very good, but Xia Zhenzhu was very good. The name sounded like an ancient beauty. He stretched out his hand to hug his princess, and Zhu Houzhao greeted the outside: "Come here!"

Following Zhu Houzhao's words, the door was pushed open, and groups of court ladies came in, carrying toiletries and clothes, and standing aside respectfully.

As for the lack of eunuchs, it's not that there are rules in the palace, but that Zhu Houzhao ordered them not to come in, and even the most favored Liu Jin was waiting outside.

After dressing, washing, and tidying up, Zhu Houzhao took Xia Zhenzhu's hand and headed towards Kunning Palace.When Zhu Houzhao and Xia Zhenzhu arrived at Kunning Palace, their father Zhu Youtang and mother Zhang Empress had already been waiting here.After saluting according to the procedure and serving tea, Empress Zhang talked with Xia Zhenzhu for a while.

Of course, this conversation was not long, because the matter was not over yet, and Zhu Houzhao had to take Xia Zhenzhu to other places.

You must know that there are many grandmothers living in this palace, and the Empress Dowager Zhou is also going there. It will take a long time to go around.

In the next few days, Zhu Houzhao basically didn't care about anything, just accompanied Xia Zhenzhu, took her to familiarize herself with everything in the palace, took her to fly a kite, took her to plant trees in the imperial garden, and even stayed in the palace. Cutting ice to catch fish, and then lighting the fire to grill the fish, made the palace full of chaos.Zhu Youtang suddenly felt angry and funny, but he couldn't scold his son.

He was angry because his son was too mischievous, and he was funny because he knew that his son was not such a childish person. Not only was he immature after the big marriage, but why did he become childish instead?
More distressed, as for Empress Zhang, she followed her son to make trouble, seeing that her son was satisfied with the princess, Empress Zhang was very satisfied, you must know that Xia Zhenzhu was chosen by her.

Zhu Houzhao took Xia Zhenzhu to the end of the fight, not only because of the fun, but also because he wanted Xia Zhenzhu to get familiar with the palace as soon as possible, so as to reduce her fear, and it was also a declaration to the inside and outside of the palace that he liked himself very much. This princess, such an approach seems to be a nonsense, but it can save a lot of trouble.

When Zhu Houzhao was playing around, the Ming court was not very peaceful. First of all, a round of Beijing inspections began in the capital, and after the Beijing inspections, the method of examination was promoted.

Although there are a lot of discussions and opinions, there is nothing to do, either you don't want to be an official, or you just accept it honestly.

The three-party finalization of the examination has been finalized, namely Shangguan, Metropolitan Procuratorate and Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei represents the emperor, Metropolitan Procuratorate represents the civil service system, followed by the cabinet, and Shangguan is adding weight to Shangguan. The three parties jointly assessment, to avoid cheating as much as possible.This makes the officialdom in the capital feel quite jittery.

The affairs in the court will not affect the people for the time being, and what the people talk about the most is the affair between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the new Crown Princess.

The street news and novelists' rumors in this era are basically equivalent to dismissal from office in later generations. Everyone pays great attention to it, and the degree of discussion is also very high.Because there was no literary inquisition in Ming Dynasty, the folk atmosphere was still very good.This atmosphere has affected many people. Of course, some people will not be affected by these things, and they are doing more important things.

Liao Yuan, as the big shopkeeper of Qiyi Zhai in the capital, naturally has a high status, but at this time he is holding trays with three kinds of appetizers and a flagon.

These appetizers are neither good nor bad. For Liao Yuan, this is really a bit crude. After all, he, the big shopkeeper of Qiqizhai in Beijing, is very rich.The plate of two halves of shepherd's purse was really obvious. Holding the plate and pushing open the door, Liao Yuan said with a smile: "Bohu, the wine and vegetables are here, let's have a drink."

A young man in the room heard Liao Yuan's words, turned his head with a smile and put down the book in his hand: "Brother Liao is free today."

"I'm going to try it soon. I've been very busy these days, and I'm rarely free today. I just want to have a drink with you. It's an early celebration for you." Liao Yuan also laughed and said, with emotion in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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