Invincible Zhengde

Chapter 342 Quanzhen Teaching

Chapter 342 Quanzhen Teaching

No one thought that this matter would end like this, not even the emperor Zhu Youtang.

After returning to the harem, Zhu Youtang immediately sent someone to deliver a letter to his son.

Of course, Zhu Youtang also knew that even if he didn't tell about this matter, his son would know about it, because there were too many people who tipped off his son.

What is Zhu Houzhao doing at this time?

The answer is simple, he lay on the recliner half-closed, ready to sleep.

Basically, he didn't need to worry too much about the affairs in the northwest. Wang Shouren had already taken over the military reform. As for the plan he proposed, Zhu Youtang knew it would take time to ferment, so he didn't rush to do it.

Local political affairs are handled by He Jian, and Zhu Houzhao, the prince, has been idle instead.

"Your Highness, Sun Liang has brought the things." Liu Jin cautiously came to Zhu Houzhao's side, and said respectfully.

Zhu Houzhao nodded, then stretched out his hand.

Liu Jin put the information on Zhu Houzhao's body, and then stepped aside respectfully.

This material is about Quanzhen Sect, which is Quanzhen Taoism.

The reason why Zhu Houzhao wanted this information was simple. He wanted to see if Taoism could use it.Of course, Quanzhen Taoism was not very popular in Ming Dynasty, because what Ming Dynasty admired was Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province, which had already been established during the time of Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

The decades from the turn of the Jin Dynasty to the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty were a time of misery in the metropolis of China, blood and flames, and the misery of the people, but it was also the heyday of Quanzhen Taoism.

The active promoter of the heyday was Qiu Chuji, and the turning point was Genghis Khan's summoning of him.Quejin envoy, Xie Songpin, went alone to the important decision called by Genghis Khan who was conquering the Western Regions.At the age of 73, he willingly braved the wind, sand and heavy snow. He led eighteen accompanying disciples on the journey in 1219. After more than two years of trekking thousands of miles, he finally reached the Great Snow Mountain in the Western Regions (Kush in present-day Afghanistan) in 1222. Mountain) Genghis Khan's military camp.

Of course, the Quanzhen Sect has long since declined. Zhu Yuanzhang despises the Quanzhen Sect. He said in the imperial preface to "Daming Xuanjiao Licheng Zhaijiao Ritual": "Zen and Quanzhen practice are based on self-cultivation and self-cultivation. That's all; teaching and righteousness are dedicated to detachment. It is specially designed for filial sons and relatives, to benefit human relations, to foster customs, and its merits are great!"

To put it bluntly, Zhu Yuanzhang disagreed with both monks and Taoist priests. On the contrary, the Tianshi Taoist in Longhushan agreed to marry and have children, and to be filial to parents. Such teachings were admired by Zhu Yuanzhang.

In addition, Zhu Houzhao also knew that there was another reason for this, that is, the head teacher of Quanzhen Sect fell into the hands of a Jurchen named Wanyan Deming, who was a descendant of Wanyan Aguda.In this case, Wanyan Deming chose to support the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty unswervingly. He also died in the process of protecting the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty (not counting the Northern Yuan Dynasty)-Yuan Shun Emperor while fleeing.

Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that the Quanzhen Sect should not participate in any political affairs, and could only focus on self-cultivation, and restricted its missionary activities. He also ordered that the Quanzhen Sect should never have a head teacher.

The Quanzhen Sect fell into a state of disunity and split into countless small sects, among which Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang was one of them.

Zhu Hou took care of these things for the simple purpose of seeing if he could find something usable.

The power of religion is powerful, and evangelism is a very serious matter. Zhu Houzhao wanted to try to see if he could preach on the grasslands. The reason why he chose Quanzhen Sect instead of Longhushan was also very simple, and that was the problem of the foundation. .

First of all, the Mongols believed in the Quanzhen Sect, and they had roots in the Mongolian grasslands, and secondly, the Quanzhen Sect also had roots in the Northwest.

Although the Quanzhen sect has split, it is still very good, with many branches and sects. The orthodox sect is the "Seven Truths", namely the Longmen sect of Zongqiu Chuji, the Suishan sect of Zong Liu Chuxuan, and the Nanwu sect of Zongtan Chuduan. , Zong Mayu's Yuxian School, Zongwang Chuyi's Yushan School, Zong Hao Datong's Huashan School, and Zongsun Buer's Qingjing School.

Another point that Zhu Houzhao attaches great importance to Quanzhen Sect is the teachings of Quanzhen Sect.

What Longhushan pays attention to is conducive to ruling, such as filial piety to parents, such as being able to marry and have children.

The Quanzhen Sect is just the opposite. It is similar to Buddhism. It needs to be a monk. It takes the truth of the whole Laozhuang, self-sacrifice and benefit others as its purpose, eliminates emotions and desires, sees the way clearly, and makes the mind peaceful, so that you can return to simplicity, prove the way and become immortal. .In addition, it is also stipulated that Taoist priests must become monks and live in temples, and strictly abide by the precepts.And there are severe punishments for Taoist priests who violate the precepts, from kneeling to incense, expelled and even executed.

Life is a "sea of ​​bitterness", the family is a "prison" and "house on fire", and the love of husband and wife is a "golden shackle and jade chain". I advise people to "jump out of the cage", see through fame and wealth, learn Taoism and alchemy, so as to escape from the "sea of ​​bitterness".

Zhu Houzhao thinks that this teaching is spread on the grasslands, it seems to be quite good, right?Let's stop fighting, let's cultivate immortals.

The veterinary talisman is what he is good at, and then walks on the grassland. Is this sect inappropriate?

Zhu Houzhao of Buddhism has also considered it, but it seems that Quanzhen Taoism is more suitable than Buddhism.Because they were kicked to the ground and stepped on many feet, they are still unable to turn over.Let the Quanzhen Taoist walk on the grasslands, snow mountains and deserts, they are willing to do it.In addition, they also have real skills, and the imperial court's suppression has not stopped.

With so many martial arts, they can just be used.Flipping through the information, Zhu Houzhao felt better the more he read it.

"Liu Jin, go and find Tang Bohu." Zhu Houzhao ordered casually, thinking that Tang Bohu should know something.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Jin agreed, then quickly turned around and went out to find someone.

Tang Bohu came soon. He didn't know what His Highness the Crown Prince wanted him to do, but these days he was basically accompanying the Crown Prince, and he often talked with the Prince about poetry, especially painting.Maybe it was because of these things this time, so Tang Bohu didn't care when he came.

"I see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Tang Bohu respectfully saluted Zhu Houzhao.

"Okay." Zhu Houzhao waved his hand, then said with a smile, "I said it a long time ago, there is no need to be so polite in private."

Tang Bohu quickly agreed: "Yes, Your Highness."

Zhu Houzhao nodded, and then said: "I ask you, do you know Chongyang Palace?"

"Returning to Your Highness, I know that this Chongyang Palace is the ancestral court of Quanzhen Taoism, also known as the Chongyang Longevity Palace. So." Tang Bohu didn't know why Zhu Houzhao asked such a question, but he still told what he knew.

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a moment, then nodded, and then said, "I've been bored these few days, why don't Aiqing and Bengong go to Chongyang Palace to see what this Chongyang Palace looks like."

(End of this chapter)

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