Crazy evolution bug

Chapter 240 Rubik's Suggestion

Chapter 240 Rubik's Suggestion
Rubik quickly recounted the titan's information.

Different from the silver titan that Wang Xiaoyu had fought side by side in his previous life, the titan that Rubik knew was a powerful golden titan named Beate.

The Bronze Titan has a huge body like a giant, and has a strong physique. An adult Bronze Titan can even tear some not-so-powerful dragons.

The silver titans are about the same size as normal humans, and their physique is not as good as the bronze titans, but they have powerful bloodline magic abilities and are born warlocks.

Gold Titans are like a combination of Bronze Titans and Silver Titans. They are usually the size of normal humans, but they can transform into huge giants in battle.

The golden titan is one of the few creatures who are born in fantasy ranks. Both the magic ability in the blood and the physical ability are extremely powerful.

According to the legend circulated in "Sky Domain", there were even some golden titans who killed gods.

Rubik had known one such golden titan.

Beate once lived in the Mechanic God for a period of time. In some respects, Rubik and Beate were former colleagues, and they both worked for the Mechanic God.

Rubik and Beate don't have much intersection, probably just the feeling of knowing each other.

But the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and now Rubik and Beat have a common enemy.

Yes, the golden titan Beate was sealed in the Exiled Land by the God of Mechanics himself, and the enemy of Beate and Rubik was the God of Mechanics.

The only question is whether Beat is still alive at this time.

Time has passed too long. After all, Beate is not a god. Even if his bloodline is far superior to that of ordinary creatures, he may not be able to live that long.

Even though he was once a god, Rubik can't know everything.

Listening to Rubik's analysis, Wang Xiaoyu said: "If she was not killed by the God of Mechanics, but was just sealed, then she should still be alive now."

The golden titan is one of the few immortal species other than the gods in "Sky Domain".

This immortality does not mean immortality, it just means that the immortal species will not die without the influence of external forces.

The eternal life is called the eternal species in "Sky Domain", and Wang Xiaoyu did not know any information about the eternal species in "Sky Domain" until his death in his previous life.

Rubik nodded and said, "If she's still alive, I can try to persuade her to become an ally of the Zerg. Beate's temperament is rebellious, and it's difficult for ordinary people to get along with her, but as long as she can form an alliance with her, she doesn't have to worry about betrayal."

Rubik quickly elaborated on the experience of Beate's exile that year.

It is probably the story of Beata rebelling against the God of Mechanics, and then refusing to bow his head, refusing to admit his mistake.

"As such, she is a trusted ally."

Rubik agreed: "Our strength is too weak, and the Zerg has just started. With her temperament, she may not pay attention to us. After all, it is impossible for her to know the potential of our Zerg."

Wang Xiaoyu sighed and said, "One thousand to ten thousand, what we lack is strength."

"Master, compared to those creatures who have lived for countless years, our Zerg has just started, you don't need to worry, as long as you give the Zerg some time to develop for hundreds of years, you will definitely ignite the divine fire and establish a divine kingdom belonging to our Zerg."

"Hundreds of years..."

Wang Xiaoyu watched the battle messages transmitted in [Mind Network].

The Zerg Legion is constantly hunting and killing the Crypt Demon. Almost every once in a while, there will be news that the Crypt Demon has been hunted down.

But just like this, the growth of the Zerg is still slower.

The key to this is that there are too few mortal-level Zerg.

Leading a group of ordinary Zerg, he can only face hero-level prey at most, and even facing epic-level existence is very difficult; and if he can lead a group of mortal-level Zerg, he can even hunt legends.

He had to figure out a way to allow a large number of mortal-level Zerg to be born, so that the Zerg could form enough combat power.

Now is the first invasion of the abyss, 50 years later the gods will recover and walk the world as saints, and the second invasion of the abyss will be 100 years later...

The next 100 years can be said to be the most chaotic time in Tianyu Continent, and he doesn't have hundreds of years to develop.

If the Zerg wants to rise, they must seize the next few decades and become a powerful force in the next few decades.

Wang Xiaoyu lowered his head and asked, "Rubick, do you have a way to increase the strength of Zerg individuals? It doesn't need to be too high, just let their strength break through to the mortal level."

"If that's the case, I need to do some calculations," Rubik said, writing formulas in the dirt with his feet again.

After writing dozens of lines, Rubik suddenly thought of something and continued to explain: "Depending on the complexity of the problem, it is sometimes necessary to write formulas. Your current problem is more complicated."

In just a few minutes, Rubik wrote thousands of formulas on the ground, covering hundreds of square meters of underground space.

Although Rubik said the question was complicated, it took a few minutes for Rubik to give the answer.

Rubik analyzed: "If you want Zerg individuals to break through the level lock and grow into a mortal level, it should be possible to use genetic medicine theoretically, but it needs to be formulated according to each Zerg. It is difficult to mass-produce.

And these Zerg that rely on genetic medicine to break through are likely to be adversely affected, and their [evolution] talents are likely to lose their original effectiveness. "

Wang Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "How long will the specific cycle be?"

Although this method of pulling seedlings to encourage growth has obvious flaws and overdraws the potential of the Zerg, but as a last resort, Wang Xiaoyu can only do this.

Rubik quickly replied: "If it's me, I should be able to prepare two reagents in one day if I have sufficient materials. With the help of an assistant, I should be able to prepare three reagents in one day."

Rubik gave a not-so-good answer.

There are at most three reagents per day, which means that the Zerg can only produce a thousand mortal-level worms in a year, and the price of these worms growing into mortal-level is the loss of potential.

Seemingly seeing what Wang Xiaoyu was thinking, Rubik gave a brand new suggestion: "Master, I have another idea than mixing potions for the Zerg. I can directly breed mortal-level monsters for the Zerg." Insects."

Rubik's mind pictured the little spiders that the spiders spawned.

In some respects, these little spiders are mortal-level insects and beasts, but these little spiders have no self, they are puppets of spiders.

Rubik felt he had a way of producing some mortal-level bugbeasts in a similar way.

Rubik said: "Theoretically, I can use genetic reagents to make the Zerg mother directly produce eggs that can grow into mortal-level bugs.

However, this has obvious disadvantages. One is that the [evolution] talent of these insects will become incomplete, just like taking genetic medicines. The other is their wisdom. The wisdom of these insects is only the same as that of ordinary insects, and cannot be born. Out of self awareness. "

(End of this chapter)

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