Crazy evolution bug

Chapter 408 The Mediocre Race

Chapter 408 The Mediocre Race

Siterd, the legendary arcanist Delilah sat in a wheelchair and raised her head.

Above the starry sky, there was a place where a dim star once stayed. After the star fell, there was only faint smoke and mist left there.

At this moment, the smoke and mist completely dissipated.

Delilah's pale pupils couldn't see any focal length.

The side effects of the prophecy became more and more serious. First, he lost his eyes during the calculation of Insector, and then lost his legs after calculating the big event of the falling stars.

In fact, even without those side effects, Delilah's predictions are not so useful, and sometimes they are not very accurate, so in many cases he just uses the predictions as a reference.

That's why he still stayed in Siterd without taking action even though he knew about the big event of the Fall of the Stars.

"I don't know what happened to Sach."

Delilah sighed. He once persuaded Sage not to act according to the prophecy, but Sage left secretly.

Without thinking too much, feeling the wonderful changes in the sky, Delilah started to prophesy again.

Although there are more and more side effects of prophecy, prophecy is his hobby, and sometimes he just can't help it.

Delilah's fingers flashed white fluorescent light, and then she pressed her fingers to the center of her brow.

Starfall had happened a few hours ago, and he knew that it represented the return of the gods, because the prophecy was not about future events, so the side effects of the prophecy were not great.

The side effects of this prophecy are similarly small, but the events predicted are by no means simple.

A god died, not into a deep sleep, but permanently.

Only a few hours before the return of the gods, the first god to die has already appeared.

"Could it be that Abyss Demon God Carlos did it?"

Delilah shook her head, then sighed.

His prophecy is very limited, and many prophecies are only a few fragments, and it is impossible to get a glimpse of the whole thing.

Fortunately, some good things happened after the fall of the stars. Twelve teleportation arrays on the Tiantian Mountain plane originally needed to be built, but now it seems that it is not so difficult. We just need to re-plan and build four.

And three of these four have been built, and the other one will be completed in a short time. It is estimated that reinforcements from Tiantang Mountain will arrive within a month.

In addition, the God of Life and the Moon God, who have been friends with the elves, seem to have awakened.


A hidden gap in the endless abyss.

Accompanied by the death of the frost goddess Aislin, the strange black mist continued to distort, showing a little surprise.

Compared to Delilah who had to rely on prophecy to detect the fall of the gods, Carlos didn't need to be so troublesome, and he felt it naturally.

The black mist kept twisting, and soon drifted to the front of the "Doomsday Scroll".

The title page of "Scroll of Doom" is still only opened one page. Carlos thought about whether to continue to open the page, but in the end he did not continue to open the page.

Carrying out sacrifices to promote the return of the gods greatly improved Carlos' strength, but it also made him many more enemies.

Carlos knew that there would be enemies to stop him until he was ready to create the Kingdom of God, and it was not a good choice to unseal the "Doomsday Scroll" now.

The continuously distorting black mist finally calmed down, and Carlos continued to stabilize his strength. His strength is very close to reuniting the Kingdom of God, and other things can be compromised...


In the country of azure blue, the tavern of the hero's house.

A man in odd black attire puffs on a cigarette before handing the box back to the long-haired Chosen One across the table.

"The taste is not bad. Is this the cigarette you made?"

The god of mediocrity, or in other words, the mediocre sage asked the chosen one on the opposite side.

Before the Chosen One could answer, Mark raised his head slightly, his pupils narrowed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, and then showed a very natural smile.

Only a few hours have passed since the return of the gods, and one god has died.

He had seen this deity not long ago, and it was the goddess who had the priesthood of frost.

Is it Rubik, the Zerg?
Mark Bo had some inferences in his mind, but he had no intention of going to investigate.

If Rubik understood the message he left, then it should come to him.

As for the Zerg...

Mark Bo didn't mean to belittle the bugs. Compared with those races that died out in the long river of time, the bugs were already a good race.

But no matter what, the bug race has no future.

Mark Bo mentioned to Rubik the former worm king, and with the demise of the worm king, the worms gradually changed back to their original form.

In fact, it is not only the king of insects and beasts, before the appearance of the king of insects and beasts, the insects have actually prospered, and not only once, but the insects will always become weak and mediocre in the end.

Similarly, the endless demons in the abyss are similar.

Since I don't know how many years ago, the demon of the abyss is what he is now. It has been a long time since he fell into a deep sleep, but the demon of the abyss has not changed at all, it is still the same as before.

Obviously, the demons of the abyss are also a mediocre race. As for the demon god who drives the demons, they are also mediocre.

It's not that mediocrity is bad, it's much better than dying, but that's not enough.

Fortunately, this world is not mediocre.

Mark Bo looked at the chosen ones in front of him, and the appearance of these chosen ones was proof that the world was not mediocre.

And these chosen ones also gave Mark Bo another way out besides the new god system, but he hasn't figured out this way yet.


Frank stroked his thick hair, looked at the weird npc in front of him and said, "This pack of cigarettes was made by my friend. He is an orc named Amon."

Followed in the footsteps of Insector, but unfortunately died due to an accident and was resurrected at the resurrection point.

Frank went through untold hardships and finally arrived at the Hero's House Tavern in the Azure Land, and inquired about Insector.

It's a pity that Insector had already left at this time, but Frank was not without gains. He met little fat Hamm again, and also made friends with an orc player who had seen Ryder.

Then today, he suddenly saw a man in a tuxedo in a tavern. Although the information he saw with [Exploration Technique] was ordinary, this outfit was by no means ordinary.

Mark Bo flicked the ash and said, "Orc? Is he also the chosen one?"

Frank nodded and said, "Well, we're actually looking for Insector. I'm a disciple of Insector's disciple. Have you ever met Insector?"


Ma Kebo felt that the name was familiar, and then shook his head.

Seeing Mark Bo shaking his head, Frank was a little disappointed. He hadn't hugged Insector's thigh for more than half a year, which made him feel very empty.

However, the unusual npc in front of him may represent a new opportunity, and Frank quickly packed up his loss.

Frank quickly said, "Is there anything you need to help with when you come here? We can help you. You know, we are not afraid of death."

(End of this chapter)

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