Chapter 497
Facing Rubik's sudden request, Spider obviously didn't understand the situation.

Spider blinked his eyes and said, "You said you wanted to ask me about mathematics, but your mathematics should be better than mine?"

Although she doesn't want to admit that others are better than her in mathematics, Rubik is indeed a little better than her.

Is it?

Could it be that Rubik felt threatened by her recent rapid progress in mathematics, so he came to understand her learning methods and prevent her from being surpassed in the future?
The more Spider-Man thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

But the spider didn't panic, because in the spider's view, even if Rubik mastered her math learning method, he couldn't keep the leading position.

In the future, she will definitely surpass Rubik in mathematics, and join hands with Lulu to become the strongest existence in mathematics among the Zerg!

The bewildered expression disappeared in an instant, and the spider showed that confident expression again.

Rubik didn't care about the change in Spider's demeanor. Facing Spider's inquiry, Rubik quickly replied: "I'm just better than you in terms of mathematical thinking, but when it comes to real mathematics, I may not have you." Even more powerful."

Listening to Rubik's praise, the expression on Spider's face became even happier.

The spider said: "Although you praised me and made me very happy, in fact, you are still better than me in mathematics."

Rubik shook his head and said, "No, actually you don't know much about the mathematics you understand."

Spider Zi once again showed a puzzled expression, obviously not understanding what Rubik was going to say.

The flower fairy Lulu not far away also flew over at this time and said: "Did you two see an elf, a very beautiful elf, maybe even prettier than Lusha, she seemed to be here just now. "

Spider and Rubik shook their heads one after another, but neither of them saw the elf.

"Am I wrong?"

Lulu murmured softly, and the little guy didn't get too entangled, and quickly asked Rubik: "You just said that Spider's math is better than yours, and my math is similar to Spider's. stronger than you?"

"No, spiders are different."

After Rubik finished speaking, he walked up to the spider again and said, "Just now, the master has told me your method of solving math problems, can you let me try to feel your power?"

Spider tilted his head and said, "How do you control it?"

Rubik said, "I need to draw a small amount of your blood for analysis."

Soon, after the spider agreed, Rubik reached out the probe and drew some blood from the spider.

It didn't take long to analyze it, maybe it was because this power was related to calculation, after only a few minutes, Rubik felt that power in the blood of the spider.

Rubik picked up a few pages of four mixed arithmetic problems that Spider was practicing, and said, "Can I temporarily suppress the power in your body, and then you can calculate these math problems again?"

Spider nodded slightly in agreement, and Rubik's probe was also inserted into Spider's wrist to suppress the power in her body.

Spider felt as if something cold had been injected into her wrist, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But the uncomfortable feeling is not serious.

My mind doesn't feel dull either, it seems to be the same as before.

Spider looked at the paper in front of him with some doubts, and planned to solve another math problem, but as he looked at the math problem in front of him, Spider gradually widened his eyes—she couldn't do it anymore.

Spider still remembers the feeling of doing the problem. As long as she thinks hard, the answer and process of solving the problem will come to her mind one after another after a while.

However, this time she didn't feel anything, and as she tried to think hard, her head became like a paste, and she felt a little dizzy.

Not far away, Lulu saw Spiderman's expression puzzled and said: "This question is super simple. First, the addition in the left brackets is equal to 7, and then the subtraction in the right brackets is equal to 4. Multiplying 4 by 7 equals 28." , the answer is 28."

Spider looked at Lulu in confusion, then turned the paper in front of him and said, "This question is not very suitable, I want to change it."

Rubik stopped the spider from trying to change the page and said: "Don't look at those questions first, I will give you some additions... No, can you look up the numbers?"

Spider looked at Rubik with a little disdain and said, "Check it up or down?"

Rubik said, "Just check it out."

The spider quickly started to check the number. The poor ones in the past were smooth, and the first thirty spiders checked very fluently, but at the forty, the spider started to get stuck occasionally. When it reached the number 63, the spider got stuck for a while and suddenly jumped. In the past, it seemed that there was a mistake, and before the seventy was found, the spider started to start all over again.

But this time, the counting was rechecked, and the spider had already started to use his fingers.

Vaguely, a silver bell-like chuckle came from the flower fairy's garden. The laughter seemed to appear next to the spider. It seemed that seeing the spider's counting felt a little funny.

As Lulu just said, a strange existence did appear in this garden, but neither Rubik nor Lulu could find the source of the laughter.

The chuckle stopped quickly, as if he knew that his laughter was not very polite, and the voice secretly said sorry in Spider's ear, but unfortunately, Spider, who was serious about counting, didn't hear anything.

And when he found that the chuckle had disappeared, Rubik didn't look too much.

Continuing the previous topic on mathematics, Rubik said to the spider: "Sure enough, you have mastered this kind of power as the master said, and not only that, the power you have may be much more powerful than what the master described.

Although relying on this kind of power, you can only perform the most basic logical operations and cannot complete advanced mathematical problems, but it is this kind of basic logical operations that are the most difficult.

For example, 1+1 is equal to 2, such as the division of 0 and 1, and the most basic concept of numbers, and you have already completed these things.

As long as you follow your path further, you may easily exceed my original achievements. "

While speaking, Rubik withdrew the probe that had been inserted into Spider's arm, and Spider, who had regained his strength, immediately started counting fluently.

Finding that he could look up numbers normally, Spider quickly flipped through the previous math problems.

This time, Spider just thought hard a little, and the answer appeared in her mind.

And just as Spider smiled and continued to do math problems, Rubik beside Spider had already melted.

Rubik's flesh and blood also turned into a puddle of juice just as Insect entered [Multiple Evolution Mode].

And when Rubik's body condenses again, he has obtained a brand new form like Insector - the super brain form of the Zerg creature.

(End of this chapter)

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