Paper Maker

Chapter 101 The Water Ghost

Chapter 101 The Water Ghost
In other words, I went back to the store in a drenched body, shouting that I was unlucky, and regretted that I forgot to read the almanac before going out, and was plotted against.

After taking a shower, it was already more than midnight at this time, so I fell asleep directly.However, just as I was about to wake up, there was a sudden commotion at the store door, and there was a creaking sound of the door opening.

Hearing this movement, I woke up with a start, wondering if this was a thief or a ghost?There are many ghosts in the paper-making shop. As I said before, most of the people who come during the day are strangers, and the people who come at night are ghosts.Some ghosts have no offspring in the yang world, and no one burns paper clothes and paper houses for them, so they sometimes come up by themselves and go into the store to buy paper-made things.

I listened with all my ears, and saw that the store door opened very slowly. It was first pulled open a little, then paused, and then slowly opened completely.At this time, I heard a sound of walking, thump, thump, thump...

When I heard this, I knew that someone had entered the house.So I hurriedly got up from the bed, put on my clothes in two or three strokes, then hurried out of the room and rushed to the shop, ready to ask why the visitor was so rude and dared to break into my shop.

You know, ghosts often come to my shop in the middle of the night, but when they come to ask for paper horses and ghost sedan chairs, they will politely knock on the door first, and then ask me for help. To collect money, because Mingbi is useless to me at all.The ghosts who came to the door also understood this principle, but they had never encountered such a lack of etiquette that they forced their way into the paper shop.

However, as soon as I rushed out of the store, I felt a gust of wind, and then there was a "bang" from the store door, and the ghost ran out of the store.

I turned on the lights in the shop casually, and saw that the floor of the shop was covered with water, and there were still puddles of water in some places.Those water marks extended directly from the outside of the store to the middle of the store, obviously left by the ghost who entered the store just now.

Seeing this, I knew that the person who entered the store just now must be a drowning ghost.

Water ghosts, also known as water monkeys in the folk, are formed by the unjust souls of people who drowned in the water. They always go up and down bridges or left and right bridges, looking for substitutes for themselves so that they can be reincarnated.Water ghosts are the most harmful ghosts. The Five Elements emphasizes that soil can restrain water, and people are safe in the soil. Therefore, all water monkeys must find someone to die for them to dehydrate because of the restraint of the five elements before they can enter the soil. He had to find someone to die for him before he could be reincarnated.This is also the reason why the water ghost finds a substitute to harm people.

There are many ghosts who come into my shop, but I have never encountered a water ghost, because the water ghost has always stayed in the river, and usually seldom comes up.Could it be that I fell into the river just now, so I attracted him?
The water ghost is the most harmful thing. I think he wanted to kill me, so he followed me all the way back?Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. I was unlucky today, but I didn't expect that even the water ghost would bully me, and even bully me at home.Immediately, I was so angry that I rushed out of the shop and chased after the puddles of water left by the water ghost on the ground...

Out of the store, I chased several streets along the way, and finally followed the water trails to the bridge I had been to at night.

At this time, it was already one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the bridge was on the edge of the city, so there was no one here by this time.There are no street lights here. Although there are houses a few hundred meters away from the bridge, it is already so dark that it is difficult to see any houses with lights on.

Fortunately, the moonlight is very strong tonight, so the water marks left by the water ghost on the ground can be clearly seen.When I came to the bridge head of the bridge, I saw a small, dark thing standing in the middle of the bridge, giggling strangely.

How could I not know that it was a water ghost, so I yelled at it immediately: "You water monkey, you are so bold, you actually found me on my head if you wanted to save your life!"

When the water ghost saw me scolding him like this, he was very upset, and said coldly, "What an arrogant stranger, how dare you scold me. If you are not afraid of me, would you dare to come and catch me?" Lu looked at me fiercely.

Immediately, I got angry, pinched my law finger, and rushed towards the water monkey.

But as soon as the front foot rushed out, I yelled in my heart that I was not good, because I stepped on the air when I rushed out, and then I fell down...

At this time, while my body was falling, I realized from the corner of my eye that the bridge was dozens of steps away from me. superior.In other words, I was fooled by the water ghost just now, and I planned to rush towards the water ghost, but I fell into the river directly.

I knew in my heart that the water ghost was harming me.Just when I understood this, my body had already fallen into the river, and the cold river water poured directly into my mouth, nose, and ears. At that moment, I was so angry that I fell into the river twice in one fucking night. , this is really as unlucky as you want.

Immediately I jumped up violently, because I knew it, because I knew the nature of water, but right now there was a story about a water ghost trying to harm me, if it was pulled by it in this water, it would be dangerous.

However, I was afraid of something, just when I got my head out of the water, I found that my feet were caught by something, it was cold, my heart tightened, and I yelled that I was not good.At this time, the thing pulled my foot and dragged it down!

That damn ghost's hand is amazingly powerful, especially in this river, I couldn't handle it even more, and pulled me back into the water in a single stroke.I don’t know if you have ever encountered such a situation, that is, in the water, suddenly there is a hand or something like a water plant wrapped around your feet, and then you can’t break free no matter how hard you thump, that feeling is very frightening Trembling!

I knew in my heart that the person who was dragging my feet in the water must be the water ghost just now. I panicked, and I wanted to resist, but in this cold river, I couldn’t exert any strength, no matter how good my water skills were. , but my feet were entangled by that thing, so no matter how much I thumped, it was useless. After a few tosses, it seemed that my whole body had collapsed.

At this time, cold water poured into my mouth one after another, and I could feel the pain of the water rushing from the nasal cavity to the brain, and my head seemed to be squeezed by something, as if it was about to split open.

That hand is still pulling me down, and I know very well in my heart that if I am held back by it again, then I am finished today.Not only will they be drowned to death by the river, but they will also become water ghosts, unable to be reincarnated forever.

However, I also know that I can't open my mouth if I just thump like this, and I can't open my mouth when I chant a mantra in the water.So, I had no choice but to pinch the Five Thunder Fingers, bent my waist, and went straight down with my head down. Under the light of the moonlight, I vaguely saw the water ghost pulling my feet. It turned out to be A child of eleven or twelve years old.

I can't control that much now, the kid probably didn't expect that I would drill back down, so he was slightly taken aback when he looked at me, and then the Thunder Jue I pinched out hit him directly on the head...

Suddenly there was a scream in my ear, and then the hand that had been holding my foot was released immediately, and I hurriedly swam to the surface of the water.After a while of thumping, I finally swam to the river and landed on the bank!

I sat on the bank of the river and gasped for breath. After going through the life-and-death situation just now, I was still in shock.I am not afraid of ghosts, but I am really afraid of water.

Just when I was still breathing, there was a sudden splash on the calm river, and a child's head floated out, looking at me hatefully.

At this time, because it was on the river, I could see it more clearly under the moonlight. This child was indeed only eleven or twelve years old, a boy, with a sad face, staring at me firmly.Obviously, it is the water ghost who wanted to kill me!
Seeing that he just looked at me sadly, and didn't dare to come closer, I knew he was scared by my five thunder method just now, and knew that I was a person on the way of yin and yang.However, I became interested in him, and I asked, "Which family are you from? How many years have you been in the water?"

The child saw me asking him, so he also answered me. He said that he was a child of a certain family and had been in the water for several days.After finishing speaking, he showed a pitiful look, saying that he was so scared, cold and lonely down there, and asked me to save him up.

(End of this chapter)

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