Paper Maker

Chapter 103 It's Your Shrimp Grandson Again

Chapter 103 It's Your Shrimp Grandson Again
Since the child said he wanted to use that piece of wood to make his own coffin, if he didn't follow his wishes, he might be upset.

My father nodded, and then took me to their yard to find the board.But when we saw that piece of wood, we were all stunned, because there was a human-shaped watermark on that piece of wood under the sun, which was dripping wet!
The child's father was very frightened and asked me why this happened.I told him not to worry so much, just use the plank to make a coffin.In fact, I know why there are water spots on the wooden boards. It is caused by the child's resentment, unwillingness, and too much evil spirit.

The child's father did not continue to ask, so he carried the wooden board and got busy.The wooden planks were not big, so there were not enough materials. In the end, three or four planks were used to piece together a small coffin.

I don't know about the rest, because I left after giving these instructions. After all, what I promised was done, and the corpse of the water ghost can be buried in the ground, but it depends on God's will to save the life. Not everyone can help.

After leaving the child's house, I went back to the store, but I was shocked when I was still some distance away from the store, because the door of the store was properly opened.I was startled in my heart, wondering if it was recorded by the thief?Or did you forget to close the door when you left?

I hurriedly quickened my pace, and as soon as I arrived at the door of the store, I saw a piece of red paper pasted next to the door. On the red paper was written with pen and ink: "Good news, good news, our store has launched a big reward for ghosts and gods to welcome the Mid-Autumn festival. Our store wreaths, Paper figurines and paper horses are all 998% off. The ghost sedan chair in the ghost house is no longer 668, nor 588, but only 588. Yes, you heard me right, only 588. If you can’t buy 588, you will lose money. If you can’t buy 588, you can’t be fooled. There is also a big kang, 588 can’t buy a house, 588 can’t buy a car, and 588 can’t buy a new house. The address…”

I was shocked at the time, isn't this ad too trendy?And at the end, I wrote a sentence in large characters: Child, did you buy a wreath today?

My first reaction was that this was a prank done by some bastard grandson, and the prank actually fell on my head.These days, everything is advertised, but I have never seen a paper-making shop follow suit. Who would buy a few wreaths and paper horses to send home for cheap?
I looked at the address and store name left under the ad, and it was fucking my store.Immediately, I tore up the promotional advertisement angrily, then walked into the store, and then saw a person sitting in front of the computer behind my long desk, playing Doudizhu.

I thought to myself who is this person who ran into my shop in broad daylight and messed around, so I asked the other person, "Who are you!"

The other party turned his head at that time, but when I saw him, I couldn't help being stunned: "Why is it you!"

The other party was also very surprised, and said with some embarrassment: "Uh, what, I'm really sorry last night. I wanted to compensate you for mental damage, but I didn't have any money with me. Uh, I didn't expect you to find my store Come here. Brother, tell me, how much do you want me to pay, and I will give it to you right away."

This person is none other than the shriveled grandson who sneaked up on me last night and kicked me into the river.I immediately said: "I'm not asking you to lose money, I'm asking you, why did you come to my shop?"

The other party was also taken aback, and asked puzzledly: "What are you talking about, this your shop? Buddy, can we not make this joke?"

I was also confused, wondering if this person wanted to play with me again, and I said, "This is not my shop, is it still your shop? If there is something to talk about, I have to see off customers."

The other party had no intention of leaving at all, so he stood up and said, "Brother, this is really my shop, how did it become your shop?" After finishing speaking, he muttered again: "Could it be... Could it be that Master, an old man Accepting apprentices again?"

Hearing his muttering, I couldn't help being taken aback, thinking, this person could be the disciple of Ma Zhenren, the senior brother named Cao Qilong, right?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking him curiously: "Are you Ma Zhenren's apprentice?"

Sure enough, the other party nodded and asked me, "Could it be that you are also his new disciple?"

Immediately, I was both surprised and delighted. It turned out that this person was really Senior Brother Cao. After waiting here for a month or two, I finally got him back.I nodded hastily, and then shook my head: "My grandfather is Ma Zhenren's senior brother, so you are his apprentice, Brother Cao, right?"

When he saw that he was one of his own, senior brother Cao couldn't help being a little surprised, he came to shake hands with a smile, saying that he never thought that there was such a senior brother as me in this world.

At this time, I took a look at him. He looked honest and simple, but he was dressed differently from yesterday. At this time, he was dressed similarly to Ma Zhenren before. He was wearing a white long coat and smiled silly at me.

When Brother Cao came, I couldn't help being a little excited.It's just that when I saw this person, I felt a little bit disappointed. I never thought that Senior Brother Cao, who I was looking forward to day and night, would be him.Think about it, how smart is Ma Zhenren?As his proud disciple, he is more or less a shrewd person.But look at this man in front of you again, he looks so naive, and think about what he has done, as the proud disciple of Ma Zhenren, he can't even tell a man from a ghost, so he just made such a big job of me How stupid is it for a man to be kicked off a bridge?What if the person kicked down by him doesn't know how to swim?Wouldn't this be a lawsuit?Moreover, he should have written the ad that he just saw outside the door. Even if he can think of this kind of ad, it can only show that he is a bit stupid.

Cao Qilong asked me, where did Immortal Ma go?

When I mentioned Ma Zhenren, I couldn't help but feel a little sad, so I told him about Ma Zhenren's affairs, and handed over Ma Zhenren's jade pendant to him.

Unexpectedly, Cao Qilong had such a deep affection for Ma Zhenren's mentor and apprentice. After learning the news of Ma Zhenren's death, he cried sadly for a long time, and no matter how much he persuaded him, he couldn't stop.

Later, when he got better, he told me that he was an orphan, and was adopted by Zhenren Ma since he was a child, and sent books to pass on his skills. Therefore, Zhenren Ma was like his own grandfather in his heart.It's just that I didn't expect that after going out for more than a year, I couldn't see him when I came back, and I didn't have time to honor his old man, so I felt so sad.

After listening to his words, I understand a little bit.Perhaps, in the eyes of normal people, it is only natural for parents and elders to treat themselves well and support themselves, and that is their duty.If you treat yourself well, your children will not feel anything, but if you treat yourself badly, many children will complain.It is different for people like Cao Qilong who were adopted by Ma Zhenren. They will not regard Ma Ma’s adoption as their duty. This is why he cried so sadly.

But I also know that the reason Ma Zhenren adopted him as an orphan may be because Ma Zhenren is kind-hearted, and perhaps more because Ma Zhenren himself was also an orphan in the past, and was adopted by Liu Laoer's father.

That day, Cao Qilong was not in a happy mood because of the matter of Ma Zhenren, so I didn't immediately ask him about the paper boat.

Because in this world, there is suddenly such a family member, so I am also in a bad mood all day.And Cao Qilong also has no relatives in this world, so he looked at me with more family affection, yes, two people who have fallen into the world.

That day, we closed the store early and found a restaurant to order a table of dishes. It was a way to clean up the dust for him, and it was also a celebration for us to have an extra family member in the future.

We ate a meal for a long time, and during the dinner, we each chatted about what we had seen and heard over the years.He talked a lot, especially after drinking some wine, he talked non-stop. It could be heard that he had encountered many things and solved many troubles for others this year. He was a good person worthy of deep friendship.

The next day, we all woke up very late because we drank too much last night.First of all, each has his own sad things in his heart, he is sad for the loss of Ma Zhenren, and I am more sad for Lin Xiaoqi.

After one night, I became more familiar with him, at least the feeling of strangeness when we first met was gone.After breakfast, I opened the store and started doing business.Like Ma Zhenren, he likes to sit in front of the computer and fight landlords. I told him that Ma Zhenren also likes to play this game.He told me with some pride that Ma Zhenren was taught by him, but after teaching Ma Zhenren to fight the Landlord, the computer no longer belonged to him.

Everyone was in a better mood, so I couldn't help asking him: "Brother Cao, have you ever heard of a paper boat that can go down the Yincao Wangchuan River?"

(End of this chapter)

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