Chapter 105 Like a scabbard
It took so much effort to get to this ruins, no one would give up so easily, not to mention that they came with a mission to find a chance to ascend, if there is no gain at all, wouldn't it mean that ascension is hopeless?

That will have an impact on their future cultivation.

The stone chamber could not be opened, and there were no other suspicious objects, so everyone began to look for other ways out.

Then it was found that there are many passages leading to other places, but these passages seem to be related to the stone chambers, because there are as many passages as there are stone chambers.

This kind of feeling wants to be weird, but everyone has such an idea in their hearts.

Just one person said: "Could it be that you want to enter this stone room, you have to enter through these passages?"

"Is there any test in the passage?"

"No matter what, you have to go in and have a look. Anyway, there is no other way now."

The talented warriors were eager to try, and quickly divided into several groups. One group occupied a passage and began to walk in. They did not forget to secretly observe the reactions of Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang, for fear that they would compete with themselves for the passage.

What they were worried about did not happen. Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang stood in place and did not move. Instead, they watched them quickly enter the passage with strange expressions.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of these two, these talented warriors felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't figure out what was so weird, so they entered the passage.

However, they didn't know that in the eyes of Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang, they didn't enter any passage at all, but entered the teleportation light gate that suddenly appeared.

Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang were the first to come in. They had already checked the situation here, and there was no other passage except the stone room.

Moreover, these teleportation gates that these geniuses are now walking through also appeared suddenly.

Just when they tried to open the stone doors of all the stone chambers but failed, these teleportation doors appeared.

Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang were the first to discover this situation, but because there were so many light gates, they didn't know how to choose, and they all had a strong premonition in their hearts that the real inheritance might still be in these stone rooms, so they didn't pass through the light gates. door left.

When they saw these geniuses entering happily in groups, the weirdness in their hearts became even more serious.

These geniuses came here excitedly, all for the opportunity of inheriting Ascension, even if they found these teleportation light gates, they would not give up the stone room in front of them logically.

But they suddenly abandoned the stone room, the speed was so fast that people were dumbfounded.

When Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang saw this, they were even more sure that these light gates were here to disturb their sight.

As for whether this guess is correct, as long as these stone chambers can be opened, we will know.

The two of them knew nothing about formation restrictions, but they had seen the behavior of those geniuses from beginning to end, and they had already determined that there was no formation restriction at the stone outer door.

There is no formation restriction, and it cannot be opened with brute force. Then there is another possibility, which is the method of organ puppets.

In the 33rd century, this is called mechanical technology, and here, it is called mechanism puppets.

Of course, even if the two guessed that the stone gate was controlled by a mechanism, it didn't mean that the two of them would have a way to open the stone gate.

Like the formation restriction, the two of them knew nothing about mechanism puppets.

Even, I have heard a little about the prohibition against the law, and I know even less about the mechanism puppets.

But just like the formation method can be easily cracked by finding the eye of the formation, the mechanism puppet method must have a control point, as long as they find this control point, there is a way.

The talented warriors who were teleported away probably won't be able to come back here, and the two of them have plenty of time to slowly search for clues in this place.

The actions of those talented warriors just now did not open the stone gates, but their actions still had an impact on these stone gates. At this time, when Jun Yuance and Feng Xihuang looked at these stone rooms again, they found that after the forceful impact just now, the top of the stone gates Flushing up and rinsing dropped a lot of dust, thus revealing a narrow opening.

They can be sure that this opening was definitely not there just now. Moreover, the two of them looked carefully and found that this opening only existed above one of the stone chambers, and there were no other stone chambers above.

Therefore, it is very possible that this opening is the key to opening the stone gate, and it is the control point of the mechanism.

But the opening is small, no more than three fingers wide, the sides are slightly thinner and the middle is thicker, this thickness is only compared to the side, in fact, the thickest part in the middle of the opening is only one finger thick.

What can you do in such a narrow place?
Jun Yuan instigated the Nirvana gun in his hand, and wanted to try to poke it in with the tip of the gun, but was held back by Feng Xihuang: "Don't move around."

"In case this is really the control point of the agency, once it is destroyed by you, let alone this stone room can no longer be opened, I don't know what serious consequences it will have."

That's true, Jun Yuance retracted the Nirvana gun, and frowned at the small hole above.

Feng Xihuang jumped up, stretched out her hand and carefully probed into the opening, it seemed to be very deep inside, she put her fingers in and turned around, but it was empty, and she couldn't touch anything.

"How is it?" Seeing her fall to the ground again, Jun Yuance asked hastily.

Feng Xihuang shook her head: "This hole looks quite deep, I don't know what's inside."

Speaking of this, Feng Xihuang was suddenly taken aback, she was so stupid, there are things invisible to the naked eye, and she still has spiritual sense.

Feng Xihuang thought so, and directly poked her spiritual consciousness into that opening, but Jun Yuance thought exactly the same, the two of them had an inadvertent touch of spiritual consciousness in the narrow opening.

Although it's just a touch away, but the spiritual sense is so sensitive. Without precautions, both of them were taken aback. Fortunately, they immediately felt the familiar breath of each other, so they calmed down and continued to talk to each other. This small opening is for viewing.

Soon, their spiritual consciousness reached the bottom. The depth of this hole was only three feet long, and at the end, a sharp hole was slowly harvested and stuck in the mountain wall. Other than that, no other people were seen. anything.

The two withdrew their consciousness and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this inexplicably small hole the control point of the agency?

If yes, how do they open it?
Feng Xihuang asked Jun Yuance: "What do you think the function of this hole is?"

Jun Yuance was silent for a while, and said helplessly: "I don't know what the function of this hole is, but this hole looks like a scabbard, and it looks like someone stabbed it out with a sword."

(End of this chapter)

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