Lord of the Era

Chapter 1969 Uriel

Chapter 1969 Uriel
"Hehehe, what are you? How dare you make noise in front of me!!!" Ning Yu sneered coldly, and in an instant a terrifying tide of energy and blood and real fist formed a cosmic storm that swept across the world, heading towards that Archangel Uriel slammed over.

Ning Yu punched out, and the world trembled. In front of this overbearing punch, it seemed that the whole world was an illusion and was being torn apart by it. The punch that was so arrogant that he ignored everything turned into a pale and superficial appearance!

The void is burning, everything is boiling, and even the vacuum of the universe is unbearable.No matter how the sky falls and the earth falls, no matter how eloquent and eloquent you are, you have to take a punch from me before you are qualified to continue talking!
"Bold!!!" Facing Ning Yu's attack, Uriel suddenly burst out with the most blazing holy light. This inconceivable way trembles rapidly all the time, and in a blink of an eye, void lines are laid in the surrounding space, layered and intertwined, with birth and death, and endless evolution.

"Good time!!!" Ning Yu took a deep breath, and 12 places all over her body suddenly exerted unparalleled absorbing and devouring power, just like 12 miniature black holes violently distorting the void and devouring everything !For a moment, the empty space inside and outside Ji Pingyuan's body collapsed violently!
In an instant, the riddled divine light that washed the vacuum of the universe was violently distorted and shaken by 12 void-collapsing forces, and suddenly shattered!

"Boom..." There was a huge roar, billions of space cracks intertwined, and thousands of thunders roared, and the sky was full of dazzling fragments of brilliance, bright stardust flying, embellishing the dark starry sky with incomparable beauty, a violent universe The storm swept across the universe, sweeping away all the cosmic dust within a radius of [-] miles!

"Not good!!!" Facing Ning Yu's boundless, terrifying blow that seemed to be able to shatter the universe, Uriel felt boundless fear. The holy light shone all over his body, and the endless white wings, followed by Birth and death, like a gilt emerald golden flower above the sky, accompanied by the gathering of the bright will and beliefs of these angels, there are also countless oceans of belief rising from the infinite sky.

Receive and guide the holy light of heaven with different colors and lusters, but every strand is the majestic and infinite, and ignite one after another brilliant holy fire in the world, burying and covering all the other extraordinary colors in the whole world.In a trance, in this void, in all the worlds, only the color of "Holy Light" is left, and only this kind of will is left!
The voices of belief from billions of angels floated out from the worlds they walked in, and mixed with the voices of endless prayers and singing, gradually drowning all the strange voices.

"Boom!!!" Accompanied by the earth-shattering roar, Ning Yu's fist light and the laws of hundreds of millions of angels collided fiercely. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and an unspeakable fluctuation spread in all directions. Everything visible and intangible is annihilated silently.

"God says you are guilty, and you will be punished!!!" Then I saw Uriel, who was in the holy mountain of heaven, walk out of the void, surrounded by blazing holy light, like a master of light , Pointing at the black dragon, countless rays of light condensed in the void, forming a suppressed spear of light, which descended from the sky, tore through the void, and stabbed towards Ning Yu.

"A boring sneak attack, do you think it's useful?" Ning Yu turned around and punched, smashing the Spear of Light, and looked at Archangel Uriel with a sneer.

"I said, if there is light, this world will be full of light!" Uriel's eyes flashed solemnly for the first time. Ning Yu's power was beyond his imagination. Covering the entire space, countless chains of light suddenly emerged, sweeping towards Ning Yu from all directions.

"Drink!!!" Ning Yu opened her mouth fiercely, a terrifying sound wave that seemed to be able to suppress everything and destroy everything suddenly exploded, and the chains of light suddenly collapsed, and the terrifying sound wave suppressed everything. Wherever it passed, countless rays of light collapsed and disappeared.

Terrifying power swept over, and the terrifying sound wave rushed directly to the circles of magic shields on Uriel's bodyguard. In an instant, the defense collapsed, and the life force field of the bodyguard was smashed to pieces. His whole body exploded, and countless blood burst from the wounds on his body and dripped to the ground.

"Damn you, you dare to blaspheme the gods!!!" Uriel's face was extremely gloomy. For this kind of injury, it is not even a flesh injury, and it can be recovered in an instant, but it made the archangel A big loss of face.

"Divine cut!" Uriel stretched out his finger with a gloomy face, and a terrifying power of the world suddenly gushed out, a terrifying mountain of heaven that seemed to be constructed of the purest light, surrounded by countless angels, and surrounded by holy sounds It suddenly appeared, descended from the sky, and ruthlessly suppressed the one-horned evil god.

"Crush me!!" Uriel let out a rebellious, crazy roar, soaring into the sky, and punched the terrifying Heavenly Mountain phantom with a domineering punch, and suddenly there was a loud roar. The shadows collapsed, the angels died, and the holy voice disappeared, as if a whole world had been destroyed.

"Whoever dares to blaspheme the gods, no matter what it is, will be sanctioned by the gods!!!" A flash of light flashed in Uriel, countless curse marks appeared all over his body, and a trace of immortality suddenly emerged, and the whole person was shocked The terrifying holy brilliance erupted from his body.

"Kill!!!" Exerting the body of the saint, Uriel's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he saw a flash of holy light in his hand, and a white and bright scepter descended from the sky. The aura emitted by this scepter was extremely miraculous , is the way of redemption between heaven and earth, all people in the world have disasters and sins, only this staff is the last ray of life between heaven and earth, and it can redeem everything in the world.

Without hesitation, Uriel waved the white and bright scepter in his hand, and knocked hard on Ning Yu.

"Boom!!!" There was an earth-shattering roar, and the bright white scepter was shattered by Ning Yu's blow, and the archangel Uriel flew out like a rag bag , while Ning Yu stood in the void, looking at Uriel whose mouth was dripping with blood, her eyes were full of sarcasm, as if to say, grandpa is standing here, come and bite grandpa if you have the guts.

(End of this chapter)

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