Lord of the Era

Chapter 2001 Chapter 2009 Battles Outside the Universe

Chapter 2001 Chapter 2009 Battles Outside the Universe

At this time, Ning Yu didn't know that outside this world, a great battle broke out silently between the Pangu universe and the Yanzun universe! ! ! !

Looking around, the vast starry universe around him is as black as ink, faintly dotted with stars. Part of the dark magnificent chaotic space-time adds a bit of color.

Under the sight, those galaxies composed of hundreds of billions or even trillions of stars and nebulae can be seen everywhere in this chaos, and each radiant galaxy contains countless brilliant stars, comparable to the gravel at the bottom of a river.

At this moment, if someone appears here as a bystander, under the traction of the breath, among the "sand grains" of the sea of ​​stars that are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, they will slightly feel that a certain grain of sand is undetectable a slight fluctuation.

He knew unconsciously in his heart that if nothing unexpected happened, that "grain of sand" was what made him despair. It was gorgeous, magnificent, beautiful, and filled with all kinds of emotions in Han Yun's mind. On a tiny planet, the wind and the rain can be summoned, and gods can act as demons.

"Drink..." All of a sudden, he was "woke up" by the sound of a vast and infinitely vast stalwart. He turned his head unconsciously, and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.It was just that beyond his "line of sight", there were immeasurable layers of "stars" galaxies, which together formed a vast and infinite "galaxy".

However, the "sand grains" under this galaxy are all spiraling slightly around a stalwart to an unbelievably brilliant existence. That existence is so huge, vast, and boundless. There are many differences in the universe of material stars in this world.But in fact, they are truly high-dimensional and tolerant!
Looking carefully, in the center of the grains of "shashuo", a little bit of "brilliance", and "planets", it is clear that there are vast gods and demons sitting upright, and each of them is extremely powerful. The weakest cultivation is also the existence of the peak of the celestial beings, and even such a power is just the tiniest part in this "sea of ​​stars".

Among them, there are too many existences that are as magnificent as heaven and earth, and as vast as stars, which are quietly shining in this "galaxy".

But here, their number is boundless, just like little soldiers on the battlefield, closely surrounding their supreme monarch, the vast sky, everything, endless... Countless adjectives , It is impossible to tell the majesty and strength of the existence sitting in the center.

That existence is also with a vast will, a vast and unparalleled will that can contain the entire universe, running through the beginning and end of the space-time dimension, and governing countless "stars" to fight against his will opponent!

In a blink of an eye, I saw a series of elliptical cantilevered "galaxies" the size of river systems, which were thrown out of the sea of ​​stars like frisbees by him. The sparse clouds and nebulae in the "frisbees", clusters of galaxies, brought Like a millstone entrenched in the void, it turned slowly, crushing everything in front of them.

The void is shattered, stars are born and died, infinite creatures, endless lights, all kinds of gods and demons, and trillions of landscapes, all flashed away in this void space, turning into incomparably grand, and containing countless possibilities of the mill of the galaxy!
However, these "Galaxy Mills" finally stopped before the [-]th floor of the majestic Daotian, and in an instant, these "Galaxy Mills" turned into pools of gorgeous and charming rainbow brilliance, annihilated in the sky. nothingness!
In the magnificent Daotian, the five virtues flowed together far away, showing the destiny, and the canopy wreath, which interprets all phenomena and pure green good fortune, hangs down, cutting off all dharmas and myriad appearances in a mere moment, knocking down all extraordinary auras, Qingde time sequence, five virtues are supreme, When ten thousand laws do not invade, ten thousand calamities will not come!

Under the background of the vast and dark chaotic void, at a place far away from the light, two huge systems of gods and demons collided in a terrifying manner!

In this magnificent existence that is sung by the god of thousands of stars in the endless galaxies; and the sapphire that sits high on the nine-story heaven and is covered by the pure green and purple aura. The figure in the emperor's and god's crown robes, in the battlefield opened up together.

Tens of thousands of gods and demons, true immortals, gods, and demons are constantly starting and dying, just like countless nebulae, galaxies, huge globular clusters, and quasars, constantly separating and changing, in a short period of time Inside, under the impetus of endless gods and demons, true immortals' divine arts, spells, Taoism, and even root brilliance, various changes in time and space from prosperity to decline, or even decay to prosperity, are deduced.

One by one, the gigantic stars in the void that were inadvertently captured on the battlefield seemed to have experienced various changes from stars to red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes in an instant, and they disintegrated silently in the blink of an eye. .

In the hands of countless gods and true immortals belonging to different forces of the two parties, the heaven, earth and stars are combined into one thing, the value is strong, the galaxy is hot and the stars are frozen, and the stars are frozen. use.

What's even more frightening is that they each formed a terrifying formation of gods and demons. The galaxy rotates and the divine power surges. They naturally perform the natural process of the birth and death of various time and space dimensions. The time and space world ages and collapses after endless years. Then it becomes a dead dimension line; the dimension line collapses and evaporates into a pure "singularity".

In the end, the "singularity" exploded, throwing out countless rules and concepts, forming a vast dimensional line, and opening up the world again. Up to reason.

The vast sky orbit, the orderly starry sky, and the vortex of cyclical birth and death, between the two sides of the mighty and majestic "God's Domain", which is like a cosmic millstone, are constantly rubbing and colliding. In their hands, it evolved into a square inch of land, and directly transformed into a universe condensed by hundreds of millions of stars.

And in that kind of "cosmic war", the aftermath of power generated at every moment is completely enough to turn a vast world into a wisp of dream bubble, a trace of ashes in the space! !
Compared with such a battleground of gods, any war in one universe is really no better than a child's play house.

"Ziwei, are you crazy? Are you going to start a full-scale war?" In the void, the power of dragon luck, dragon energy, five virtues, laws and dragon nets, and the power of all living beings can be played out in tricks and surfaced in the universe. On the sky, the emperor of the "Nine-Layer Daotian" as high as a high-dimensional projection uttered a sky-shattering roar! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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