Lord of the Era

Chapter 2033

Chapter 2033

Shuiyun Province, on the west bank of the Chaohe River, Gaopingkou, the sky is as blue as water, and the sky is cloudless. Gaopingkou was originally a wild port, but it has become lively in recent years. Among the mountains hundreds of miles away.

Of course, although there are hundreds of gods who fell into the Blazing Lingzhou, the entire Blazing Lingzhou is extremely vast. The Yunmeng Empire alone has ninety-nine and 81 provinces, and hundreds of gods fall into it. A drop of sea water in the sea, but it is really not a lot to distribute seriously.

According to statistics, a total of 35 gods fell into the Yunmeng Empire. It happened that Shuiyun Province was very lucky to have a god fall. Suddenly, not only the forces in Shuiyun Province, but also the major forces in the vicinity flocked. , Forcibly turning a wild port that no one cares about into extremely prosperous.

The water is slowing down, but there are actually not many boats coming and going. Several piers are scattered between the two banks. Pedestrians, coolies, carriages, goods, and some wine shops and restaurants around are gradually formed. A small market.

With the passage of time, the remaining evil spirits and supernatural powers of those fairy gods dissipated little by little, but directly dragged the entire Blazing Lingzhou to an undetectable future, and as time went on, it became more chaotic and difficult name certificate.

The secret realm formed after the fall of those gods is enough to drive countless people crazy. Maybe a trivial hill in front of me may be transformed from the torso left behind by the gods. .

Or any inconspicuous crack may be the entrance of the incomplete fragments left behind after the explosion of the spirit world in the realm of the gods. Those gods left behind in their lives may be hidden in this tiny place, waiting for others to dig .

In such a predictable reality, every day, every hour, every moment, it is unknown how many people get that little chance.Even because of their own weakness, they have no way to enter the depths of those battlefields that are too powerful or too terrifying.

But just relying on this little chance, it is enough for them to break through the current limit, and even find their way to the future, and go one step further, but the bloodshed caused by this is far beyond everyone imagination!
How many people can see through greed?It was as if someone was laughing at themselves, they are now in the secret realm, but the protagonists in the secret realm have changed from those high gods to these small transcendent beings.

But the horror in it is really not inferior to them at all. At least when the gods fought, they never shifted their attention to their ordinary people, but the protagonists of the battlefield now are these small ordinary people!

Sneak attack, robbery, massacre, killing, blood sacrifice, and even all kinds of indescribable and unbearable methods, all appear on this battlefield openly and honestly. Facing the opportunities of god level, or even far surpassing god level, the twisted nature of all beings The ugliness and ugliness are simply unsightly. The so-called friendship and love are like withered and small bubbles, which turn into dust with one poke!
Even at the national level, countless shady methods are used to secretly plunder and grab the fruits of other people's lives. In the face of opportunities involving gods above the national level, the justice of the country is really a joke, and this A feast of gluttony cannot be concealed by a country or a force at all.

Internationally, I don't know how many people, how many countries, and how many races want to get a share of it. They are either upright, or dark and terrifying, or lure, or coerce, and various methods are staged in turn.Hua Guo is also stretched in this regard, and has already gradually failed to support it.

However, it is precisely because of the appearance of such a terrifying battlefield of gods that the extraordinary powers in various infinite worlds complement each other here and collide with each other. As time goes by, they finally radiate a brilliance that no one can imagine!

After going through the baptism of the will of the gods and the nourishment of a little chance.More and more transcendents who once transcended their own instincts and watched on the spot found their own path and finally broke through their limits one by one.

There have even been rumors that someone in this secret realm formed by the fall of the gods has obtained the inheritance of the gods, jumped directly from the innate realm to the Dao foundation realm, and instantly blinded countless people's eyes.

You must know that the realm of cultivation in this world is divided in this way. There are nine levels in the acquired world, and every third level is divided into another level, namely warrior apprentice, warrior, and warrior master.Above the Martial Master is the Xiantian Ninth Rank, and every third rank is divided into another level, namely the Xiantian Martial Master, the Golden Core Master, and the Dao Ji Grand Master.

According to the previous rules, it not only takes a lot of time to cultivate from innate to Daoist foundation, but also requires extreme aptitude. Jumping directly from the innate realm to the Daoist realm simply crushes the so-called rules.

"Xuantong, although you have already cultivated to the innate realm, even a monk in the ordinary golden core realm can do it, but this time, it is not only the geniuses from my Shuiyun province who have entered the secret realm, but also those from other provinces who came here. Genius, you must be careful." In the wing room of a restaurant, Zhou Xuantong's master earnestly announced the passage to Zhou.

"Master, don't worry, Xuantong will be careful." Ning Yu said seriously.

With the passage of time, the secret realm of Shuiyun Province can finally be entered, but there are still restrictions, that is, the secret realm can only be entered by monks of the innate realm. Once the monks who are higher than the innate realm enter forcibly, it will trigger the counterattack of the entire secret realm , At that time, not only will the trespassers die, but the secret realm will collapse as a result.

Because of this, not only the geniuses in Shuiyun Province who are still in the innate realm, but also the geniuses in the innate realm in several nearby provinces flocked here. They wanted to get the inheritance of the gods in this secret realm. After all, they jumped directly from the innate realm to Taoism. The temptation of the basic realm is really irresistible.

Ning Yu stepped into the world shrouded in divine light, only to see the chaos in front of her eyes, and the infinite void under her feet.

"Hehe, can this stop me?" Ning Yu immediately raised her right hand and pointed straight ahead, bursting out with mighty divine brilliance, dazzling brilliance, divine splendor, and domineering in the world, shouting: "My way , is the road of supremacy! On this road, I shall be invincible in the world. Heaven and earth cannot stop my footsteps, and time cannot obliterate my will. The road is smooth, and I will create it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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