Lord of the Era

Chapter 2269

Chapter 2269
Under this punch, the terrifying fist light blocked all directions, and endless blazing light swept over, just like the sun soaring into the sky. Under this blow, Xie Zu was terrified and desperately resisted, but his strongest power is Arouse evil thoughts, but this ability is meaningless to the doomed warriors, losing the strongest power, the phantom has no resistance at all, under the blazing light of the doomed warriors' fists, together with the terrifying evil, turned into Flour.

"Stupid thing, do you think you can beat me?" Endless evil energy gathered above the nine heavens, and the figure of the phantom was in the Great Bone Seal, which was made of flesh and blood and souls, and the evil energy stretched for thousands of miles. On the ground, countless creatures were screaming crazily.

All of a sudden, the evil energy rushed, and the evil energy of the whole world, different spaces, different worlds, and different dimensions gathered in an instant, gathered on the big bone seal, and suddenly the big bone seal turned into a bone giant, facing the doom The samurai just punched out,
This punch slammed down fiercely, and in an instant, evil energy filled the world. The soaring evil energy in the sky turned into various evil spirits and beasts, roaring crazily, a big hand condensed by infinite resentment, sin, and evil , breaking through the space, breaking through the world, and punched the warrior who was transported so much.

Under the giant fist, the whole world seems to be gathered by this fist!In an instant, the world was overturned, and the world was turned upside down. It is not enough to describe the feelings of those people under the giant fist!
"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the divine splendor of the earth that suppressed time, space, and all latitudes exploded without warning. It could overturn the world and turn the world upside down. The samurai slammed over.

"Damn it, who the hell is this phantom? He actually has such terrifying power?" The doomed warrior's body was blazing with fire, and suddenly gathered together, turning into a majestic figure, terrifying. The power crushed the void, and he also waved his fist, turning into a huge fist mark, and went up to the bone fist that suppressed the heavens.

"Crack..." There was a muffled sound, and two fists that covered the sky and the sun slammed into each other fiercely, followed by silence, a deadly silence, during the silence, everything seemed to be suspended, that was a moment of silence. It is a contest between wills, it is a contest between laws, it cannot be heard, it cannot be seen, it cannot be spoken!

"Drink!!!" The doomed warrior screamed in a low voice, his whole body strength was raised to the extreme by him, but he soon discovered that he was still not incapable of those magic shadows, and the cultivation base of that magic voice was too terrifying, he Not an opponent at all.

As time went by, the Doom Warrior suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to control the formation that trapped the phantom. He immediately changed his tactics, instead of confronting the phantom head-on, he began to use the formation to deal with the phantom.

As the formation was activated, the Milky Way appeared out of nowhere in the sky, and countless celestial troops emerged from the sky, with banners unfurling, drums beating the sky, and the power of the formation to suppress the terrifying evil ancestor.

The doomed warriors operated the formation silently, and quickly understood the power of this formation. They arranged the Tianhe formation to receive the power of the three realms of heaven and water, and later transformed the Arctic Tiangang formation to activate the energy of Ziwei Yuan to receive the power of the Haotian River. The mighty Tianhe rushes forward, and the Tianshui shows thousands of troops and horses, and the majestic atmosphere sweeps towards the evil ancestor.

The sky water splashed down, the magic mist below counterattacked, and the silver light and black light shook.The phantom stared at the warrior of bad luck and said: "Hehe, a very smart back actually knows how to use the power of formations. It's a pity that you still underestimate the ancestors. How can mere formations trap the ancestors?"

At this moment, the phantom was very anxious. He fell into an ambush by the cultivators of the Yanzun universe in a moment of carelessness. Although because of his indestructible characteristic, the monks of the Yanzun universe could not kill him, but Also seal him in a large formation.

The formation is so powerful that even if he knows his cultivation, he can't break the formation in a short time. However, when he was in a hurry, a person who didn't know how to die rashly broke into it, disrupted the formation and gave him a chance. .

"Explode me..." Seeing that your space-time absolute domain is about to close, the phantom yelled angrily, and the throne under his feet, which was made of countless fairy bones and full of evil spirit, exploded like a mountain. The ordinary throne exploded, and the evil spirit accumulated in it for an unknown number of years, gushing out in one breath, bursting out a gap in the absolute domain of time and space, and then the evil god turned into a Light, escape from it.

"Hahaha, today is your death day, little bastard!!!" The phantom burst out of the formation and laughed wildly.

As he laughed wildly, a vast world manifested behind him. This is a world formed by the bones of countless immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons, and souls. In this world, every plant and tree is full of evil spirits. , the more you go to the center of the world, the stronger this evil spirit becomes. Even Da Luo Jinxian doesn't want to stay in such a place.

If you enter here, you will think of a voice like an evil god whispering in your ears. The voice echoes on the wasteland. The sound alone is enough to cast a shadow over the hearts of quasi-sages.

However, this is still not the end of this evil world. If you continue to move forward, you will find that the surrounding environment has begun to change drastically, as if ushering in the doomsday disaster. The sky is cracked, the mountains are collapsing, the earth is shaking, and the universe is overturned in the blink of an eye. The whole world shattered with a click.

My eyes darkened, and I looked around, only to realize that I was sitting cross-legged on a huge black earth, surrounded by chaos, as if in the depths of the chaos, even the light of the stars could not shine here.

And in the boundless chaos, you will find that there is a distorted black land in the distance. The pitch-black land is suspended in the chaos, emitting extremely strong negative breath, or anger, or fear, or Jealousy is the most common evil thought in people's mind, but it is also the most difficult to overcome. It turns into a luminous fluid and condenses into a vast ocean.

And in this vast ocean, there are many creatures floating silently. They were originally pure ordinary creatures, but in these demon seas, the characteristics of the demon race gradually appeared, and they were transformed into demon race!
"Kach..." Suddenly, a huge crack appeared on the pitch-black ground, and a bronze coffin with a length of [-] miles flew out from under the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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