Great Han Empire

Chapter 362 Book Review of the Prodigal Son

Chapter 362 Book Review of the Prodigal Son

Book Review of Starting Point Prodigal Son:
Book review one:

My feelings after reading "The Records of the Great Han Empire":

Although the end of the Han Dynasty was also in YY, we found that all the changes were in line with the plot and the era.

Mengzi's book has indeed broken the YY routine of all novels about this period for a long time, and what it shows us is a realistic novel and a historical novel that can be used as "unofficial history".

When we were lamenting Li Hong's fate, when we were appreciating those civil and military officials, and when we were waiting for the changes in the current situation, we had unknowingly entered that turbulent era.

Killing and fighting; Refugees and farming; Emperors and generals; Friendship and love; Morality and power; Future and destiny. . .

Everything unfolded slowly under Mengzi's pen.

Before "The Records of the Great Han Empire", I still liked a very well-written Three Kingdoms novel, that is, "Floating Life at the End of Han Dynasty" tells the story of a man in the future world and a female robot code-named 106. end.

At the time, I was struck by the style and realism of that book, and I still read it today.However, I think "Floating Life at the End of Han Dynasty" is realistic, but it still doesn't feel like playing a strategic game like "Three Kingdoms".There is nothing worth exploring.

However, "Records of the Great Han Empire" has given us a lot of thinking.

First of all, he successfully portrayed many characters during the period from the end of the Han Dynasty to the coexistence of the Three Kingdoms. Whether they are famous in history, or briefly, or even fictional, they all endow each person with a flesh-and-blood character within the framework of history. .

Secondly, he successfully rewrote the history of the end of Han Dynasty.Although it hasn't finally shown up yet, we can see a hope in it: a hope after extinction.This hope comes from northern Xinjiang.I think, on how to change the history of the end of Han Dynasty, it is really hard to find other books of the same category.

Again, the exploration of tactics, strategy, love, culture, morality, and human relations are also worthy of our deep thinking.Many people find the discussion of current affairs, economic theory, and war situation in the large sections of the article boring and boring.But as long as you look at it patiently and attentively, you will find that it is precisely because of the author's elaboration through these "wisdom mouths" that he has solved how to make the new end of Han Dynasty natural and smooth.

In the end, I would like to say, why I like this book is that it makes me feel that I am not in YY or fiction at all when I read it, and you will completely blend into that turbulent era.Or you will be a general, or you will be a wise man, or you will be a famous Confucian.It varies from person to person.

Tianbang is not only pure YY, or the kind of book that is very popular but the plot is very boring.We want books with either humanistic depth, or moral inquiry, or human perspective, or historical context.And the so-called imagination, in fact, can only be more brilliant if it is dissolved in it! Only such a book is the real "Tianbang"!
In fact, from the description of northern Xinjiang in the novel, I personally think that it is the key to the change of the entire context of the end of Han Dynasty.No matter how strong Li Hong is, if he has no foundation, he will still end up like Lu Bu.But with the northern border, with the farmland, with the army, with the people, with civil and military, it is different.Because, gradually, unconsciously, he already possessed the power to change history.So, I think this is where it shines the most.

Moreover, I almost forgot to mention: the beginning of the novel is actually very unique.A slave who escaped from Xianbei, a slave who lost his memory, but has very good skills and what seems to be a natural military talent.So we boldly assume that Li Hong is still from the future.However, due to Meng Zi's description and assumptions of a large number of characters, re-discussion and assumptions of a large number of historical events, and his natural grasp of the development of the entire plot, he achieved a natural change in the direction of the entire late Han Dynasty.That's what makes this book different.

To put it bluntly, Mengzi is using the technique of "unknown, confused and uncertain" to describe such an era that we are already familiar with and rich in historical materials.In comparison, other authors are not so clever. The protagonists in their works are all very familiar with the heroes of this era (almost monsters). Therefore, when the foundation is not good and the starting point is not high, the only There are "Aventure", "Invincible", "Unpredictable Prophet" and so on.However, no matter how you write it, how you add oil and vinegar, it is still a cliché.Mengzi took a different approach. He clearly understood the basic situation and fate of the heroes of this era, but he did not miss anything in the text.It is just to show and answer through one incident after another, to tell readers and let readers guess what the fate of this character will be like.This kind of writing technique is superior or inferior, see immediately!

Book review two:
Regarding the recent feelings of Dahan:

Huge, in fact, after watching it recently, there has been something pressing in my heart, which makes people feel unhappy.After watching it today, I realized that the key is that Li Hong is becoming more and more like a puppet rather than a protagonist.In the latest chapter, this is fully demonstrated and extremely representative.

Let's see what Li Hong is doing in this chapter?Meetings, writing letters, sleeping.In my opinion, Li Hong has increasingly become a pawn for his advisers and court ministers.Although it is not accurate to say this, but Li Hong's lack of assertiveness, or his head and tail, had already died a dozen times in the era of the end of Han Dynasty.We have seen that in the real history, at the end of the Han Dynasty, was there a person like Li Hong who survived?Please give an example.I know that Mengda has been thinking about how to change history reasonably, but the premise of changing history is to respect history.We see now, what is Li Hong doing?
In fact, there should be less of such plots about "urgent book so-and-so", because this is a novel, not a history book. If you write like this, what is the plot of the novel?Where is the artistry in the novel?I can say that, in fact, this novel is more and more successful in reconstructing history, but it is getting more and more unsuccessful in the artistic creation of the novel.I once recommended this novel to a very good friend of mine who studies history, and he finally said to me: The author is the same as the protagonist, and so is the protagonist.

In fact, in Mengda’s recent comments, I also found a problem. You are always paying attention to the overall trend and thinking about the constraints of imperial power.However, why can't you spend more time to express a certain important plot, that is to say, to better express the story?The overall historical process is certainly important, but there is no need to describe some details in every chapter.I know that the current situation of the Han Dynasty is: two battlefields and two centers: Yizhou and Yuzhou, Jinyang and Luoyang.So what is the point?Are the two battlefields facing each other and becoming increasingly fierce, or the two centers arguing endlessly and having no clue?I really don't know which one Mengda thinks is more important?Which should be described in more detail?Which one has more room for artistic creation?

Without the dialogue from the heart of the supporting characters, some are just some reckless royal disputes; without passionate war descriptions, some are just a few words; without thrilling strategic conquests, some are just clowns The high-sounding; there is no sentimental and righteous protagonist shaping, only the puppet protagonist who is getting weaker day by day.

I have no objection to multi-angle descriptions, but I feel sad for creations without focus and taste.In fact, in the first book, I think it is the best capitalized, why?Because although the line of the book has always been on Li Hong, I don't think I have lost control and feeling of the overall situation.But now it is just the opposite. There are three lines in the book, but it makes me feel more and more confused, and it is more difficult to have a clear presentation in my mind.In fact, it is entirely possible to display the auxiliary lines through the main line; or to wrap an auxiliary line with the main line, and then use these two lines to display other auxiliary lines.However, it is debatable to downgrade the main line to the auxiliary line and sublimate the auxiliary line to the main line.

The reconstruction of historical events certainly involves many people, things, and things, but this is not a biography, let alone a biography. I think it is more debatable whether it is necessary to involve every event and every character. .For a huge event, is it necessary to list all the events and characters?In order to show historical events more clearly, is it necessary to sacrifice the artistry and storytelling of the novel and turn it into a journal?
In fact, it really needs to be presented from multiple angles, I like it better, but don’t write in such a simple way at the expense of abandoning the story, I would rather write a modern version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and I would also like to Pay for it.

Speaking of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", why is it so successful?We all know that many of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are not in line with history, and its success lies in the fact that its stories are too successful!

Hehe, isn't it a bit harsh to use "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to measure Mengda's novel?
I like this book so much, there are not many books that are really willing to spend money to read!

Recently, while reading the first volume of The Great Han, I also went through another book I bought at the same time, which is "The Cross of the New Song Dynasty".I think.Both books left me with endless aftertaste. (A Yue's "New Song Dynasty", has anyone read this book?)
In fact, the beginning of the book Xin Song is the same cliché, a modern person returns to the Song Dynasty when Wang Anshi reformed.However, what makes him as attractive as the fierce and powerful man is the logical and reasonable change of the times.Neither of the two books has any jokes or fantasies, let alone any "rapid progress" in technology to change the times.What they adopt is to integrate into this era, and then slowly influence and change this era.It's just that the era of the Great Han Dynasty was full of wars, so war and strategy were the main theme; while the era of the New Song Dynasty was reform, so politics and culture were the main theme.

In terms of the purpose of changing history, the two books are also strikingly similar.Dr. Bao Zhenghao (Doctor of Political Science, University of Hull, UK) commented on the New Song Dynasty: "Based on the rediscovery of Chinese culture, through Western positivism, following the gradual pace of reform to change China's inherent historical process, Attempt to find a new path for imperial power politics, and get rid of the historical process of prosperity and decline.” I modified him to evaluate the Han Dynasty: “Based on the rediscovery of the history of the end of Han Dynasty, through Eastern empiricism, follow the fierce war To change the inherent history of China by taking steps, trying to find a new path for imperial power politics, and to realize Guangwu Zhongxing again.”

Why do I say "empirical"?Because almost all the works in ancient China come from experience, so that the governance of later generations also comes from experience. What is the dispute over the imperial line? fight.The popularity of empiricism has brought about unscientific "theoretical" and "ideological" debates in disguise.Because each person's experience is different, the theories created and thoughts produced are of course different.Therefore, "controversy and melee" are inevitable.

Therefore, Mengda is discussing the issue of "imperial power restriction", which I think is very valuable and meaningful.It aroused my interest in the ancient Chinese political system. Although I have only peeped a little, personally, I think the Song Dynasty is the best era of imperial power restriction.I've also talked about this in a message.

There is no systematic inquiry, no scientific analysis, everyone likes to flaunt their own way, and metaphysical their own empiricism, thus completely ignoring or even rejecting and hating other people's way.This is the origin of the dispute over the imperial lineage of the Han Dynasty.

I've written so much for the time being, my thoughts are already messed up, I don't know what to write.

Today I am not attacking, let alone belittling. I also said that the reconstruction of history is becoming more and more successful, but the artistry and story quality of novels are constantly decreasing.I like big men very much, and I admire Mengda's ability and perseverance even more, so I think I should write this passage.


Book review three:
I saw a message from a reader today, and it just happened to hit something I wanted to say recently, and that was a thought that this novel brought me recently: What is a country?

However, since I still haven't sorted out the clues clearly, I just took this opportunity to write whatever I can think of for the time being.

"Contemporaries regard the emperor and those aristocratic idiots as burdens, and you have to work hard to be the lackeys of those things"

Hey, this sentence somewhat reflects whether this reader is slightly lacking in history and our national culture. "Contemporaries regard the emperor and those aristocratic idiots as burdens." I don't know if the so-called "contemporaries" refers to the contemporaries of the protagonist, or the contemporaries of our authors and readers?However, regardless of the era, I think your statement is ridiculous.If it is the protagonist's contemporary, naturally I don't need to say more about "ignorance" and the like.If it refers to the latter.I can only say that you are an angry youth who lacks basic knowledge but dare not reflect, although I am also an angry youth.

I think this book does not promote the idea of ​​feudal slaves!On the contrary, it is a reflection on the vagueness of our concept of "country" in the feudal era for more than 2000 years.

What is a country?Is it a country of one person, a country of one surname, a country of one clan, a country of one party, or a country of noble families?Neither, but the country of the people of the world!
In this book, we see that the wars and killings made the people of the world miserable, but the selfishness of the scholar-bureaucrats and nobles made the situation worse.When we see the so-called "scholar-bureaucrats" make sad and selfish decisions again and again, when we see how the royal family and nobles ignore the common people in the world, we seem to see the history of our country a hundred years ago, It can even be traced back to the turbulent era: the Yuan Dynasty, the end of the Song Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Jin Dynasty and so on.

However, we can also see that every dynasty and every generation has heroes with lofty ideals, and all dynasties and dynasties have people with a heart for the common people. Sadly, our entire nation does not have the concept of "country".We only have classes, only emperors, and only scholar-bureaucrats!There is no concept of country, only the emperor!This has led to confusion in our core thinking and given us many excuses to betray!As long as there is any "here comes the dawn", it can prove the "reasonability and legitimacy" of a regime!Therefore, we can see that after the Han Dynasty, there are still two eras that make me feel very sad, that is, the end of the Song Dynasty and the end of the Ming Dynasty.Even in modern times, we can still see some ridiculous remarks, such as: the discussion about Wen Tianxiang some time ago.

I find it strange that "a group of men are fighting to defend the right of a civilization not to be conquered by force, and the dignity of a nation not to be collectively reduced to fourth-class slaves." Is this the only criticism in return?Is the struggle under such circumstances purely for an emperor, for a court?
In the novel, when Li Hong leads the officials and generals in northern Xinjiang to fight, is it just for one court and one emperor?I think Li Hong started out for his own survival, then for the survival of northern Xinjiang, and then for the survival of the people all over the world!
In this book, I see a kind of dawn at the end of the Han Dynasty: a kind of dawn of reflection on the family world!This kind of dawn is reflected in Li Hong and many generals and officials in northern Xinjiang!I think everyone can see that more and more characters in novels are changing their thinking and reflecting on their behavior.For example: Is restructuring important, or the world important?Is it important to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, or is it important for the survival of the people?A change of thought is by no means a matter of 20 years, but the demise of a court can be done in an instant.

Maybe some novels can make you feel good, but I hope that after the climax, it will bring you more things.Otherwise, perhaps you will die in your own *orgasm.

My thoughts are still a bit messy, so I just wrote a little bit casually.


(End of this chapter)

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