Great Han Empire

Chapter 424 Green Plum Boiled Wine→ Commentary on Dong Zhuo’s Entry to Beijing

Chapter 424 Green Plum Boiled Wine→ Commentary on Dong Zhuo’s Entry to Beijing
Commentary on Dong Zhuo's Entry to Beijing
Author: Chen Yong
Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty deprived Empress Dowager He of her position as the highest decision-maker of the empire, and completely controlled Xiandi, who succeeded Emperor Shaodi, in his own hands.

After comparing the similarities and differences between the prime minister systems of Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, Huang Shan's "Han Shu Ji Jie Xiao Bu" pointed out: "(Cao Cao) made the power belong to himself, thinking that he was better than Zhuo, but in fact he was willing to do what Zhuo did." Mingjiao denies all moves that shake the foundation of the Han Dynasty. His position is not good, but he reveals the political succession relationship between Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, and his insight is extraordinary.

This article attempts to clarify the basic historical facts of Dong Zhuo's entry to Beijing, and then re-understand the background of the historical changes during the Han and Wei dynasties.

[-]. Abolishing Shao Lixian and forcing Empress Dowager He to return to power
([-]) Two doubtful points about the abolishment
In the sixth year of Zhongping (AD 189), Dong Zhuo abolished Shao Lixian, which shocked the government and the public for a while.What is Dong Zhuo's intention behind this move?Due to the many doubts mentioned in the old history, it seems confusing.

"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": "Zhong often served Duan Gui and other emperors who robbed Shaodi and King Chenliu and went to Xiaopingjin at night. Zhuo... Wen Shaodi was in Beimang, and he went to welcome him. When the emperor saw Zhuo's soldiers coming, he cried in terror. Zhuo and Words cannot be right; talking to the king of Chenliu, and then talking about disasters and chaos. Zhuo regards the king as a virtuous king, and he is raised by the queen mother of Dong. Zhuo thinks that he is of the same family as the queen mother, and has the intention of abolishing it. The origin of it is very suspicious and needs to be further analyzed.

First, the premise of Dong Zhuo's abolishment of Shao Lixian, according to Fan Shuben's legend, is to select talents.At that time, Emperor Shaodi was seventeen years old, and King Chenliu was only nine years old. In contrast, the latter lacked the ability and experience to govern.The important thing is that in the eyes of the officials: the young emperor "is rich in the spring and autumn, and his actions are not virtuous;" [1] "There is no evil to spread to the world." The strategy of abolishing the young is said to be "the emperor's talent is frivolous, his prestige is not strict, he is lazy and lazy, and his decline is as old as before; when he is vicious, he is obscene." This is very different from what the scholar-bureaucrats said. True words.

Furthermore, Shaodi and his party fled overnight and suddenly met Liangzhou Qiang and Hu soldiers. It was a normal reaction to be flustered; However ignorant.It is incomprehensible for Dong Zhuo to judge the virtuousness and foolishness of the two just based on a conversation with the young emperor and Chen Liuwang.According to the "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" note "Heroes": Dong Zhuo rode to welcome the young emperor at the foot of Beimangban. , Is it a small evil?'" I think this record may be closer to the truth.

Emperor Shao (or Empress Dowager He of Linchao to be exact) credited eunuchs and corrupted the court, which has been seen by both the government and the public.From the few words Dong Zhuo said when he first met the young emperor in Beimang above, it can be deduced that he came to Beijing with a critical attitude towards the young emperor and the queen mother.That is to say, his motion to depose the young emperor has little to do with whether the young emperor can "speak correctly" fluently in the midst of extreme fear.

Second, another factor for Dong Zhuo's desire to abolish the establishment seems to be his close relationship with Emperor Shao and King Chenliu.According to various historical facts, Liu Xie, king of Chenliu, was indeed "nurtured by Empress Dowager Dong".However, Empress Dowager Dong was born in Hejian, and her father was Liu Chang, the grandson of Liu Kai, the filial king of Hejian, and Liu Chang, Marquis of Jieduting;It can be said that the two families of Dong Zhuo and Empress Dowager Dong are far apart in terms of region, official position, and marriage. "Zhuo thinks he is of the same family as the Queen Mother", and it seems extremely far-fetched to choose Chenliu Wang Jitong.

So, what is the real reason for Dong Zhuo's abolishment of his youth and his dedication?

([-]) The abolition of Shao Lixian was the prelude to forcing the Empress Dowager He to return to power

While Dong Zhuo abolished Shao Lixian, he also made another major move, which was to force Empress Dowager He who was facing the dynasty to return to power.These two things are intrinsically linked. In fact, the abolishment of the youth and the offering of sacrifices are the preparations for why the Queen Mother will return to power.

In April of the sixth year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling died, Emperor Shao succeeded to the throne, and Empress Dowager He came to court.In August of the same year, He Jin, brother of the Empress Dowager, tried to kill the eunuch, but was killed by the eunuch instead. "The History of He Jin in the Later Han Dynasty": Wu Kuang and Yuan Shu burned the South Palace, and the eunuchs "caused the Queen Mother and the Son of Heaven to walk to the North Palace from the Fudao" to avoid the front of the army.Lu Zhi looked up at the eunuch Duan Gui under the window of the pavilion, "Duan Gui waited for the fear, it was the Queen Mother who was released, and the Queen Mother was exempted from voting in the cabinet." After Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he intended to monopolize the government, and the Queen Mother He survived, and she was bound to continue to face the court. , This will naturally restrict Dong Zhuo's power, which Dong Zhuo cannot tolerate.

Dong Zhuo's goal is to force Empress Dowager He to give up the court, but just doing this step cannot completely eliminate the hidden dangers.Because the young emperor who succeeded Empress Dowager He was born of Empress Dowager He, and he was able to ascend to the throne thanks to the help of He's family.After Empress Dowager He returned to power, she could still exert influence on the government through Emperor Shao, making it difficult for Dong Zhuo to truly manipulate the imperial power.What's more serious is that if Dong Zhuo kills Empress Dowager He, he will have a deep hatred with Emperor Shao.Dong Zhuo had to take precautions against the potential enemy of Emperor Shao.It was against this background that the dethroning of the young emperor occurred.

Dong Zhuo needs to find a clan member surnamed Liu to replace the young emperor.At that time, Liu Xie, the half-brother of Shaodi and the king of Chenliu, was the most suitable candidate.In addition to the condition of being close to the Emperor Ling, Wang Meiren, the birth mother of Chen Liu, was poisoned by Empress He.Later, King Chenliu was adopted by Empress Dowager Dong, the mother of Lingdi, and the relationship between Dong and He was tense. People even suspected that Empress Dowager He and He Jin were responsible for the death of Empress Dowager Dong.King Chen Liu will eventually have a gap with Queen Mother He.It goes without saying.In other words, Dong Zhuo didn't have to worry about causing King Chen Liu's hostility when he dealt with Queen Mother He harshly.

It is worth mentioning that Dong Zhuo abolished Shao Lixian and even forced Empress Dowager He to return to power, all in the name of Empress Dowager He [3].According to the system formed in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, during the period from the death of the emperor to the time before the young emperor took charge, the empress dowager who was facing the court occupied the supreme political position, holding the final decision-making power of major state affairs including the selection of the heir to the throne.Empress Dowager He came to the court to listen to the government, and Dong Zhuo obtained a legal name by taking advantage of the Empress Dowager's plan to abolish the establishment.Later, Yuan Shao sought to establish Liu Yu as emperor, but was firmly opposed by Cao Cao, which showed that Dong Zhuo's political opponents did not seize any pretext to criticize or even subvert the legal system of Xiandi.Dong Zhuo's counterfeiting of Empress Dowager He's abolition of Shao Lixian was successful in strategy.

In fact, Dong Zhuo forced Empress Dowager He to return to power, and it was the Empress Dowager herself who expressed her position to the people.The policy article recorded in the "Xiandi's Living Notes" quoted above also said: "The empress dowager has no mother's rites, and the government is in chaos," He's sin against himself.And Queen Mother He lost her authority, so she could only sit and wait for death. In September of the sixth year of Zhongping in the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "Jiaxu is the throne of the emperor. ... moved the empress dowager to Yong'an Palace [4]. Bingzi, Dong Zhuo killed the empress dowager He." It is worth noting that Dong Zhuo couldn't wait He tried to get rid of Empress Dowager He, but he didn't attack the young emperor for a long time.An important message is revealed here: after Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he regarded the Empress Dowager He who was facing the court, not the Emperor Shaodi, as the main or most dangerous opponent in politics, so he also regarded the Empress Dowager He as the first target to be eliminated.

([-]) The Political Significance of Abolishing Shao Lixian and Empress Dowager He's Return to Power
The intensified political crisis at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty had given birth to the situation of reforming the imperial power. The preface of "Danggu Zhuan" in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty said: "Catching between Huan and Ling, the master is desolate and ignorant. Asking each other, judging the officials, governing according to discretion, and being upright, this is the way to go." In the past, historians often quoted this statement to summarize the background of the "Qingyi" movement.Mr. Yu Yingshi also said that in the process of conflicts between the scholar-bureaucrats of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the eunuchs with foreign relatives, they gradually formed and developed "group consciousness" [5].However, if we further investigate the root of the above-mentioned phenomenon, it is not difficult to find that the foreign relatives and eunuchs were able to wreak havoc in politics, and it was inseparable from the support of the imperial power.Therefore, although party members and celebrities have very different attitudes on how to treat the current emperor or empress dowager, when they consciously draw a clear line from their relatives and eunuchs, they actually show their independence from imperial power.I think this kind of independence should be the basic connotation of the so-called "new self-awareness of Eastern Han scholar-officials", which may be regarded as a supplement to Yu's theory.

"Danggu Biography" said that prison repair "falsely accused [Li] of raising imperial scholars, making friends with disciples from various counties, and driving each other, working together as a party, slandering the imperial court, and suspicious of customs", so it became the prison of the party.What needs to be noted is the sentence "slandering the imperial court".The imperial court should refer to the emperor here, and Li Xian notes under the phrase "imperial court" in "The Book of Later Han Wang Yunzhuan": "The imperial court is also called the Son of Heaven." It is synonymous with this.Since Fan Ye said "false accusation", the "defamation of the imperial court" by Li Ying and others is probably a crime made out of nothing.But we can't imagine that party members and celebrities faced the status quo of "maintaining the desolate government and entrusting the state's order to the eunuch".

"Han Shu Yi Min Biography" records a story of "Han Yin Father" accusing Emperor Ling.Mr. Yu Yingshi deduced that this was a popular view in the society at the end of the Han Dynasty, indicating that the relationship between the monarch and his ministers of the famous religion at that time had been shaken [6].Yu's main purpose is to explore the origin of Wei and Jin monarchs' subjectivity, which has nothing to do with this article.However, after all, this helps us understand the changes in the relationship between scholar-bureaucrats and imperial power in the late Han Dynasty, and the resulting migration of social concepts.

The previous quote from "The Story of Heroes" said that Dong Zhuo reprimanded the young emperor: "It is not a small burden to order the constant attendant Xiaohuangmen to make trouble, to bring disaster and defeat." "Regime chaos" actually reflects Dong Zhuo's opinion. "Hou Han Shu Yuan Shao Biography" contains Dong Zhuo's meaning of abolishing Li, saying: "The master of the world should be wise, and every time he thinks of Emperor Ling, it is indignant!" He then severely criticized the late Emperor Ling.

"Continued Han Shu Sacrifice Records" said: "In the early Pingzhong, Xiangguo Dong Zhuo, Zuo Zhonglang and Cai Yong were below Hedi, and their merits and virtues were not different, but they were not good enough. They should not be regarded as sects." Liu Zhao cited "Yuan Shansong Book "Recorded this discussion in detail, it is said that after Emperor Zhang, "political affairs were more provocative, power was transferred to subordinates, and the successor emperor was courteous, and each wanted to praise his relatives." The titles of He, An, Shun, and Huan are all (should) be omitted."Dong Zhuo's denial of the emperors below Mu Zong, and even abolished their temple titles, is in the same vein as party figures and celebrities' "slandering the imperial court".In this sense, the Qing Discussion Movement at the end of the Han Dynasty made public opinion preparations for the rise of Dong Zhuo’s regime.

As early as the first year of Zhongping (AD 184), Yan Zhong, a native of Hanyang, persuaded Huangfusong, who had a strong army in his hand, to "conquer the men of Hebei and mobilize the people of the seven prefectures." The Han proclaimed himself emperor [7].In the fifth year of Zhongping (AD 188), Chen Yi, the son of Chen Fan, and others persuaded Wang Fen, the governor of Jizhou, to depose Lingdi by force while he was "inspecting the old house in Hejian in the north" [8].Mr. Tang Changru pointed out: These two conspiracies are important omens, that is, a small number of celebrities have not hesitated to carry out "extraordinary schemes" in order to save the political crisis in the Eastern Han Dynasty, even if they "take the great risk of going beyond the Confucian moral norms like changing the emperor and abolishing the emperor." ", but also to try [9].This is a new political trend of the scholar-bureaucrat group in the late Han Dynasty.

However, although the monarchs at the end of the Han Dynasty were rotten, it was not easy to change the imperial power, at least not within the reach of party figures.The Qing Discussion Movement ended in failure, and the plans of Yan Zhong and Wang Fen also failed.

Huangfusong rejected Yan Zhong's argument, reasoning that "people do not forget the Lord, and heaven will not protect against them. If you make false achievements to speed up the disaster, who will be loyal to the dynasty and keep the festival of its ministers. Although there are many opinions Slander, but to be discarded, still has a name, dead and immortal. Abnormal theory, I dare not hear" [10].Cao Cao refused to participate in Wang Fen's conspiracy, thinking that "the abolition of the establishment is the most ominous thing in the world." "It's very pretentious, if you want to overcome it, it's dangerous" (11)!The above quote from the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty Dong Zhuo Biography": He Jin and Yuan Shao "conspired to kill the eunuch" and privately called Dong Zhuo's generals to enter the court "to threaten the Queen Mother".

It wasn't until Dong Zhuo came to Beijing to replace Emperor Han and the Empress Dowager that he truly destroyed the declining old imperial power and prepared the conditions for a change of dynasty.In my opinion, this is the most important meaning of Dong Zhuo's abolishment of Shao Lixian and the forced Empress Dowager He to return to power.

It goes without saying that the alternation of foreign relatives and eunuchs in power was the main political malady in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty.What this article wants to explain is that the generation and expansion of the power of foreign relatives and eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty is inseparable from the system of the empress dowager's presence in the court that prevailed at that time.

We have seen that since the Hedi Dynasty, the relatives who have been in charge of the government one after another have a queen mother with the same surname as their backing.Although the He Jin brothers were all killed before Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, as long as the Empress Dowager He continued to rule, there was still the danger of foreign relatives interfering in politics.

On the other hand, eunuchs intervened in state affairs during the Eastern Han Dynasty, often out of the needs of the empress dowager. "The Biography of the Eunuch in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" has a passage commonly used by commentators: "Empress Deng came to the court as a heroine, but all opportunities were far away, and the courtiers and state councils had no reason to participate in the decision-making. , had to appoint a criminal to send the order of the country. Holding the king's title in his hand and the constitution of heaven in his mouth, he is not the post of Ye Ting Yongxiang, but also the post of the boudoir house door." It can be seen that the relationship between the empress dowager and the eunuch has ended Even if eunuchs dominate politics, it will bring obvious negative effects, and the heroine who is facing the court has to "appoint a criminal and send the order of the country".The murder of He Jin further shows that the empress dowager, who acts as the arbiter, would not easily abandon the eunuch even when her relatives confronted the eunuch.

"The Biography of He Jin" stated: After the death of He Jin, Yuan Shao and others "reined in soldiers to arrest eunuchs, all young and old were killed", and "more than two thousand people died".The eunuch group suffered a catastrophe.However, Empress Dowager He returned to the government, after all, she still had to choose criminals.The power of eunuchs may revive again, and once again get involved in political power.

Dong Zhuo forced Empress Dowager He to return to power, and the political situation of the Eastern Han Dynasty changed significantly: foreign relatives and eunuchs lost their main political soil for breeding and reproduction.The disadvantages of the monopoly of foreign relatives and eunuchs that have plagued the society for many years have finally been suppressed.This is another important significance of Empress Dowager He's return to power.

[-]. Conflict and merger between Kanto and Kansai, and the confluence of Liangwu people
Dong Zhuo and his Liangzhou Group have special political, geographical, cultural and even ethnic backgrounds. The rise of Dong Zhuo’s regime and its short-term fate, as well as the gathering and separation of various classes and forces within the regime, are determined by this. .

([-]) The confrontation between Kanto and Kansai

The confrontation between Kanto and Kansai is a prominent manifestation of Dong Zhuo's rebellion.The representatives of the Kwantung area are almost all party members and celebrities, and their conflicts with Dong Zhuo and the Liangzhou Group are not limited to the level of regional conflicts.After Dong Zhuo came to power, he recruited a large number of party figures and celebrities, and historians have many comments on this [12].But party figures and celebrities always refused to cooperate, and some even openly broke with Dong Zhuo.The reasons for this situation are worth exploring.First of all, we can conclude that Dong Zhuo's serious damage to the political system and social order at that time was the fuse that caused the conflict.

The significance of Dong Zhuo's abolishment of Shao Lixian and forcing Empress Dowager He to return to power has been analyzed above.The special condition for Dong Zhuo to accomplish this is that he not only quickly controlled the army in Luoyang, but also dared to break through the shackles of the concept of famous religion.

As we all know, despite the fact that the Eastern Han Party celebrities repeatedly set off a political wave against the eunuchs, due to their lack of military power, when the eunuchs attacked on a large scale, they had no choice but to arrest them without a fight [13].Although Dong Zhuo only brought 14 paces into the capital, he found and merged He Jin brothers and Ding Yuanbuqu. "The military power in the capital lies only with Zhuo" [[-]]. "The History of the Three Kingdoms Yuan Shao Biography" quotes "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Emperor Xiandi". Dong Zhuo proposed to abolish Li and said: "Will the affairs of the world not decide me? I am doing it now, who dares not to follow!" He holds military power and has the right to speak politically with party figures , are quite different.

Secondly, party members and celebrities generally have high Confucian attainments, so they are not immune to the fetters of famous teachings.As mentioned above, the "group consciousness" of Eastern Han party figures and celebrities is essentially independent of the imperial power. kind of understanding

Even people like Huangfusong and Cao Cao are limited by famous teachings and dare not make mistakes.Huangfusong was born in the Liangzhou general's family, followed party figures and celebrities, and gradually entered the Qing Dynasty.He once held a pivotal position in the military. From Zi Li, he said to his face: "This dynasty is out of power, the world is upside down, and the only ones who can be safe and stable are adults and Dong Zhuoer." [15] But he rejected Yan Zhong's plan, and then Continuing with Dong Zhuo's expedition [16], he repeatedly lost the opportunity to influence the political situation and transform the imperial power.

Cao Cao tried his best to make friends with famous people, and won Xu Shao's first-class comments, but the background of "Zhuo Liu" made it difficult for him to join the ranks of famous people.Despite this, he first opposed Wang Fen's overthrow of Emperor Ling, and later opposed Yuan Shao's support of Liu Yu.Even on the eve of the Han Dynasty, he still said: "If the destiny is my destiny, I will be the king of Zhou Wen." Sima Guang commented on this matter: "How can I not want my ambition? I still fear the name and restrain myself." [17] ] is to focus on the constraints of famous religion.

In my opinion, under the influence of the atmosphere of the times, it was difficult for Kwantung Party celebrities and those who imitated them to take a crucial step to seize the imperial power of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"The Biography of Gai Xun in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" quoted Song Xiaoyu, saying that "Liangzhou is less academic", which reflects the general opinion of the society at the end of Han Dynasty.According to historical records, none of Dong Zhuo's activities during the Wei and Jin Dynasties was related to Confucianism. It can be seen that this generation lacks academic accomplishment.Their cultural outlook is quite different from those of the Kanto celebrities and the Huangfu clan of the same state.

"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" notes "Xiandi's Living Notes", Xiandi said that Li Jue "does not know whether it is good or not".The same is true for most of Dong Zhuo's generals. They do not have the conditions to participate in the Qing Dynasty, so that they cannot communicate with party figures and celebrities ideologically. "The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" described Dong Zhuo's promotion of party members and celebrities, and then said: "Dear Zhuo, he is not in a prominent position, but just a general." Dong Zhuo made such an arrangement because he was "tolerant and hypocritical." In order to win people's hearts, the second is that Li Jue's disciples are really not qualified for high-level civil positions that have been monopolized by celebrities.

We have seen that it was the generals Dong Zhuo who were "less than academic" who were not confused by famous teachings after entering Beijing, decisively deposed Emperor Shao and Empress Dowager He, and started the first step in the process of replacing the Han Dynasty.However, this is something that party members and celebrities dare not do themselves, and they do not allow others to do it.The political differences between them and the Liangzhou Group headed by Dong Zhuo are inevitable.Yuan Shao, Lu Zhi and others had fierce disputes with Dong Zhuo successively on the issue of abolishing the establishment, which is a strong proof.

Dong Zhuo seized power with violence, and then filled the new dynasty with violence.The history said that Dong Zhuo "threatened the people with severe torture", "people can't protect themselves", "the group of bureaucrats can't help themselves inside and outside" (18), which obviously aroused the resentment and fear of the Kwantung scholar-bureaucrats.As for Dong Zhuo's connivance of the sergeants to kill and kidnap people near Luoyang, the basic order of society disappeared, which caused general hostility from all walks of life to his regime.Therefore, even though Dong Zhuo gained the reputation of "destroying eunuchs"[19], even though he tried his best to win over party figures and celebrities, party figures and celebrities would eventually part ways with him.

However, because most of the key members of the Dong Zhuo Group came from Liangzhou, there was always a geographical barrier with the Central Plains party figures and celebrities, and the political and cultural conflicts between the two sides also emerged in the form of confrontation between the Kanto and Kansai.In short, Dong Zhuo faced complex and intricate contradictions when he ruled Kanto.The raising of troops in Guandong Prefecture and counties against Dong Zhuo was the result of the intensification of these contradictions.

([-]) Dong Zhuo Group's Qianghu-like tendency
In the past, when people commented on the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, they often associated it with the Qiang Hu. This question is worth thinking about.

Dong Zhuo led his troops to Beijing as Bingzhou Mu. The soldiers under his command were brought from Liangzhou to Bingzhou and then to Luoyang[20].The ethnic composition of this army is complex, and Qiang and Hu are indeed mixed in it. "Hou Hanshu Dong Zhuo Biography" Zhuo wrote in the sixth year of Zhongping: "The generals Huang Zhongyi and Qin Hubing... pulled the minister's chariot and made it impossible. The Qiang Hu is a dog, and the minister can't stop it." By the same book " According to the article "Huangzhong Yueshihu" in Xiqiang Biography, it can be seen that "Huangzhong Yicong" is a descendant of Da Yuezhi who was completely Qiangized. The meaning of the word "Qin Hu" is divided among the academic circles, but it is more reasonable for Taiwanese scholar Xing Yitian to interpret it as a Huhua Han Chinese (21).However, the Hu Hua in Liangzhou at the end of the Han Dynasty was essentially Qiang Hua or Qiang Hu Hua.However, there was no clear boundary between Qianghua Hu (Huangzhong Yicong), Qianghua Han (Qinhu) and Qiang (ie Qianghu).Therefore, Dong Zhuo can collectively refer to the "Huang Zhong Yi Cong and Qin Hu Bing" as "Qiang Hu"; Ying Shao can say "Dong Zhuo embraces Hu Bing"[22]; ...these people are all Hu Qiang" [23].

Dong Zhuo was born in the Han nationality, which is clearly recorded in "Three Kingdoms" and "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", but Huangfu's wife denounced him as "the species of Qiang Hu". "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography": "You are a young hero, tasted the Qiang, and made friends with all the heroes. Afterwards, they returned to the wild, and the heroes had followers, and they returned with them. They killed the cattle and feasted with each other. Music. The nobles and commanders felt his intentions, returned them to each other, and got more than a thousand heads of miscellaneous animals to give to Zhuo.” Dong Zhuo lived next to Qiangzhong when he was young. He had frequent contacts with Qiang commanders and was constantly exposed to the customs of Qiang and Hu. influence and even assimilate.
"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" quotes "Xiandi Daily Life Notes", which contains Yang Qi's words: "[Li] Jue, a humble person, is accustomed to the barbarian wind." Therefore, Yang Qi's so-called "barbarian wind" mainly refers to the wind of Qiang and Hu. "Xiandi Living Notes" also said that Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu had "Zhihu Chi'er" under his tent, and "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" stated that Chi'er was always "favored" by Niu Fu (24).Zhihu is Yueshihu, "Huangzhong Yueshihu" in "Han Shu Xiqiang Biography": "The language of the food and drink is slightly the same as that of Qiang".Niu Fu chose Hu Chi'er and others as his own soldiers, and it is believed that he has become accustomed to his "speaking of food and drink" that is "slightly the same as that of Qiang".The experience of Dong Zhuo and Weng's son-in-law is by no means an isolated phenomenon.Among the generals in Liangzhou, there are probably not a few who "accustomed to the barbarian wind".Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to coexist with the Qiang and Hu soldiers for a long time.

In this way, in the eyes of the Central Plains scholar-bureaucrats, the Dong Zhuo Group’s development during the Han and Wei Dynasties

Activities, especially the atrocities they committed after they entered Beijing, bear the distinct brand of Qianghu.

The contradiction between the two sides added another layer of ethnic conflict.Dong Zhuo tried to

It became more and more difficult to gain a foothold in the east.

([-]) Liangzhou Group and Bingzhou Group
When the Guandong Prefecture and Dong Zhuo met in arms, Lu Bu and other Bingzhou warriors chose to continue to cooperate with Dong Zhuo.The evolution of the relationship between Liang and Bing had an important impact on the transformation of the political situation in the late Han Dynasty.

"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" stated that at the beginning of Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing, he "made Lv Bu kill Jinwu Dingyuan and merge them", and the merger of the forces of Bing and Liang started from this.We know that in the sixth year of Lingdi Zhongping, Dong Zhuo was appointed as the shepherd of Bingzhou, and "Three Kingdoms Lu Bu Biography" records that Ding Yuan was changed from governor of Bingzhou to captain of cavalry, and it should be at the same time.Ding Yuan's native place and family background are unknown, but according to the avoidance system for officials in the Eastern Han Dynasty,[26] it can be concluded that Ding Yuan was not from Bingzhou.However, Ding Yuan's Liao Zuo was recruited from the local area, such as "Three Kingdoms Lu Bu Biography": "The people of Jiuyuan, Wuyuan County. Give it to Bingzhou with Xiaowu." The same book "Zhang Yang Biography": "People in the cloud. Wu Yong was given to Bingzhou, and he worked for Wu Meng." "Zhang Liao Biography": "Yanmen Mayi is also a native.... Bingzhou Governor Ding Yuan was called to work for Liao because of his superior force."

Ding Yuan moved to Hanoi after he served as the captain of cavalry. According to the "Hanshu Biography" annotated and quoted in the "Continued Hanshu", the Ding family had at least several thousand soldiers in Hanoi. "Biography of Lu Bu" also said: "The governor Ding Yuan was a captain of cavalry, and he was stationed in Hanoi. He used cloth as the main book, and he was treated with relatives." In Bingzhou, Ding Yuan used some of his assistants who were good at force to form a strong armed force.When he left Bingzhou, he brought this army to Hanoi.Ding Yuan "treats Lu Bu with great respect" in order to use him to continue to control the Bingzhou soldiers.He Jin "summoned powerful generals and heroes from all directions to envoy and lead troops to the capital to threaten the Empress Dowager", Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo were among them [27].They relied on their own local armaments, and at the same time gained the opportunity to intervene in the center.

Yuan Hong's "History of the Later Han Dynasty" was reproduced in August of the sixth year of Lingdi Zhongping when Dong Zhuo welcomed the young emperor back to the palace: "Ding Yuan, the captain of Wumeng, rescued the He family in Hanoi and worshiped Jinwu." From the time of this event, Ding Yuan It should be Dong Zhuo's arrangement to worship Jinwu.Although Dong Zhuo entered Beijing first and held the young emperor and the queen mother hostage, he took advantage of politics, but according to the "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" in the "Jiuzhou Spring and Autumn": "When Zhuo first entered Luoyang, he could only ride three thousand horses. Suspecting that the number of soldiers is too small to be conquered by far and near," he also knows that he does not have the strength to overwhelm Ding Yuan in military affairs.Dong Zhuo was eager to announce that Ding Yuan was Zhi Jinwu, and tried to appease him, but instead revealed his guard and fear of Ding Yuan and Bingzhou soldiers.

Ding Yuan's self-respect in support of the soldiers caused Dong Zhuo to suffer from elbow and armpit problems.Whether Dong Zhuo can successfully eradicate Ding Yuan depends on Lu Bu.So, why did Lu Bu betray Ding Yuan and join Dong Zhuo?As mentioned above, when Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, his troops were limited, and Ding Yuan was able to contend with him by relying on the troops of Bingzhou.Dong Zhuo resorted to deceptive tactics: "For four or five days, the troops were dispatched out of the four city gates at night, and tomorrow Chen Jing drummed in, announcing that the Yunxi soldiers would return to Luozhong. People didn't realize that Zhuo's soldiers were innumerable." [28] 〕 Lu Bu and other Bingzhou generals were probably also confused, and were temporarily overwhelmed by the might of the Liangzhou army.And "Lu Bu Biography" said that Zhuo "used cloth as the captain of cavalry".As mentioned above, Ding Yuan was the riding captain when he was in Hanoi, and Dong Zhuo promoted Lu Bu as the riding captain, probably letting him take over Ding Yuan's old department.I suspect that this may be one of the conditions for Dong Zhuo to lure Lv Bu to defect.

However, there was a deeper reason for Lu Bu to seek refuge with Dong Zhuo.Bing and Liang prefectures, where Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo lived, were not only the main areas where the "Qiang plague" spread in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, but also the main battlefields of the war against Qiang.In the territory of Bingzhou, there were originally many Huns who migrated inland, and later a large number of Qianghu flooded in.The Qiang Hu and the Han people lived together for a long time, Dong Zhuo and Liangzhou would therefore "accustomed to the barbarian style", as mentioned above.Lu Bu's group of state generals is credibly similar. "Lü Bu Biography" said that Dong Zhuo "loved and believed in him so much that he swore to be father and son".They are also "less than academic", and are famous in the village for their martial arts; they all served in low-level military positions at first, and their early experiences are very similar.It's no accident that Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu have similar tastes.

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" stated that "Zhuo Suo's dear, he is not in a prominent position, but he is just a general." In addition to Liangzhou generals, Lu Bu and other Bingzhou generals should also be included.The rank of officials in Dong Zhuo's regime, and the difference between civil and military, also became the distinction between celebrities in the Kwantung Party and Liang and Wuren groups. "The Biography of Sun Jian" in "Three Kingdoms" notes "Wu Lu": Wang Rui "is a strong military officer, and his words are quite light." Known as the second-class gentry" [29].Their relationship shows that the attitude of the big names in the late Han Dynasty towards the warrior class was quite contemptuous.

Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo are in a state of hostility, while Li Jue and Lu Bu belong to Liang and Bingzhou respectively, but they have a common characteristic: they lack academic reputation and are known for their force.They all belonged to the warrior class with low social status.

In a word, the Bingzhou samurai group followed Dong Zhuo to fight against Kwantung party celebrities, which ultimately depended on their backgrounds in geography, culture, customs, and social class.This makes us further realize that the essence of Dong Zhuo’s regime was to represent the interests of a group of middle and lower-level military officers from the northwestern frontier states who were deeply influenced by the Qiang Hu.

[-]. Dong Zhuo moved the capital and Wang Yun's plan
In February of the first year of Chuping (AD 190), Dong Zhuo moved the capital with Emperor Xian.According to "Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Emperor Wudi", Cao Cao, who was on the Kwantung coalition side, commented on this: "Xiangshi Dong Zhuo heard that the Shandong army was rising, relying on the weight of the royal family, and according to the danger of two weeks, he went east to face the world; , It’s still a problem.” According to Cao’s opinion: If Dong Zhuo held high the banner of Xiandi and divided his troops to occupy Chang’an and Luoyang, he would still be able to contend with the Kwantung armies.However, Dong Zhuo insisted on abandoning Luoyang and retreating to Guanzhong. What is the reason for this?Not long after Dong Zhuo entered the customs, Wang Yun's conspiracy appeared, and Dong Zhuo's regime suffered a fatal blow. What is the background of this matter?
([-]) Dong Zhuo's real intention to move the capital
"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" said: "At the beginning, at the end of Emperor Ling, the remnant party of the Yellow Turban, Guo Tai, and others returned to the Baibo Valley of the West River, turned to invade Taiyuan, and then broke through the East River... the name is Baibo Bandit, and there are more than [-] people. Zhuo sent Zhonglang If you attack Niu Fu, you can't stop it. When you hear that Dongfang soldiers are rising, you are afraid... and want to move the capital to Chang'an." Some scholars inferred from this that Dong Zhuo's decision to move the capital was due to the pressure of the Kwantung soldiers on the one hand, and fear that the Baibo army would cut off the capital. retreat.In my opinion, this second reason is difficult to establish.

"History of Emperor Xiandi in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" refers to the two incidents of Baibo's attack on Hedong and Niufu's attack on Baibo in October of the sixth year of Zhongping; and the incident of Guandong Prefecture's rebellion against Dong Zhuo and Dong Zhuo's killing of King Hongnong occurred in the following year, the first year of Chuping first month. "Xiandi Ji" contains another major event of that month: "Baibo bandits invaded Dongjun".The Baibo army flourished in the Baibo Valley, and all the historians say that the valley is in Xihe [30]. However, the "Atlas of Chinese History" edited by Mr. Tan Qixiang marked it in the east of the river, which seems inaccurate.Hedong lies between Luoyang and Chang'an, Xihe is in the north, and Dongjun is in Yanzhou to the east of Luoyang.When Dong Zhuo was planning to move the capital, the Baibo army had already moved to Dongjun, which did not pose a direct threat to Dong Zhuo's westward move.

"Three Kingdoms" records: Dong Zhuo moved Emperor Xian to Chang'an, while he himself "stayed in Luoyang".Yuan Shao's armies divided Hanoi, Suanzao and other places. "Zhuo Bingqiang, Shao and others dare not advance."At that time, the Kwantung side had a total force of more than 31 [[-]], but they were afraid of Dong Zhuo and did not dare to fight, which shows that Dong Zhuo's army is quite powerful.According to the same book "Biography of Sun Jian": "Zhuo dispatched tens of thousands of cavalry to oppose Jian." It is also known that Dong Zhuo's army strength has far exceeded the [-] cavalry when he first arrived in Luoyang.The biography quotes "Shanyang Gongzai Ji" to record Dong Zhuo's saying: "The Kwantung Army has been defeated several times, and they are all afraid of being alone and unable to do anything." They did not take Yuan Shao's generation seriously.That being the case, why did he have to evacuate Luoyang?
At this time, Dong Zhuo's army was roughly composed of four parts: one was Liangzhou soldiers who followed him to Beijing; The fourth is to recruit and replenish soldiers successively after entering Beijing.Among them, there were only 3000 Liangzhou soldiers that Dong Zhuo really trusted.

The soldiers in Liangzhou led by Dong Zhuo were far more than three thousand. "The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Later Han Dynasty" records that in the second year of Zhongping (185 A.D.), Dong Zhuo was in Liangzhou and "commanded 32 soldiers to fight for the first zero Qiang".The same book "Huangfu Song Biography" records that in the fifth year of Zhongping, Dong Zhuo and Huangfu Song "each led [-] people" and jointly rejected the kingdom.In addition, "Dong Zhuo Biography" records that Emperor Ling "worshiped Zhuo as the shepherd of Bingzhou, and ordered his soldiers to belong to Huangfu Song." Dong Zhuo refused to surrender his military power, "so he stationed troops in Hedong to observe the changes of the times." "The Chronicle of the Later Han Dynasty" says that Zhuo "selected five thousand riders and will cross from Hejin".By the time he entered the dynasty from the east of the river, he "had no more than three thousand horsemen", and his army strength was only one-tenth of that in Liangzhou.Before Dong Zhuo took office as Bingzhou Mu, he wrote a letter saying, "Ten years in charge of the army, the size of the soldiers, and the long-term acquaintance, love for the kindness of the minister's livestock, and the fate of the minister's life" [[-]].Since these Liangzhou trilogy are so nostalgic for the old master, why did they abandon Dong Zhuo in the end?
From the above records, it can be known that as Dong Zhuoyue went east, the number of Liangzhou soldiers following him decreased.This shows that Liangzhou soldiers are unwilling to leave the mainland, especially in Kansai.Dong Zhuo wrote a letter saying that his subordinates were "Yi Cong of Huangzhong and Qin Hu Bing".According to "The Biography of Duan Yu in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": In the fourth year of Yanxi Emperor Huanxi (AD 161), he sent "Yi Cong in Huangzhong" to fight against the Qiangs in Shendi. I suspect that the sharp drop in soldiers when Dong Zhuo entered Beijing was also caused by Liangzhou soldiers' love for the old hometown.Whether the Liangzhou soldiers who left Dong Zhuo returned to Liangzhou is unknown.But it is estimated that most of them are still stranded in the Guanlong area. "Three Kingdoms" Biography of Dong Zhuo and Jia Xu: Dong Zhuo was killed, and Li Jue's generals sent them from Shaanxi to the west under the pretext of "revenging Dong Gong".Among the more than [-] people, it is likely that there are "soldiers of all sizes" who have "acquainted each other for a long time" with Dong Zhuo but have never followed him to Beijing.At least we know that Dong Zhuo's prestige and influence in Kansai cannot be compared with that in Kanto.

Therefore, when Dong Zhuo faced the pressure from the Kwantung armies, he would naturally choose the plan of moving the capital to Chang'an, hoping to rely on Guanlong again to join forces with his former troops in Liangzhou and directly obtain the source of troops from Guanzhong and even Liangzhou itself.After Dong Zhuo arrived in Chang'an, there is no clear record of how many troops he replenished.Various historians say that Dong Zhuo managed to manage Guanzhong, and he said: "If things are accomplished, the world will dominate; The mentality of "fear and restlessness" was swept away, and his goal of taking Guanlong's soldiers for his own use seemed to have been achieved.This shows the regional characteristics of Dong Zhuo's regime from another aspect.

([-]) Wang Yunzhi's plan and its background

Dong Zhuo died at the hands of Wang Yun.The executors of Wang Yunzhi's plan were Lu Bu and a group of Bingzhou warriors, which in turn led to a bloody confrontation between Bingzhou and Liangzhou people.But the basic background of Wang Yunzhi's plot was neither the regional conflict between Bingzhou and Liangzhou people, nor the power struggle between Bingzhou and Liangzhou generals, but the continuation of the conflict between party figures and Dong Zhuo's regime.

(1) Party figures and celebrities entered the customs to follow the Emperor Xian's lineage

After the success of the coup, Wang Yun warned his party members: "Those who raise righteous soldiers in the Kanto region are my disciples." This is intriguing.As we all know, most of the core figures who instigated and led the Guandong prefectures to oppose Dong Zhuo, that is, Wang Yun's so-called "Kandong righteous soldiers", were mostly famous party members in the late Han Dynasty.As for Wang Yun, he was also an influential celebrity.The above quotation of Wang Yunzhi clearly refers to the famous Kwantung Party members who raised troops to resist Dong Zhuo as their own kind.

On the contrary, Wang Yun had a different view of Lu Bu, a native of Bingzhou who participated in the conspiracy. "The Biography of Wang Yun in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" states that Yun "clothed lightly, and met him as a swordsman", which reflects the difference in the level of the two characters and the resulting gap.This is very similar to Wang Rui's situation of "using [Sun] Jian as a military officer, and his words are quite light". "Three Kingdoms Lu Bu Biography" also said: "Situ Wang Yun thought that the state of Buzhou was strong, so he accepted it generously." Comments on Lu Bu and his ilk.

Wang Yunzhi's conspiracy was not an isolated incident. Before Lu Bu assassinated Dong Zhuo, there had been many conspiracies against Dong Zhuo in the Chang'an court.According to "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" and "Three Kingdoms", those who participated in it successively included Situ Wang Yun, Sikong Xun Shuang, Weiwei Zhang Wen, Jinwushi Sun Rui, Shizhong Zhongji, Yueqi School Wei Wufu, and Sili The school lieutenant Huang Wan, the servant of the Huangmen Xun You, the Shangshu Zheng Tai, the Yilang He Yong and many others.They are not only famous party members [34], but also the backbone of the Xijing scholar-bureaucrat group.The question is, why did Wang Yun, Xun Shuang and other famous party figures fail to join the camp of "Kandong righteous soldiers" after raising troops in Guandong Prefecture, but followed Dong Zhuo to Kansai?
The reasons why Wang Yun and other party figures and celebrities entered the customs are more complicated. The most fundamental reason is that they are determined to follow the emperor's lineage.It has been explained in the previous section: Although it was Dong Zhuo who abolished Shaoli Xian, but once the title of Emperor Xian was determined, it was difficult to shake in the hearts of scholar-bureaucrats.The history said that Yuan Shao was able to raise troops in Jizhou, and he relied on Qiaomao, the prefect of Dongjun, who "feigned the three princes of the capital to transfer books to the prefectures and counties".This forged document said that "the emperor is in danger and hopes for righteous soldiers", and it is in the name of Emperor Xian that he called on the counties of Guandong Prefecture to rebel [35].

Cao Cao reprimanded Yuan Shao and others for supporting Liu Yu, as quoted above.Liu Yu himself also sternly refused the emperor's claim. The biography of "Hou Hanshu" contained his words: "The world collapses, and the Lord is covered with dust", "We should work together and devote ourselves to the royal family," expressing his desire to continue to serve the emperor. The deeds of the mind coincide with Cao Cao's.Moreover, when Cao Cao "will greet the Son of Heaven," Yuan Shao also changed his mind to "Welcome Dajia to the west, that is, the capital of Gongye, and take the Son of Heaven to command the princes." [36] It can be seen from this that Emperor Xian's special political status in the late Eastern Han Dynasty was temporarily irrelevant. Humans can be replaced.

Therefore, as long as Dong Zhuo still maintains the imperial line of Xiandi, there will be a group of party figures and celebrities to cooperate with him, at least he can continue to stay in his regime.Our question is, since Wang Yun, Xun Shuang and others agreed to enter the customs with Dong Zhuo, why did they rush to plot against Dong Zhuo after entering the customs?
(2) Dong Zhuo's "rebellion is a sign" is an important background for Wang Yun's plot

In the eyes of Wang Ke, Xun Shuang and many party figures, Dong Zhuo's attitude towards Emperor Xian changed after he entered the customs. "The Biography of Wang Yun in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": When Yun came to Chang'an, "seeing that Zhuo's misfortune and poison are deep, and usurping is already a sign", he and Huang Wan and others "conspired to punish him".The so-called "signs of usurpation" means that signs of Dong Zhuo's usurpation of the throne have been discovered. This is undoubtedly a serious accusation.So, is Dong Zhuo's "rebellion" true?
"Yuan Shao Zhuan" recorded that when Dong Zhuo proposed to abolish Shao Lixian, he said: "Liu's species is insufficient and should be reinstated." Hu Sanxing commented on this matter, saying that "Zhuo intends to abolish Han and stand on his own" (37).Yuan Shao said to Dong Zhuo at that time: "The Han family has ruled the world for more than four hundred years, and its kindness is profound, and Zhaomin has been wearing it for a long time." He tried his best to defend the Han family's legal system.I think Yuan Shao is not aimless, he has seen through Dong Zhuo's ambition, so he warned him not to covet the artifact.However, Dong Zhuo retained an emperor with the surname Liu after all, so we have not heard such comments from more scholar-bureaucrats alluding to "usurpation" by Yuan Shao.

I suspect that some of Dong Zhuo's actions after entering the customs aroused the vigilance and disgust of the party members and celebrities who moved westward.The first section of this article quotes "Xu Hanshu" and "Yuan Shansong Shu", saying that Dong Zhuo abolished the honorary titles of the four emperors He, An, Shun, and Huan on the grounds that "there is no difference in merit and virtue, but there are shortcomings."The temple name of Emperor Ling has not been recorded in history, and it may have been abolished by Dong Zhuo for the same reason before, or it has never been agreed upon at all.Although the Qingyi movement of party figures and celebrities at the end of the Han Dynasty expressed their dissatisfaction with the corrupt politics at that time, few people outright criticized the Eastern Han emperor.Dong Zhuo not only pointed out that he and the emperors below the emperor "have the same merits and virtues, but have some shortcomings", he also publicly demoted their temple names.This is obviously an extraordinary move, which may be regarded by party figures and celebrities as a harbinger of denying the imperial line of the Eastern Han Dynasty, or even "abolishing the Han Dynasty and establishing itself".

"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": When Zhuo arrived in Chang'an, "then arbitrarily designed a car suit, rode on the Jinhua green cover, and painted two legs with his claws. The man at that time was named 'Gan Moche', and his clothes were said to be similar to that of the emperor." "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" The note quotes "Wei Shu" as "saying that it forces the emperor." "Hou Han Ji" as "words force the emperor." According to "Continued Han Shu Yu Fu Zhi", this car should be taken by the crown prince [38].Dong Zhuo's arrogance in terms of public service seems to be not limited to the "motorcycle" end, and this matter has attracted widespread criticism from the government and the opposition [39].

When Dong Zhuo moved west, he respected himself as a grand master, named Shangfu, and was on the throne of the princes and kings[40]. "Historical Records Qi Taigong's Family" article "Master Shangfu" Pei Yi quoted Liu Xiang's "Bielu" and said: "Teacher, Shangzhi, father, so it is called Master Shangfu." The momentum of Emperor Han. "Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" stated that after the capital was moved, "when the public minister saw Zhuo, he would pay homage to him and get off the car, but Zhuo was not polite."From Dong Zhuo's actions that violated the etiquette system, it can be seen that he seems to be a king. The "Biography of Dong Zhuo" also said that he changed the rules and "called the three ministers below to go to Zhuo's mansion to make an announcement", which has clearly surpassed the duties of the prime minister in the system and seriously violated the imperial power [41].

"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" also said: "[Zhuo]'s clan is in the same position inside and outside the clan. Although his descendants are in the city, the males are all enfeoffed as lords, and the females are the lords of the city." The situation of "showing the position" has formed a great contrast.Dong Zhuo strengthened his family's power in the Chang'an regime, and Dong's children were promoted to ranks one after another. Their status was so prominent that they might surpass the royal family for a while.

All of these may become excuses for Wang Yun, Xun Shuang and others.Once the party members and celebrities confirm that Dong Zhuo has "usurped the omen", they will act quickly to defend the legal system of Xiandi and the Han family.In this situation, plots against Dong Zhuo followed one after another.

After Dong Zhuo was killed, Li Jue's generals counterattacked Chang'an.When the city fell, Lu Bu advised Wang Yun to flee to the Guandong. Wang Yun replied: "If you receive the spirit of the country, it is my wish to go to the country. If you don't get it, you will die with your body. The court is young and young, rely on me That’s all, I can’t bear to avoid the chaos. Work hard to thank the princes of the Guandong, and keep the country in mind.” [42] The so-called “Princes of the Guandong” refers to the famous party members who raised troops in the Guandong.In connection with Wang Yun’s words that “those who raise righteous soldiers in the Kanto region are all disciples of me”, we can see that the party members and celebrities who were located in the Kanto and Kansai at that time often had common political ideals.The so-called "diligence for the country" means to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, and they even did not hesitate to "dedicate themselves to death".

We can also cite an example from the Kanto area.In the same year that Xun Shuang entered the customs with Emperor Xian, that is, the second year of Chuping (191 AD), Shuang joined Cao Cao from Ziyu in Dongjun.Xun Yu Zuo Cao Cao created a great cause, "Employing the virtuous and using the ability, training the soldiers to fight hard, making decisive decisions, conquering four grams, and then being able to turn the weak into strong, and turn chaos into governance. There are eight in the world" [43], It can be called the Yuan Gong of Cao Wei's founding of the country, and it is well known.However, according to "Three Kingdoms Xun Yu Biography": "[Jian'an] 17th year, Dong Zhao and others said that the Taizu should enter the Duke of the State, and nine tins should be prepared to honor the honor, and the secret is to consult the Yu. Yu thought that the Taizu Benxing The soldiers of the righteous army ruled the country peacefully, upholding loyalty and sincerity, and guarding against the reality of retreat. A gentleman loves others with virtue, and this is not appropriate. The Taizu couldn't calm down because of this... [奥] was worried about death." Wang Fuzhi said on this matter: "Nine Xi's discussion is prosperous, but Liu's clan has fallen," [44] pointed out that it was Cao Cao's first step in "replacing the Han and establishing itself".Xun Yu has served Cao Cao for more than [-] years, and he has always "thought the country first". Volume [-] of "Du Tong Jian Lun" says: "Ze Yu is a counselor, and as for usurping, he is frightened and restless, and he drags left and right to kill him." He also said that he "although knows that death is imminent , but not yourself." Xun Yu, his uncle Xun Shuang, and other party figures who participated in the conspiracy against Dong Zhuo belonged to the opposing camp at that time, but their attitudes towards Cao Cao and Dong Zhuo's "usurpation" were exactly the same. .

More on
Dong Zhuo's entry to Beijing completely deprived the remaining authority of the Emperor Han and the Empress Dowager, destroyed the decayed old imperial power, and preliminarily solved the problem of eunuchs and relatives' monopoly that had plagued Eastern Han society for a hundred years.Dong Zhuo and his Liangzhou Wuren Group were able to play a key role in the collapse of the Eastern Han Empire.The reason seems to depend on their special geographical, cultural and even ethnic background.

Mr. Yu Yingshi pointed out: The Eastern Han government resettled the Qiang people in the empire, which caused the "barbarization" of the Han people in Liangzhou and other border areas [45].Yu's so-called "barbarianization" is equivalent to the "Qianghu transformation" discussed in this article.A basic conclusion of this article is: the Liangzhou warrior class, including the main members of the Dong Zhuo Group, lacks academics but is good at martial arts, which obviously has the tendency of "Qiang Hu Hua".

Only in this way, Dong Zhuo completely destroyed the most basic social order while subverting the imperial power of the Eastern Han Dynasty by forceful means.Liangzhou Qin Hu Bing raged in Luoyang, causing widespread panic and hostility in the Kanto region.Dong Zhuo dared to abolish and establish, dared to force the Queen Mother to return to power, dared to coerce Emperor Xian to move the capital, dared to depose the title of Emperor Han, shake the foundation of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and start the first step in the process of replacing the Han Dynasty; In my own family", to complete the second step in the process of replacing the Han Dynasty.His activities only opened the way for Cao Cao and other Kwantung forces.

Cao Cao started his career by begging Dong Zhuo, and actually inherited Dong Zhuo's political legacy.Ying Shao said that Dong Zhuo "has been in charge of all officials, and orders are free" [46]; Fan Ye said: "Since Xudu, the power has belonged to the Cao family, and the emperor has been in charge, and all officials are reserved." [47] Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao All of them, as prime ministers, coerced the emperor to order the princes.Huang Shan said that Cao Cao was "willing to do what Zhuo Zhi did", which captured the essence of the problem.

Mr. Chen Yinke divided the Cao and Sima clans, the rulers of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, into the "non-Confucian Han clan" and the "Confucian noble clan" [48].What I want to explain is that Cao Cao was born in the Han family, but he dealt with party figures and celebrities, and established a close relationship with Confucian nobles; "Government of peace and morality, and the function of rewarding things", they are used alternately and complement each other [49].Therefore, Cao Cao not only received the support of the non-Confucian Han family, but also received the support of many Confucian wealthy families. His regime had a broader social foundation than Dong Zhuo's regime.Cao Cao's political achievements also greatly surpassed Dong Zhuo.He used the emperor of Han, who had no authority but was still in name, to establish a new imperial power capable of deterring and controlling the north, and then laid the foundation for Cao Wei to replace Han.

Finally, it was pointed out that Dong Zhuo represented the interests of the warrior group in Liangzhou and the northwest frontier counties. During his administration, especially after the capital was moved to Guanzhong, the political and social status of the entire warrior class improved significantly.Cao Cao relied on his powerful military force to compete with the heroes in the Central Plains.Under the Cao regime, the warrior class was still able to prosper for a long time.As far as the impact of this incident was concerned, in order to achieve political prosperity and maintain the noble status of the family, the famous people of the big families in the Wei and Jin Dynasties also took up military positions and pursued military exploits.In the battle of Sima's destruction of Shu, Deng Ai and Zhong Hui competed for merit.Deng Ai is a martial artist of the Han clan, while Zhong Hui is a celebrity of the great clan.As for Sima Yi in Hanoi, although he started his career in literature, he fought for many years. With his military exploits, he established a family of writers and finally obtained the capital to replace Wei.


According to "The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Later Han Dynasty", Dong Zhuo wanted to abolish the establishment, but Lu Zhi objected, so he made this statement.


"Three Kingdoms Yuan Shao Biography" notes Yuan Shao's words recorded in "Xiandi Chunqiu".


"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" said that Zhuo "gathered bureaucrats in the front hall of Chongde, threatened the Queen Mother, and planned to abolish the young emperor." "Jijie" quoted Wang Bu as saying: "This is Zhuojiao's strategy of the Empress Dowager Dong." The empress dowager (i.e., Empress Dowager Dong) collapsed suddenly, and everyone was confused," so the empress dowager threatened by Dong Zhuo could only be Empress Dowager He, not Empress Dowager Dong.Wang was wrong.


The Empress Dowager lives in the South Palace, and the Yong'an Palace is located in the northeast of the North Palace, near the upper east gate.See Wang Zhongshu's "Introduction to Archeology of the Han Dynasty" II "The Capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty (Luoyang)".

[5] [6]

Yu Yingshi: Scholars and Chinese Culture VI, VII.


See "Book of the Later Han Dynasty Huangfu Song Biography", "Three Kingdoms Jia Xu Biography" and "Jiuzhou Spring and Autumn Annals".


See "Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Emperor Wu" and "Jiuzhou Spring and Autumn Annals" as an annotation.

[9] [12]

Tang Changru: "The Famous Scholars in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty" (contained in "Supplements to the History of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties").


"The Biography of Huangfu Song in the Later Han Dynasty" Huangfu Song's words.


"Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Emperor Wu" quotes Cao Cao's words in "Book of Wei".


"The Biography of Dou Wu in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": Wu "gathered thousands of soldiers from the five schools of the Northern Army" and confronted the soldiers of the eunuch Wang Fu.And "the Yingfu was always afraid of subduing the middle officials, so the Wu army returned a little bit." Dou Wu himself was eventually forced to commit suicide.


"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography".


See "Three Kingdoms Huangfu Song Biography".


"The Biography of Huangfu Song in the Later Han Dynasty": In the first year of Chuping (AD 190), Dong Zhuo Zhengsong was the school captain of the city gate.Long Shi Liang Yan persuaded Song to lead [-] elite soldiers to meet Emperor Xian and conquer Dong Zhuo. "Song didn't follow, so he took the levy."


"Tongjian" Volume 24 "Chen Guang said" in the [-]th year of Jian'an.


"Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "Three Kingdoms" Biography of Dong Zhuo.Pei Songzhi also quoted "Heroes" as saying: "Zhuo wants to shake the power, and the censor harassed the dragon Zong and Zhuo Baishi, who couldn't understand the sword, Li Lao killed him, and the capital shook."


In "The Biography of Zheng Tai in the Later Han Dynasty", Tai said that Dong Zhuo "destroyed the eunuchs and stood up" and so on, which seems to be a beautiful speech.However, in the same book "Dong Zhuo Biography", Liang Yan persuaded Huangfu Song and Yuan Shao to attack Dong Zhuo, saying that "the Han Dynasty is weak, and the eunuchs are chaotic. Although Dong Zhuo punishes him, he cannot be loyal to the country." The degree of credibility is quite high.It is known that the people of the world have attributed the contribution of Yuan Shao and others to "destroy the eunuchs" under Dong's name.


"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": "Emperor Ling was sick, and the seal book worshiped Zhuo as the shepherd of Bingzhou, and ordered the soldiers to belong to Huangfu Song. Zhuo Fu wrote a letter saying: "... God's grace was added by mistake, and he was in charge of the army for ten years, and the soldiers were big and small. Amijiu,...begging generals in Beizhou, serving Bianchui.'So stationed troops in Hedong to observe the changes of the times."


See Xing Yitian's "Small Discussion on "Qin Hu"—Notes on Reading the New Juyan Han Bamboo Slips".


Volume [-] of "Yu Lan" quotes "Customs and Customs".


Cai Yan: "Poetry of Sadness and Indignation".The authenticity of this poem has always been debated by historians.From what Guo Moruo said today, see Guo's "Talking about Cai Wenji's "Eighteen Beats of Hu Jia"".


"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" quotes "Heroes": "Li Jue, a native of the North."


"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" said that Niu Fu had "five or six people including Hu Chi'er, a thick friend of Susuo". According to the annotation of "Hou Han Dong Zhuo Biography" and "Xiandi Ji", "You Hu" should be a falsehood of "Zhi Hu".


Refer to Chapter 11 of Yan Gengwang's "History of Local Administrative Systems in China", Volume [-].


"History of the Later Han Dynasty He Jin Biography": "The former general Dong Zhuo was called to the west to set up the Shanglin Garden in the Guanzhong...and ordered Wumeng Duwei Ding Yuan to burn Mengjin."


"Three Kingdoms Dong Zhuo Biography" notes and quotes "Kyushu Spring and Autumn". The text of "The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is slightly the same.

[29] [48]

The first chapter of "Chen Yinke's Lectures on the History of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties".


See "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" Lingdi Ji, Dong Zhuo Biography, and Xiandi Ji Annotated Citing Xue Ying's "Book of the Later Han Dynasty".


"Book of the Later Han Dynasty Yuan Shao Biography": Yuan Shao's generals "each have tens of thousands"; "Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Emperor Wu": Zhang Miao's army "has more than a hundred thousand soldiers."

[32] [47]

"The Biography of Dong Zhuo in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty".


"Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "Three Kingdoms" Biography of Dong Zhuo.


See "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "Three Kingdoms" Wang Yun et al.


"Book of the Later Han Dynasty Yuan Shao Biography": "Qiao Mao faked the transfer of the Sangong and passed it on to the county of Yizhou, saying that Dong Zhuo was evil and the emperor was in danger. He hoped for righteous soldiers to relieve the country's calamity."


See "Han Shu Yuan Shao Biography".


"Tong Jian" Volume Five Nine Zhongping Six Years August Hu Annotation.


"Continued Han Shu Yu Fu Zhi": "The crown prince and the prince are all equipped with chariots, Zhu liner, green cover, swords to dismantle the Chinese fleas, black scorpions, painted scorpions, and gold-painted five ends. The prince is the king, and the tin is used to multiply. Therefore, it is called Wang Qing Gai Chariot."


"The Biography of Cai Yong in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty": Yong called Dong Zhuo and said: "On the outskirts of the previous spring, Gongfeng led the car to ride on the Jinhua Qinggai, with claws painted on two sides, and it was not appropriate for the distance." It can be seen that the scholar-officials in Xijing are generally dissatisfied with this. of.


"Three Kingdoms", "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" Dong Zhuo Biography and Hang Shijun cited "Yu Li Ding Lu".


"Tongjian" Volume [-] Chuping Six Years Hu Annotation said: "Three platforms: Shangshutai, Yushitai, and Fujietai. "Book of Jin" said: "Hanguan": Shangshu is Zhongtai, Yushi is Xiantai , Those who visit are Waitai, that is, Three Taiwans." I think "Three Taiwans" here seems to refer to the rate of the three platforms, namely Shangshu Ling, Yushi Zhongcheng, and Yezhe Pushe.According to the "Han Jiuyi" as "the main praise, seal the book." It can be seen that he should have met the emperor directly and uploaded it.Dong Zhuo summoned Shangshu to order all the officials to visit the Grand Master's Mansion to announce his position as the emperor, which is undoubtedly an act of usurping the imperial power.


The thing is "The Biography of Wang Yun in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty".


"Tongjian" volume six six "Chen Guangyue" in the 17th year of Jian'an.


One of the "Xiandi" in Volume Nine of "Du Tong Jian Lun".


Describe in detail Chapter 6 of the Chinese translation of "Cambridge History of the Qin and Han Dynasties in China".


"Continued Han Shu Wu Xing Zhi" Liu Zhao's annotation quotes "Customs and Customs".


According to the "Three Kingdoms Chronicles of Emperor Wudi Ji" citing "Xun Yu's Farewell Biography", Xun Yu had repeatedly discussed the issue of famous religion with Cao Cao.Xun Yu's unremitting advocacy of etiquette education is inherently due to the background of the "Confucian aristocratic family".And Cao Cao never dared to forget Lide Liyan when he was in the army and horses, making meritorious deeds.He admired Yu Shun's "education and conquest, and used it from time to time", Guangwu's "throwing arms to lecture on art, and resting horses to discuss Taoism", and he was obsessed with the realm of "kingly way and economics", and Dong Zhuo and other "non-Confucian Han people". There is a world of difference.

(End of this chapter)

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