Great Han Empire

Chapter 437 Introduction of Characters from the Three Kingdoms – Shu

Chapter 437 Introduction of Characters of the Three Kingdoms – Shu

1. Liu Bei, Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Fazheng, Xu Shu, Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Dong Yun

2. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Xu Jing, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Sun Qian, Jian Yong

3. Yi Ji, Qin Mi, Wei Yan, Liu Feng, Jiang Wei, Chen Dao, Huang Shuo, Liu Ba, Ma Liang, Ma Su

4. Dong He, Lu Yi, Chen Zhen, Chen Zhi, Peng Yi, Liao Li, Yang Yi, Liu Yan, Huo Jun, Wu Yi

5. Li Yan, Huo Ge, Luo Xian, Yang Yong, Dong Hui, Wang Lian, Xiang Lang, Xiang Chong, Xiang Chong, Zhang Yi

6. Yang Hong, He Zhi, Fei Shi, Huang Quan, Xia Houba, Li Hui, Yan Yan, Liao Hua, Lu Kai, Wang Ping

7. Ma Zhong, Zhang Ni, Zhang Yi, Deng Zhi, Meng Da, Zong Yu, Yang Xi, Wang Si, Chang Bo, Wei Ji

8. Cheng Ji, Fu Tong, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan, Gong Lu, Wang Shi, Wang Fu, Li Shao, Li Miao, Li Chao

9. Zhang Cun, Ma Xun, Ma Qi, Yao Ni, Li Fu, Yin Guan, Xi Zhen, Fu Kuang, Liu Yong, Wu Ban

10. He Zong, Wang Mou, Fei Guan, Deng Fang, Du Wei, Du Qiong, Zhou Qun, Changyu, Xu Ci, Meng Guang

11. Yin Mo, Lai Min, Li Zhuan, Qiao Zhou, Que Zheng, Zhuge Zhan, Dong Jue, Fan Jian, Chen Shou, Liu Min
Liu Bei

Word: Xuande
Time: 161-223 (Shou 63)

Birthplace: Zhuo County, Youzhou (now Zhuozhou, Hebei)

Appearance: Seven feet and five inches long, with hands and knees hanging down, so you can see your ears.

Official Title: Emperor

Posthumous title: Emperor Zhaolie
Family members: Wife: Gan, Mi, Sun Shangxiang, Wu, sons: Liu Chan, Liu Yong, Liu Li

Historical Chronology:

[175] Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan, Tongzong Liu Deran and others were taught by Lu Zhi, the prefect of Jiujiang.

[184] The Yellow Turban Uprising broke out. Liu Bei led the crowd to follow the school lieutenant Zou Jing to fight against the Yellow Turban Uprising and made contributions. Jin An Xiwei.

[184] The court governor came to Anxi County on business, and Liu Bei asked to see him, but the governor refused.Liu Bei went straight to the government to tie up the post of the governor, beat him two hundred times with a stick, untied the seal ribbon and tied it around the neck of the governor, and went to the wild to die.

General He Jinguang recruited troops to resist the Yellow Turban Uprising. Liu Bei responded, fought hard in Xiapi, and was promoted to Micheng.Return to office.Later he became Gao Tang Wei and moved to Ling.

Later, Liu Bei was defeated by the Yellow Turban Rebel Army and defected to Gongsun Zan, the general of Zhonglang, who represented Liu Bei as the Sima of the other army.

Liu Bei and Tian Kai, governor of Qingzhou, rejected Jizhou Shepherd Yuan Shao's military exploits, tried to obey the order of Pingyuan, and later became Prime Minister of Pingyuan, which was very popular.

Cao Cao conquered Xuzhou, Mu Taoqian of Xuzhou sent envoys to help, and Liu Bei and Tian Kai sent troops to rescue.

At that time, Liu Bei had more than a thousand soldiers, and Youzhou Karasuma mixed Hu Qi, and there were thousands of hungry people.After arriving in Xuzhou, Tao Qian allocated four thousand Danyang soldiers to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei joined Tao Qian.

Tao Qian listed Liu Bei as the governor of Yuzhou and lived in Xiaopei.After Tao Qian died of illness, Liu Bei led Tao Qian to take the post of Xuzhou pastor.

Yuan Shu attacked Liu Bei, and Liu Bei blocked Yuan Shu's army in Xuyi and Huaiyang.

[196] Cao Cao presented Liu Bei as the general of Zhendong, and named him Tinghou of Yicheng.

Liu Bei's army and Yuan Shu's army were in a stalemate. Lu Bu took advantage of the false attack to attack Xiapi, Cao Bao, the guard of Xiapi, rebelled and returned to Lu Bu. Lu Bu put Liu Bei's family members under house arrest, and Liu Bei transferred to Haixi.

Liu Bei suppressed Yang Feng, Han Xian and others, and later reconciled with Lu Bu. Lu Bu returned to Liu Bei's family, and Liu Bei sent Guan Yu to guard Xiapi.

Liu Bei returned to Xiaopei with more than ten thousand soldiers.Lu Bu sent troops to attack Liu Bei again, Liu Bei was defeated and defected to Cao Cao, Cao Cao treated Liu Bei generously, Jin Liu Bei was the shepherd of Yuzhou.

Later, Liu Bei lost the battle with Lu Bu's Gao Shun army, and his family was captured by Lu Bu again.

Cao Cao sent troops to rescue Liu Bei's army, and captured Lu Bu alive with Liu Bei in Xiapi.

Liu Bei led a crusade against Yuan Shu, but before the battle, Yuan Shu died of illness.

Later, Liu Bei conspired with Chariot General Dong Cheng, Changshui Xiaowei Zhongji, General Wu Zilan, and Wang Zifu to accept the imperial edict of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and wanted to kill Cao Cao. Dong Cheng and others were executed after the incident, and Liu Bei killed Xuzhou Governor Che He left Guan Yu to guard Xiapi, and defended Xiaopei himself.

Liu Bei united with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao sent Liu Dai and Wang Zhong to attack Liu Bei, and Liu Bei defended successfully.

[200] Cao Cao conquered Liu Bei, and Liu Bei was defeated. Cao Cao surrendered Liu Bei's soldiers, captured Liu Bei's family members, and captured Liu Bei's general Guan Yu. Liu Bei fled to Qingzhou and joined Yuan Shao.

Before the Battle of Guandu, Liu Pi, the leader of the Runan Yellow Turban Army, and others returned to Yuan Shao. Liu Bei and Liu Pi and others fought together. Guan Yu also returned to Liu Bei's army.

After the Guandu War, Liu Bei attached himself to Liu Biao and lived in Xinye.Cao Cao sent Xiahoudun, Yu Jin and others to attack Liu Bei again, and Liu Bei ambushed his troops and burned the village and other plans to defeat Cao's army.

[207] went to Longzhong in person to invite Zhuge Liang out with the gift of three visits, and entered a glorious period of his career from then on.

[208] Cao Cao marched south to Jingzhou, and Liu Cong, the son of Liu Biao, surrendered. Liu Bei led more than [-] people to seek refuge, and was defeated by Cao Jun's pursuit in Dangyang.

Zhuge Liang was sent to form an alliance with Sun Quan, and the two allied forces defeated Cao Cao's army in the Battle of Chibi, and then marched south to the four counties (Wuling, Changsha, Guiyang, and Lingling).

Liu Qi died of illness, and Liu Bei took Jingzhou shepherd and married Sun Quan's sister.

[211] Yizhou Mu Liuzhang invited Liu Bei to enter Shu to defend Zhang Lu.

[212] In order to save Sun Quan and Guan Yu, Liu Bei led his troops back to Jingzhou. At this time, Liu Zhang executed Zhang Song, a minister sent by Liu Bei to his relatives. Liu Bei was furious, counterattacked Liu Zhang, and beheaded Yang Huai, the governor of Baishui.

Liu Zhang's generals Liu Gui, Leng Bao, Zhang Ren, and Deng Xian fought fiercely with Liu Bei's army in Fu.

[214] Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others were ordered to lead reinforcements into Sichuan, leaving Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou.Liu Bei's army besieged Luocheng for a year.After Luocheng was broken, Liu Bei's army besieged Chengdu for dozens of days, Liu Zhang surrendered, and Liu Bei led Yizhou Mu.

[215] Lu Meng captured Changsha, Lingling and Guiyang.Liu Bei led [-] troops to the public security, Guan Yu's army entered Yiyang, and the conflict between Liu Bei and Sun Quan intensified.

After Cao Cao pacified Hanzhong, Liu Bei and Sun Quan united again.Zhang Fei defeated Zhang He's army at Wakou.

[217] Liu Bei's army marched into Hanzhong, but Xia Houyuan, Zhang Yun and others refused.

[219] Liu Bei's army defeated Cao's army and killed Xia Houyuan and others. Cao Cao came to capture Hanzhong in person. Liu Bei's army resisted the danger and fought and won the final victory in the Hanzhong battle.In July, Ma Chao, Xu Jing and others went to the table to support Liu Bei as the king of Hanzhong.

[221] In April, Xu Jing, Mi Zhu, and Zhuge Liang came forward to persuade them to advance. Liu Bei, the emperor, was located in the south of Wudan, Chengdu.In July, Liu Bei conquered Wu in order to avenge Guan Yu.

[222] In June, Wu Luyi's army defeated Liu Bei's army at Xiaoting.

[223] In March, Liu Bei was seriously ill, and he was left alone by Zhuge Liang and Li Yan.At the end of April, Liu Bei died of illness in Yong'an Palace.

Historical evaluation:

Cao Cao: ①The heroes of the world today are the only envoys and cao er. ②Liu Bei, my husband, is an outstanding man. If we don’t strike now, we will be troubled in the future, and we will be worried about the widow. ③Liu Bei, my wife.But it's too late to plan; if you set fire to the envoy early, I will be innocent.

Fu Wo: Liu Bei is lenient and can win people's vitality.As a precautionary measure, what is the use of the three masters?
Zhang Fu: Liu Bei is powerful and kind, brave and righteous, magnanimous and general.

Liu Ba: Bei, even a male, if he enters, he will cause harm, so he must not enter.

Zhuge Liang: ①Liu Gongxiong is the greatest talent in the world. He occupies the land of Jing, and he will return to virtue. ②Liu Yuzhou is a member of the royal family, talented and talented, admired by all the people, if water returns to the sea, if things don't work, this is heaven, and An Neng will be the next!

Sun Sheng, Jia Xu: Liu Bei is a great talent.

Pei Songzhi: Chen Songzhi thought that Shu and Hanzhong were based on their lips and teeth.Master Liu's wisdom is not as good as this?The strategy has not yet been developed, and the ears are being launched first.Husband listens to use Jiamou to succeed in his career, the master of the overlord, who doesn't?Wei Wu thought that people taught him, how bad it is!These words cover the shame and hatred, not the truth.

Lu Xun: The hero of Liu Beishi.

Chen Shou: ①The forerunner's grandeur and generosity, knowing people and treating scholars, has the style of a great ancestor, and the weapon of a hero.And the whole country is entrusted to Zhuge Liang for loneliness, but there is no separation of mind, sincerity to the monarch and ministers, and the prosperity of ancient and modern times.Opportunity to do strategy, not to catch Wei Wu, so the base space is also narrow.However, if you don't bend, you will not be the one who is inferior in the end, and you must not allow yourself to suppress the amount of others, not only to compete for profit, but also to avoid harm. ②
Emperor Zhaolie embodies the virtue of Mingrui, only plays civil and martial arts, responds to the fate of the universe, comes from a humble background, manages all directions, conspires with people and ghosts, and the common people are capable.Zhaomin appreciates it.Follow the prophecy of the prophecy, establish the position and change the name, inherit the order of the sky, make up for the disadvantages of the rise and fall, preserve and restore the ancestral business, be born as the emperor, and not fall to the ground.The nations are undecided, and the early generations died.

Liu Deran's father: There is this son in my family, he is very human.

Zhou Yu: Living with Liu Bei is like raising a tiger.Liu Bei's appearance as a hero must not be used by others for a long time.

Tao Qian: Without Liu Bei, this state cannot be settled.

Yuan Shao: Liu Xuande Hongya has faith and righteousness, and today he is happy to wear him in Xuzhou, which is exactly what he hoped.

Lu Bu's subordinates: It's hard to keep up with the number of times, so it's better to plan it early.

Xi chiseled the teeth and said: Although the first master was in a state of peril and danger, his faith became clearer and his righteousness became clearer.Those who pursue Jingsheng will be emotionally armed; those who are in love with righteousness will be willing to lose together.Looking at the reason why it is a matter of love, it is nothing more than throwing mash to caress the cold and Han Liao asking about illnesses!It will eventually benefit the great cause, so it is not appropriate!

Zhao Jian: Is Liu Bei not helpful?If you are clumsy at employing troops, you will be defeated every time you fight, and you will have no time to run to death. How can you plan for others?
Pei Qian: If you live in China, you can mess people up but you can't rule them.If you take advantage of the time and guard against danger, it is enough to be the master of one party.

Yang Opera: The emperor left the plant, nourishing all directions, don't come from Zhongshan, the spirit is the bell, and it is born in a timely manner, and the outstanding one is the dragon.It began in the Yan and Dai Dynasties, Bo Yujun Jing, Wu and Yue relied on Lai, looked out for an alliance, took Ba to cross Shu, and Yong Han merged.The ranks of heaven and earth are restored, the ancestors worship Weining, follow the traces of the foundation, and spread the sound of virtue.Huaxia Simei, Xibo Qiyin, celebrates the afterlife, and the history is full of joy.

Zhong Hui: The ancestor of Yizhou ordered the world's talents to raise troops in Shuoye, trapped the suburbs of Ji and Xu, ordered the hands of Shao and Bu, and the Taizu rescued them, and he was very good with Long.The middle is more contradictory, and the same is different.

Chen Deng: Majestic and outstanding, with the strategy of being king and domineering, I respect Liu Xuande.

Cheng Yu: Seeing that Liu Bei has great talent and won the hearts of the people, but he will not be inferior in the end, it is better to plan it early.

"Huayang Guozhi": In the great chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, Yuanfeng, Qian, and Liao Ben were the Jies.Each of his books is a masterpiece.together.If Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu, Er Yuan, Han, Ma, Zhang Yang, and Liu Biao's disciples, who are also prefectures and counties, number more than ten thousand, among them, they all claim that the Han ancestors can follow, Huan and Wen Yimai; and Wei Wu is a martial artist. Do it slightly, and kill the slaughter.At that time, the first master was named Wei Renxian, but he was able to prosper and prosper, and he was able to emulate Han Zuo, and [with] Wu and Wei [with them].If a non-elite talent lives in the world, what can overcome it.However, the Cao family must be used to replace the Han, and it is advisable to support Xin Shun and Ming Zhigong.It's even the name, which is wronged by the righteous.And its parasitic death, why should it be fate.Gu Guan's school record is also his life.Tuo is alone in Zhuge Liang, but his mind is the same.Chen Zi thought that the supreme public of the monarch and his ministers is also the prosperity of ancient and modern times.

Zhang Song: Liu Yuzhou, the imperial family of the envoy and Duke Cao is a deep feudal lord, who is good at using troops. If he is made to challenge Lu, Lu will surely be defeated.If Lu is broken, Yizhou will be strong. Even though Duke Cao came, there is nothing he can do.

Sun Quan: No one other than Liu Yuzhou can be Cao Cao.

Liu Ye: Liu Bei is an outstanding man, but it is too late to win Shu, and the people of Shu are not confident.Now that Hanzhong is broken, the people of Shu are terrified, and their momentum is falling.

Peng Yi: The lord has the weapon of overlord, and he can rule with Xingye

Lu Kai: The first emperor, Long Xing, looked out from all over the world, and his prime minister, Congrui, descended from heaven.

Character Liu Chan

Word: Gongsi
Time: 207-271 (Shou 65)

Birthplace: Tong Liu Bei
Official Title: Emperor

Posthumous title: Sigong
Family Members: Father: Liu Bei, Mother: Gan


Liu Chan, the son of Liu Bei, succeeded to the throne as the emperor of Shu after Liu Bei's death. He entrusted Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan and others with full authority in military and state affairs, and he did not show much.After Zhuge Liang and other virtuous officials passed away one after another, Liu Chan was unable to control the state affairs, eunuch Huang Hao began to monopolize power, and the Kingdom of Shu gradually declined.After the Wei State aggressively attacked Shu, Liu Chan surrendered and moved his family to Luoyang. He was named the Duke of Anle County and died a few years later.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: The posthumous director and virtuous prime minister are the rulers who follow reason, and those who are confused and eunuchs are the ones who have been darkened. It is said that "plain silk is impermanent, but what is dyed" is true!Ritual, the monarch followed the body, and it was changed to Yuan after a year, and in the third year of Zhang Wuzhi, it was called Jianxing.Also, the country does not have history, and there are no officials in the notes, so there are too many things to do, and disasters and disasters are exhausted.Although Zhuge Liang was good at governing, there is still something like this.However, the scriptures have been recorded for twelve years and the name is not easy, and the army has repeatedly risen and amnesty is not rash, it is not so outstanding!Since the disappearance of the Ming Dynasty, the system has gradually declined, and the advantages and disadvantages have been determined.

Wang Chong: In the past, the ancestors of the past were great talents in martial arts and martial arts, and four extraordinary generals were recruited outside, and they were rewarded for their hard work.However, it is on the Tianqu, the car does not stop driving, and the seat is restless.Without Yuanming Hongjian, ZTE's career would not be easy.Although the master of the post-lord is a mediocre monarch, although he has a bright latitude and longitude, he has no conspiracy inside, and no generals with minions outside, how can he include the world.

"Huayang Guozhi": The main non-ZTE tool.

Sun Sheng: ①Liu Chan is dark and weak, without the nature of guessing and danger. ②Although Chan is a mediocre master, there is no cruelty of Jie and Zhou. Although wars have been repeated to the north, there has been no landslides and chaos.

Sima Zhao: People are so ruthless that they don't care!Although Zhuge Liang is there, it cannot be supplemented for a long time, let alone Jiang Weixie?
Zhang Fan: Liu Chan is cowardly and harmless.

Zhuge Liang
Word: Kong Ming
No.: Wolong
Time: 181-234 (Shou 54
Appearance: The weapon of the hero, eight feet in length, with a very majestic appearance

Birthplace: Langxie Yangdu, Xuzhou (now south of Yinan County, Shandong)

Official position: Prime Minister

Posthumous title: Marquis Zhongwu
Family members: Father: Zhuge Gui, Mother: Zhang, Brother: Zhuge Jin, Brother: Zhuge Jun, Son: Zhuge Zhan
Historical Chronology:

181 years (Guanghe four years) one year old

Born in a scholar-bureaucrat family in Yangdu County, Langxie, Shandong Province, the ancestor Zhuge Feng served as the captain of Sili in the Han Dynasty. His deeds of punishing his relatives without fear of violence are recorded in the annals of history.At that time, his father Zhuge Gui was serving as the magistrate of Taishan County, and his uncle Zhuge Xuan was serving in the court.

189 (the sixth year of Zhongping) nine years old

His biological mother Zhang died in Yangdu.In the same year, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty collapsed in the palace, and Emperor Shao ascended the throne; Dong Zhuo went to Beijing, abolished Emperor Shao and established Emperor Xian.General He Jin was killed by an eunuch, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fled, organized troops, and conspired against Zhuo.

192 (the third year of Chuping) 12 years old
His father, Zhuge Gui, passed away, and the family was able to make ends meet under the care of his stepmother and uncle.That year, Dong Zhuo was killed, his generals were in chaos in Chang'an, Lu Bu was defeated and Wang Yun was killed.

194 (the first year of Xingping) 14 years old
Brother Zhuge Jin went to Jiangdong with his mother.Liang and his siblings were fostered at the home of his uncle Xuan. In the same year, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian died of illness, and Liu was replaced by his will.

195 (the second year of Xingping) 15 years old
In order to avoid the war, Zhuge Xuan became the prefect of Yuzhang County. Liang also left his hometown with his uncle and went to Nanchang.Soon Zhuge Xuan was replaced by Zhu Hao, and the whole family defected to Liu Biao in Jingzhou.

197 (the second year of Jian'an) 17 years old
Uncle Xuan passed away, and Liang led his family to Longzhong, twenty miles west of Xiangyang City, where he began to live in seclusion, farming and studying, devoting himself to world affairs.That year, Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun.

198-206 (Jian'an three years-11 years)
During this period, Liang made extensive friends with celebrities from Jingxiang and married Huang Chengyan's daughter as his wife.Sun Ce became independent from Yuan Shu, pacified Jiangdong, and was replaced by his younger brother Sun Quan.Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao at Guandu, attacked Wuhuan in the north, and basically unified the north.Liu Bei lost Xuzhou and defected to Liu Biao, but he was not used, and he was idle for a long time, so he sighed.

207 years (Jian'an 12th year) 27 years old
Liu Bei went to Longzhong three times and hired Zhuge Liang to come out to help him. During the meeting, Liang put forward the famous grand plan of "first thorns and then benefits, three divisions of the world, and unification of the Central Plains"-"Longzhong Dui", and began his magnificent political and military career from then on. .

208 years (Jian'an 13th year) 28 years old
Cao Cao marched south, Liu Biao died of illness, and his son Cong surrendered to Cao Cao.Liu Bei crossed the river with his people and defeated Cao Jun in Dangyang.At a critical time, Liang went to Soochow alone to lobby Sun Quan, and facilitated the alliance between Sun and Liu, and defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi.

209 years (Jian'an 14th year) 29 years old
Liu Bei appointed Liu Qi as the shepherd of Jingzhou, and took the opportunity to recover the four counties in southern Jing.Taking Liang as the general of Zhonglang, the military adviser, he made him supervise the three counties of Lingling, Guiyang and Changsha, and adjusted their taxes to enrich the army.

211 years (Jian'an 16th year) 31 years old

Liu Zhang, the shepherd of Yizhou, sent Fazheng to welcome Liu Bei, and sent Zhang Lu, Liang and Guan Yu to town Jingzhou.That year Mrs. Sun returned to Wu and wanted to take Adou as a hostage, so Liang ordered Zhao Yun and others to intercept the river and take it back.

214 years (Jian'an 19th year) 34 years old
Liu Bei besieged Luocheng for more than a year, and urgently dispatched reinforcements to Sichuan. Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others led their troops back to the river, divided counties and counties, and encircled Chengdu together with the Former Lord.Chengdu Ping, with Liang as the general of the military division, took charge of the affairs of the left general's house.

217-219 (Jian'an 22-24)
Liu Bei personally led all the troops to enter Yangping Pass to compete for Hanzhong.Liang was ordered to stay in Chengdu with enough food and soldiers.

221 (the first year of Zhang Wu) 41 years old

Liu Beijian proclaimed himself emperor and worshiped Liang as prime minister.It was the year when Bei made a large-scale Eastern Expedition, Sun Quan proclaimed himself a minister in Wei, was named King of Wu, and Liang stayed in Chengdu.

223 (the first year of Jianxing) 43 years old

Liu Bei was critically ill in Baidi City, and Zhao Liang entrusted him with the task.Later, the master Zen succeeded to the throne, changed the Yuan Dynasty to Jianxing, and opened the government to manage affairs.In that year, all the important officials of Wei State had their own books written by Yu Liang, and Chen Tian ordered personnel and wanted to make the whole country known as good.Liang then did not publish the book, but wrote "Zhengyi" to answer it.In the same year, he pacified the rebellion of the three counties in central Shu and sent special envoys to reconcile with Soochow.

225 years (Jianxing three years) 45 years old

Liang led the people to march south, and the autumn was flat.The military funds are used to make the country rich, and it is to govern the army and emphasize military affairs, so as to make great efforts.

227 years (Jianxing five years) 47 years old

Later, the master published the "List of Teachers", indicating the determination to unify the Central Plains and revive the Han Dynasty, and led the army to station in Hanzhong to prepare for the Northern Expedition.That year, the eldest son Zhuge Zhan was born.

228 years (the sixth year of Jianxing) 48 years old

As soon as he came out of Qishan, he attacked east and west, descended to three counties, and took Jiang Wei.However, because Ma Di violated the rules of the Ming Dynasty and acted inappropriately, the army was defeated in Jieting, causing the whole army to retreat.Liang was punished for two crimes, so he beheaded Ma Di, and at the same time demoted himself to the third rank, and acted as the prime minister with the right general, and the president was the same as before.In December of the same year, the second Northern Expedition went out of Sanguan to attack Chencang, but the food was exhausted and returned. Wei general Wang Shuang led his cavalry to chase Liang, Liang and Zhan, broke it, and cut both.

229 years (the seventh year of Jianxing) 49 years old

During the three Northern Expeditions, Wudu and Yinping counties were captured, Guo Huai was defeated, and he was restored to the position of prime minister due to his meritorious service.In that year, Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, and Liang thought that the state of Wei had not yet been destroyed, and united with Wu as the top, so he sent Wei Wei Chen Zhenqing to be the right name.

230 years (the eighth year of Jianxing) 50 years old
Cao Zhen of the Wei State and others invaded several times, but because the Wugu Road was difficult to navigate and was blocked by heavy rain, Emperor Ming of Wei issued an order to teach the troops.Liang then sent Wei Yan and Wu Yi deep into the Western Qiang and defeated the Wei army.

231 years (the ninth year of Jianxing) 51 years old

Come back to Qishan, transported with wooden cattle; first defeated the Wei army in Shangyu, and defeated Sima Yi in Lucheng.However, because Li Yan falsely preached the imperial decree, he had to retreat. On the way home, he set up an ambush and shot Zhang He, the famous general of Wei State.

232 years (Jianxing ten years) 52 years old

Set up troops in Hanzhong, stop training soldiers, make wooden oxen and horses, garrison fields to accumulate grain, and prepare for a long-term war with Wei.

234 years (Jianxing 12 years) 54 years old
Inform Soochow, east and west go side by side, learn that the masses come out of the inclined valley, transported by flowing horses, according to martial arts, Wuzhangyuan.Sima Yi held on to the barriers and avoided confrontation, so Liang went to the battle to garrison the fields and fought against the Wei army for more than a hundred days. Unfortunately, he fell ill from overwork and died in the army.Dying belongs to the future, the army retreated safely, and was buried in Dingjun Mountain according to the will.


An outstanding statesman and military strategist during the Three Kingdoms period, he was hailed as a model of "beautiful prime minister through the ages".His parents died early, and he was brought up by his uncle Xuan. Later, due to the chaos in Xuzhou, he avoided the chaos in Jingzhou, devoted himself to learning, and showed his ambition indifferently.Later, receiving the gift of Liu Bei's three visits, he put forward the famous "Longzhong Dui", instigated the alliance between Sun and Liu, and defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, laying the foundation for the three kingdoms to stand together.The Shu Han was established and worshiped as the prime minister.Liu Bei's defeat of Wu failed, and he was entrusted by Gu Yu Yong'an to assist the young master, outreach to Soochow, internally repair political science, fight against the rebellion in the south, and resist the strong Wei in the north.In order to complete the great cause of unifying the Central Plains and rejuvenating the Han Dynasty, he attacked Wei State five times successively. He displayed extraordinary talents in governing the country and the army. ", making profit and loss Liannu, wooden cows and horses, confronted famous generals Sima Yi, Zhang Yun, etc., and repeatedly had a chance of winning. During the last Northern Expedition, he adopted the strategy of dividing troops and garrisoning the fields. He stalemate with Sima Yi's army for more than a hundred days. Unfortunately, he died of overwork and died at the age of 54. Years old, posthumous title Zhongwuhou.His noble character of "bow hard and die later" has been admired and remembered by people for thousands of years.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ① Zhuge Liang is the prime minister of the state, caressing the common people, demonstrating rituals, appointing official positions, obeying the power system, being open-hearted, and imparting justice; those who are loyal to the time will be rewarded even if they are loyal, and those who break the law and neglect will be punished even though they are relatives. Those who are serious must be explained, and those who make clever rhetoric must be killed even if they are light; no good will be rewarded; Inside, those who fear and love them, those who have severe punishments but no complaints, use their peace of mind to persuade them to be clear.It can be said that the good talents of knowledge and governance are comparable to Guan and Xiao.However, it has been mobilizing the masses for years without success, and it is not its strong point to cover the contingency strategy! ②When the preparation is dead, the heir is young and weak, and everything is fine and small, and the bright ones are dedicated.Therefore, the Eastern Wu was connected externally, the southern Vietnam was flattened internally, legislation was implemented, the military brigade was organized, the equipment and technology were studied to the extreme, science and education were strict, rewards and punishments must be trusted, no evil was not punished, and no good was not revealed. Be self-reliant, the way does not pick up what is lost, the strong does not invade the weak, and the weather is awe-inspiring. ③ Li Shu's memory, thinking that it is true.Up to now, the people of Liang and Yi have consulted and commented on the bright ones, and their words are still in their ears. Although Gantang's chanting of Zhaogong and Zhengren's song Zichan, there is no far-reaching comparison.Meng Ke said: "Use the way of leisure to make the people work hard without complaining; use the way of life to kill people, even if they die, they will not be angry." Believe it!The commentators may blame Liang Liang for not being brilliant, but too thoughtful and thoughtful.Chen Yu thought that Jiu Yao was a great sage, and Zhou Gong was also a sage, and the official book of the examination, Jiu Yao's Mo was slightly elegant, and Zhou Gong knew it well.why?Jiu Yao talked with Shun and Yu together, and the Duke of Zhou swore an oath with his subordinates.What he said and said is all ordinary people, so his writing can't reach far.However, his vocal and teaching last words are all comprehensive and honest. The heart of fairness and sincerity is expressed in writing and ink, which is enough to understand the meaning of the person, and it is useful for the present.
④ To be talented is to be good at governing the army, short to be ingenious, and to manage the work of the people, which is better than general strategy.However, the enemy you fight against may be worthy of outstanding people, and the number of people is too small, and the offense and defense are different, so although the crowd has been mobilized year after year, there is no restraint.In the past Xiao He recommended Han Xin and Guan Zhongju Prince Chengfu.The bright weapon can be political, and Yiguan, Xiao Zhiyapi also, and the famous generals of the time have no Chengfu and Han Xin, so the achievements are delayed, and righteousness is not as good as evil?Gai Tianming has its own destiny, so you can't fight it intellectually. ⑤Liang rarely has the talents of Yiqun, the weapon of heroes. ⑥Prime Minister Zhuge Hongyi is loyal and strong, forgetting his body and worrying about the country.

Yang Xi: Loyalty to Wu Yinggao, offer advice to Jiang Bin, climb Wu Lian Shu, power my world is true.Suffering from Ah Heng, rectifying martial arts and writing, applying Chen De's teachings, rationalizing things and changing wind, virtuous and foolish compete for heart, and forget his body.In the state of birth and tranquility, the four descendants are Sui, and they have repeatedly faced the enemy's court, showing off their prestige, studying the great power, and hating Weiyi.

Zhang Yi: Public rewards are not far away, punishments are not near, nobles cannot be taken without merit, and punishments cannot be exempted from noble powers. This is why the wise and foolish forget their own lives.

Jia Xu: Zhuge Liang was good at governing the country.

Liu Ye: Zhuge Liang was good at governance and became prime minister.

Fu Gan: Zhuge Liang knows how to control changes, is upright and strategic, and acts accordingly.

Liu Bei: ①The ruler is ten times as talented as Cao Pi, and he will surely be able to stabilize the country and make great decisions in the end. ② There is Kongming in the solitary, just as there is water in the fish.

Yuan Zi: ①Zhuge Liang, because he thought he was the prime minister, and the officials were pleased and convinced, Liu Bei was trustworthy and Liang was very important.And it is lonely under six feet, taking over the government of a country, serving the mediocre monarch, monopolizing power without being rude, doing the monarch's affairs without the people of the country doubting, so that you think that the hearts of the monarch, ministers and people are admired.The law is strict but the people of the country are satisfied, and the people do their best without complaining.And its soldiers come in and out like guests, they will not be invaders, and those who are humble will not hunt, just like in the country.When using troops, they stand still like mountains and advance and retreat like the wind. On the day when the troops leave, the world will shake, but the hearts of the people will not worry.For decades since Liang died, the people of the country have sang and thought, just like the Zhou people thought about Zhao Gongye. Confucius said, "Yong can also make the south", Zhuge Liang has it.Liang Zhi was at Jieting, the former army was broken, Liang camped for a few miles, but could not be rescued;When marching brightly, it is quiet and firm; quiet makes it easy to move, and firm and heavy makes it possible to advance and retreat.The law is clear, the rewards and punishments are trustworthy, the soldiers obey their orders, and they don't care about dangers, so they can fight. ②Liang treats the real but not the name, has a big ambition but wants far away, not a person who seeks short-term speed.There are few virtuous talents in a small country, so they want their dignity.Liangzhi ruled Shu, the fields were opened up, the warehouses were solid, the equipment was sharp, the reserves were abundant, the courts were not prosperous, and the roads were not intoxicating.Husband is based on the establishment of the cause and the end of the governance. If he has spare energy, he will deal with small things. This is why he is persuaded to do his best.There is evidence for the son's theory of Zhuge Liang.What's the point of using bright talents but less merit?Liang, those who stick to the basics are not good at adapting to the situation, so I dare not use their shortcomings.Said: "But my son is beautiful, why?"This solid sage is far away, and An can be prepared for physical responsibility.The husband can know the shortcomings and not use them, this is a great sage; if you know the shortcomings, you will know the strengths.Husband's previous knowledge and words are not right, and what is bright is not used. This is what I call acceptable. ③Prime Minister Zhuge is sincerely capable of assisting him, but he is in a lonely place, with less than [-] soldiers, so he can retreat and guard the danger, and the monarch and his ministers are fine.The air labor division brigade is always recruited at all ages, and it has not been able to enter the land within easy reach to establish the foundation of the emperor, so that the country will suffer from its desolation and ruins, and the western soil will suffer from its labor adjustment.

Li Xing: "The Son of Heaven ordered me to listen to the drums in the sun of Mian and think about it forever. The legacy of the sages, climb the Longshan Mountain and look far away, the hometown of Zhuge Shi. The gods and objects respond to the opportunity, and there is no way to pass through. People are stagnant, and great virtue is not always. Therefore, when the wind blows in the valley, the crocodile screams, and the clouds and thunder rise to hide the scales; , Different from Xu Sheng’s picking treasures, releasing Wolong in deep possession, Wei Liu’s overturning, and Jiawu’s son’s Zhou Xing. If a husband has a confidant, he has a good life. Therefore, three parts of my Han Ding will lead me across the border. Desolation, the one who contends against my north and rides my Wei border. My son is heroic, and he only contains the spirit of heaven. How can he be the only god or the essence of man? How deep is the thinking, how clear is the virtue! Different worlds open dreams, hate different life. Push Zi Bachen is not in Sun and Wu. The wonder of a wooden ox is not like a model. My friends, good plans and wonderful paintings? Zang Wen has neither, is famous for his words, but he is not like a son, and his words and deeds are combined. , responsible for the affairs of the people, the words of the people do not flow. The punishment is in Zheng, the beauty is in Lu, the people of Shu know their shame, and the river and Wei'an are blocked. The bandit Gao Zeyi, Ning Biguan, Yan, is it just a sage, and he is generous and sighs The hiddenness of the past, but only this house, where benevolence and wisdom are located, can have no rules. The sun lives in the moon, and when it dies at night, who can not die, you have a legacy. Only the honor of the son, the wind moves the next life, and sings The song is beyond the code, and the coward will be fierce. The scorpion is too long, the rules are outstanding, and everyone is like my son, it is difficult to find out. The good in the past, thousands of miles away; now I come to think about it, the old ruins. Feng and Pei, Taigong V turned against the Zhou Dynasty, thinking about the two as if, hoping to have more influence. The soul has a spirit, how can it know all of them!

Cao Rui: Bright ambitions but not opportunistic, resourceful but few decisions, good soldiers but no power!
Sima Yi: Wizards of the world!
Peng Yi: Your Majesty, Yi and Lu Ye in the current age, should be kind to the lord to plan affairs and help him in his great cause.

Yuan Feng, "Han Hai": Although Zhuge Liang has the ability to be a hero, he is not a tool for Zhongxing. It is not difficult to use the mere Shu to pretend to be abolished, swallow the powerful Wei in the north, and compete with the upper kingdom.It seems that Song Xiang is begging for hegemony!However, the government is bright and the people's principles are improved, and the power is powerful.From Yuan to Wan and Yi, following the practice of Foge, they are taken among the great powers, making the weak stronger, and they can still protect themselves.

Lü Kai: Today, the Prime Minister Zhuge is a talented person. He has seen his uncutness and left him alone. He praises Jixing.

Sun Sheng: Husband and fortune are self-defeating, the way of ruining the family and harming the country, punishing the favored, destroying the source of government and chaos, can be a meritorious official and extremely majestic, how lucky is it to use the power of the country?Therefore, even though Dian Jie was diligent, he could not avoid the punishment of disobedience, and even though Yang Qian was close to him, he would still be slaughtered indiscriminately. Wouldn't the husband not love him? That's why Wang Xian.Zhuge's words, so he lost his power and punished him.

Xi chisel teeth: ① In the past, Guan Zhong seized three hundred Pianyi from Bo's family. He had no teeth and no complaints. The sage thought it difficult.Zhuge Liang made Liao Li weep, and Li Ping died, so there is no complaint!Husband water is the most flat but the evil one takes the law, the mirror is the brightest but the ugly one has no anger, the reason why the water mirror can be poor but has no resentment is because of its selflessness.Shui Jing is selfless, but avoids slander. What's more, adults and gentlemen have a heart of joy in life, and show the virtue of forgiveness. The law is indispensable, and the punishment is added to the crime of self-commitment. The honor is not selfish, and the punishment is not angry. The world Anyone who disagrees!So Zhuge Liang can be said to be able to use punishment, which has not been done since the Qin and Han Dynasties. ② Zhuge Liang can't also go to the country at the same time, wouldn't it be inappropriate!The husband of Jin ruled Lin's father to be the successor, so he abolished the law and received merit; Chu Cheng secretly benefited from his ministers, so he killed him and suffered a heavy defeat.In today's remote and humble part of Shu, there are few talented people who go to the country, but kill the outstanding ones, and retire them to use as slaves. If you don't learn the way of three defeats, you will succeed in your career. Isn't it difficult!Moreover, the former Lord commanded Su not to be of great use. Wouldn't it be said that he was not a talent?Liang received admonitions but not flattery, so it was difficult for Ming Su to be dismissed.To be the master craftsman of the world, he wants to have the power to reap great things, but he does not measure his talents and responsibly, and pays the job according to the equipment; if he knows a big mistake, he will violate the commandment of the master, and if he misses the judgment, he will kill the beneficial person, which is hard to do. And the wise man also.

Deng Zhi: Zhuge Liang was also a master of the moment.

Fan Jian: Hearing that evil must be corrected, he does not hold back his faults. The belief in rewards and punishments is enough to feel divine.

Sima Yan: Great!Let me get this person to help me, how can I do today's work!
Pang Tong

Word: Shiyuan
Time: 179-214 (Shou 36)

No.: Fengchu
Official position: military adviser Zhonglang general
Posthumous title: Jinghou

Family Members: Son: Pang Hong, Uncle: Duke Pang De

Pang Tong is a celebrity in the Jingzhou area. After the Battle of Chibi, he joined the Liu Bei Group. At first, he was only a county magistrate. After being recommended by Zhuge Liang and Lu Su, he was valued by Liu Bei.Liu Bei appointed him to be in charge of governance, and he was the same military advisor as Zhuge Liang, and his confidant was second only to Zhuge Liang.Pang Tong urged Liu Bei to take Shu, and followed Liu Bei into Sichuan. He planned to capture Shu generals Yang Huai and Gao Pei, and marched into Chengdu.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: Pang Tongya was good at crowds, learned Confucian classics and thought out ideas, and he was called Gao Jun in Jing and Chu at that time.Wei Chen of Yan, Uncle Zhong of Xun Yu?Good-natured human relations, diligent in long-term care.Every description is more than its talent

Yang Xi: The military master is beautiful, elegant and elegant, deadly and enlightened, loyal and passionate, but this Yizong, death is rewarded with virtue.

Zhuge Liang: Pang Tong, a talented person from Chu, should be praised for his success in the world.

Lu Su: Pang Shiyuan is not a talented man with a hundred miles, and he should show his full strength and ears when he is in the middle of the administration and not the leader.

Zhang Cun: It's a pity that although Tong is loyal, it violates the righteousness of elegance.

Liu Bei: Is it even more wrong to kill one's body and become benevolent?

The Righteousness of Characters

Word: Xiaozhi
Time: 175-219 (Shou 46)

Birthplace: Fufeng Mei County, Yongzhou (now Mei County, Shaanxi)

Former official positions: Shangshu Ling, General Guard

Posthumous title: Marquis of Wing

Family Members: Father: Fa Yan, Son: Fa Miao

Fazheng took refuge in Liu Zhang in his early years, but he was neither reused nor slandered by his colleagues.After visiting Liu Bei on a mission, he secretly planned with Zhang Song to support Liu Bei, and took advantage of the opportunity of another mission to Liu Bei to privately propose to Liu Bei a plan to take the opportunity to take Shu.And in the process of Liu Bei's conquest of Shu, he accurately predicted that Liu Zhang would not adopt Zheng Du's strategy.In the 19th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei successfully took Shu, and Fazheng was given a high position, second only to Zhuge Liang.In the 22nd year of Jian'an, Fazheng analyzed the situation, encouraged Liu Bei to attack Hanzhong, and made a strange plan to kill Xiahouyuan.Liu Bei made himself the Queen of Hanzhong, and Fazheng was appointed as the Minister of the Han Dynasty and the General of the Guard.Zhuge Liang was also amazed by Fazheng's ingenious strategy.

Historical evaluation:

Cao Cao: I have collected all the traitorous heroes, but I can't do justice to evil?

Chen Shou: Fazheng sees success or failure, and has unique strategies, but it is not called virtue.

Yang Opera: Yihou Liangmou, predicts the rise and fall of the world, entrusts the master, is training and counseling, thinks temporarily and calculates, sees the situation and knows the opportunity.

Sun Sheng: The art of bewildering and bewitching, which is contrary to the style of nobility, is not the same as Guo Kai, for example.

Shu people: The law is right in the Shu county, and the general should entrust the lord to restrain his prestige.

Zhuge Liang: ①The lord is in Gong'an, fearing the strength of Duke Cao in the north, and the pressure of Sun Quan in the east, and fearing that Mrs. Sun's life will be under the elbow and armpit in the near; , cannot be copied, how to prohibit the righteousness of the law so that it cannot do its evil! ②If the law and filial piety are straight, it can control the master and make it not go eastward; if it goes eastward again, it will not be in danger.

Zhang Fan: The law is upright, although there are righteousness and injustice between the monarch and his ministers, it is still attached to the name of the entrustment, and the progress does not show the current situation. If Han Song, (Liu Guang) [Liu Xian] said Liu Biao, he would not retreat and die. If Chen Ping and Han Xinzhi went to Xiang Yu, and the two ends brought them together, it would be a crime of infidelity.

Xu Shu

Word: Yuanzhi
Birthplace: Yingchuan County, Yuzhou (now Xuchang, Henan)
Official position: General You Zhonglang, Yushi Zhongcheng
Historical Chronology:

Xu Shu's original name was Xu Fu, and he was originally a child of a humble family. (Note: The original text of "Wei Lue" "Shu was first named Fu, originally a son of the Shan family", some people interpreted it as Xu Shu was originally a child of a family with the surname of Shan, but the current mainstream view interprets "Shan family" as a person with a weak background and a humble background family, so there is an explanation like this article.)
When Xu Shu was young, he was fond of Renxia fencing. In the last year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (around 189), he took revenge for others. He painted his face with chalk, fled with his hair loose, and was captured by officials.The officials asked his name, but he didn't answer, so the officials tied him to a cart and drove around the city beating drums. People who knew him dared not tell.Later, Xu Shu's companions came to rescue him and escaped.Xu Shu was rescued with emotion. From then on, he abandoned his sword and halberd, changed into a sparse towel and single clothes, and learned from others.When I first visited the school, all the students heard that he had been a thief before, and they didn't get close to him.So Xu Shu put on a humble attitude and often got up early to clean up alone, so that he could attend lectures and understand righteousness.He made friends with Shi Tao from the same county.

During the Chuping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty (190-193), wars broke out in the Central Plains. Xu Shu and Shi Tao traveled south together and lived in Jingzhou.After arriving in Jingzhou, Xu Shu made friends with Zhuge Liang, Sima Hui, Pang Tong and others.

When Liu Bei was stationed in Xinye, Xu Shu went to see Liu Bei and was highly valued by Liu Bei.After Xu Shu's recommendation, Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang.

In 208, Cao Cao marched south, Liu Bei was defeated in Changban, and Xu Shu's mother was captured by Cao Jun.Xu Shu bid farewell to Liu Bei, pointing to his heart and said: "I wanted to build a king's career with the general, so I relied on this square inch of land. Now that I have lost my mother, the square inch is messed up, and it is useless. Please leave now." So Liu Bei agreed with Xu Shu to leave, and Xu Shu and Shi Tao surrendered to Cao Cao to the north.

In the early years of Wei and Huang (220-226), Xu Shu was the official of Wei State to the general of Youzhong Lang and the prime minister of Yushi.

After the Wei Taihe period (227-233), Xu Shu died of illness, leaving a monument in Pengcheng.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: ①The husband who participates in the office gathers the wisdom and loyalty of the people.If it is too far away, it is difficult to contradict it, and it will be damaged by Kuang Que.Obtaining success by disobedience is like obtaining pearls and jade by abandoning disadvantages.Although people's suffering is endless, but Xu Yuanzhi is not confused. ②In the past, when I first handed over to Zhouping, I often heard about the gains and losses.

Character Jiang Wan

Word: Gongyan
time:? ——246
Birthplace: Lingling Xiangxiang

Official position: General
Posthumous title: Gonghou

Family members: Son: Jiang Bin

Historical Chronology:

Wan Yizhou Shuzuo entered Shu with the former master, except for the governor of Guangdu.The First Lord went to Guangdu because of his tour, and when he saw that Wan was ignoring everything, he became intoxicated.General Zhuge Liang dissuaded him from the military division, but the First Lord Ya Jingliang did not add any crimes. He was dismissed in a hurry.

After seeing the push, Wan saw a bull's head in front of the door in Yemeng, bleeding profusely, and asked Zhao Zhi about Zhanmeng.Zhi said: "When a husband sees blood, the matter is clear. The horns of the ox and the nose, the image of the word 'gong', the throne must be the highest, and it is also a sign of great auspiciousness." In a moment, it is the order of Shifang.

The first master was the king of Hanzhong, and Wanru was Shang Shulang.

In the first year of Jianxing, the prime minister opened the mansion and designated Wan as Dongcao.Moved to join the army.

In the fifth year of Jianxing, Liang lived in Hanzhong, and Wan and Chang Shi Zhang Yi stayed in the government.

In the eighth year of Jianxing, his descendant was Chang Shi, a general of the Jiafu Army.When Liang Shu went out, Wan often had enough food and soldiers to supply him.

Liang died, took Wan as the order of the minister, and Russia added the protection of the capital, false festivals, led the governor of Yizhou, moved to the general, recorded the affairs of the minister, and granted the title of Marquis of Anyang Ting.

Jianxing died in the ninth year.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: ① Jiang Wan, the weapon of the country, is not a talent of hundreds of miles.Its politics is based on the people, not on decoration. ②Gong Yan Tuozhi is loyal and elegant, and he should praise the king's industry with me.

Chen Shou: Jiang Wan's Fangzheng has a great prestige, and he follows Zhuge's precepts and follows them without changing them. Therefore, the borders are safe and the state is harmonious.

Pei Songzhi: Jiang Weixiang, Ke Zunhuayi, did not act rashly, and suffered a loss, but Luo Gu's teacher on the outside, the truth of protecting the peace and arrest on the inside, it is suitable to treat the small, and the principle of living in peace, why is it so much!Today, I ridiculed it for not finishing it without focusing on it, so that those who read it don't know what it means.

Fei Yi

Word: Wen Wei
time:? ——253
Birthplace: Jiang Xiafeng
Official position: General
Posthumous title: Jinghou

Family members: Sons: Fei Cheng, Fei Gong


During the Three Kingdoms period, he was a famous Prime Minister of Shu Han.Fei Yi has a gentle personality. When he was young, he went to Shu to study with his uncle and stayed in Yitu. When Liu Bei pacified Yizhou, Fei Yi stayed in Shu as an official.After Liu Chan ascended the throne, Fei Yi served as the servant of the Huangmen, and was highly regarded by the prime minister Zhuge Liang.Later, Fei Yi moved to Zhaoxin Xiaowei and went to Dongwu as an envoy. Sun Quan, Zhuge Ke, Yang Chi and others discussed the difficulties with their rhetoric, but Fei Yi responded with reason, with both meaning and meaning, and he was never wronged.Sun Quan was very talented, so he treated him with courtesy, and Fei Yi was often envoy to Wu.During the Northern Expedition, he was the Central Guard Army and then Sima.At that time, Wei Yan, the military adviser, and Yang Yi, the chief clerk, were at odds with each other. They often argued and argued.After Zhuge Liang's death, Fei Yi served as the rear military adviser.Soon after, he replaced Jiang Wan as minister, and then moved to the general.Since becoming a country, he has dedicated himself to governing the government and defended against enemies and bandits; his character is modest and honest, and his family has no money left.In the 16th year of Yanxi reign, Fei Yi stabbed Guo Xunxing to death for Wei Jiang's general Guo Xunxing at a banquet.

Historical evaluation:

Sun Quan: The ruler of the world is virtuous, and he must be the leader of the Shu Dynasty.

"Biography": Yi is elegant and modest, and his family does not accumulate wealth.The sons are all vegetarians, and they don't go in and out of the car, no different from ordinary people.

Zhuge Liang: Fei Yi is good and honest, and his aspirations are loyal and pure. He is the first emperor to pass on to His Majesty.A fool thinks that things in the palace are not big or small, and if he consults them well and then implements them, he will surely make up for the shortcomings and benefit a lot.

Chen Shou: Fei Yi is lenient and fraternal. He follows Zhuge's established rules and follows them without changing them. Therefore, the borders are safe and the country is harmonious.

Pei Songzhi: Fei Weixiang, Ke Zunhuayi, did not act pretentiously, and suffered a loss, but Luo Gu's teacher on the outside, the truth of protecting the peace and arrest on the inside, it is suitable to treat the small, and the principle of living in peace, why is it more than this!Today, I ridiculed it for not finishing it without focusing on it, so that those who read it don't know what it means.

Yu Xi: In the past, the people of Wei conquered Shu, and the people of Shu ruled them. No boredom.Min Lin said goodbye to Yi: "You must be able to deal with thieves." He said that he is clear and determined, and his appearance is carefree. Kuang Changning thinks that a gentleman is afraid when he is in trouble, and he is easy to plan.Moreover, Shu is a small country, but facing the great enemy, the only rules and plans are defense and war.Si Nai's nature is broad and simple, and he does not guard against the subtleties. If he was harmed by the descendant Guo Xiu, wouldn't it be a sign that he saw it and the disaster happened here?I used to hear about Zhen Wenwei in Changning, and now I see Yuan Xun's rebellion against Lvhou. The two things are the same, so they are recorded together, which can be used as a mirror and admonishment for the future, and will always be a lesson for the world.

Dong Yun

Word: Xiu Zhao
time:? ——249
Birthplace: Zhijiang, Nanjun, Jingzhou (now Zhijiang City, Hubei Province)

Official position: Shang Shuling
Family members: Father: Dong He


Since Liu Bei became the crown prince, Dong Yun has been serving Liu Chan.Before Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he recommended Dong Yun in "The List of Teachers". Dong corrected Liu Chan to his superiors and reprimanded Huang Hao to his subordinates, so that they did not dare to do anything wrong.Dong Yun repeatedly declined the titles, titles, and high officials he deserved.In order to meet Dong Hui, he gave up important banquets, which all embodies Dong Yun's excellent qualities of being a righteous man, respecting the virtuous and corporal, and not seeking high officials and rich salary.In the eyes of scholars and people in the Shu Han Dynasty, Dong Yun, Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan, and Fei Yi were listed as the "Four Heroes".After Dong Yun's death, Chen Zhi and Huang Hao gradually controlled the government and confused Liu Chan, which finally led to the demise of the Shu Han.The people of Shu Han mourned Dong Yun because of this.In the entire "Three Kingdoms", Dong Yun is one of the very few characters who can make a biography that "the son is not the father, so don't carry the surname", which shows his superiority.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: Minister Dong Yun, etc., the late emperor Jianba left it to His Majesty, as for considering the rules and benefits, and doing all the faithful words, he will do it.A fool thinks that the affairs in the palace are not big or small, and if he consults them well, he will surely make up for the shortcomings and benefit a lot.If there is no word of virtue, then kill Yun and others to show his arrogance.

Jiang Wan: Yunnei has served for many years, and Yi praised the royal family.

Chen Shou: You are willing to accept the Lord, righteousness is manifested in color, and the heart is fair.

Pei Songzhi: Yiyun's name and position are more important, and his deeds surpass his father's.

Yang Xi: In charge of the Qing Festival of the army, it is vigorous and constant.

Guan Yu

Word: Yun Chang
time:? ——219
Birthplace: Jiexian County, Hedong (now Yuncheng, Shanxi) in Bingzhou

Occupation: Former general
Posthumous title: Zhuang Miaohou
Family Members: Sons: Guan Ping, Guan Xing

Historical Chronology:

Guan Yu was originally from Hedong Jieren, and fled to Zhuojun in exile, where he got acquainted with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei served as Prime Minister of Pingyuan, and Guan Yu was the Sima of the other tribe, who divided the trilogy.

Liu Bei attacked and killed Che Wei and captured Xuzhou, and guarded Xiapi City with Guan Yu as prefect.

Jian'an five years
The city of Xuzhou was destroyed, and Guan Yu had no choice but to surrender to Cao Cao, who was named partial general.

Yuan Shao attacked the white horse. Cao Cao took Zhang Liao and Guan Yu as the vanguard. Guan Yu rode his horse and killed Yan Liang among the crowd.Guan Yu was granted the title of Marquis of Han Shouting.

Jian'an 13 years

After Jingzhou was pacified, Guan Yu was granted the title of Grand Administrator of Xiangyang and General Dangkou, stationed in Jiangbei.

Jian'an 19 years

After pacifying Yizhou, he worshiped Yu Dong and supervised Jingzhou affairs.

Jian'an 20 years

Sun Quan seized Sha, Lingling, and Guiyang counties. Liu Bei led an army of [-] troops to garrison Gong'an and sent Guan Yu to Yiyang.

Jian'an 24 years
The first master was the king of Hanzhong, worshiped Guan Yu as the former general, and faked Jieyue.

Guan Yu led his army to conquer Fancheng, captured Yu Jin, and beheaded Pang De.

Jian'an 25 years
Guan Yu was defeated and fled Maicheng, and was captured and beheaded in Zhangxiang during the breakout.

Historical evaluation:

Fu Gan: Brave and righteous, the enemy of ten thousand people.

Cheng Yu and Guo Jia: The enemy of ten thousand people.

Liu Ye: Guan Yu bravely won the three armies.

Wen Hui: Guan Yu is sharp.

Dong Zhao: Yu is a strong man.

Lu Xun: Feathers are proud of their valor, and mausoleums are more powerful than others.

Lu Meng: Guan Yu is really a bear and a tiger.The Sri Lankan is tall and eager to learn, and he is catchy in reading Zuo Zhuan. He is bright and masculine, but he is quite conceited, and he is a good man.Yu Su is brave.

Zhou Yu: General of Xionghu.

Liao Li: Yu's parents were brave and famous, but they were helpless in the army, and they used their intentions to attack.

Chen Shou: ① Guan Yu was called the enemy of ten thousand people, and he was the minister of the world tiger.Yu served Cao Gong as a national scholar.However, Yu is rigid and self-confident, and defeats with shortcomings, which is normal. ②Yu treats the soldiers kindly and is proud of the scholar-bureaucrats.

Zhang Fei

Word: Yide
time:? ——221
Birthplace: Zhuo County, Zhuo County, Jizhou (now Zhuozhou, Hebei)

Official position: Chariot General

Posthumous title: Marquis Huan

Family members: Sons: Zhang Bao, Zhang Shao

Historical Chronology:

Zhang Fei met Liu Bei and Guan Yu in Zhuojun, and together they conquered the Yellow Turban Army.

Jian'an five years
The city of Xuzhou was destroyed, and Zhang Fei was separated from Liu and Guan.

After Jingzhou was pacified, Zhang Fei was granted the title of Grand Administrator of Yidu, General of Conquest, and Marquis of Xinting.

Jian'an 19 years

To pacify Yizhou, Zhang Fei led the Brazilian prefect.

Jian'an 24 years
Liu Bei ascended the throne as the King of Hanzhong, and made Zhang Fei the right general.

The 26th year of Jian'an (the first year of Zhang Wu)
Zhang Fei was granted the title of Chariot General. In June, Zhang Fei was murdered by Fan Jiang and Zhang Da.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ① Zhang Fei called the enemy of ten thousand people, and he was the minister of the world tiger.Fei Yi interprets Yan Yan, and has the style of a national scholar.However, flying violently without grace, and defeating by shortcoming, is a matter of reason. ②Fei is majestic and mighty, inferior to Guan Yu. Fei loves and respects gentlemen but not villains.

Fu Gan: Brave and righteous, the enemy of ten thousand people.

Cheng Yu and Guo Jia: The enemy of ten thousand people.

Character Zhao Yun

Word: Zilong
Appearance: Eight feet long and majestic
Birthplace: Changshan Zhending, Jizhou (now Zhengding, Hebei)

Official position: General Zhendong
Posthumous title: Marquis of Shunping
Family members: Sons: Zhao Tong, Zhao Guang


Zhao Yun began to fight with Gongsun Zan, and then took refuge in Liu Bei, protecting Liu Chan and Mrs. Gan from danger during the fierce battle at Changban in Dangyang.During Liu Bei's expedition to the west, Zhao Yun followed Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei and others along the river and contributed to the pacification of Yizhou.In the sixth year of Jianxing, Zhao Yun followed Zhuge Liang in the Northern Expedition, and his troops lost to Cao Zhen due to the difference in strength. However, because he and Deng Zhi led the troops to defend, the Shu army did not suffer a disastrous defeat. After the war, Zhao Yun asked to be demoted.In the seventh year of Jianxing, he died.

Historical evaluation:

Jiang Wei: I think that Yunxi followed the first emperor, and after his achievements, he managed the world, obeyed the laws and regulations, and his achievements are commendable.In the battle of Dangyang, righteousness permeates gold and stone, loyalty is used to defend the superior, the king will reward him, and the courtesy will be generous, and the minister will forget his death.The dead have knowledge, enough to be immortal; the living are grateful, enough to perish.

"Biography of Clouds": Clouds don't need to be close to themselves, but they are cautious.

Liu Chan: Yun used to follow the first emperor, and he has accumulated merits.When I was young, I was involved in difficulties, relying on loyalty and obedience, and helping danger.

Liu Bei: Zilong is full of courage.

Chen Shou: Zhao Yunqiang is strong and fierce, and he acts as a minion. How can he be a follower of Guan and Teng?
Yang Opera: Conquering Xi Zhongke, selecting scholars at the same time, fierce generals.

Huang Zhong

Word: Han Sheng
Birthplace: Nanyang, Jingzhou (now Nanyang, Henan)

Official position: Rear General
Posthumous title: Ganghou

Family Members: Son: Huang Xu

Historical Chronology:

▓In the 13th year of Jian'an [AD 208], Duke Cao Cao conquered Jingzhou.

▓In the 14th year of Jian'an [AD 209], Liu Bei settled the counties in the south, and Zhongsui appointed them.

▓In the 16th year of Jian'an [AD 211], he entered Shu with his followers.

▓In the 17th year of Jian'an [AD 212], Huang Zhong and Zhuo Ying reined in Xiang Zhang.

▓In the 17th year of Jian'an [AD 212], Liu Bei led troops, Zhong and Ying etc. into Fu and occupied its city.Zhang sent Liu Gui, Leng Bao, Zhang Ren, Deng Xian, etc. to reject the predecessors in Fu, all of which were ruined, and surrendered to Mianzhu.

▓In the 19th year of Jian'an [AD 214], Yizhou was established and worshiped as a general seeking captives.

▓In the 24th year of Jian'an [AD 219], Huang Zhong attacked Xia Houyuan at Dingjun Mountain in Hanzhong.Yuan's people are very good, loyal and push forward, they must advance, persuade and lead soldiers, golden drums shake the sky, cheers move the valley, and the Yuan army is defeated in one battle.Moved to General Xi.

▓In the 24th year of Jian'an [AD 219], Zhuge Liang, Ma Chao, Zhong and others were neglected by Liu Bei and became kings of Hanzhong.

▓ In the 24th year of Jian'an [AD 219], he was worshiped as the general and conferred the title of Marquis of Guannei.

▓In the 25th year of Jian'an [AD 220], died.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: The reputation of loyalty, Su Feiguan, and Ma Zhilun are also listed in the same order now.Ma and Zhang Zaijin, seeing their achievements in person, can still be used as metaphors; Guan Yao will be displeased when they hear about it, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Chen Shou: ① Zhongchang was the first to fall into the battle, and won the three armies with courage. ②Huang Zhongqiang is strong and fierce, and acts as a minion, is he the only one who can irrigate and soar?
Yang Xi: The general is strong and strong, destroys peaks and ascends difficulties, makes meritorious deeds, and does things at the right time.

Ma Chao

Word: Meng Qi
Time: 176-222 (Shou 47)

Birthplace: Fufeng Maoling, Yongzhou (now Xingping, Shaanxi)

Occupation: Hussar General

Posthumous title: Weihou

Family members: Father: Ma Teng, son: Ma Cheng
Historical Chronology:

▓In the first year of Jian'an [AD 196], Ma Chao Cong Teng and Han Sui attacked each other.

▓In the ninth year of Jian'an [204 A.D.], at the beginning, Cao Cao was the prime minister, and he did not succeed.Chao Hou worked for the governor of Sili Xiaowei, and asked Guo Yuan, but was captured by Fei Shi, and fought with his own feet, breaking and beheading the aid.He ordered to worship the governor of Xuzhou, and later paid homage to the admonishment doctor.

▓In the 13th year of Jian'an [AD 208], when Teng Zhi entered, Ma Chao was worshiped as a partial general and envoys to lead Teng's camp.

▓In the 16th year of Jian'an [AD 211], he surpassed the generals, joined forces with Han Sui, and joined forces with Yang Qiu, Li Kan, Cheng Yi, etc., and marched to Tongguan.Cao Cao condemned Cao Ren to discuss it.

▓In the 16th year of Jian'an [AD 211], in July, Cao Cao marched westward, and fought against Chaodao.In a hurry to hold it, Xu Huang and others were sent to Pubanjin at night, and they took Hexi as their camp.Cao crossed from Tongguan to the north, but was unable to save, so he went to the ship to fight urgently.Cao will cross the river, the front team is suitable for crossing, and the super class is dying, Cao still sits on the ground and can't afford it.Zhang He and others were in a hurry and led Cao into the boat.The river is rushing, like crossing, flowing for four or five miles, the super cavalry chases and shoots it, and the arrows fall like rain.
Ding Fei, the school lieutenant, used cattle and horses to bait the thieves, and the thieves took the cattle and horses indiscriminately, so he was able to cross.

▓In the 16th year of Jian'an [AD 211], in September, Cao Gong used Jia Xumou to separate Chao and Sui, and became more suspicious of each other, and the army was defeated.Super go to protect Zhurong.

▓In the 17th year of Jian'an [AD 212], Ma Chao besieged Wei Kang, the governor of Liangzhou, in Ji, Yuan rescued Kang, but before he arrived, Kang was defeated.Going to Hebei for more than two hundred miles, Chao came to fight against Xiahou Yuan.

▓In the 18th year of Jian'an [AD 213], Ma Chao was in Hanyang, and because of the harm of Qiang and Hu, King Di rebelled against Yingchao and settled in Xingguo.Let Xia Houyuan discuss it.

▓In the 19th year of Jian'an [AD 214], he led all the troops to attack Longshang counties and counties, and all Longshang counties and counties responded. He killed Wei Kang, the governor of Liangzhou, and occupied Jicheng, and there were many.Chao claimed to be General Zhengxi, led Bingzhou Mu, and supervised Liangzhou's military.Yang Fu, Zhao Qu and others conspired to overthrow.Breaking it, Xiao Xiao's wife is rushing to Hanzhong to rely on Zhang Lu.

▓In the 19th year of Jian'an [AD 214], Ma Chao returned from Zhang Lu.Yifu and Angbao Qishan were besieged by Chao, and the rescuers arrived in [-] days, and they were relieved.Super soldiers kill Yi Ziyue.

▓In the 19th year of Jian'an [AD 214], Ma Chao asked for soldiers from Lu, and wanted to take Liangzhou from the north, but Lu sent him there, which was useless.Also, Lu general Yang Bai and others wanted to harm his ability, so Chao fled from Wudu to Dizhong, then turned to Shu.Liu Bei sent people to meet Chao, and Chao's soldiers went to the city.The city was terrified, and Zhang was Jishou, with Chao as the general of Pingxi, and the governor of Linju, because the former capital was Tinghou.

▓In the 22nd year of Jian'an [AD 217], in the winter of October, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Wu Lan and others settled down to argue, and Cao Hong was sent to refuse.

▓In the 23rd year of Jian'an [AD 218], Cao Hong broke Wu Lan, and in March, Zhang Fei and Ma Chao left Hanzhong.

▓In the 24th year of Jian'an [AD 219], Ma Chao and others went to Shu: persuaded Liu Bei to become King of Hanzhong.Liu Bei is the king of Hanzhong, Bai Chao is the general of the left, and the festival is false.

▓ In the first year of Zhangwu (220 A.D.), he moved to the general of Hushi, led Liangzhou as a herdsman, and entered the feudal marquis of Yu Township.

▓In the second year of Zhangwu [AD 221], at the end of the day, Shang Shu said: "There are more than two hundred members of the sect of ministers, all of whom have been punished by Meng De. Only the younger brother Dai should be the successor of Weizong's blood, and I deeply entrust your majesty." , I have nothing to say.

▓In the second year of Zhangwu [AD 221], died.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: Meng Qi was both talented in civil and military affairs. He was a man of great vigor. He was a master of his life. The disciples of Ying and Peng should compete with Yide to be the first.

Cao Cao: If a horse never dies, I will have no burial place.

Yang Fu: Super trustworthy and courageous, he won the hearts of Qiang and Hu Xin.

Chen Shou: It's a pity that Ma Chao resisted the army's courage and overthrew his family!If you can become wealthy because of poverty, it will be better!

Yang Xi: The hussars rise up, the Lianheng and the Heng follow, the first thing is the Sanqin, and the river and Tong are protected.The plan is in the dynasty, whether it is different or the same, the enemy will take advantage of the provocation, and the family will be destroyed and the army will die.Be obedient and anti-German, trust the phoenix to climb the dragon.

Wang Shang: He is super brave but not benevolent. He can't think of righteousness when he sees it.

Liu Bei: With the king's faith in the northern land, both mighty and powerful, he appointed the king, resisted the tiger, and also Dong Wanli, seeking the relief of the people.In the Ming Dynasty, the Xuan Dynasty was transformed, Huaibao was far and near, and rewards and punishments were respected, and Hanhu was used to deal with the world.
Xu Jing

Word: Wenxiu
U time: ? ——222
Birthplace: [Yuzhou] Runan Pingyu [now Henan Pingyu]
Official position: Situ

Historical Chronology:

When Xu Jing was young, he and his younger brother Xu Shao were famous all over the world, and they served Dong Zhuo later. Because several prefectural officials recommended by him rebelled against Dong, they had to flee all over the world to seek refuge. Kong Ni, Chen Yi, Xu Gong, and Wang Lang all took Xu Jing into their homes.

After Sun Ce crossed to the east, Xu Jing was extremely calm, and personally led the formation to let his family members evacuate first.

Later, Liu Zhang sent people to recruit Xu Jing to Shu, and successively served as the prefect of Bajun and Guanghan.

In the 16th year of Jian'an, Xu Jing was in charge of Shu County.

In the 19th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei entered Shu with Xu Jing as the commander-in-chief of the left general.

After Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, Xu Jing served as Situ, and died of illness the following year at the age of over seventy.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: Xu Jingsu has a reputation. He is not only known for his honesty, but also for his character. Although he does things, he does not know what is appropriate.Although Jing is over seventy years old, he loves music figures, seduces the backward, and talks tirelessly.

Yang Xi: Situ Qingfeng, who is Zizi and Zang, knows love and human relations, and Kong Yin is strong.

Yuan Hui: Xu Wenxiu is a great man with great talent and wisdom.Since Liu Dang has come, he has been with the group of people. Whenever there is an emergency, he often puts others before himself, and shares the hunger and cold with the nine ethnic groups, both Chinese and foreign.Its Ji Gang is of the same kind, benevolent, forgiving and compassionate, all of which are effective, and cannot be repeated.

Wang Shang: Wenxiu is suave and magnificent, with the tools of the world, you should use your step as a guide.

Pei Songzhi: Wenxiu has a long-standing reputation, and the world calls him great. Although he has flaws in his last years, but things are not clear, if he does not add courtesy, how can he explain the confusion of distance and nearness!

Word: Zi Zhong
Appearance: graceful and dignified

Birthplace: Qushan County, Donghai, Xuzhou (now Lianyungang, Jiangsu)

Occupation: General Anhan

Family members: younger brother: Mi Fang, younger sister: Mi, son: Mi Wei
Historical Chronology:

Mi Zhu is a wealthy businessman with a huge family fortune.

Tao Qian, Xuzhou's shepherd, appointed Mi Zhu to work for Biejia. After Tao Qian's death, Mi Zhu went to Xiaopei to welcome Liu Bei to take charge of Xuzhou under Tao Qian's last order.

After Lu Bu raided Xiapi, Liu Bei's family members were captured. Mi Zhu married his younger sister to Liu Bei, supplemented by slave military funds, and Liu Bei's army was out of trouble.

Later, Cao Cao presented Mi Zhu as the prefect of Yingjun. Mi Zhu resigned and followed Liu Bei to fight in all directions.

After Yizhou was pacified, Mi Zhu served as General Anhan, ahead of Zhuge Liang.

Mi Zhu never commanded soldiers in his life, but he won the trust of Liu Bei and was extremely favored.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: Mi Zhu is graceful and courteous in the world.

Yang Xi: An Han's grace, whether married or a guest, at the time of the ceremony, is called Xunchen.

Cao Cao: Partial general Mi Zhu, Su Lu is loyal, civil and military Zhao Lie.

Mi Fang

Word: Zifang
Birthplace: Qushan County, Donghai, Xuzhou (now Lianyungang, Jiangsu)

Official position: Nanjun Taishou

Family Members: Brother: Mi Zhu

Historical Chronology:

After the death of Mu Taoqian in Xuzhou, he followed Liu Bei with his elder brother.When Liu Bei surrendered to Cao Cao, Mi Fang was once named Prime Minister of Pengcheng, but she did not stay in the post in the end, but continued to follow Liu Bei.When Guan Yu was guarding Jingzhou, Mi Fang served as the prefect of Nanjun and stationed in Jiangling, and at the same time, the generals stationed in the police. The two always hated Guan Yu and despised themselves.

Guan Yu went north to Xiangfan and ordered the two men to provide military supplies, but they couldn't complete the task. Guan Yu said, "I'll deal with you when I come back", and both of them were afraid.In the same year, Wu general Lu Meng captured Jingzhou, and Shiren surrendered.Mi Fang stood firm at first, but after seeing Shi Ren surrendered, he also surrendered in Kaesong, which eventually led to Guan Yu's defeat and death.

Mi Fang's act of surrender was also despised by the Wu people.Once, when Mi Fang was traveling on a boat, he encountered Wu Jiangyu's boat. The people on Mi Fang's boat wanted Yu Fan to get out of the way, and shouted: "Avoid our general's boat!" Why do you serve the monarch? Is it okay to make someone lose two cities and still be called a general?" Mi Fang was very ashamed, and closed the window of the boat to let Yu Fan pass first.Later, Yu Fan traveled by car and passed Mi Fang's camp, but the officials did not open the door, so Yu Fan's car could not pass through.Yu Fan said very angrily: "Close what should be opened, and open what should be closed. How can you do such a thing?" Mi Fang felt even more ashamed after hearing this.

[223] In June, Sun Quan ordered He Qi to raid Qichun, Mi Fang and others followed, and finally won.

Historical evaluation:

Yang Opera: In ancient times, courtiers rushed to court, and courtesy came and went, resenting officials, and disregarding great virtues.Mi was rescued by Kuang, doubled up and ran north, cut himself off from others, and made fun of the two kingdoms.

Sun Qian

Word: Gongyou
Birthplace: Beihai

Official position: General Bingzhong


First he led Xuzhou, and he was appointed to work. Zheng Xuan said: "Xuan recommended to work in the state."Qian was ordered to be ordered, and Xuan was also cited.Then follow around.The former master betrayed Cao Gong, sent Qian to marry Yuan Shao, and moved to Jingzhou, and Qian and Mi Zhu both sent Liu Biao, and they all agreed.Later, he talked with Yuan Shangshu about the changes in his brothers' strife, and said: "Every time I discuss this matter with General Liu Zuo and Sun Gongyou, it is not without heartache, and it is also sad for each other." This is what he sees.The first master appointed Yizhou, and Qianzi was appointed as Zhonglang as Bingzhong General. He met Mi Zhu with courtesy, and was on the same level as Jian Yong.After a while, die.

Historical evaluation:

H, Chen Shou: Sun Qian is graceful and courteous, and he is respected in the world.

Character Jian Yong (original surname Geng)
Word: Xianhe
Birthplace: Zhuojun

Official position: General Zhaode


Few are old with the first master, and follow around.When the First Lord came to Jingzhou, Yong, Mi Zhu, and Sun Qian were both engaged as Zhonglang, and they were often talkers and missions.When the First Lord entered Yizhou, Liu Zhang saw Yong and fell in love with him very much.Later, the First Lord besieged Chengdu and sent Yong to talk about Zhang. Zhang then joined Yong in the same opinion and left the city to return to his fate.The First Lord Bai Yong was General Zhaode.When there was a drought and alcohol was banned, those who brewed were punished.Officials ask for brewing utensils from others, and the commentators want to order them to be punished with the same punishment as the winemakers.Yong traveled with the former master and saw a man and woman walking the way. He said that the former master said: "That person wants to commit adultery, why is he not tied?" The former master said: "How do you know it?" Those who want to brew are the same." The First Lord laughed, but those who wanted to brew originally.Yongzhi is funny, all of them are like this.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: [-]. You are very romantic, simple and arrogant in nature, sitting on the seat of the former master, like leaning on the table, dignified and self-indulgent; Zhuge Liang is already on the couch, lying on the pillow and talking, doing nothing. ②Jian is graceful and graceful, and is known to the world.

Yiji of characters

Word: Jibo
Birthplace: Sanyo

Official position: General Zuo engaged in Zhonglang

Liu Biao, the general of Zhennan, a native of Shaoyi.The First Lord was in Jingzhou, and his family often came and went.The pawn, then crossed the river south with the former master, and then entered Yizhou.Yizhou is established, and he is a general of Zuo who is a Zhonglang. He treats Yayu Jianyong, Sun Qian and others.An envoy from the east was sent to Wu. Sun Quan heard about his talent and wanted to speak against him.Ji Shi came to worship, and Quan said: "Is there a king who has no way to do things?"Later, he moved to General Zhaowen, and together with Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, Liu Ba, and Li Yan, founded Shuke; the system of Shuke was formed by five people.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: native of Iraq, graceful and courteous, well known to the world.

Character Qin Mi

Word: Zi Chi
time:? ——226
Birthplace: Mianzhu, Guanghan

Official position: Dasinong
Historical Chronology:

There are few talents and learning, and the prefectures and counties are ordered to order, and they often say that they will not go away when they are ill.

The former master established Yizhou, and Xia Houzuan, the prefect of Guanghan, invited Mi to sacrifice wine for his teachers and friends. He received the five sense organs and called him Zhongfu.

Yizhou Pimi is engaged in offering sacrifices to wine.

Since the First Lord took the honorary title, he would conquer Wu in the east, and Mi Chentian would have nothing to gain, so he would sit in prison and be confined, and then loan him out.

In the second year of Jianxing, the prime minister led Yizhou Mu, chose Mi Ying as his farewell driver, and looked for General Zuo Zhonglang and Captain Changshui.

Wu sent envoy Zhang Wen to hire, and all the officials went to Yanyan.Everyone gathered but Mi didn't go, Liang Lei sent envoys to urge them, Wen said: "Who is that?" All five-foot boys learn from it, so why be a villain!" Wen Fu asked, "Does the sky have a head?" Mi said, "It does." Wen said, "Where is it?" Mi said, "In the west. The poem said: 'It's about looking west.' Based on this, the head is in the west." Wen said: "Does the sky have ears?" Mi said: "The sky is high and the hearing is low. Yu Tian.' If it has no ears, how can you listen to it?" Wen said: "Is there enough in the sky?" Is it?" Wen said, "Does heaven have a surname?" Mi said, "Yes." Wen said, "What's your surname?" Mi said, "The surname is Liu." Wen said, "How do you know it?" He replied, "The Son of Heaven's surname is Liu, so I know him from this." Wen said: "Is the sun born in the east?" Mi said: "Although he was born in the east, he did not live in the west." The answers came out like a ring, and Wen Da respected him.Mi's literary debates are all like this.

He moved to Da Si Nong and died in four years.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ① Qin Mi began to admire the height of fatness, but nothing like foolishness.However, there is more than enough expertise, and the literature is magnificent, which can be called a talent for a while. ②Mi distinguishes the root of its otherwise.It is also very reasonable to talk about the theory of emperors and kings bullying (raising) dragons.

Peng Yi: Qin Mi, a scholar in Fushimian, Mianzhu, learned the virtues of Shanfu, acted like a gentleman, rested on a stone to wash the stream, chanted the robes, died in the way of benevolence and righteousness, and calmed down in the realm of grandeur. It's really not a loss, although the ancients absconded, they were contemptuous.If the Ming Palace can attract this person, they will have a reputation of being loyal and loyal, making great achievements and making great achievements, and then the meritorious service will be recorded in the palace, and the reputation will be heard in the afterlife.
Wei Yan

Word: text length
time:? ——234
Birthplace: Yiyang County, Jingzhou (now Tongbai, Henan)
Official position: former military adviser, General Zhengxi, Nanzheng Hou

Historical Chronology:

When Liu Bei entered Shu, Wei Yan, as Liu Bei's subordinate, had many military exploits and was promoted to General Yamen.

Liu Bei became queen of Hanzhong, moved to Chengdu, and named Wei Yan the general who supervised Hanzhong Zhenyuan and led Hanzhong prefect; the whole army was shaken, and Liu Bei held a meeting of officials.Later he was promoted to General Zhenbei.

The first year of Jianxing (223 AD)
Wei Yan was granted the title of Marquis of Tingdu.

Jianxing five years (AD 227)
Zhuge Liang was stationed in Hanzhong, and Wei Yan led Prime Minister Sima and Liangzhou Governor to supervise the front army.

The eighth year of Jianxing (230 AD)
Wei Yanxi entered Qiangzhong, defeated Fei Yao and Guo Huai in Yangxi, moved to the former army division, general of the western conquest, and feuded to Nanzhenghou.

The 12th year of Jianxing (234 AD)
Zhuge Liang died of illness, Wei Yan and Yang Yi attacked each other, and finally Wei Yan was killed by Ma Dai.Later, Yang Yi, Yi, Wei and Yan were from the three clans.


Wei Yan was a famous general in the Shu Han Dynasty. After following Liu Bei into Sichuan, he performed outstandingly. He was highly valued by Liu Bei and was entrusted with important tasks many times.During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, Wei Yan, as Zhuge Liang's right-hand man, made great contributions to the Shu Han.Wei Yan is a lonely man, good at raising soldiers, and brave, but he is at odds with Yang Yi, an important minister of the Shu Han.After Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan led his army to kill Yang Yi, but Yang Yi sent Ma Dai to kill him instead.Later, Wei Yan's family was wiped out by the three clans.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ①Wei Yan's bravery is precious.Seeing its actions, following its rules, and causing disasters and taking blame, all of them are themselves. ②Wei Yan's bravery ③Yan is good at raising soldiers, is brave, and has a high personality

Yang Xi: Wen Chang is tough and rough, he accepts orders in the face of adversity, rushes to the foreign imperial court, and protects the country's borders.Disharmony and disharmony, forgetting the integrity and talking in disorder, appreciating the beginning of the end of the disease, the reality is only the nature.

Character Liu Feng

Original Surname: Luo Hou Kou

Time: 192-220 (Shou 29)

Appearance: vigorous

Birthplace: Changsha, Jingzhou (now Xiangyin, Hunan)

Position: Deputy General

Family members: foster father: Liu Bei, son: Liu Lin

Historical Chronology:

In the 12th year of Jian'an (207 A.D.), Liu Bei was adopted as a adopted son.

In the 17th year of Jian'an (212 A.D.), all the generals and soldiers went back westward with Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, etc., and fought against each other.

In the 19th year of Jian'an (214 A.D.), Yizhou was established and appointed as the deputy army general.

In the 24th year of Jian'an (AD 219), Liu Bei ordered Da to attack Fangling from Zigui to the north, and Da general to attack Shangyong. Yong.Moved to the rank of deputy general.

In the 24th year of Jian'an (219 A.D.), Guan Yumai was trapped in the city, and asked for help from Feng and Da, and ordered troops to help.Feng and Da did not accept Yu's order.When Yu died, the First Lord hated him.

In the 25th year of Jian'an (220 AD), Da feared crimes and surrendered to Wei.Repair the book on the seal and persuade him to surrender.Reject it.Wei Xuhuang and Meng Da attacked Shangyong, and Feng Nei was defeated and returned to Chengdu. Liu Bei blamed them and granted Feng to death.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ① Liu Feng is in a place of suspicion, but Sifang is not enough to defend himself. ② Feng Gang is fierce, has martial arts, and has extraordinary strength.

Jiang Wei

Word: Bojo
Time: 202-264 (Shou 63)

Birthplace: Ji County, Tianshui, Liangzhou (now southeast of Gangu County, Gansu)

Official position: General
Family members: Father: Jiang Jiong

Historical Chronology:

▓In the sixth year of Jianxing [AD 228], the Prime Minister Zhuge Liang’s army went to Qishan, when the Tianshui prefect went out to the case, and the Weiji Gong Cao Liangxu, the chief book Yin Shang, and the chief record Liang Qian followed.The prefect heard that the Shu army was coming, and the counties responded, and Su Wei and others all had different ideas, so he died at night to protect Shangyu.Wei waited for Jue Taishou to go, chased him late, and arrived at the city gate, which was closed and refused to accept.Dimensions and other phases are also expected, and Ji is not included in Dimensions.Wei and others are all attainments to Zhuge Liang.Huiliangba returned more than a thousand families in Xixian County and Wei, so Wei lost his mother.Liang Biwei became Cangcao Piao, added Fengyi General, and was granted the title of Dangyang Tinghou at the age of 27.

▓In the sixth year of Jianxing [AD 228], in winter, Wei Suiliang returned to Sanguan and surrounded Chencang. Cao Zhen refused, and Liang waited for the food to be exhausted.

▓In the seventh year of Jianxing [AD 229], he had an audience with the Empress, moved to the Central Supervision Army, and was the general who conquered the West.

▓In the eighth year of Jianxing [AD 230], in the autumn, Sima Yi, an envoy of Wei, went from Xicheng, Zhang He from Ziwu, and Cao Zhen from Xiegu, intending to attack Hanzhong.Prime Minister Liang and Wei waited in Chenggu and Akasaka, and the heavy rain stopped, so they all returned.

▓In the ninth year of Jianxing [AD 231], in the second month of spring, Wei Suiliang returned to encircle Qishan, and began to transport it with wooden oxen.Wei Sima Yi and Zhang He rescued Qi Shan.In summer and June, the army ran out of food and retreated.

▓In the 12th year of Jianxing [AD 234], in the second month of spring, Wei Suiliang came out of Xiegu and was transported by Liuma.Jiang Wei called Liang and said, "Xin Zuozhi has arrived on the festival, and the thieves will not come back."

▓ In the 12th year of Jianxing [AD 234], in the autumn of August, Liang died in Weibin.The Shu army retreated, Yang Yi and others came out, the people rushed to report to King Xuan, and King Xuan pursued him.Jiang Wei ordered Yi to turn against the flag and beat the drums. If he would go to King Xuan, King Xuan would retreat.

▓In the 12th year of Jianxing [AD 234], Wei returned to Chengdu.

▓In the first year of Yanxi [AD 238], Wei lived in Hanzhong with the general Jiang Wan.

▓ In the second year of Yanxi [AD 239], in the third month of spring, Wan moved to Da Sima, took Wei as Sima, and led some troops to march westward.

▓In the fifth year of Yanxi [AD 242], in the first month of spring, Jiang Wei, the supervisor of the army, supervised the partial army, and returned to Tunfu County from Hanzhong.

▓In the sixth year of Yanxi [AD 243], he moved to the general of Zhenxi and led the governor of Liangzhou.

▓In the tenth year of Yanxi [AD 247], he moved to General Wei, and recorded the affairs of Shangshu with General Fei Yi.

▓In the tenth year of Yanxi [AD 247], Wenshan flattened the Kangyi rebellion, and Wei led the people to discuss it.

▓In the tenth year of Yanxi [AD 247], he went out of Longxi, Nan'an, and Jincheng, and fought against Wei generals Guo Huai and Xiahouba in Taoxi.Hu Wangzhi Wudai and other tribes surrendered, and Wei general returned them.

▓In the 12th year of Yanxi [AD 249], Xiahou Ba descended to Shu, and Jiang Wei asked, "Sima Yi won the other government, should he have the ambition to conquer again?" Ba said: "The other side established a family, and did not care about foreign affairs. There is Zhong Shiji Even though there are few of them, they will eventually be the worry of Wu and Shu, but even non-special people cannot use them.”

▓ In the 12th year of Yanxi [AD 249], false Weijie, came back to Xiping, but returned.Wei used to practice Western customs, and wanted to lure the Qiang and Hu to think of them as wings, which can be cut off from the west of Long.Every time Fei Yi wanted to make a big move to raise the army, Fei Yi often failed to follow suit, and his soldiers were no more than [-].

▓In the 13th year of Yanxi [AD 250], Jiang Wei came back to Xiping, but returned.

▓In the 16th year of Yanxi [AD 253], in spring and summer, Wei led tens of thousands of people out of Shiying, passed through Dongting, and surrounded Nan'an. Chen Tai, the governor of Wei Yongzhou, rescued the siege to Luomen, and returned all the food in Wei.

▓ In the 17th year of Yanxi [AD 254], in the first month of spring, Jiang Wei returned to Chengdu to supervise Chinese and foreign military affairs.After returning to Longxi, Li Jian, the Taoist priest of Shoudi, surrendered from the city.Entering Xiangwu, he confronted Wei general Xu Zhi, beheaded and defeated the enemy, and the Wei army retreated.Weicheng Shengduo descended, and the people of Tuoheguan, Didao and Lintao counties returned.

▓ In the 18th year of Yanxi [AD 255], in the spring, Jiang Wei returned to Chengdu.Fu and Xia Houba, the chariot and cavalry general, all went out of Di Dao, and defeated the Wei Yongzhou governor Wang Jing in Taoxi, killing tens of thousands of people.Di Daocheng was surrendered and Weiwei surrounded it.Wei Zhengxi's general Chen Tai advanced to rescue the siege, but Wei stayed in Zhongti.

▓ In the 19th year of Yanxi [AD 256], in the spring, he moved to Wei as a general.He reorganized his army and horses, and went to the meeting with Hu Jiqi, the general of Zhenxi, but he failed to make an oath, so Wei was defeated by Deng Ai, the general of Wei, in Duangu.For the post-general, the general military.

▓In the 20th year of Yanxi [AD 257], Wei Zhengdong's general Zhuge Dan rebelled in Huainan, and sent troops from Guanzhong to the east.Wei wanted to take advantage of the emptiness to go to Qinchuan, and led tens of thousands of people out of Luogu to Shenling.Sima Wang, the general of Wei, refused, and Deng Ai also came from Longyou, and all of them were stationed on the Great Wall.Wei lived in Manshui before, and they all relied on the mountains for their camps.Wang and Ai are surrounded by Wei, challenged under the dimension, Wang and Ai should not.

▓ In the first year of Jingyao [AD 258], Wei Wendan was ruined and returned to Chengdu.Farewell to the general.

▓In the fifth year of Jingyao [AD 262], Wei Evil Huang Hao was domineering, and the master wanted to kill him.The Empress said: "Hao tended to go to the ears of the little minister and cut his teeth at Dong Yun. I always hate him. Why do you mind!"

▓In the fifth year of Jingyao [262 A.D.], Wei led the crowd out of Han and Houhe, was destroyed by Deng Ai, and lived in Tazhong.Weiben travels to Tuoguo, has been attacking and fighting for many years, but the achievements are not established, while the eunuch Huang Hao and others take power inside, the right general Yan Yu is compared with Hao, and Haoyin wants to abolish Wei Shuyu.Wei also doubted it.Therefore, I am in danger and fear, and will never return to Chengdu.

▓In the sixth year of Jingyao [263 A.D.], Wei Biao's empress master said: "Wen Zhonghui will govern Guanzhong, and if he wants to make progress, it is advisable to send Zhang Yi and Liao Huadu troops to guard Yang'an Pass and Yinping Bridge to prevent unforeseen circumstances. "

▓In the sixth year of Jingyao [AD 263], Zhong Hui will go to Luogu, Deng Ai will go to Tazhong, and then he will send his right cart to ride Liao Huayi to Tazhong as a reinforcement. For more than a month, he will still live in Yinping.

▓In the sixth year of Jingyao [AD 263], when Yi and Juefu arrived in Hanshou, Wei and Hua retreated from Yinping, suitable for joining Yi and Jue.Whether the meeting can be overcome, the grain transportation is far away from the county, and the meeting will be returned.

▓In the sixth year of Jingyao [263 A.D.], Deng Ai entered from Yinpinggu Road, and the later master asked to surrender to Ai, and Ai occupied Chengdu.Wei then led the army from Guanghan and Qidao to judge the actual situation.Seeking to be ordered by the Empress, he cast his sword and put his armor on, and he met in front of the Fu army. The soldiers were angry and drew their knives and chopped stones.

▓ In the sixth year of Jingyao [AD 263], Wei Gui said at the meeting: "I heard that the king has come from Huainan, and there are no strategies left behind. The Jin Dao Kechang is all the power of the king. Now the restoration of Shu, the mighty virtue of the world, and the people's merits , The Lord is afraid of his plan, and wants to return home in peace! Husband Han Xin does not betray the Han to the hustle and bustle, so that he sees doubts in Jiping, and the doctor does not follow Fan Li in the five lakes. Well? Benefits and disadvantages make it so. Now that you have made great achievements and great virtues, why not follow Tao Zhugong to go boating and disappear, and protect yourself with all your efforts, climb the mountain of Emei, and swim from Chisong?" The meeting said: "Your words are far away. Well, I can't do it, and it's the current way, maybe it's not enough." Wei said: "Others are what you can do with your intellect, and I don't bother you."

▓In the sixth year of Jingyao [AD 263], the Wei Church punished the generals who came from the north. After they died, Xu wanted to kill the Hui, exhausted the soldiers of Wei, and returned to Shuzuo. The humiliation, the minister wants to make the country safe and secure, and the sun and the moon darken and restore the light."

▓ In the fifth year of Jingyuan [AD 264], the fifteenth day of the first lunar month will come. Tomorrow, I will invite the guards, county guards, Yamen cavalry governors and above, and old officials from Shu. Zhong Hui will be mourned for the queen mother in the Shu court.Correcting the Queen Mother's edict, he will raise troops to abolish King Wen, and Wei Sui will rebel.

▓In the fifth year of Jingyuan [AD 264], at noon on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Hu Lie's soldiers and Lie'er Lei went out with drums.The clock meeting party gave Jiang Wei an armored stick, and there was a sound of Hungarians outside the white, like a fire, and after a while, the white soldiers walked towards the city.Hui was startled, and said Wei said: "Soldiers seem to want to do evil, what should I say?" Wei said: "But you should hit your ears." The door, the soldiers smashed the door, can't break it.Sixu, leaning on the ladder outside the door to climb the city, or burning the city houses, ants will enter indiscriminately, arrows will rain down, and the Yamen and the county guards will go out of the house to win with their soldiers.Jiang Wei led the battle left and right, killing five or six people with his hands, and all of them beheaded Jiang Wei.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: ①Jiang Boyue is loyal to current affairs, thinks carefully, and examines his own possessions. Yongnan and Jichang are not as good as others. ②He is a Sergeant Sergeant in Liangzhou.
③ Very sensitive to military affairs, with courage and righteousness, and a deep understanding of military will. ④ This person is in the Han Dynasty, and his talents are both human.

Liao Hua: "If a soldier does not fight, he will die." This is what Bo Yue said.Wisdom does not rival the enemy, but power is less than that of the enemy, and it is used insatiably, how can it be established?The poem says "Don't be self-first, don't be self-after", today's matter is also.

Fu Xuan: Wei is a man who likes to make a name for himself, but caresses the dead, and does not cultivate common people.

Deng Ai: Jiang Wei has been a hero for a while, and he is worthy of a certain person, so he is poor.

Zhong Hui: ① Compared with famous scholars in China, Yiboyue couldn't win in the early days. ②Gonghou, with the virtues of civil and martial arts, cherishes the strategy of the world, contributes to Ba and Han, and has a good voice in China, and he is famous from far and near.

Guo awarded: At that time, the officials and subordinates of Shu were all handsome in the world, and none of them were Weiyou.

Cao Huan: Shu relies on Weiwei.
Chang Chu: Jiang Weicai is not a good man, he is determined to follow the great track, the people think he is hard work, and his family and country are also lost.
Chen Shou: Jiang Wei was rough in civil and military affairs, determined to make a name for himself, but played with the crowd and made a fool of himself. He was not clear about his decisions and eventually died.

Gan Bao: Jiang Wei was the chancellor of Shu, and the king of the country was humiliated by the death of Fu, but he died in the chaos of Zhonghui, what a pity!It is not the difficulty of death, but the difficulty of execution.That is why the ancient martyrs, who received orders when they were in danger, surrendered to the festival as if they were at home, did not love death, because they knew that their lives would not last long and they were afraid of not being able to do what they wanted.

Sun Sheng: ①Sheng Yiyonghe first came to Pingshu from Anxi General, and met all the old men, and after Jiang Wei's surrender, he secretly communicated with Liu Chanbiao, saying that he wanted to serve Zhonghui in a false way, but because he was killed to return to the land of Shu, the affairs of the meeting were not good. Jie, and then died out, and the people of Shu are hurting it today.Sheng thought that the ancients said that if you are not trapped, you will be humiliated if you are trapped, and you will be in danger if you are not possessed.When Deng Ai entered the river, there were very few soldiers. Wei Jin could not fight hard to be under Mianzhu, and he could not retreat to lead the five generals, support the Lord of Shu, and think of future plans. The meeting of Ji, with a weakened country, has repeatedly observed soldiers in the Three Qin Dynasty, a state that has been destroyed, and the miracle of Ji Li is not too dark!
②The theory of Yizai, but it is also!Although husbands and wives practice a hundred things, their occupations are very different. As for loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, they are the crown of a hundred things.Jiang Weize's name was the Wei family, and he went to the Shu Dynasty abroad. He disobeyed the king and favored interests, which cannot be called loyalty; donating to relatives and avoiding it, can't be called filial piety; harming the old state, can't be called righteousness; And the tired people succeed, occupying the responsibility of defending against insults and causing the enemy to lose their guard, Yu Fu is wise and brave, Mo Keyun also said: there are six Vances, and there is no one.It is true that Wei's ministers, the chaos of the subjugated country, and the appearance of Yunren are also confusing.Longitudinal good books and self-cleaning, is it the righteousness of sharing wealth with husbands and robbers, and the goodness of Cheng and Zheng's demotion?
Pei Songzhi: ① It is inappropriate for Sheng to ridicule Wei.At the time of the Zhonghui, the people built the Jiange, Wei and the generals set up camps to defend the danger, but they were not allowed to enter the meeting.But Deng Ai sneaked in cunningly, and after that, Zhuge Zhan was defeated and Chengdu collapsed.If Wei Ruo returns to the army to save the country, he will take advantage of it.At that time, how can we get two benefits?It is unreasonable for Li Wei not to be able to save Mianzhu and defend the Lord of Shu.He will try his best to pit the generals of Wei to make great things happen, to give them heavy troops, and to make them the pioneers.If all the generals of Wei are killed, and the military affairs are in Wei's hands, it will not be difficult to kill them and return to Shu.It's beyond the principle of kung fu, and then it's a surprise. It can't be wrong, but it's not the case.If you use Tian Dan's plan, you won't meet each other, so it can be described as stupid and dark! ②However, just as this argument is, whichever can be called, it does not mean that Wei always acts as a criterion.The so-called "momentary appearance" is limited to studious and frugal ears.This biography and Wei Lue both say that Weiben had no intention of rebellion, and was forced to return to Shu in a hurry.Sheng Xiang ridiculed and demoted, but he could be blamed for betraying his mother.I have suffered too much, but it is not because it is difficult but it is right.

But Zhengzheng: Jiang Boyue is the top general, he is on the right of the officials, the house is poor, there is no money left, there is no concubine in the concubine, no music for entertainment, clothes for offerings, horses for preparation, food and drink Temperance, no extravagance, no promises, officials give expenses, and spend them at will; those who observe why it is not to stimulate greed and turbidity, and suppress emotions to cut themselves, it is said that this is enough, not to ask for more.Ordinary people often talk about success and failure, supporting the high and suppressing the low. It is salty to think that Jiang Wei has nowhere to live, and his family is destroyed.For example, Jiang Wei's joy in learning is tireless, clear and frugal, and he has the appearance of the moment.
Chen Dao

Word: Shuzhi
time:? ——230
Birthplace: Runan County, Yuzhou (present-day Zhumadian, Henan)
Former official positions: General Zhengxi, Marquis of Ting

Historical Chronology:

Chen Dao became Liu Bei's subordinate when Liu Bei was in Yuzhou, and moved to the Quartet with Liu Bei. His name was often inferior to Zhao Yun's, and he was famous for his loyalty and bravery.

In the early days of the Empress Dominion of Shu (around 223 and 224), Chen Dao was appointed as the guard of the army, the general who conquered the west, and was granted the title of Marquis of Ting.

In 226, Zhuge Liang was preparing for the Northern Expedition and wanted to move his army to Hanzhong, so Li Yan, who was stationed in Yong'an, moved to Tunjiang Prefecture, leaving Chen Dao to station in Yong'an.Chen Dao was appointed as the governor of Yong'an, and he was still under the control of Li Yan.Zhuge Liang mentioned in a letter with his brother Zhuge Jin: "Chen Dao's supervisor is the elite under the late emperor's tent, the top-ranking army of the Kingdom of Shu."

In 230, Chen Dao died of illness while taking office.

Historical evaluation:

Yang Opera: Conquering Xi Zhongke, selecting scholars at the same time, fierce generals.

Huang Shuo (wife of Zhuge Liang)
Word: Yueying
Birthplace: People from Baishui, Miannan, Jingzhou (now the area is unknown)

Appearance: yellow head black

Family members: [Father] Huang Chengyan [Mother] Cai Shi [Spouse] Zhuge Liang
【Concise historical biography】

Huang Yueying is the daughter of Huang Chengyan of Mianyang famous scholar, Huang Chengyan has ability to recommend to Zhuge Liang with Huang Yueying, the request matchs marriage, husband and wife is with Huang Yueying then after Zhuge Liang agrees. Huang Yueying according to legend has fair hair and dark skin, but knowledge is extensive.But there is also a saying that Huang Yueying is extremely beautiful, so she was jealous of other young women in the village and slandered her appearance.
Zhuge Liang invented the wooden ox and the flowing horse, which is said to have developed from the skills taught by Huang Yueying.It is said that some of the special products in Jingzhou were also made or invented by Huang Yueying.Nowadays Xiangfan is taken, still can hear a lot of moving fokelore about Zhu Geliang and Huang Yueying.

Historical Chronology:

[AD 197-207] The second year of Jian'an, Emperor Xiandi of the Eastern Han Dynasty-12 years
Zhuge Liang was about to choose a mate. Huang Chengyan, a famous Mianyang scholar who is known for his integrity, suggested to Zhuge Liang: "I heard that you are choosing a mate. I have an ugly daughter. Although she has yellow hair and dark skin, she can match you." Zhuge Liang agreed to marry him, so Huang Chengyan used a car Send Huang Yueying to Zhuge Liang.
After Zhuge Liang married Huang Yueying, a proverb appeared in the village: "Don't choose a wife like Kong Ming, only get Huang Chengyan's ugly daughter"

Zhuge Liang lived in Longzhong, and a guest came to visit. Zhuge Liang ordered his wife to grind the flour. In a short while, the flour was ready. Zhuge Liang wondered why it was so fast. Later, he observed in private and saw several wooden figures grinding wheat and flour quickly.So Zhuge Liang asked Huang Yueying for advice and learned related mechanical skills.

[AD 231-232] Shu Han Jianxing Nine Years-Ten Years

Zhuge Liang recruited Liao Li, Du Rui, Hu Zhong and others to transport them to Baima Mountain, 25 miles southwest of Jinggu County. Through the transformation of the original mechanical skills, two kinds of transportation tools, wooden ox and Liuma, were made.

Historical evaluation:

"Xiangyang Ji": Don't be Kong Ming's choice of wife, you are getting the ugly girl of Acheng.

Liu Ba

Word: Zichu
time:? ——222
Birthplace: Chengyang, Lingling, Jingzhou (now Shaodong, Hunan)

Official position: Shang Shuling

Liu Ba was famous for his talent when he was young. Liu Biao repeatedly recommended him, but he refused to be an official.When Cao Cao went to Jingzhou, Liu Ba surrendered to Cao Cao and was ordered to recruit Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang. He didn't want the three counties to be acquired by Liu Bei.After Liu Ba entered Shu, Liu Bei conquered Xichuan shortly after, and Zhuge Liang recommended Liu Ba as the left general Xi Cao.Liu Bei proclaimed himself the Queen of Hanzhong, Liu Ba was the Shangshu, and later replaced Fazheng as the Shangshuling.Liu Ba is frugal and doesn't want to socialize with others. He only cares about business affairs.When Liu Bei came to the throne, all the imperial edicts and orders were written by Liu Ba.After Liu Ba died of illness, Chen Qun of Wei State personally wrote to Zhuge Liang to ask about Liu Ba's news, and he respected Liu Ba very much.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: Liu Ba lived in the festival of Qing Shang.

Yang Opera: Shangshu is clean and upright, the whole body is ordered to act, resist the will and preserve righteousness, taste the classics, rely on its high style, like the ancients

Zhuge Liang: I'm not as far away as Zichu is when I plan and plan strategies!

Liu Bei: Zichu is extremely talented and intelligent, like an orphan, he can be appointed, but it is difficult for someone who is not an orphan to be alone.

Ma Liang

Word: Ji Chang
Time: 187-222 (Shou 36)

Birthplace: Yicheng, Xiangyang, Jingzhou (now south of Yicheng, Hubei)
Appearance: white hair in the eyebrows
Official position: waiter

Family members: younger brother: Ma Su, son: Ma Bing
Historical Chronology:

The five Ma Liang brothers were talented and famous when they were young
Ma Liang became an official when Liu Bei occupied Jingzhou and held a post.

After Liu Bei entered Sichuan and Zhuge Liang made western aid, Ma Liang stayed in Jingzhou and was promoted to General Zuo.

Later, Ma Liang went to Soochow as an envoy, and was treated respectfully by Sun Quan.

After Liu Bei ascended the throne, he appointed Ma Liang as his servant.

During Liu Bei's Eastern Expedition, Ma Liang was ordered to recruit Wuxi barbarians, and all barbarians obeyed the Shu Han.

Ma Liang died in the battle of Yiling.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: Ma Liang Zhenshi, known as Lingshi, a good minister in Shuzhong.

There is a proverb in the village: Ma's Wuchang, white eyebrows are the best.

Yang Opera: Ji Chang Liangshi, Cai or Zang, Broadcasting Shuzhi, Lanfang of Chu.

Ma Di

Word: Youchang
Time: 190-228 (Shou 39)

Birthplace: Yicheng, Xiangyang, Jingzhou (now Yicheng, Hubei)

Official position: Prefect of Yuejun

Family Members: Brother: Ma Liang

Historical Chronology:

Ma Di was famous for his talent when he was young, and he and his brothers were called "Ma Shi Wuchang".

Ma Di and Ma Liang once served Jingzhou together. When Liu Bei entered Sichuan, Ma Di followed the army.

Ma Su successively served as the prefect of Mianzhu Ling, Chengdu Ling, and Yuexi, and was appreciated by Zhuge Liang for his brilliant talent.

When Liu Bei was dying, he warned Zhuge Liang that Ma Di should not be reused, but Zhuge Liang did not listen.

Jianxing six years (AD 228)
Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition sent troops out of Qishan Mountain. He defied all opinions and appointed Ma Di as the vanguard to lead the army. He fought against Wei general Zhang Tai in Jieting.Ma Di died after being imprisoned (one said he was executed according to military law), Zhuge Liang also shed tears for him.

Historical evaluation:

Liu Bei: Ma Di exaggerates the truth and should not be used too much.

Chen Shou: He is very talented and good at discussing military strategy.

Dong He

Word: You Zai
Birthplace: Zhijiang, Nanjun, Jingzhou (now Zhijiang, Hubei)

Official position: general in charge of the army
Family members: Son: Dong Yun


Dong He's ancestors were originally from Jiangzhou, Berkshire. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Dong He led his clan to move westward, and was appointed as Niu Jia by Yizhou Mu Liuzhang. He successively served as Jiangyuan Chief and Chengdu Order.The middle of Shu is rich and prosperous, and the folk customs are extravagant, but Dong He is diligent and thrifty, and his food and clothing are simple.Fearing that Dong He would enforce the law harshly, a powerful man persuaded Liu Zhang to change Dong He to be the captain of Badong. Before Dong He left for the new place, his subordinates and thousands of people begged him to stay. After Liu Zhang learned about it, he left Dong He where he was. He continued to serve for two years and was promoted to be the prefect of Yizhou.Dong He made friends with foreigners in the south, and the foreigners all trusted and loved him.

After Liu Bei entered Shu, he appointed Dong He as the general of Zhonglang in the army, and he and the military adviser general Zhuge Liang also took charge of the affairs of the left general Da Sima.Since then, Dong He has been an official for more than [-] years, connecting with ethnic minorities outside, and working internally.After his death, very little property remained in his family.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: ①The husband who participates in the office gathers the wisdom and loyalty of the people.If it is too far away, it is difficult to contradict it, and it will be damaged by Kuang Que.Obtaining success by disobedience is like obtaining pearls and jade by abandoning disadvantages.Although people's sufferings cannot be exhausted, but Dong Youzai has been in the office for seven years, and nothing will happen. As for the ten evils, I will come to tell you.If you can be diligent and loyal to the country, you can be less bright. ②The former counselor Yu Youzai, every word is exhausted.

Chen Shou: Dong He is like a lamb, and Shu officials are good.

Character of Lu Yi

Word: Ji Yang
Birthplace: Nanyang

Official position: Shang Shuling
Family Members: Father: Lu Chang, Son: Lu Chen

Yi Shaogu, good at reading and playing drums and pianos.At the beginning, the First Lord established Yizhou, and set up the Yanfu school lieutenant, which was more beneficial than salt and iron. Later school lieutenant Wang Lian invited Yi, Nanyang Du Qi, Nanxiang Liu Gan, etc. to be Dian Cao Duwei.Yi moved to the new capital and Mianzhu Order, which is a sympathy of the heart, and the common people call it the head of all the cities in a state.Moved to Brazil prefect.Prime Minister Zhuge Liang sent out troops year after year, dispatched to various counties, but most of them did not rescue each other. He recruited 5000 soldiers, and comforted him for inspection, and no one escaped.He moved to be the prefect of Hanzhong, and also led the governor of agriculture to provide food for the successor army.Liang died and moved to the prefect of Guanghan and Shu counties.The meeting of the capital of Shu County has many household registrations, and after Liang died, the soldiers went into exile, and they became more reckless, treacherous and clever.Yi went to the government to guard against prohibition and persuasion. In a few years, more than ten thousand people leaked out of their mouths.Later, he became the minister, and Dong Yun was the minister's decree. No matter what happened, there was no guest.Yanxi died in 14 years.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ① He has been working in and out of office, he governs himself frugally, is modest and speaks little, and is simple in politics but not annoying. He is called Qingneng; The county ②Lv Yilin County is called down, and the court is damaged, and Huang and Xue Zhiliu are inferior.

Chen Zhen

Word: Xiaoqi
time:? ——235
Birthplace: Nanyang

Official position: Shang Shuling
Family members: Son: Chen Ji

Historical Biography:

Chen Zhen served as an official when Liu Bei was in charge of Jingzhou animal husbandry, and then entered Sichuan with Liu Bei.After Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he appointed Wu's Chen Zhen as a Wei Wei, and made an alliance with him at Shengtan in Wuchang, and swore to divide the world with Shu Han.After Chen Zhen returned to Shu, he was sealed off as the Marquis of Yangting. He was loyal and pure, "old and loyal", and was valued by Zhuge Liang and others.

Historical evaluation:

Zhuge Liang: Filial piety starts with loyalty and purity, old age is beneficial, and it praises things, joy and harmony, which are valuable.

Chen Shou: Chen Zhen is loyal, old and loyal, and a good minister of Shu.
Chen Zhi

Word: Fengzong
Appearance: dignified and majestic
Birthplace: Runan

Official position: General of the town army

Posthumous title: Zhonghou

Family members: Sons: Chen Can, Chen Yu


Brother Xu Jing's grandson.Shaogu grew up in the Jing family.The weak crown is well-known, and he moved to choose Cao Lang a little bit. Fei Yi was very different, so Chao Jiyun served as his servant.Lu Yi died, and he kept the minister's order as a servant, and added the general of the town army. Although the general Jiang Wei was in his class, he often led the people outside, hoping to be in charge of the government.Only the upper part bears the Lord's finger, and the lower part follows the eunuch vertical line, deeply seeing the trust and love, and the weight is more important than the dimension.When Jingyao died in the first year, the post-lord felt sorry for him, and he spoke in tears, and he loved him.

Historical evaluation:

Liu Chan: There is only one discipline in the office, softness and goodness are the rules, there are rules in dryness and suspense, harmony in righteousness and benefits, and achievements in success.Life does not melt away, I use mourning.

Chen Shou: There are only many skills, and the skills of numbers.

Peng Yi

Word: Yongnian
Appearance: He is eight feet long and looks very majestic
Birthplace: Guanghan

Official position: engaged in governance

Historical Chronology:

He was an official in the state, but he was not a book assistant, and later he was slandered by everyone in Liu Zhang, the state herdsman, who became a disciple.

Will be the first to enter Shu, and travel northward.Yi wanted to accept and talk about the First Lord, so he went to see Pang Tong.Tong and Yi are not old friends, but they are also suitable for guests. Yi walked up to Tong's bed and said to Tong, "If you need a guest, talk to you well." Then we talked together, because we stayed at the place of trust, as for Jingri.To rule the great good, but the law is upright and self-knowledgeable, so it is the first master.The Former Lord also thought it strange, and ordered him to publicize military affairs, instruct the generals, and he was praised by his envoys, and his knowledge increased day by day.

It was established in Chengdu that the ruler of Yizhou should first lead the herdsmen, and pull out Yizhou as the center of governance.

Later, Zuo Qianyi became the prefect of Jiangyang. He wanted to rebel and was imprisoned and killed.

Historical evaluation:

Chen Shou: ①Pride and pride, often neglected. ②Peng Yi advances with talent, which is salty and precious.Seeing its actions, following its rules, and causing disasters and taking blame, all of them are themselves.

Zhuge Liang: With a big heart and broad ambitions, it is difficult to be safe.

Ma Chao: Qing has outstanding talents, and the lord treats each other very seriously. He said that Qing should be on a par with Kong Ming and Xiaozhi.

(End of this chapter)

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