Chapter 124
Lingyu headquarters.


In the empty space, a ray of light appeared, and then expanded rapidly, turning into a door of space in an instant.


The gust of wind rolled out of it, bringing out two extremely embarrassed figures.

It was Dui Yushi and Qian Yushi who had just escaped from death.

"Oh, my hand, my arm!"

As soon as he rolled out of the gate of space, the imperial envoy Qian screamed.

Because one of his arms is gone.

"what happened?"

The people around greeted him, and one of the imperial envoys frowned and said, "Why are you two in such a mess?"

"His arm was blown away by a kid named Gu Tian!"

Yushi Qian couldn't speak, so Yushi Dui spoke out for him.

"Ancient days?"

The embassy who just arrived frowned, "Could it be that it was on Rakshasa Street..."

"Yes, that's him!" Dui Yushi gritted his teeth and said, "That kid is also a martial god. The reason why the Zhuxian Formation we arranged this time collapsed in the middle is all thanks to this kid..."

After Dui Yushi's narration, everyone immediately cursed.

"What an arrogant boy, dare to fight against our spiritual realm?"

"And this kid's growth rate is too fast. He just appeared on Luocha Street a while ago, and now he can defeat our two imperial spirit envoys head-on?"

"If things go on like this, this kid will definitely become a serious problem for our spiritual realm!"

"It seems that this son can't be kept, where is he, we will send someone to destroy him."

Dui Yushi's expression froze, he twitched for a moment, and then said angrily: "He chased into the portal, but he is not a Yulingshi, so I don't know where he will be teleported."

Just when everyone in Lingyu was angry, Gu Tian had already appeared in an unknown place.

"Where is this?"

He glanced around, his face full of blankness.

This is a deep valley, surrounded by lush forests, dim light, so quiet that it makes one's heart a little creepy.

"Didn't I enter the same portal as Yushi Dui and Yushi Qian? Why weren't I sent to the Lingyu headquarters together?"

The reason why he dared to rush into the gate of space was because he thought that it would be fine for Qian Yushi and Dui Yushi to go in, and there should be no problem going in by himself.

Even if it is really sent to other places, it should be with the two envoys.

He never expected that he was actually teleported to a completely unfamiliar valley.

But around, there are no Qian Yushi and Dui Yushi.

"Oh, it won't send me to other planets, will it?"

The voice of indignation fell...


A deafening beast roar came suddenly.

Looking sideways, I saw a white wolf several times the size of ordinary wild wolves rushing in from the only exit of the valley.

The wolf's mouth curled up on both sides, its teeth were bared, and its eyes were full of bloodthirsty fierce light.

"There is such a big wolf?" Gu Tian frowned.

Although surprised, he didn't panic at all.

Each of his nineteen guardian spirits is a thousand times stronger than this evil wolf. They rushed towards him, didn't they want to die?
Even if you don't use any guardian spirits, with your current strength, a single punch is enough to blow this wolf to death.


Before he could make a move, he only heard "Hula", a howling gust of wind, and a figure flashed from the side like lightning.

Before the wolf approached, he punched the wolf on the head.


Being hit by the fist, the wolf let out a scream, its fangs flew out, and its body flew sideways like a cannonball.


After flying more than ten meters away, it slammed heavily on a boulder.

The wolf's body twitched violently, blood flowed from its seven orifices, and it let out a moaning cry.

After a while, the whimpering finally disappeared, and the twitching body finally remained motionless.

"Mighty, domineering!"

Gu Tian was a little surprised, and looked at the man who sent the wolf flying with his fist.

It was a burly middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, looking haggard and decadent.

He was still holding a jug in his hand. When Gu Tian looked over, he was raising the jug to pour wine into his mouth, his cheeks were flushed, it seemed that he should have drunk a lot before coming here.

"No way? It turned out to be him?"

After seeing this decadent man clearly, Gu Tian couldn't help being a little surprised.

But before he said anything, the man waved his hand feebly, "Let's go, this is not where you should come!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man turned around and walked towards the only exit of the valley.

"North, North Fall Lion Gate?"

Only then did Gu Tian suddenly come to his senses, and hurriedly chased after him.

This middle-aged man who looks very decadent is actually the famous Beiluo Lions Gate!

Its guardian spirit stone, Mingling, has extremely powerful potential.

He never expected that he would appear here, and he had saved himself once just now.

Although, I don't need anyone to save me.

"What are you doing with me?"

Seeing him chasing after him, Beiluo Shimen said impatiently.

Gu Tian didn't care about the other party's repelling attitude, and asked urgently: "Aren't you with Cao Yanbing and the others? Where is Cao Yanbing, is it nearby?"

"Who is Cao Yanbing?" Beiluo Shimen asked back.

Gu Tian was taken aback.

No way?
This North Falling Lion Gate stayed with Cao Yanbing two years ago, shouldn't he know better than himself?

Now ask yourself instead?
"Do you think that I am your enemy, so you refuse to reveal Cao Yanbing's whereabouts?" Gu Tian asked tentatively while his thoughts were racing.

"I don't know who you're talking about, and I don't want to know."

Beiluo Shimen turned around and stared at Gu Tian coldly, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you either, hurry up and get away as far as you can, otherwise, I'll throw you to feed the wolves!"

After speaking, he strode out.

"So pulling?"

Gu Tian frowned.

After looking around and finding nothing, he still followed.

Leaving the valley, he was immediately greeted by dazzling sunlight, which made him unable to see the scenery outside clearly for a while.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his sight.

When I gradually adapted to the strong light outside and looked around again...

"What about people?"

The surrounding woods are lush, and the sunlight shines through the dead leaves, turning into fine light spots and scattering on the surrounding ground.

It's just that Beiluo Shimen, who came out one step earlier, has disappeared at this moment.

"Hmph, you are too naive to think that you can escape my pursuit by sneaking fast."

There was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and immediately, he yelled, "Shoutiangou, come out!"


With a bang, a little milk dog appeared out of thin air.

"Follow the whereabouts of that person just now!"


The Xiaotian dog responded with a bark, and then sniffed around.

After a while, it shot out in one of the directions like a sharp arrow.

Gu Tian followed closely.

However, when he walked out of the dense forest and saw the scene outside, he was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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